City and County of San Francisco

July 21, 2008

City and County of San Francisco

City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Monday, July 21, 2008
1:00 PM
City Hall, Room 263
Regular Meeting

Land Use and Economic Development Committee

Members: Sophie Maxwell, Gerardo Sandoval, Aaron Peskin

Clerk: Linda Laws (415) 554-4441

Members Present: Sophie Maxwell, Gerardo Sandoval.
Members Excused: None.
Members Absent: Aaron Peskin.

The meeting convened at 1:23 p.m.
080673 [San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Cross Connection Controls Project]
Resolution adopting Final Mitigated Negative Declaration, and adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, related to use of appropriated funds for San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Cross Connection Controls Project. (Public Utilities Commission)
5/30/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speaker: Male Speaker, SFPUC.
RECOMMENDED by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080823 [Establishment of floodplain management programs and designation of floodplain administrator] Supervisors Elsbernd, Chu
Ordinance establishing a floodplain management program by adding Article XX, Sections 2A.280 - 2A.285 to the San Francisco Administrative Code; designating the City Administrator as the floodplain administrator; and providing requirements for designating floodplains and for construction and development in floodplains.
6/10/08, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee, expires on 7/10/2008.
6/16/08, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Planning Department for environmental review.
7/9/08, RESPONSE RECEIVED. Planning Department - Categorically exempt from environmental review. Class 8 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Linda Yeung, City Administrator's Office; Gregor Blackburn, FEMA; Brad Benson, Port of San Francisco.
RECOMMENDED by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080824 [Authorizing enrollment in National Flood Insurance Program] Supervisors Elsbernd, Chu
Resolution authorizing enrollment in the National Flood Insurance Program, providing assurances that the City, acting by and through the City Administrator, will implement a floodplain management program, and authorizing the City Administrator to take actions necessary to implement this resolution.
6/10/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Linda Yeung, City Administrator's Office; Gregor Blackburn, FEMA; Brad Benson, Port of San Francisco.
RECOMMENDED by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080436 [Authorizing the passthrough from landlord to residential tenant of specified percentages of water and sewer services cost increases imposed through adoption of water and sewer rates after Supervisors Alioto-Pier, Chu, Elsbernd
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code to encourage water conservation by authorizing landlords to pass through to tenants fifty percent of increased water and sewer bill charges resulting from the adoption of water and sewer rates after July 1, 2002, and the passthrough to tenants of seventy percent of increased water and sewer bill charges resulting from the adoption of water and sewer rates after July 1, 2002, where specified water conservation devices have been installed in all rental units and common areas of a building; and providing for passthrough administration, noticing and enforcement procedures.
4/1/08, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee, expires on 5/1/2008.
4/3/08, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to the Small Business Commission for comment and recommendation.
6/9/08, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Charles Rudyear; Espanola Jackson. Continued to June 30, 2008.
7/7/08, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Supervisor Alioto-Pier; Laura Spanjian, SFPUC; Jared Blumenfeld, Department of the Environment; Bruce Alison, Senior Action Network; Jennifer Clary, Clean Water Action; Ernestine Weiss; Peter Fries; Francisco Da Costa; Ted Gulickson; Brook Turner, Coalition for Better Housing; John Roddy, Deputy City Attorney; Todd Rydstrom, SFPUC; John Malamut, Deputy City Attorney. Continued to July 21, 2008.
Speakers: None.
Continued to July 28, 2008.
CONTINUED by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080859 [Planning Department's procedures for enforcing the formula retail ordinance] Supervisor McGoldrick
Hearing on the processes and procedures of the Planning Department for enforcing the formula retail ordinance and administering fines for businesses not in compliance.
6/17/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speaker: AnMarie Rodgers, Planning Department.
CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080861 [Bike Plan Injunction] Supervisor Sandoval
Hearing with the Planning Department, Municipal Transportation Agency and the City Attorney's Office to discuss the Bike Plan injunction which has prevented implementation of the City's bike plan, and to discuss bike safety issues.
6/17/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Cheryl Adams, Deputy City Attorney; Leah Shahum and Casey Allen, SF Bicycle Coalition; Cheryl Brinkman, Livable City; J.P. Collins; John Rahaim, Planning Director; Female Speaker, Mayor's Office; Carter Rohan, Municipal Transportation Agency; Marc Salomon; Robin Levitt, Hayes Valley Neighborhood Assocation; Bob Siegel, SF Bicycle Coalition; Aida Berkovitz; Sean Benward; Peter Pagnucco; Randall Orr; Jon Winston; Janel Sterbentz, SF Bicycle Coalition; Kate McCarthy; Dan Nguyen-Tan, North of Panhandle Neighborhood Association;
CONTINUED by the following vote:
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
080652 [Rental Subsidy Program for Low-Income Families] Supervisors Daly, Ammiano, Sandoval
Ordinance adding Sections 48.1 through 48.7 to the San Francisco Administrative Code creating the Rental Subsidy Program for Low-Income Families that establishes a need-based local housing subsidy for homeless families subject to the fiscal and budgetary provisions of the Charter.
5/13/08, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee, expires on 6/12/2008.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Supervisor Daly; Cindy Ward, Human Services Agency; Jennifer Friendbach, Coalition on Homelessness; Zhang Rui Ni, SRO Families Collaborative; Libah Sheppard; Female Speakers (children); Francisca Flota; Lidia Cerralta; Nora Calderon, POWER; Zhi Hui Ma and Xiu Oin Yu, SRO Families Collaborative; Yolanda Interian; Marcia Aviles, COH; Judy Martinez; Magdalena Macias; Margurita Mena; Female Speaker; Jenise Standfield, COH; Alex Tom, Chinese Progressive Association; Angelica Cabande, SOMCAM; Chelsea Boilard, Coleman Advocates; Frank
Ayes: 2 - Maxwell, Sandoval
Absent: 1 - Peskin
The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m.
Last updated: 1/10/2014 12:06:41 PM