Department Sunshine Ordinance Survey

The Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, which monitors City/County agencies' and officials' compliance with the Ordinance, is currently reviewing the Ordinance, and possibly toward placing a series of amendments on a future citywide ballot. Because of the recent Board of Supervisors' considerations of the Task Force proposed amendments, the Task Force is requesting input from City Departments and Boards and Commissions.

To develop the best possible set of amendments, the Task Force needs to hear the views of all interested parties, especially those whom the Ordinance affects. We strongly encourage you to respond to the questionnaire below and email or send to the Task Force at your earliest convenience.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please print the attached Survey Form, complete and send to Frank Draby Jr., Administrator, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, City Hall Room 244.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Doug Comstock
Chair, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
Richard Knee
Chair, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Compliance and Amendments Committee

The following are the provisions of the Sunshine Ordinance: You may access the ordinance by clicking on the following link: Sunshine Ordinance,Section 67

Article II: Public Access to Meetings

Article III: Public Information and Public Records

Article IV: Policy Implementation

Using the list of provisions provided, please identify which provision(s) of the Ordinance have caused you difficulty. Include the Admin Code number of each; a description of the problem(s) it has caused; and how it could be amended or eliminated to achieve remedy.

You can also download and print the Survey Form (PDF) and mail or fax it to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Thank you for your participation!