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Full Board Agendas

Board of Supervisors

City and County of San Francisco

Legislative Chamber - Second Floor
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

seal of the city and county of sf

Tuesday, May 20, 2003
2:00 PM

Regular Meeting



Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board


Motion to approve the April 15, 2003 Meeting Minutes.



Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include the following documents:
1) Legislation
2) Budget Analyst report
3) Legislative Analyst report
4) Department or Agency cover letter and/or report
5) Public correspondence
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Board of Supervisors and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.

Items 1 through 4

Recommendation of the City Services Committees
Present: Supervisors Dufty, Ma, Newsom

1. 030535 [State Grant for Enforcing Proper Disposal of Waste Tires] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the Department of the Environment to apply for, accept and expend a grant in the amount of $189,938 from the California Integrated Waste Management Board for enforcing proper disposal of waste tires. (Environment)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty

2. 030598 [Settlement of Claim]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Farmers Insurance Company as subrogee of Yuk Wah Shung against San Francisco; claim was filed on January 21, 2003. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

3. 030596 [Settlement of Lawsuit]
Ordinance approving settlement of litigation of City and County of San Francisco against Nishkian & Associates for $40,000. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty, Gonzalez

4. 030744 [Appointment]
Resolution appointing Ancel Martinez, term ending date to be determined, to the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee.
Ancel Martinez, new position, seat 8, must be a representative from a child advocate or school support organization for a two-year term (ending date to be determined).

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Questions on the Consent Agenda are on final passage, first reading, or adoption, as indicated:______________________________________________



From the Clerk

(Only one of the following two motions should be adopted.)

5. 030655 [Appeal, Conditional Use - 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street)]
Motion approving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16546, approving Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1311EC, on property located at 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street), and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

6. 030656 [Appeal, Conditional Use - 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street)]
Motion disapproving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16546, approving Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1311EC, on property located at 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street), and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

7. 030657 [Findings - 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street)]
Motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings relating to proposed Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1311EC, on property located at 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street), for action by the Board at its next meeting. (Clerk of the Board)
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

8. 030658 [Environmental Review]
Motion certifying review of Final Mitigated Negative Declaration relating to proposed Conditional Use of property at 2690 Harrison Street (aka 3000 23rd Street). (Clerk of the Board)
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Recommendation from the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty

9. 020938 [Charter Amendment - Retirement Benefits for Miscellaneous Safety Employees] Supervisors Ammiano, Gonzalez, Dufty, Hall, Newsom
Charter amendment (Fifth Draft) to amend Appendix A8.506-2 thereto, relating to retirement benefits for miscellaneous safety employees.
(Fiscal impact.)

7/15/2002, CONTINUED. Continued to July 22, 2002.
7/22/2002, RE-REFERRED to Rules and Audits Committee.
3/18/2003, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Ammiano submitted a substitute Charter Amendment (Fifth Draft) bearing same title.
4/29/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 6, 2003
5/6/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003 Supervisor Newsom requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Charter Amendment be SUBMITTED?

Recommendations of the Budget Committee
Present: Supervisors Daly, Peskin, Maxwell, Ma, Gonzalez

10. 030565 [MOU - Supervising Probation Officers, Local 3] Mayor, Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Operating Engineers, Local 3 (for Supervising Probation Officers) to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

11. 030566 [MOU - Operating Engineers, Local 3] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Operating Engineers, Local 3, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

12. 030567 [MOU - Plasterers and Shophands, Local 66] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Plasterers and Shophands, Local 66, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

13. 030568 [MOU - Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Terrazo Mechanics, Marble Masons, Pointers, Caulkers and Cleaners, Local 3, and Hod Carriers, Local 36] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Terrazzo Mechanics, Marble Masons, Pointers, Caulkers and Cleaners, Local 3, and Hod Carriers, Local 36, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

14. 030569 [MOU - Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21, AFL-CIO, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

15. 030570 [MOU - Deputy Sheriffs' Association] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Deputy Sheriffs' Association to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

16. 030571 [Unrepresented Employees] Mayor, Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance fixing compensation for persons employed by the City and County of San Francisco whose compensations are subject to the provisions of Section A8.409 of the Charter, in jobcodes not represented by an employee organization, and establishing working schedules and conditions of employment and, methods of payment, effective July 1, 2003. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

17. 030572 [MOU - MEA] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Municipal Executives' Association to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

18. 030709 [MOU - Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A (7410)] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A (7410), to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

