090554 |
[Building Code - Registration of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings; Maintenance and Security Requirements; Annual Fee and Penalties for Violation] |
Supervisors Chiu, Dufty |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code by adding Section 103A.4 to require the owner of a vacant or abandoned building to register the building with the Department of Building Inspection, require the owner to maintain the grounds and the exterior and interior of the building secured and in good condition, and provide that a property in violation of the requirements is a public nuisance; and by amending Section 110, Table 1A-J to establish an annual registration fee; adopting environmental and other findings. |
5/5/09, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee, expires on 6/4/2009. 6/30/09 - Submitted ad for publication on July 2 and July 9, 2009. |
5/12/09, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Planning Department for environmental review; and Planning Commission and Building Inspection Commission for public hearing and recommendation. |
5/13/09, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Planning Department for fee review. |
5/26/09, RESPONSE RECEIVED. Non-physical per CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(2). |
6/1/09, RESPONSE RECEIVED. Planning Commission Resolution No. 17895 recommending approval with modifications; Historic Preservation Commission Resolution No. 635 recommending approval with modifications. |
6/15/09, RESPONSE RECEIVED. Building Inspection Commission recommended non-support. |
7/13/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Tara Sullivan, Planning Department; Bill Strawn, Department of Building Inspection; Debra Walker, Building Inspection Commission; Eric Smith, Mission Bay-EN CAC; Richard Zillman, Preservation Consortium; Lisa Fricke, SF Apartment Association; Peter Masiak, Central City SRO; Nancy Wuerfel; Josh Vining, Mission SRO Collaborative; Matthias Mormino, SRO Families Collaborative; Nancy Huang; Jazzie Collins, SOMCAN; F. Joseph Butler; Little House Committee; Sue Hestor; Male Speaker. Continued to July 27, 2009. |
7/21/09, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
7/21/09, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Chiu submitted a substitute ordinance bearing the same title. |
7/23/09, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Building Inpsection Commission, Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission for informational purposes. |
7/27/09, AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Noni Richen, Small Property Owners of San Francisco; Peter Masiak, Central City SRO; Nancy Wuerfel; Rodrigo Santos, SF Coalition for Reasonable Growth; Henry Karnilowicz; Jazzie Collins, SOMCAN; Male Speaker; Bob Noelke; Sue Hestor; Vivian Day, Department of Building Inspection. 7/27/09 Amendment of the whole bearing same title. |
7/27/09, CONTINUED AS AMENDED. Continued to August 3, 2009. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: None.
08/10/09 - Amended on page 6, line 7, by replacing "Six" with "Four and One-Half" before "Hours." |