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Full Board Agendas

City and County of San Francisco

City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Tuesday, September 23, 2003
2:00 PM
Legislative Chamber - Second Floor
Regular Meeting

Board of Supervisors

Members Present: Tom Ammiano, Chris Daly, Bevan Dufty, Matt Gonzalez, Tony Hall, Fiona Ma, Sophie Maxwell, Jake McGoldrick, Gavin Newsom, Aaron Peskin, Gerardo Sandoval.
Members Excused: None.
Members Absent: None.

The meeting was called to order at 2:07 p.m. On the call of the roll, the following

Supervisor was noted absent.

Supervisor Ammiano - 1

Quorum present.

Supervisor Ammiano was noted present at 2:08 p.m.


There were none.


Recommendations of the Finance and Audits Committee

031390 [Lease of Real Property] Supervisor Daly
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1372 Mission Street, for continued use by the Department of Public Health's Saint James Infirmary and STD Program Research Offices (Real Estate Department)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Supervisor Daly requested to be added as sponsor.
Enacted Number: 615-03

031394 [Lease of Real Property] Supervisor Maxwell
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1360 Mission Street, Suite 400, for continued use by the Department of Public Health, Employee Assistance Program. (Real Estate Department)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 616-03

031403 [Lease of Real Property] Supervisors Ammiano, Dufty
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1360 Mission Street, Suite 401, for continued use by the Department of Public Health, STD Program Administrative Headquarters. (Real Estate Department)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 617-03

031435 [Contracting Out City Services]
Resolution retroactively concurring with the Controller's certification that assistance to certain victims of crime and education in community anti-street violence can be practically performed for the District Attorney's Victim Witness Assistance Program by a private contract at a lower cost than similar work services performed by City and County employees. (District Attorney)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 620-03

Recommendations of the Land Use Committee

031436 [STOP Intersections]
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections.

26th and Diamond Streets, stopping Diamond Street, making this intersection an all-way STOP;
Montecito Avenue and Northwood Drive, stopping Northwood Drive, making this uncontrolled intersection a two-way STOP; and
15th Avenue and Noriega Street, south intersection, stopping southbound 15th Avenue at Noriega Street, making this uncontrolled Y-intersection a one-way STOP. (Parking and Traffic Department)

(8/6/03: Categorically exempt from Environmental Review Class 1(c)(9) changes in the traffic and parking regulations where such changes do not establish a higher speed limit or result in more than a negligible increase in the use of the street; DPT Order No. 2671; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 621-03

031438 [Traffic Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets.

Treasure Island Road, both directions, at McCalla Road.

Grant Avenue, northbound, at Pine Street.

Montgomery Street, northbound, at Broadway. (Parking and Traffic Department)

(8/6/03: Categorically exempt from Environmental Review Class 1(c)(9) changes in the traffic and parking regulations where such changes do not establish a higher speed limit or result in more than a negligible increase in the use of the street; DPT Order No. 2671; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 623-03

031437 [Parking Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.

9th Avenue, east side, from Lake Street to the north terminus (legislates existing street conditions);
Diamond Street, west side, from 22nd to 23rd Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Wisconsin Street, both sides, from 19th to 20th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Wisconsin Street, west side, from 20th to 22nd Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Duboce Avenue, north side, from Castro to Divisadero Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, west side, from 16th to Mariposa Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, east side, from Mariposa to 18th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, both sides, from 18th to 19th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, west side, from 19th to 20th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Rhode Island Street, east side, from 20th Street to Mariposa Street (legislates existing street conditions); and
Rhode Island Street, west side, from 19th Street to Mariposa Street (legislates existing street conditions).

Castro Street, east side, from 100 to 230 feet south of Duboce Avenue.

Melrose Avenue, along east terminus, east of Foerster Street (adjacent to Sunnyside Playground).

California Street, north side, from Locust Street to 231 feet easterly (commercial frontage only, up to 3440 California Street)

Farrugut Avenue, north side, from Alemany Boulevard to the western terminus.

18th Street, both sides, between Clover and Douglass Streets (4500 block).

Langton Street, east side, between Folsom and Harrison Streets.

Julian Avenue, both sides, between 15th and 16th Streets.

Rondel Place, both sides, between 16th Street and south terminus. (Parking and Traffic Department)

(8/6/03: Categorically exempt from Environmental Review Class 1(c)(9) changes in the traffic and parking regulations where such changes do not establish a higher speed limit or result in more than a negligible increase in the use of the street; DPT Order No. 2671; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 622-03

Recommendation of the Rules Committee

031432 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Arcadia Machine & Tool Inc. et al.]
Ordinance authorizing the partial settlement of the lawsuit filed by the San Francisco City Attorney against certain manufacturers, distributors and dealers of firearms, and their trade associations; the settling defendants are Traders Sports, Inc., Southern Ohio Gun Distributors, Ellett Brothers Inc., and MKS Supply Inc.; these settling defendants agree to the entry of stipulated judgments that will reform their firearm distribution practices, and to pay $70,000; the lawsuit was filed on May 25, 1999 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 303-753, and later coordinated with similar actions in the San Diego Superior Court as part of J.C.C.P. 4095; entitled People of the State of California ex rel Herrera et al. v. Arcadia Machine & Tool Inc. et al. (City Attorney)

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)


The foregoing items were acted upon by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Severed from Consent Agenda
Supervisor Daly requested that this matter be severed so that it could be considered separately.