19. 030710 [MOU - Building Inspectors' Association (for Class 6334, Chief Building Inspector]] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Building Inspectors' Association (for Class 6334, Chief Building Inspector) to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

20. 030711 [MOU - Sheet Metal Workers International Union, Local 104] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Sheet Metal Workers International Union, Local 104, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

21. 030712 [MOU - (I.A.T.S.E.), Local 16] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.), Local 16, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

22. 030713 [MOU - Carpenters, Local 22] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Carpenters, Local 22, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

23. 030715 [MOU - Pile Drivers, Divers, Wharf and Dock Builders, Local 34] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Pile Drivers, Divers, Wharf and Dock Builders, Local 34, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

24. 030717 [MOU - Ironworkers, Local 377] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Ironworkers, Local 377, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

25. 030718 [MOU - United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry, Local 38] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry, Local 38, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

26. 030719 [MOU - Stationary Engineers, Local 39] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Stationary Engineers, Local 39, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

27. 030720 [MOU - Roofers, Local 40] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Roofers, Local 40, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

28. 030721 [MOU - Painter's Local Union No. 4] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Painter's Local Union No. 4, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

29. 030722 [MOU - Cement Masons, Local 580] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Cement Masons, Local 580, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

30. 030724 [MOU - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

31. 030725 [MOU - Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Union, Local 718] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Union, Local 718, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

32. 030727 [MOU - Teamsters, Local 856] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Teamsters, Local 856, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

33. 030731 [MOU - Teamsters, Local 350] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Teamsters, Local 350, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

34. 030732 [MOU - Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A Multi-Unit] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A Multi-Unit, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

35. 030733 [MOU - Transport Workers Union, Local 200 (SEAM)] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union, Local 200 (SEAM), to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

36. 030734 [MOU - Building Inspectors' Association (for Class 6331, Building Inspector and Class 6333, Senior Building Inspector)] Supervisors Daly, Maxwell, Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the mediated agreement establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Building Inspectors' Association (for Class 6331, Building Inspector and Class 6333, Senior Building Inspector) to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. (Mayor)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING. Supervisor Dufty requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Present: Supervisors Daly, Peskin, Maxwell, Gonzalez

37. 030623 [Amending Section 106 of the San Francisco Fire Code to Increase Fees For Services] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance amending Section 106 of the San Francisco Fire Code to increase fees for Fire Department services, to become operative on its effective date or on July 1, 2003 whichever is later. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

38. 030624 [Setting fees for emergency medical services provided by the Fire Department, granting authority to Fire Department to bill for such costs, and setting forth procedures] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance amending San Francisco Health Code by repealing Section 117 as obsolete; amending San Francisco Health Code Sections 119, 120, 123, 124.1 and 124.5 to: (1) delete reference to Section 117 and add reference to Sections 128 and 128.1, (2) authorize the San Francisco Fire Department to bill for fees for emergency medical services, (3) authorize the San Francisco Fire Department to investigate the ability of patients to pay for the costs of emergency medical services, (4) include the San Francisco Fire Department as a Department for which it is a crime to conceal the ability to pay, (5) include reference to the San Francisco Fire Department in section regarding prima facie evidence of reasonableness of the fees, and (6) provide for a lien on third-party proceeds for costs of San Francisco Fire Department emergency medical services; and amend San Francisco Health Code by adding Section 128.1 to set fees for emergency medical services and supplies provided by the San Francisco Fire Department and to provide for annual increase in fees based on Medical Consumer Price Index. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

39. 030625 [Increasing the Alemany Flea Market Daily Stall Fee] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance amending Section 9B.5 of the San Francisco Administrative Code by increasing the daily fee for a stall at the Alemany Flea Market from $30 per stall to $45 per stall. (Mayor)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

40. 030626 [Recreation and Parks - Fees] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending the San Francisco Park Code by amending Section 12.08 to increase parking charges on Recreation and Park property; amending Section 12.09 to increase the fees for the carrousel; amending Section 12.15 to increase the fees for day camps; adding Section 12.29 to increase the fees for use of the photography center, adding Section 12.30 to increase the fees for participation in the latch key program, adding Section 12.31 requiring field trip reimbursements, adding Section 12.32 to increase the fee for resident golf cards, and adding Section 12.33 to increase fees for golf cart rental and driving range balls. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

