City and County of San Francisco

Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
January 27, 2003
Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor
020966 |
[Conforming Changes Establishing Controls for Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Commercial Districts and Transit-Intensive Special Use Districts] |
Ordinance amending the Planning Code by amending Section 121.1 to include lot size controls for Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Commercial (NC-T) Districts, amending Section 121.2 to include use size controls for NC-T Districts, amending Section 124 to include a basic floor area ratio for NC-T Districts, amending Section 135 to include open space requirements for NC-T Districts, amending Section 151 to include off-street parking requirements for NC-T and Transit-Intensive Special Use Districts, amending Section 208 to include density limits for group housing in NC-T Districts; amending Section 607.1 to regulate signs in the NC-T, and making a determination of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1(B). Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Commerce Committee.REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT.Transmitted to Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.RESPONSE RECEIVED. Certificate of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review dated 11/7/02.FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.37.REACTIVATED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.24.Supervisor McGoldrick requested this matter be reactivated.ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee. |
020967 |
[Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Commercial Districts and Transit Intensive Special Use Districts] |
Ordinance amending the Planning Code by amending Sections 730 and 730.96 to create and establish controls for Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Commercial (NC-T) Districts, adding Section 249.20 to create and establish controls for Transit-Intensive Special Use Districts, amending Section 145.1 to establish street frontage requirements in NC-T Districts, amending Section 207.4 to establish density limits for dwelling units in NC-T Districts; and making a determination of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101(b). Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Commerce Committee.REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT.Transmitted to Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.RESPONSE RECEIVED. Certificate of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review dated 11/7/02.FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.37.REACTIVATED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.24.Supervisor McGoldrick requested this matter be reactivated.ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee. |
021855 |
[Amend Planning Code Section 253 - Housing Legislation - R Districts] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by amending Section 253 that currently requires conditional use approval for residential construction over 40 feet in residential districts with height limits over 40 feet to add an exception for housing projects that include at least 12 percent affordable units and meet other requirements of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program; and making a determination of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1(b). Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Commerce Committee.REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT.Transmitted to Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee.Supervisor McGoldrick requested to be a sponsor, replacing former Supervisor Leno . |
030132 |
[Funding for the investigation and litigation against Tutor-Saliba Construction] |
Ordinance appropriating $2,500,000 of Airport fund balance for investigation and litigation expense by the City Attorney against Tutor-Saliba Construction for fiscal year 2002-03. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030142 |
[Designate the Laguna Honda Station, also known as the Forest Hill Station, At 390 Laguna Honda Boulevard As a Landmark] |
Ordinance Designating the Laguna Honda Station, At 390 Laguna Honda Boulevard, As Landmark No. 231 Pursuant To Article 10, Sections 1004 And 1004.4 Of The Planning Code. Supervisor Hall presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee. |
030146 |
[Appropriate amount SFPD budget used for enforcement of moving traffic violations] |
Draft ordinance appropriating a set amount of SFPD budget to be used specifically for and limited to enforcement of moving traffic violations such as running red lights and stop signs, exceeding the speed limit, and failure to yield to pedestrians. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030131 |
[2003 Finance Corporation Equipment Program] |
Resolution approving the form of and authorizing execution and delivery by the City and County of San Francisco of an equipment lease Supplement No. 10 (Series 2003A Bonds) between the City and the County of San Francisco Finance Corporation, as lessor, and the City and County of San Francisco, as lessee, with respect to the equipment to be used for city purposes, a related certificate of approval and a continuing disclosure certificate; approving the issuance of lease revenue bonds by said nonprofit corporation in an amount not to exceed $11,750,000; providing for reimbursement to the City and County of San Francisco of certain city expenditures incurred prior to the issuance of lease revenue bonds; and providing for the execution of documents in connection therewith and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith. (Mayor)Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.Department requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the February 12, 2003 meeting. |
030135 |
[Extension of Planning Commission Review Period - Planning CodeSection 207.2] |
Resolution extending the prescribed time within which the Planning Commission may render its decision on a proposed ordinance to amend the San Francisco Planning Code by repealing Section 207.2 [Second Units] in its entirety, adding a new Section 207.2, and amending Section 209.1 to authorize one additional secondary unit limited to 750 square feet of gross floor area on a lot within 1250 feet of a Primary Transit Street or Transit center and also within 1250 feet of a Neighborhood Commercial or Commercial zoning district, on a lot containing a qualified historical building or where the unit is specifically designed and constructed for the elderly or persons with physical disabilities and to prohibit the owner from legalizing an illegal unit pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance; by amending Sections 135(d), Table 151 of Section 151 and 307(g) to establish the amount of open space and parking required for these secondary units. Supervisor Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030140 |