031465 [Grant of Federal Funds] Mayor
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency Board to accept and expend $48,094,526 of Federal Formula Section 5307 and Surface Transportation Program (STP) Capital Assistance for San Francisco Capital Projects and activities, excluding Administrative Overhead Costs.

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Supervisor Daly requested to divide the question to consider on page 3, line 16 "Motor Coach Replacement." separately.

The divided question on Motor Coach Replacement failed by the following vote:

Ayes: 3- Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez

Noes: 8 - Dufty, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Enacted Number: 607-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval



Recommendation of the Finance and Audits Committee

031238 [Establishing a Department of Human Services Care Fund] Supervisors Hall, Newsom, Peskin
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding Section 10.100-77, to establish a Department of Human Services Care Fund, defining terms, identifying revenues, restricting permissible uses, providing for verification and adjustment of appropriations, and limiting expenditures in excess of the fund cap.

(Fiscal impact.)

Enacted Number: 237-03
FINALLY PASSED by the following vote:
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, Newsom, Peskin
Noes: 2 - McGoldrick, Sandoval


Recommendations of the Finance and Audits Committee

031333 [Making Environmental Findings and Increasing Street Artist Certificate Fee]
Ordinance making required environmental findings and amending Article 24 of the San Francisco Police Code by amending Section 2404.1 to increase the fee for a Street Artist Certificate and amending Section 2404.2 to clarify the fee setting procedure. (Arts Commission)
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 6 - Ammiano, Hall, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval
Noes: 5 - Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Ma, Maxwell

031396 [Appropriate funding to offset the loss of parking revenue for not charging parking in Golden Gate Park] Supervisors Daly, Sandoval
Ordinance appropriating $500,000 from the General Fund Reserve and rescinding $700,000 in parking revenues and $200,000 of professional services to offset the loss of parking revenue for not charging for parking in Golden Gate Park for Recreation and Parks Department for fiscal year 2003-2004.
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031317 [MOU - Police Officers' Association (SFPOA)] Mayor, Supervisor Dufty
Ordinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Officers' Association (SFPOA), to be effective July 30, 2003 through June 30, 2007.

(Fiscal impact.)

PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031383 [Setting San Francisco's fiscal year 2003-2004 property tax rate and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for City and County purposes and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants pursuant to Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller)
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031388 [Setting San Francisco's Unified School District's FY 2003-2004 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Unified School District's purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller)
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031393 [Setting S.F. Community College District's fiscal year 2003-2004 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Community College District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller)
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031395 [Funding from the General Reserve and re-appropriate salaries to fund the October 2003 Recall Election] Mayor
Ordinance appropriating $3,232,983 from the General Fund Reserve and re-appropriating $150,000 of permanent salaries for a total of $3,382,983 for temporary salaries, overtime, fringe benefits, non personal services, materials and supplies, and services of other departments associated with the October 2003 recall election for Elections Department for fiscal year 2003-2004.
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 8 - Ammiano, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Noes: 2 - Daly, Ma
Absent: 1 - Sandoval

031400 [MOU Amendment No 1 - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6] Mayor
Ordinance adopting and implementing Amendment No. 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6, by adding paragraph 149a, which provides for a premium to certain classes providing signal operations at the Department of Parking and Traffic, which was inadvertently omitted from the MOU, to be effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005.
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Absent: 1 - Sandoval

031425 [Appropriate funding for the Art Commission for municipal symphony concerts using property tax revenue]
Ordinance appropriating $23,273 for the municipal symphony concerts using property tax revenue, pursuant to Charter Section 16.106(1) for the Art Commission for fiscal year 2003-04. (Controller)
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Absent: 1 - Sandoval

031270 [Contracting out Paratransit Services]
Resolution concurring with the Controller's determination that paratransit services for the Munucipal Transportation Agency can be practically performed by a private contractor at a lower cost than by City and County employees. (Public Transportation Commission)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 613-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Absent: 1 - Sandoval

031389 [Amending the Redevelopment Agency Budget for Tax Increments in Mission Bay North and South]
Resolution amending the budget of the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2003-2004 to allow the Controller to increase the tax increments distributed to the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with the Tax Increment Allocation Pledge Agreements for Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South. (Controller)

(Fiscal impact.)