41. 030627 [Treasurer's charge for returned checks] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance amending Administrative Code Section 10.13-1, to provide that the Treasurer may charge up to $35.00 for each check returned to the City without payment, based upon the actual costs as determined by the Controller. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Recommendation of the Finance and Audits Committee
Present: Supervisors Peskin, Sandoval, McGoldrick

42. 030250 [Increase Lobbyist Fees and Late Filing Fines] Supervisors Peskin, Daly
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance, Article II, Chapter 1, sections 2.110 and 2.145 of the San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, to increase registration fees from $300.00 to $500.00; client fees from $50.00 to $75.00; and late filing fines from $25.00 per day to $50.00 per day. (Ethics Commission)
5/13/2003, PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED. Supervisor Daly requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Recommendations of the Land Use Committee
Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Maxwell, Ammiano

43. 021771 [Permit Required for Construction of an Impervious Surface in Front Yard] Supervisors Sandoval, Maxwell
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code by adding Section 106.1.14 to require that a permit be issued before commencing with construction of an impervious surface, other than a driveway, in a front yard setback area and providing that violation of the permit requirement shall be an infraction subject to fines up to $500; amending Section 110, Table 1-F to establish the permit fee.
(1/21/03 in Board: Supervisor Sandoval submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title.

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Ammiano

44. 030510 [Mission Bay Park P8 Bank Stabilization - at the west end of the China Basin Channel]
Ordinance accepting the irrevocable offer for the Acquisition Facilities for Park P8 Bank Stabilization; designating said facilities for public use and maintenance purposes; adopting findings that such actions are consistent with the City's General Plan, priority policy findings of City's Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 174,026; and authorizing official acts in connection with this ordinance. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient;DPW Order No. 174,026.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

From the Land Use Committee "Without Recommendation"
Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Maxwell, Ammiano

45. 030629 [United Nations Plaza] Supervisor Daly
Resolution accepting the final report of the U.N. Plaza Working Groups, urging that the Art Commission, Planning Commission, DPW, Mayor's Office and BART to act on the report.
5/6/2003, CONTINUED AS AMENDED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendation of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty

46. 030703 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Sherri Cytanovich]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Sherri Cytanovich against the City and County of San Francisco for $100,000; the lawsuit was filed on December 8, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 401-091; entitled Sherri Cytanovich, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?


Recommendations of the Budget Committee
Present: Supervisors Daly, Peskin, Maxwell, Ma, Gonzalez

47. 030628 [Making Environmental Findings and Increasing Fees Charged for Inspection and Certification of Agriculture Products] Mayor, Supervisor Daly
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending the San Francisco Administrative Code to increase the fees charged by the Department of Consumer Assurance for inspection and certification of agriculture products prior to shipment. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

48. 030803 [Appropriation - $6,000,000 for the Public Education Programs] Supervisors Daly, Ma
Ordinance appropriating $2,000,000 of Delinquent Payroll Tax Revenue and $4,000,000 from the State Revenue Stabilization Reserve for a total of $6,000,000 for public education programs for fiscal year 2002-03.
(Supervisors Peskin and Maxwell dissenting in committee.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

Present: Supervisors Daly, Peskin, Ma

49. 030789 [Children and Families Commission Annual Budget, FY 2003-04]
Resolution accepting the Annual Budget of the Children and Families Commission of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2003-2004.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the City Services Committee
Present: Supervisors Dufty, Ma, Newsom

50. 030541 [Abolishing a portion of official sidewalk - Lyon Street south of Bay Street]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section No. 1559 to abolish a portion of official sidewalk on the westerly side of Lyon Street south of Bay Street; making findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1; and requiring relocation, modification, or both of facilities affected by the sidewalk abolishment. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

51. 030027 [Liquor License Transfer, 725 Folsom Street]
Resolution disapproving the request for the transfer of a Type 21 off-sale general alcoholic beverage control license from 50 3rd Street to 725 Folsom Street (District 6), to Zain Assghayer dba "Museum Parc Market", and determining that it will not serve the convenience of the people of the City and County of San Francisco; in accordance with Section 23958.4 of the California Business and Professions Code.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

52. 030537 [Research on club-drugs and HIV risk behavior in high-risk men] Supervisors Dufty, Newsom
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, AIDS Office (SFDPHAIDS) to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $159,973 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for research on club-drugs and HIV risk behavior in high-risk men and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of March 1, 2003 to February 29, 2004. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendation of the Land Use Committee
Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Maxwell

53. 030643 [Street Vacation for Metro East Project]
Ordinance ordering the summary vacation of portions of 26th Street, Michigan Street, Georgia Street and Louisiana Street; making findings pursuant to the California Streets and Highways Code, Chapter 4, Sections 8330 et seq.; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the vacation is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of City Planning Code Section 101.1; and ratifying acts and authorizing actions in furtherance of the ordinance. (Real Estate Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

Recommendation of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty

54. 030684 [Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board's Annual Budget] Supervisor Daly
Motion adding Rules 6.23 and 6.24 to the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors to provide a process for review and approval of the Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board's annual budget prior to submission to the Mayor.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?


