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071157 |
[Planning Code Amendments to implement the Market and Octavia Area Plan] |
Supervisor Mirkarimi |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code to implement the Market and Octavia Area Plan of the General Plan by amending Section 102.5 (District); Section 121.1 (Development on Large Lots, Neighborhood Commercial Districts); Section 121.2 (Use Size Limits (Non-Residential), Neighborhood Commercial Districts); Section 124 (Basic Floor Area Ratio); Section 132 (Front Setback); Section 134 (Rear Yards); Section 135 (Usable Open Space For Dwelling Units and Group Housing); Section 144 (Treatment of Ground Story On Street Frontages); Section 145.1 (Street Frontages, Neighborhood Commercial Districts); Section 145.4 (Street Frontages Downtown and Mixed-Use Districts); Section 151.1 (Schedule of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces); Section 152. (Schedule of Required Off-Street Freight Loading Spaces in Districts Other Than C-3 or South of Market); Section 153 (Rules for Calculation of Required Spaces); Section 154 (Minimum dimensions for required off-street parking, freight loading and service vehicle spaces); Section 155 (General Standards as to Location and Arrangement of Off-Street Parking, Freight Loading and Service Vehicle Facilities); Section 156 (Parking Lots); Section 166 (Requirements for Provision of Car-Share Parking Spaces); Section 167 (Parking Costs Separated from Housing Costs in New Residential Buildings); Section 201 (Classes of Use Districts); Section 207.1. (Rules For Calculation Of Dwelling Unit Densities); Section 207.4 (Density of Dwelling Units in Neighborhood Commercial Districts); Section 208 (Density Limitations for Group Housing); Section 209.1-209.9 (Uses Permitted in RTO Districts); Section 234.2 (Requiring CU Authorization for specified uses in P Districts within the Market and Octavia Neighborhood Area); Section 253 (Review of Proposed Buildings and Structures Exceeding a Height of 40 Feet in R Districts); Section 270 (Bulk Limits: Measurement); Section 303 (Conditional Uses: Determination); Section 304 (Planned Unit Developments: Criteria and Limitations); Section 311 (Residential Permit Review Procedures for RH and RM Districts: Applicability); Section 315 (Inclusionary Housing requirements) including adding a fee on new residential development in the Plan Area in addition to the existing inclusionary housing requirements in a per square foot amount of $8 in the Van Ness Market Special Use District, $4 in the Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) district, and $0 in the Transit-Oriented Residential (RTO) district; Section 316 (Procedures for Conditional Use Authorization in Neighborhood Commercial and South of Market Districts and for Live/Work Units in RH, RM, and RTO Districts); Section 603 (Exempted Signs); Section 606 (Residential Districts); Section 702.1 (Neighborhood Commercial Use Districts); Section 720.1 (Hayes-Gough Neighborhood Commercial Transit District) to conform these sections with the new VNMDR-SUD, NCT and RTO district controls; and adding new zoning districts and a new special use district including Section 121.5 to establish controls for Development on Large Lots in Residential Districts; Section 121.6 to restrict lot mergers in residential districts and on pedestrian-oriented streets; Section 158.1 related to Non-accessory Parking Garages in NCT and RTO Districts and the Van Ness and Market Downtown Residential Special Use District; Section 206.4 to establish the Transit-Oriented Residential District (RTO); Section 207.6 related to Required Minimum Dwelling Unit Mix and Unit Subdivision Restrictions in RTO and NCT Districts; Section 207.7 relating to Restrictions on Demolition, Conversion, and Merger of Existing Dwelling Units in RTO and NCT Districts; Section 230 establishing Limited Corner Commercial Uses in RTO Districts; Section 249.33 to establish the Van Ness and Market Downtown Residential Special Use District (VNMDR-SUD) including providing that projects in the VNMDR-SUD may exceed allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) up to a certain ratio by paying $30 per gross square foot into the Citywide Affordable Housing Fund but not by acquiring Transferable Development Rights (TDRs); and providing that projects may further exeed FAR limits above a site FAR of 9:1 by paying $15 per additional gross square foot into the Van Ness and Market Neighborhood Infrastructure Fund; Section 249.34 to establish the Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District; Section 261.1 related to Additional Height Limits for Narrow Streets and Alleys in RTO and NCT Districts; Section 263.18 creating a Special Height Exception: Additional Five Feet Height for Ground Floor uses in NCT 40-X and 50-X Height and Bulk Districts; Section 263.20 Special Height Exceptions: Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District 40-X/50-X Height District; Sections 326-326.8 establishing the Market and Octavia Community Improvements Fee and Fund including community improvement fees of $10 per square foot for certain new residential and $4 per square foot for certain new commercial developments, and a springing fee for transit and parking impacts with a maximum fee of $9 per square foot for transit impacts from residential development and $5 per square foot for impacts from new parking spaces; Sections 341-341.4 establishing a Better Neighborhoods Area Plan Monitoring Program; Sections 731 and 731.1 creating an NCT-3 Moderate-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit District; Sections 732 and 732.1 creating the Upper Market Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District; adding an uncodified Section 4 adopting procedures for treatment of historic resources in the Plan Area; and adopting environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.
7/30/07, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee, expires on 9/6/2007. 9/20/07, Placed fee ad to run in S. F. Examiner on September 22, 2007. 3/8/08, 3/15/08 Publication of fee ad. |
9/28/07, RESPONSE RECEIVED. Office of Economic Analysis, Economic Impact Report. |
10/3/07, CONTINUED. Heard in committee. Speakers: Jon Billovits, Planning Department; AnMarie Rogers, Planning Department; Supervisor McGoldrick; Supervisor Maxwell; Kearstin Dischinger; Dean Macris, Director of Planning; Supervisor Mirkarimi; Ted Egan, Controller's Office; Sarah Karlinsky, SPUR; Judith Berkowitz, CSFN; Bernie Choden, S. F. Tomorrow; Bill Bulkley; Hiroshi Fukuda; Jason Henderson; Paul Olsen; Jim Warshell; Demian Quesnel; Curt Holzinger; Robin Levitt; Cynthia Servetnick; Rick Galbreath, Sierra Club; Calvin Welch; Jim Haas; Tess Alburn; Sue Hestor; Peter Cohen; Roy Olson; Marilyn Amini; John Malamut, Deputy City Attorney. Continued to October 15, 2007. |
10/15/07, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in committee. Speakers: Supervisor Mirkarimi; Audrey Pearson, Deputy City Attorney; Amit Ghosh, Planning Department; Cheryl Adams, Deputy City Attorney; Larry Badiner, Planning Department; AnMarie Rodgers, Planning Department; Kearstin Dischinger; Planning Department; John Billovits, Planning Department; Supervisor McGoldrick; Bernie Choden, S. F. Tomorrow; Peter Lewis, Mission Dolores Neighborhood Association; Judith Berkowitz, Coalition for S. F. Neighborhoods; Hiroshi Fukuda; Jim Haas; Tom Radulovich, Livable City; Tim Colen, S. F. Housing Action Coalition; Frances Neagley; Evelyn Poquez; Jason Henderson, Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association; Robin Levitt; Sarah Karlinsky; Cynthia Servetnick; Lynn Valente; Rufino De Leon; Don Cecil; Peter Cohen, Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association; Sue Hestor; Bill Lightner; Marilyn Amini; John Bardis; Supervisor Sandoval; Supervisor Maxwell. |