Enacted Number: 604-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031404 [Development of Property Located at Broadway and Battery Streets For Affordable Housing] Mayor, Supervisors Peskin, Dufty, Daly, Hall
Resolution authorizing the Mayor's Office of Housing to enter into a lease disposition and development agreement and below market long-term ground lease with Chinatown Community Development Center, a nonprofit public benefit corporation, for the development of affordable housing, together with a child care center, neighborhood-serving commercial space, and associated parking on real property located on the south side of Broadway between Battery and Front streets; affirming the Planning Commission's adoption of the mitigated negative declaration for the project; adopting environmental findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the project is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of City Planning Code Section 101.1.

(Fiscal impact; Public Benefit Recipient.)

Supervisors Daly and Hall requested to be added as co-sponsors.
Enacted Number: 605-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031426 [FY 2003-04 California Constitution Appropriations Limit]
Resolution establishing the appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2003-04 pursuant to California Constitution Article XIII B. (Controller)

(Fiscal impact; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 618-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031428 [Federal Grant Amendments for Airport Improvement Program]
Resolution authorizing the Airport Commission to accept amendment to grant agreements offered by the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") for AIP 16, AIP 17, and AIP 19; and to release grant fund from reserve, in the amount of $1,202,977 under AIP 17. (Airport Commission)

(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 619-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031464 [Jurisdictional Transfer] Mayor, Supervisors Peskin, Dufty, Daly
Resolution transferring jurisdiction from the Department of Public Works to the Mayor's Office of Housing Real Property Identified as Assessor's Block 141, Lot 11 for the development of affordable housing; and adopting findings pursuant to City Planning Code Section 101.1.

(Companion measure to File 031404.)

Supervisor Daly requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 606-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Absent: 1 - Sandoval

031468 [Lease of Real Property] Supervisors Hall, Sandoval
Resolution approving and authorizing a new lease between the City and County of San Francisco, as tenant, and the Regents of the University of California, a California corporation, as landlord, of warehouse space at 626 Forbes Boulevard, South San Francisco.

(Fiscal impact; Public Benefit Recipient.)

Supervisor Sandoval noted present at 2:49 p.m.
Enacted Number: 627-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

031499 [Municipal Transportation Agency Leverage Lease Financing] Mayor
Resolution authorizing one or more lease-to-service contract transactions with respect to up to 21 Breda light rail cars; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Participation Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the lease-to-service contract transaction relating to the rail cars; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Head Lease Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the rail cars will be leased to a trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Head Lease Supplement supplementing the terms and conditions pursuant to which specific rail cars will be leased to the trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Sublease Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the trust will lease the rail cars back to the City to be operated and maintained by the City; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Sublease Supplement supplementing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will lease back the rail cars from the trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Payment Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide for the payment of a portion of the sublease rent; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Equity Collateral Security Agreement and a Custody Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide for a custody account to hold, and a security interest in, certain securities for the payment of a portion of the sublease rent and the purchase option purchase price if the purchase option is or is deemed exercised; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Support and Access Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide the trust support and access to certain property if the City chooses not to exercise the purchase option; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Agreement for Assignment on Default which will provide the lender to the trust with an option to purchase, and take an assignment of the equity investor's beneficial interest in the trust estate upon the occurrence of certain events ; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Tax Indemnification Agreement providing the terms and conditions under which the City will indemnify under certain circumstances the equity investor for income inclusions or losses of tax benefits; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Insurance and Indemnity Agreement providing the terms and conditions under which the City will indemnify the strip surety provider; approving indemnification of various parties; acknowledging the waiver of the City's right to jury trial under certain circumstances; acknowledging proposed waiver requests pursuant to Sections 12B.5-1(d) and 12C.5-1(d) of the San Francisco Administrative Code; finding that the lease-to-service contract transaction is designed to reduce the amount or duration of payment or similar risk to the City or enhance the relationship between risk and return with respect to investments made pursuant to or in connection with such transaction;
Enacted Number: 599-03
ADOPTED by the following vote:
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin
Noes: 1 - Sandoval

Recommendation of the Land Use Committee

031439 [Speed Limit - Potrero Avenue between Brannan and Cesar Chavez Streets]
Ordinance adding Section 174.13 and removing Section 175.07 of the San Francisco Traffic Code to reduce the speed limit from 30-mph to 25-mph on Potrero Avenue between Brannan and Cesar Chavez Streets. (Parking and Traffic Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

SPECIAL ORDER 3:30 P.M - Recognition of Commendations

Privilege of the Floor
Supervisor McGoldrick, seconded by Supervisor Peskin, moved to suspend Rule 4.28 of the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors to grant privilege of the floor to the following guests. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Supervisor McGoldrick introduced, welcomed and presented Certificates of Honor to Members of the Friends of Recreation and Parks.

Appointment of President Pro Tempore
At the request of the President, Supervisor Sandoval assumed the Chair so the President could participate in the debate from the floor concerning the following item.