Pursuant to Government Code Section 65009, notice is hereby given: If you challenge the above matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described above, or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors, (1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244; San Francisco, CA 94102-4689) at, or prior to, the public hearing.

55. 030704 [Public Hearing - Appeal, Conditional Use, 1017 Ocean Avenue]
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No.16558 dated March 27, 2003 approving a conditional use authorization, Case No. 2002.1231C, to install a total of three (3) panel antennas and related equipment at an existing three-story, multi-use structure (Commercial/Residential) as part of Verizon's wireless telecommunications network within a NC-2 (Small Scale Neighborhood Commercial) Zoning District, and within a 40-X Height and Bulk District, pursuant to Section 711.83 of the Planning Code, on property located at 1017 Ocean Avenue, south side between Lee and Harold Avenues; Lot 041, in Assessor's Block 6945.
(Appeal filed April 24, 2003; categorically exempt from environmental review process pursuant to Class 1 exemptions of Title 14 of the California Administrative Code; companion measure to Files 030705, 030706, 030707; District 11.)


(Only one of the following two motions should be adopted.)

56. 030705 [Appeal, Conditional Use - 1017 Ocean Avenue]
Motion approving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16558, approving Conditional Use Application No. 2002.1231C on property located at 1017 Ocean Avenue, south side between Lee and Harold Avenues, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

57. 030706 [Appeal, Conditional Use - 1017 Ocean Avenue]
Motion disapproving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16558, approving Conditional Use Application No. 2002.1231C on property located at 1017 Ocean Avenue, south side between Lee and Harold Avenues, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

58. 030707 [Findings - 1017 Ocean Avenue]
Motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings relating to proposed Conditional use Application No. 2002.1231C on property located at 1017 Ocean Avenue, south side between Lee and Harold Avenues, for action by the Board at its next meeting. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Pursuant to Government Code Section 65009, notice is hereby given: If you challenge the above matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described above, or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors, (1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244; San Francisco, CA 94102-4689) at, or prior to, the public hearing.

Reports from committees, if any, recommending emergency or urgent measures.
The following items will be considered by the Rules Committee at a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 2003. The Chair intends to request the Committee to send the following item to the Board as a committee report.

From the Rules Committee

59. 030716 [Confirming the appointment of Sue Bierman to the San Francisco Port Commission]
Resolution confirming the appointment of Sue Bierman to the San Francisco Port Commission, to serve the remaining four-year term, ending May 1, 2006. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

60. 030723 [Confirming the appointment of Michela Alioto-Pier to the San Francisco Port Commission]
Resolution confirming the appointment of Michela Alioto-Pier to the San Francisco Port Commission, to serve the remaining four-year term, ending May 1, 2004. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

61. 030728 [Confirming the appointment of Wilfred Hsu to the San Francisco Port Commission]
Resolution confirming the appointment of Wilfred Hsu to the San Francisco Port Commission, to serve the remaining four-year term, ending May 1, 2006. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

62. 030685 [Appointment - Director of Citizen Complaints] Mayor
Resolution confirming the appointment of Kevin Allen to the position of Director of Citizen Complaints (OCC). (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

63. 030347 [Reauthorizing the Minority/Women/Local Business Utilization Ordinance] Supervisors Ma, Newsom, Dufty, Maxwell
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by amending Chapter 12D.A. thereof (1) to extend the Minority/Women/Local Business Utilization Ordinance to June 30, 2008 in order to continue to remedy identified discrimination against certain Prime MBE/WBE Contractors in City Contracting, to continue the City's policy of protecting Prime LBE Contractors from the economic competitive disadvantage of doing business in San Francisco, and to continue to remedy identified discrimination against certain MBE/WBE subcontractors in City Contracting by requiring City Prime Contractors to use good faith efforts to provide MBE/WBEs with opportunities to compete for City subcontracts; (2) to repeal Sections 12D.A.6(B)(9), 12D.A.8(3) and 12D.A.9(F) to eliminate the contract set aside program; (3) to revise section 12D.A.17 to include prime general services contracts in the subcontracting program; (4) to increase the economic thresholds under which disadvantaged professional service, architectural and engineering, specialty construction, and supplier firms can qualify for the remedial programs of this ordinance; (5) to preclude businesses owned by full time City employees and officers from becoming certified as an MBE, WBE or LBE; and (6) to make various technical revisions to the Minority/Women/Local Business Utilization Ordinance to conform it with existing City ordinances and administrative practices.
4/8/2003, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Ma submitted a substitute draft ordinance bearing same title.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

Roll call for introduction of ordinances, resolutions, charter amendments, requests for hearings, letters of inquiry, letters of request to the City Attorney and Board Members' reports on their regional body activities.

An opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, including items being considered today which have not been considered by a Board committee and excluding items which have been considered by a Board committee. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak, except that public speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to testify for twice the amount of the public testimony time limit. If simultaneous translation services are used, speakers will be governed by the public testimony time limit applied to

Recommendation of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty, Gonzalez

66. 030328 [Settlement of Unlitigated Claim] Supervisor Hall
Ordinance approving settlement of an unlitigated claim by the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, against D. Mitchell Concessions, Inc., by approving a lease of three coffee facilities in the Domestic Terminals and the main restaurant in the International Terminal, to one or more entities formed by Glenn Meyers, Dayna Meyers, and Garrett Meyers, approving the suspension of the Minimum Annual Guarantee for two Airport restaurants, waiving the competitive solicitation requirement in San Francisco Administrative Code Section 2A.173, and authorizing the Airport Director to execute agreements in furtherance of the foregoing.
5/6/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 13, 2003
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?


CONFERENCE WITH CITY ATTORNEY - Existing Unlitigated Claim

67. 030825 [Closed Session - Unlitigated Claim Filed by the City]
Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session with the City Attorney for the purpose of conferring with, or receiving advice from, the City Attorney regarding the following existing unlitigated claim filed by the City against D. Mitchell Concessions, Inc. alleging that Mitchell is in default on its contractual obligations at San Francisco International Airport.

Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10(d)(2) permit this closed session. Discussion in open session concerning these matters would likely and unavoidably prejudice the position of the City in the pending unlitigated claim listed below.

San Francisco v. D. Mitchell Concessions, Inc.
Unlitigated Claim
Date Initiated - 7/02 (Clerk of the Board)
5/13/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to May 20, 2003
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

After a closed session, if one occurs, the President shall (1) request the Deputy City Attorney to identify the subjects discussed in the closed session, and (2) direct the Clerk of the Board to report the vote taken on any motion in the closed session.

[Elect To Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds it is in the public interest to disclose information discussed in closed session, and directs the President immediately to disclose that information.

[Elect Not to Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that the Board elect at this time not to disclose its closed session deliberations concerning the existing litigation listed above.

CONFERENCE WITH CITY ATTORNEY - Existing Litigation City as Defendant (Respondent)

68. 030873 [Closed Session - Existing Litigation - Care Not Cash Initiative, City as Defendant (Respondent)] Supervisor Gonzalez
Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session with the City Attorney for the purpose of conferring with, or receiving advice from, the City Attorney regarding the following existing litigation in which the petitioners challenge the validity of Proposition N, "Care Not Cash Initiative," which was approved by the voters of San Francisco at the November 5, 2002, consolidated general election in San Francisco.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

After a closed session, if one occurs, the President shall (1) request the Deputy City Attorney to identify the subjects discussed in the closed session, and (2) direct the Clerk of the Board to report the vote taken on any motion in the closed session.

[Elect To Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds it is in the public interest to disclose information discussed in closed session, and directs the President immediately to disclose that information.

[Elect Not to Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that the Board elect at this time not to disclose its closed session deliberations concerning the existing litigation listed above.