The President resumed the Chair shortly thereafter.



Abdullah Megaheed; Care Not Cash issues

Richard Robertson; Iraq war issues

Bob Tomcastle; rights for members in the military service

Vernon Jenkins; general issues

Male Speaker; gratefulness to the Board of Supervisors and more grass roots

Joan Miller; opposing Item No. 46 Resolution opposing the declawing of cats

Female Speaker; homeless issues

Elena; thanked Supervisor Gonzalez staff; Public Access issues

Male Speaker; free speech issues

Jim Reuben, owners of 701Lombard Street Item 52, request to send this committee

Joe O'Donoghue; opposition to Item 52

Dr. Richard Becker, President of Veterinary Medical Association, opposing Item No. 46 Resolution opposing the declawing of cats

Tom Mack; Veterinary Medical Association,opposing Item No. 46 Resolution opposing the declawing of cats

Dr. Norman Fried, Veterinary medicine, opposing Item No. 46 Resolution opposing the declawing of cats

Julie Christiansen; support of Item 52

Paul Scott; President of Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Susie Hersch; support of Item 52

Male speaker; commend City of San Francisco for weekend at the park

Brian O'Flynn; owner of 701 Lombard Street, opposition to Item 52, request to send to committee

Joseph; HR 20 and Health Fair for homeless program

Dr. Chang; support of Item 52


These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

Items 31 through 56

031570 [Walk to School Day] Supervisors Ma, Dufty
Resolution declaring October 8, 2003 as "Walk Our Children to School Day" in the City and County of San Francisco.
Enacted Number: 628-03

031571 [Commending the Sunset District Neighborhood Coalition and the Sunset Artists' Society] Supervisors Ma, Sandoval
Resolution commending the Sunset District Neighborhood Coalition and the Sunset Artists' Society for their work organizing the 9th Annual Sunset Community Festival.
Supervisor Sandoval requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 629-03

031572 [Latino Heritage Month] Supervisors Ma, Dufty, Sandoval
Resolution declaring September 2003 as "Latino Heritage Month" in the City and County of San Francisco.
Supervisor Sandoval requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 630-03

031579 [Mental Health Services Act] Supervisor Ammiano
Resolution endorsing the California Mental Health Services Act Initiative for the November 2004 statewide ballot.
Enacted Number: 631-03

031580 [UC Berkeley Extension Photography Program] Supervisor Ammiano
Resolution urging the UC Berkeley Extension to maintain a Photography Program and darkroom in San Francisco.
Enacted Number: 632-03

031581 [Supporting International Arts Festival 2005] Supervisors Ammiano, Daly
Resolution supporting International Arts Festival 2005 in San Francisco, strategically promoting this important resource to potential partner governments from around the world to help stimulate economic activity, foster meaningful cultural exchange and develop more earned income opportunities for our artists.
Supervisor Daly requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 633-03

031582 [Commending the 120th Anniversary of Immaculate Conception Academy] Supervisors Dufty, Hall
Resolution commending the 120th Anniversary of Immaculate Conception Academy for its dedicated mission of educating young San Franciscans and its contributions to the Mission District and greater City community.
Supervisor Hall requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 634-03

031583 [Commending SFPD Captain Michael Yalon] Supervisors Dufty, Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval
Resolution commending San Francisco Police Department Captain Michael Yalon.
Enacted Number: 635-03

031584 [Commending SFPD Captain Dan Lawson] Supervisors Dufty, Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval
Resolution commending San Francisco Police Department Captain Dan Lawson.
Enacted Number: 636-03

031585 [Establishment of Little Saigon in the Tenderloin] Supervisors Daly, Ma
Resolution supporting the establishment of Little Saigon as a Vietnamese cultural and commercial center in the Tenderloin.
Supervisor Ma requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 637-03

031586 [Mental Health Services Act] Supervisor Newsom
Resolution urging the voters of the State of California to pass the Mental Health Services Act.
Enacted Number: 638-03

031587 [Clay and Arguello Streets] Supervisor Newsom
Resolution urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to paint the crosswalk running North to South on Arguello and place intersections at Clay crossing Arguello on the North side.
Enacted Number: 639-03

031589 [Stop Sign Designation - Greenwich and Powell Streets] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution urging the installation of four-way Stop signs at the intersection of Greenwich and Powell Streets.
Enacted Number: 644-03

031590 [Extension of Planning Commission Review Period] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution extending for an additional 30 days the prescribed time within which the Planning Commission may render its decision on a proposed ordinance to amend the San Francisco Planning Code by creating section 608.15 to establish the Northeast Waterfront Special Sign District, creating Section 609.14 to address amortization of nonconforming signs in this District, amending Section 608 and Article 10, Appendix D, section 7 to be consistent with the Ordinance, amending the Zoning Map Section Map SSD-1 to show the boundaries of this District, and making findings of consistency with the General Plan and priority policies of Planning Code section 101.1.
Enacted Number: 640-03