These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

Items 69 through 83

69. 030846 [Glocal Youth Parliament in Rome, Italy]
Motion authorizing the attendance of two members of the San Francisco Youth Commission at the May 22-26, 2003, Glocal Youth Parliament in Rome, Italy. (Clerk of the Board)
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

70. 030847 [Designating Fire Stations as Permissible Locations to Safely Surrender a Child 72 Hours Old or Less Without Criminal Prosecution for Child Abandonment] Supervisor Hall
Resolution designating San Francisco Fire Stations as permissible locations for a parent or any adult with legal custody of a child to safely surrender that child without criminal prosecution for child abandonment.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

71. 030850 [Board Off-site Meetings] Supervisor Maxwell
Motion ordering the City and School District Select Committee meeting of the Board of Supervisors be held at the Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room, Board of Education, 555 Franklin Street, First Floor, San Francisco, on June 16, 2003 at 4:00 P.M.; and directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare the proper notices and postings.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

72. 030874 [Health Service Board] Supervisor Daly
Motion amending the Schedule of Audits for the Budget Analyst and directing the Budget Analyst to conduct a management audit of the Health Service System on a priority basis.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

73. 030875 [Commend Armando Miranda] Supervisor Gonzalez
Resolution commending Armando Miranda for his extraordinarily considerate, compassionate and thorough work as deputy public defender for the San Francisco Drug Court.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

74. 030876 [Commend Francis Scott Key Elementary School] Supervisor Ma
Resolution commending Francis Scott Key Elementary School's achievement as a recipient of the 2003 No Child Left Behind Title I Achieving Schools Award.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

75. 030877 [PUC Project Labor Agreement] Supervisor Maxwell
Resolution urging the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to include social justice components in its Project Labor Agreement for the Hetch Hetchy Water System Capital Improvement Program.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

76. 030878 [Asthma Training] Supervisors Maxwell, Dufty, Ma
Resolution to support an Initiative for Asthma Training and Posting of Asthma Emergency Protocols at City-Funded Childcare Facilities.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

77. 030879 [Senate Bill 60] Supervisor McGoldrick
Resolution in support of SB 60 regarding the use of federal tax ID numbers instead of social security numbers when applying for driver's licenses.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

78. 030891 [Emergency Medical Services Week] Supervisors Newsom, Dufty
Resolution commending all providers of Emergency Medical Services for their contributions to the citizens and visitors of San Francisco and proclaiming the week of May 18-24, 2003 as Emergency Medical Services Week in the City and County of San Francisco.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

79. 030892 [Clean Energy Exchange with India] Supervisors Peskin, Daly, Ma
Resolution supporting efforts to curb global warming and to develop partnerships with communities in India that allow for the sharing of information on emission reduction programs.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

80. 030893 [Union Janitors] Supervisor Sandoval
Resolution urging the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) to make janitorial custodians in-house employees and corporate citizens of the City and County of San Francisco to utilize union janitorial services.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

81. 030842 [Final Map for an 11 Unit Mixed Use Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 555 Irving Street, a Mixed Use Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 35 Assessor's Block No. 1761, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,113; District 5.)

Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

82. 030843 [Final Map for a 6 Unit Residential Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 135 Carl Street, #1 - #6, a Residential Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 20 Assessor's Block No. 1272, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,104; District 5.)

Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

83. 030844 [Final Map for an 18 Unit Residential Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 3490 California Street, a Residential Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 65 in Assessor's Block No. 1019, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,094; District 2.)

Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the Serious Injury Finding or the Purely Commendatory Finding and the Brown Act Finding.Each motion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is required for the resolution(s).

[Serious Injury Finding]
Motion that the Board find that for the resolution(s) being considered at this time "the need to take action is so imperative as to threaten serious injury to the public interest if action is deferred to a later meeting."

[Purely Commendatory Finding]
Motion that the Board find that the resolution(s) being considered at this time are purely commendatory.

[Brown Act Finding]
Motion that the Board find by roll call vote that for the resolutions being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted.

[Imperative Resolutions, if any]



030837 [Settlement of Lawsuits - Tammy Haygood]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of federal and state lawsuits and administrative proceedings between the City and County of San Francisco and Tammy Haygood filed in connection with her employment and removal as Director of the Department of Elections including a lawsuit filed on July 17, 2002 in Superior Court, State of California, Case No. CPF 02-501387, entitled City and County of San Francisco, Petitioner v. Civil Service Commission of the City and County of San Francisco, Respondent, Tammy B. Haygood, Real Party in Interest, and a lawsuit filed on July 17, 2002 in United States District Court, Case No. C02-3433 WHA, entitled Tammy B. Haygood v. Michael Mendelson, et al. The material terms of the settlement are Haygood will dismiss with prejudice all claims against San Francisco in these lawsuits and all complaints filed with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the Department of Labor and any other administrative action, and Haygood will reimburse the City for payments of certain wages and benefits if she returns to City employment within two years. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/5/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.


030822 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing the exercise of a five year option to extend the Lease of approximately 7,725 square feet of space at 3801 3rd Street, suites 110, 210, 220 and 230 for the Department of Human Services. (Real Estate Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/6/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

030823 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing the exercise of a five year option to extend the Lease of approximately 1,800 square feet of space at 3801 3rd Street, suite 205 for the Department of Human Services. (Real Estate Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/6/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

030824 [Accept-Expend State Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police for the City and County of San Francisco to accept and expend grant funds made available through the Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning for a project entitled "Suppression of Drug Abuse in Schools Program." (Police Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/6/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

030880 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing a lease renewal at 729 Filbert Street for the Department of Public Health. (Real Estate Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/9/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

030881 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing a lease renewal at 2001 Van Ness Avenue/1700 Jackson Street for the Department of Public Health. (Real Estate Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/9/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

030885 [2003 Neighborhood Recreation and Park Facilities General Obligation Bond Sale]
Resolution authorizing and directing the sale of not to exceed $20,960,000 City and County of San Francisco General Obligation Bonds (Neighborhood Recreation and Park Facilities Improvement Bonds, 2000), Series 2003A; prescribing the form and terms of said bonds; authorizing the execution, authentication and registration of said bonds; providing for the appointment of depositories and other agents for said bonds; providing for the establishment of accounts related thereto; approving the forms of official notice of sale and notice of intention to sell bonds; directing the publication of the notice of intention to sell bonds; approving the form and execution of the official statement relating thereto; approving the form of the continuing disclosure certificate; approving modifications to documents; ratifying certain actions previously taken; and granting general authority to City officials to take necessary actions in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of said bonds. (Mayor)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

5/12/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

030895 [Petitions & Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from May 6, 2003 through May 12, 2003, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on May 20, 2003.

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed budget cuts to the Chinatown North Beach Day Treatment Program located at 729 Filbert Street. Copy: Budget Committee(1)

From Excelsior District Action Committee, submitting copy of letter requesting information under the "Brown Act" for the salaries of various employees of the Unified School District.(2)

From Office of the City Attorney, concerning procedures governing risk management for City departments and recommending improvements to mitigate or avoid future risk. (Reference No. 20030325-142) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(3)

From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the permanent restoration of Stop messages and crosswalks along Ocean Avenue between Ashton Street and Harold Avenue. (Reference No. 20030408-001) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval(4)

From Department of Building Inspection, concerning the impact of the proposed budget cuts for fiscal year 2003-04 (CEDAW Gender Analysis). File 030530(5)

From concerned citizens, commenting on Judge Quidashay's decision. Copy: Each Supervisor(6)

From Abdalla Megahed, commenting on various topics.(7)

From Janie Collins, commending Abdalla Megahed for his work as a homeless advocate.(8)

Number not used.(9)

From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the Bid/RFP process for the awarding of management agreements for operation of parking garages in San Francisco. File 020663(10)

From Office of the Controller, regarding proposed Charter amendment to establish a Small Business Commission. File 030426, Copy: Each Supervisor(11)

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed Jackson Street Rezoning Ordinance. File 030040(12)

From Fire Department, submitting notice of annual holding cell inspection relating to fire and life safety for Municipal Court/Holding Cells at 850 Bryant Street, Floors 1, 2 and 3.(13)

From Fire Department, submitting notice of annual holding cell inspection relating to fire and life safety for S.F. Youth Guidance Center/Juvenile Hall at 375 Woodside Avenue.(14)

From Office of the Controller, concerning procedures governing risk management for City departments and recommending improvements to mitigate or avoid future risk. (Reference Nos. 20030325-098 and 20030325-163) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(15)

From various signatories, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Robert Eshelman(16)

From Lloyd Schloegel, submitting opposition to proposed fees for services provided by the City and County.(17)

From Office of the Sheriff, submitting itemized list of costs incurred as a result of the anti-war protest. (Reference No. 20030325-013) Copy: Supervisor Hall(18)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Guardino's Souvenir and Gift Shop, Inc.(19)

From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, submitting an update on the Department's participation in the JUSTIS project. (Reference No. 2003018-008) Copy: Supervisor Newsom(20)

From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, concerning procedures governing risk management for City departments and recommending improvements to mitigate or avoid future risk. (Reference No. 20030325-188)Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(21)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the audit of the San Francisco Film Production Fund of the Film Commission.(22)

From Office of the Controller, submitting financial reports for the month of April 2003 showing fiscal year 2002-03 status and year-end figures for the prior year.(23)