031591 [Opposing the Declawing of Cats] Supervisor Sandoval
Resolution urging pet guardians and veterinarians to discontinue the practice of declawing cats in the City and County of San Francisco.
Enacted Number: 645-03

031592 [Commending San Francisco Conservation Corp] Supervisor Sandoval
Resolution commending the San Francisco Conservation Corp for its 20 years of outstanding service to San Francisco.
Enacted Number: 641-03

031593 [Commending Richard Ironcloud and Armando Blackbear] Supervisors Sandoval, Peskin
Resolution commending Richard Ironcloud and Armando Blackbear for their swim across San Francisco Bay, highlighting the importance of healthy living.
Supervisor Peskin requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Enacted Number: 642-03

031594 [Accept Federal Grant - fiscal year 2003 lead hazard reduction demonstration grant program] Mayor
Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco to accept a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for lead-based paint hazard reduction in a total amount not to exceed $4,000,000.

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Enacted Number: 611-03

031573 [Extending the San Francisco Zoo Audit Select Committee] Supervisor Ma
Motion extending the San Francisco Zoo Audit Select Committee.
Enacted Number: M03-176

031540 [Needle Exchange Emergency] Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program.
Enacted Number: M03-174

031529 [Final Map for a 9 Unit Mixed Use Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 581 Hayes Street, A Mixed Use Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 54, Assessor's Block No. 818, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,381; District 6.)

Enacted Number: M03-171

031536 [Final Map for a 50 Unit Residential Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 1 Federal Street, a Residential Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 189 in Assessor's Block No. 3774, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,383; District 6.)

Enacted Number: M03-172

031537 [Final Map for a 192 Unit Residential/Commercial Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 200 Brannan Street a Residential/Commercial Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 190 in Assessor's Block No. 3774, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,384; District 6.)

Enacted Number: M03-173

The foregoing items were acted upon by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Severed from Without Reference to Committee Agenda
Supervisor Peskin requested that this matter be severed so that it could be considered separately.

031588 [Changing the name of Pardee Alley in North Beach to "Jack Micheline Place"] Supervisors Peskin, Gonzalez, Daly, McGoldrick
Resolution changing the name of Pardee Alley in North Beach to "Jack Micheline Place", in recognition of the late Jack Micheline's artistic contributions to the community of North Beach and the City of San Francisco.
Supervisor Peskin, seconded by Supervisor McGoldrick, moved to amend by replacing "Jack Micheline Place" with "Jack Micheline Alley". New Title.
AMENDED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Resolution changing the name of Pardee Alley in North Beach to "Jack Micheline Alley", in recognition of the late Jack Micheline's artistic contributions to the community of North Beach and the City of San Francisco.
Supervisors Daly and McGoldrick requested to be added as a co-sponsors.
ADOPTED AS AMENDED by the following vote:
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Dufty, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Supervisor Peskin requested that this matter be severed so that it could be considered separately

031550 [Public Hearing - Eminent Domain] Supervisor Peskin
Motion directing the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on October 7, 2003, at 4:00 p.m. to consider adopting a resolution of necessity for the City's proposed acquisition by eminent domain for open space of Lot 001 in Assessor's Block 0074, in San Francisco.
Supervisor Hall, seconded by Supervisor Dufty, moved to send this matter to committee.

Motion failed by the following vote:

Ayes: 3 - Dufty, Hall, Ma

Noes: 8 - Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval

Enacted Number: M03-175
APPROVED by the following vote:
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval
Noes: 2 - Dufty, Hall

Supervisor Daly requested that this matter be severed so that it could be considered separately.

031568 [Calling from the Table Legislative Item 031361 (General Assistance - In-Kind Assistance; Department of Human Services Care Fund)] Supervisor Newsom
Motion calling from the table legislative item 031361 (General Assistance - In-Kind Assistance; Department of Human Services Care Fund) and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to place item 031361 (General Assistance - In-Kind Assistance; Department of Human Services Care Fund) on the calendar for the September 30th, 2003 meeting.
Supervisor Newsom, seconded by Supervisor Hall, moved that this Motion be APPROVED. The motion FAILED by the following vote:
Ayes: 5 - Dufty, Hall, Ma, Newsom, Peskin
Noes: 6 - Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Sandoval


Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor


030667 [Amending Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance] Supervisors Gonzalez, Daly
Draft ordinance amending Administrative Code Chapter 37 "Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance" by amending Sections 37.3 and 37.9: to prohibit rent increases solely for the addition of occupants, even where a pre-existing rental agreement or lease specifically permits a rent increase for additional occupants, except that the landlord may petition the Rent Board for a rent increase under Section 37.8(e)(4) based on the increased cost for an additional occupant [Section 37.3(a)(11)]; and to prohibit evictions solely for the addition of occupants, up to a maximum of two occupants per habitable sleeping room, even where a pre-existing rental agreement or lease prohibits additional occupants, except where this total would exceed the number of occupants permitted under other applicable state law and/or other local codes or otherwise fail to comply with such other applicable state law and/or local codes (e.g., Planning, Housing and Building Codes) [Section 37.9(a)(2)].
4/14/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
9/23/03, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Gonzalez submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title.
9/23/03, ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031603 [Generation Solar: Residential and Commercial Solar Program] Supervisor Ammiano
Ordinance requiring the Public Utilities Commission and the Department of the Environment in consultation with other City departments to implement Generation Solar, a solar program for the residential and commercial sectors.

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031607 [Appropriate funding from the General Reserve for Fire Engine 33] Supervisors Sandoval, Gonzalez, Peskin
Ordinance appropriating $1,600,000 from the General Fund Reserve for uniform salaries, premium pay, uniform overtime, fringe benefits, and materials and supplies and utilities to fund Fire Engine 33 for fiscal year 2003-2004.

(Fiscal impact.)

9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

031608 [Taxicab Gate Fees] Supervisor Hall
Ordinance amending Section 1135.1 of the Police Code to provide for extending from November 1, 2003 to January 1, 2004 the time for sunsetting the higher cap on taxicab gate fees if the City fails to enact an ordinance prescribing a long-term lease fee cap covering long-term lease drivers; and to authorize the Board of Supervisors by resolution to extend the times provided for in Section 1135.1 for sunsetting the higher gate fee cap.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031609 [Authorizing an alternative procedure for establishing property and business improvement districts] Supervisor Peskin
Ordinance amending Article 15 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code by amending Sections 1510 and 1511 to authorize the Board of Supervisors to initiate proceedings to establish property and business improvement districts upon receipt of a petition signed by property owners responsible for 30 percent of the proposed assessment; authorizing such districts to be formed for a term of up to 20 years; authorizing such districts to encompass and assess residential property, and repealing Sections 1513 through 1591.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

031610 [Adding San Francisco Fire Department to those Departments that are allowed to authorize employees to drive department vehicles to and from their residences] Supervisor Sandoval
Ordinance amending San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 4 Section 4.11 to add the San Francisco Fire Department to those Departments that are allowed to authorize employees to drive department vehicles to and from their residences and to authorize the San Francisco Fire Department to use 10 vehicles in that manner.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.


031611 [Review of Concession Opportunity] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution authorizing the Director of the Department of Administrative Services to review the benefits of and to solicit bids for the award of an agreement for use of sites owned or occupied by the City and County of San Francisco for beverage vending services.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

031612 [Commending Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory new Student Life Center] Supervisors Newsom, Hall
Resolution commending the Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School on its 150th Anniversary, celebrating its legacy of graduating more than 80,000 high school students in the City and County of San Francisco and in celebrating the Grand Opening of the Daughters of Charity Foundation, Sister Teresa Piro, DC, Student Life Center.

031613 [Commending Japanese Community Youth Council] Supervisors Newsom, Dufty, Ma
Resolution commending the Mayor's YouthWorks Program and the Mayor's Education and Employment Program on having been selected as recipients of the prestigious PEPNET Award and commending the Japanese Community Youth Council for serving as the lead agency of these two youth employment programs.

031614 [Commending Starting Points Initiative] Supervisors Newsom, Dufty, Ma
Resolution commending Starting Points for the completion of its San Francisco Citywide Strategic Plan for Supporting Families and its recent formation of a Family Support Council.

031615 [Establishing City Planning Audit Select Committee] Supervisor Daly
Motion creating a City Planning Audit Select Committee.

031616 [Reappointment of Mark Dunlop to the S.F. HIV Health Services Planning Council] Supervisors Ammiano, Daly
Resolution urging Mayor Willie L. Brown to re-appoint Mark Dunlop to the San Francisco HIV Health Services Planning Council.

031617 [Senate Bill 774] Supervisor Daly
Resolution urging Governor Gray Davis to sign Senate Bill 774, Pharmacy Syringe Sale and Disease Prevention Act.

031618 [Commend Anne Stanton] Supervisors Daly, Dufty, Newsom
Resolution commending Anne Stanton for her decade of work and leadership for homeless youth in San Francisco as the esteemed Executive Director of the Larkin Street Youth Services.

031619 [Commendation for Linnea Klee] Supervisors Daly, Dufty, Newsom
Resolution commending Linnea Klee for her ten years of service as Executive Director of the Children's Council of San Francisco.

031620 [Halloween in the Castro - Extended BART Service] Supervisors Dufty, Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Hall, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval
Resolution urging the Bay Area Rapid Transit District to provide late night BART Service for the "Halloween in the Castro" event. Service would be extended from Midnight on October 31st until 2 a.m. on November 1st, 2003.