From Chi Ski Club, submitting request for a congratulatory letter from the Board of Supervisors for the Club's 50th Anniversary. Copy: Each Supervisor(24)

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed ordinance that raises the minimum wage in San Francisco.Copy: Each Supervisor(25)

From UCSF, submitting notice of public meting to discuss the UCSF's Public Science Project (PSP) on May 22 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at UCSF's Genentech Hall Auditorium at 600 16th Street.(26)

From Office of the Controller, submitting cost estimates for each of the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU's) between the City and various employee organizations that were before the Budget Committee of May 5, 2003.(27)

From Office of the Controller, submitting report reviewing best practices for internal investigations and civilian review in other jurisdictions, including recent reforms enacted in Oakland and Los Angeles, as well as reforms proposed by the ACLU. (Reference No. 20030318-015) Copy: Supervisors Ammiano, McGoldrick(28)

From Office of the Treasurer, submitting computer printout detailing the City's investment portfolio as of April 30, 2003.(29)

From Marilyn Johnson, commenting on various budgetary items facing the City and County of San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor(30)

From Planning Department, submitting notice of public meeting regarding the Market and Octavia Streets Neighborhood Plan on May 13, 2003, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 22 Waller Street, Basement Meeting Room. Copy: Each Supervisor(31)

From concerned citizens, submitting their views on the latest redesign plan for UN Plaza.(32)

From Airport Director, regarding ordinance to rescind appropriation authority for the Airport Runway Configuration capital project and appropriate $700,000 in fund balance for custodial services for the Airport Commission. File 030804, 2 letters, Copy: Supervisors Gonzalez, Sandoval, Peskin, Maxwell, Daly, McGoldrick, Ammiano, Ma(33)

From Tom Stanley, suggesting the Board of Supervisors remove the requirement that developers build off-street, on-site parking for smaller sites, freeze all off-street parking requirements and build housing over shops on vacant sites.(34)

From Anthony Cicorio, suggesting something be done to stop UPS Trucks from double parking on City streets.(35)

From Emergency Communications Department, regarding current and planned activities to apply for the 2003 Homeland Security Grant awards for the current funding cycle.(36)

From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review for proposed ordinance regarding major exterior alterations for residential buildings. File 022030, Copy: Each Supervisor(37)

From Action for Animals, regarding animal markets and the SARS connection.(38)


Meeting Procedures
The Board of Supervisors is the Legislative Body of the City and County of San Francisco. The Board considers ordinances and resolutions, most of which have been the subject of hearings before the standing committees of the board at which members of the public are urged to testify. The full Board does not hold a second public hearing on measures which have been heard in committee.
Board procedures do not permit: 1) persons in the audience to vocally express support or opposition to statements by Supervisors or by other persons testifying; 2) ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices, (Violators may be removed from the meeting room.) 3) signs to be brought into the meeting or displayed in the room; and 4)standing in the Legislative Chamber.
Citizens are encouraged to testify at Board hearings and to write letters to the Board and to its members, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Agenda are available on the internet at
Board meetings are cablecast on SF Cable 26. For video tape copies and scheduling call (415) 557-4293.
Results of each Board meeting can be obtained about a half hour after the end of the meeting by telephoning (415) 554-5555.
Requests for language translation at a meeting must be received no later than noon the Friday before the meeting. Contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
AVISO EN ESPA„OL: La solicitud para un traductor en una reunion debe recibirse antes de mediodia de el viernes anterior a la reunion. Llame a Erasmo Vazquez (415) 554-4909.

Translation: request at least 48 hours before the meeting. Please call: (415) 554-7701

Disability access
The Legislative Chamber of the Board of Supervisors is in Room 250 of City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. The Chamber is wheelchair accessible.
The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142.
There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.
All meetings are real-time captioned and are cablecast open-captioned on SF Cable 26.
The following services are available when requests are made by 4:00 p.m. of the Friday before the Board meeting. This advance notice will help ensure availability.
ś For American Sign Language interpreters or use of a reader during a meeting, contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
ś For a large print copy of agenda or minutes in alternative formats, contact Annette Lonich at (415) 554-7706.
Assistive listening devices are available from the receptionist in the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244, prior to the meeting.
The Clerk of the Board's Office TTY number is (415) 554-5227.
In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.

Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance
Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review.
For information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Donna Hall by mail to Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102, by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-7854 or by email at
Citizens may obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, at

Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements
Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Sec. 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site

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