031621 [Selective purchasing of oil from companies purchase leases or develop oil fields in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] Supervisors Gonzalez, Peskin, Daly, Newsom
Resolution urging the City of San Francisco to refrain from purchasing oil from companies that purchase leases or develop oil fields in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

031622 [Commending attorneys Elliot Peters, Ethan Balogh, Dan Purcell, and Stacey Wexler for their work on the John Tennison case] Supervisors Gonzalez, Peskin, Daly
Resolution commending attorneys Elliot Peters, Ethan Balogh, Dan Purcell, and Stacey Wexler for their tireless efforts to ensure that the wrongful conviction of John "J.J." Tennison was overturned.

031623 [African American Cultural and Entertainment Center] Supervisors Maxwell, Daly, Ma, Newsom, Sandoval, McGoldrick, Hall
Resolution welcoming the African American Cultural and Entertainment Center (AACEC) to San Francisco and urging the San Francisco Port Commission to negotiate with the AACEC development team.

031624 [Commending Jack Moerschbaecher] Supervisors Maxwell, Daly, Dufty, Ma, Peskin, Hall, Newsom
Resolution commending Jack Moerschbaecher, Director of the San Francisco Convention Facilities, for 20 years of outstanding service to the City and County of San Francisco and for receiving the 2003 Unsung Hero/Heroine Award from the Yerba Buena Alliance.

031635 [Healthy Kids Program Expansion] Supervisors Newsom, Dufty, Ma, Daly
Resolution urging the Department of Public Health to advance universal health care coverage in the City and County of San Francisco by extending health insurance coverage to the uninsured young adults ages 19 to 24 through the City's Healthy Kids Program.

Requests for Hearing

031604 [Status of PUC Revenue Bond Oversight Committee] Supervisors Hall, Dufty
Hearing regarding status of November 2002 Proposition P - PUC Revenue Bond Oversight Committee.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031605 [Aggressive Panhandling] Supervisor Gonzalez
Hearing on the legality of Section 120-1 of the Municipal Police Code, prohibiting aggressive panhandling.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031606 [Passthrough Procedure for Utility Cost Increases] Supervisor Peskin
Hearing to review passthrough procedure for utility cost increases. The hearing will cover the methodologies available in the Rules and Regulations for calculating passthroughs, including how to ensure landlord costs and incomes are properly accounted for in a passthrough so that landlords are not unfairly compensated and that tenants are charged only for those true costs associated with tenant usage.
9/23/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

Charter Amendments

031560 [Charter Amendment - appointment of a City Engineer responsible for the design and construction management of all public buildings and public works] Supervisor Ammiano
Charter amendment (First Draft) to amend Section 4.130 to provide for appointment of a City Engineer responsible for the design and construction management of all public buildings and public works.
9/16/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
9/23/03, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Ammiano submitted a substitute Charter amendment bearing new title.
9/23/03, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee, expires on 10/23/2003.

031567 [Charter Amendment - San Francisco Department of Public Health] Supervisors Daly, Gonzalez
Charter amendment (First Draft) to repeal Section 4.110 regarding the Health Commission and adding Article VIIIC, to increase the autonomy and fiscal authority of the Health Commission and change the qualifications of Health Commissioners, establish a stable baseline funding level for the Department of Public Health, streamline administrative operations and reduce bureaucracy, ensure the continued operation of County hospitals, clinics, and programs for the chronically ill, designate universal healthcare as one of the Department's top advocacy priorities, create enhanced coordination of trauma care, guarantee culturally competent care through community-based primary care clinics, maintain operation of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility, and establish as a goal, pay equity for nonprofit and City workers performing similar jobs for the Department of Public Health.

(Fiscal impact.)

9/16/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
9/23/03, SUBSTITUTED to Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Daly submitted a substitute Charter amendment bearing new title.
9/23/03, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee, expires on 10/23/2003.



031526 [Airport Concession Lease]
Resolution approving Amendment No. 3 to the Post-Security Master Retail/Duty Free Concession in the New International Terminal Building Lease No. 99-0035 between DFS Group, L.P. and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission. (Airport Commission)

(Fiscal impact; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/12/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

031527 [Accept-Expend Regional Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Director of Transportation or his designee to accept and expend $157,000 in FY 03/04 Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) to stripe and sign bike lanes and purchase and install bicycle racks and to execute any and all associated documents. (Parking and Traffic Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/12/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031528 [Street Artist Hyde Street Spaces]
Resolution re-designating seven (7) permanent selling spaces on Hyde Street, west side, Beach to Jefferson Streets; deleting seven (7) permanent selling spaces on Hyde Street, east side, Beach to Jefferson Streets; re-designating fourteen (14) selling spaces on Hyde Street, east side, Beach to Jefferson Streets; designating two (2) additional selling spaces on Hyde Street, east side, Beach to Jefferson Streets, for street artists certified by the Arts Commission, City and County of San Francisco; and exempting said seven spaces on Hyde Street, west side, Beach to Jefferson Streets, from Police Code Section 2405(c)(16) requiring street artists to maintain a minimum of eight feet of passageway for pedestrians. (Arts Commission)

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/10/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031530 [Grant to improve traffic and pedestrian safety in San Francisco] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) to accept and expend retroactively a grant in the amount of $439,455 from the California Business, Transportation & Housing Agency Office of Traffic Safety (CBTHAOTS) to prevent DUI and resultant traffic injuries and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of October 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005. (Public Health Department)

(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/9/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

031538 [Contracting out Airport Employee Parking Services]
Resolution approving the Controller's certification that Employee Parking Management Services for San Francisco International Airport can practically be performed by private contractor at a lower cost than if work were performed by city employees at budgeted levels. (Airport Commission)

(Fiscal impact; Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/15/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

031539 [Contracting out Airport Public Parking Management Services]
Resolution approving the Controller's certification that Airport Public Parking Management Services for San Francisco International Airport can practically be performed by private contractor at a lower cost than if work were performed by city employees at budgeted levels. (Airport Commission)

(Fiscal impact; Public Benefit Recipient.)

9/15/03, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Gonzalez

To: City Attorney

Requesting/Inquiring: To draft a charter amendment that would allow non-citizens to vote in San Francisco municipal school board elections where it can be demonstrated that the individuals are guardians of San Francisco municipal school board students.

From: Supervisor Gonzalez

To: City Attorney

Requesting/Inquiring: To draft an ordinance increasing the real estate tax transfer tax to be increased to 1.5% for properties valued over $2 million. The ordinance should designate the distribution of revenue so that one-third is set aside for land acquisition designated for the construction of low/affordable housing and the preservation of cultural spaces and the remaining two-thirds is placed in the General Fund and dispersed with priorities given to use for schools and public health.

From: Supervisor Gonzalez

To: Department of Elections

Requesting/Inquiring: To develop a registration mechanism for eligible non-citizens who wish to vote in San Francisco municipal school board elections.

From: Supervisor Peskin

To: All Department

Requesting/Inquiring: Inquiring about beverage and snack vending usage and preferences for all departments in the City and County of San Francisco. Please read the attached letter.


In Memoriams
Robert Lawrence McRoskey (Supervisors Dufty, Sandoval)

LeRoy Hersh (Supervisor Dufty)

Linda K. Bartholomew (Supervisors Dufty, Sandoval)


There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 5:08 p.m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board

N.B. The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.

Approved by the Board of Supervisors on Ocotber 21, 2003.

I, Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Minutes of said Board on the date stated and was approved as recited.


Meeting Procedures

The Board of Supervisors is the Legislative Body of the City and County of San Francisco. The Board considers ordinances and resolutions, most of which have been the subject of hearings before the standing committees of the board at which members of the public are urged to testify. The full Board does not hold a second public hearing on measures which have been heard in committee.
Board procedures do not permit: 1) persons in the audience to vocally express support or opposition to statements by Supervisors or by other persons testifying; 2) ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices, (Violators may be removed from the meeting room.) 3) signs to be brought into the meeting or displayed in the room; and 4)standing in the Legislative Chamber.
Citizens are encouraged to testify at Board hearings and to write letters to the Board and to its members, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Agenda are available on the internet at
Board meetings are cablecast on SF Cable 26. For video tape copies and scheduling call (415) 557-4293.
Results of each Board meeting can be obtained about a half hour after the end of the meeting by telephoning (415) 554-5555.
Requests for language translation at a meeting must be received no later than noon the Friday before the meeting. Contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
AVISO EN ESPA¥OL: La solicitud para un traductor en una reunion debe recibirse antes de mediodia de el viernes anterior a la reunion. Llame a Erasmo Vazquez (415) 554-4909.
To request sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please call (415) 554-7703 or (415) 554-5227 (TTY). Requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure availability.
Disability access

The Legislative Chamber of the Board of Supervisors is in Room 250 of City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. The Chamber is wheelchair accessible.
The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142.
There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.
All meetings are real-time captioned and are cablecast open-captioned on SF Cable 26.
The following services are available when requests are made by 4:00 p.m. of the Friday before the Board meeting. This advance notice will help ensure availability.
ú For American Sign Language interpreters or use of a reader during a meeting, contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
ú For a large print copy of agenda or minutes in alternative formats, contact Annette Lonich at (415) 554-7706.
Assistive listening devices are available from the receptionist in the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244, prior to the meeting.
The Clerk of the Board's Office TTY number is (415) 554-5227.
In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.

Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance

Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review.
For information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Donna Hall by mail to Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102, by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-5784 or by email at
Citizens may obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, at

Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements

Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Sec. 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site

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