[Review of Human Resources Functions with the Board of Supervisors Budget Analyst Management Audit] |
Resolution urging the Controller to coordinate his best practices review of Human Resources functions in other jurisdictions with the Board of Supervisors Budget Analyst Management Audit of the Department of Human Resources and to expand his review to include best practices for executive recruitment for Department head and other executive-level positions and best practices for hiring for management and implementation of capital projects. Supervisors Ammiano, Daly, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030141 |
[Review of Current City Budget Reserve and Fund Balance Practices] |
Resolution urging the Controller to review current City and County budget reserve and fund balance practices and best practices in other local jurisdictions, review historic changes in City revenues and one-time expenditures during periods of greater than average growth in City revenues and best practices in other jurisidictions, review and analyze the feasibility of establishing a revenue stabilization fund for use during economic downturns funded by extraordinary growth in City revenues, and recommend to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors best practices for budget reserves and fund balances and recommendations for allocation of greater than average growth in General Fund revenues for a revenue stabilization fund, prevention programs, one-time capital spending and spending on deferred maintenance. Supervisors Ammiano, Ma, Newsom, McGoldrick, Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030145 |
[Contingency Fee Agreement] |
Resolution approving and authorizing a contingency fee agreement between the City and a law firm selected the City Attorney, in connection with the litigation initiated by the City Attorney against Tutor-Saliba Corporation and related entities over construction projects at the San Francisco International Airport. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030148 |
[Urge State of California Legislature to cut prison spending and redirect money to fund education] |
Resolution urging the Governor of California and the California State Legislature to cut prison spending and redirect that money to fund education. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030149 |
[Urge State PUC to allocate $16 million for San Francisco Department of Environment] |
Resolution urging the California Public Utilities Commission to allocate $16 million from the Public Goods Charge to the San Francisco Department of Environment for an emergency Energy Efficiency program in San Francisco to begin immediately. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030150 |
[Dissolve Sustainable Funding for School Arts and Music Task Force] |
Resolution repealing Resolution Nos. 1127-99 and 175-00, to dissolve the "Sustainable Funding for School Arts and Music Task Force." Supervisor Hall presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules and Audits Committee. |
030151 |
[Proclaim Ella Brown Day] |
Resolution proclaiming January 30, 2003 as Ella Brown Day in the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Maxwell presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030152 |
[Commend Twelve Civil Rights Activists] |
Resolution commending twelve civil rights activists featured in the Long Walk to Freedom Exhibition National Tour. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
Requests for Hearing
030134 |
[Forest City California Development Project at 5th and Mission Street (formerly Emporium)] |
Hearing on the changes to the the Forest City California development project on 5th and Mission Streets on any implementation regarding public policy. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee. |
030136 |
[Status of Proposition N Implementation] |
Hearing to consider progress by City departments in meeting the deadline of July 1, 2003 for implementation of requirements of Proposition N, recently passed by voters in November 2002. This hearing should include presentations by department heads charged with implementation of Proposition N, including any new and existing programs designated by any City department as implementing the provisions of the initiative, policies adopted or under consideration by any department to assist in the implementation of the initiative, current projected cost savings or increases associated with plans for implementation, any projected increases or decreases in resources currently going to other City programs that will result from implementation proposals, any collateral effects of implementation proposals on other populations served by the City, projected numbers of persons who will be affected by proposed changes in policies with an explanation of such effects, and a timetable for full implementation of each of the initiative's provisions. This hearing should be scheduled on a monthly basis until City departments certify that the provisions of Proposition N have been fully implemented. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules and Audits Committee. |
030143 |
[Municipal Budget Software] |
Hearing to consider options for new municipal budget software, including:
(1) program-based budget tools to facilitate review by the public and decision-makers of budget detail including performance measures of programs; and (2) other potential enhancements to B-Prep (the City's current budget software). Supervisors Ammiano, Daly, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.Sponsor requests that the Controller present to Finance Committee the results of preliminary research into budget software alternatives and his recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. |
030144 |
[Ocean Beach/Great Highway Status Report] |
Hearing at which the Department of the Environment, Department of Public Works and the Ocean Beach Task Force will present a status report on their collective efforts on Ocean Beach and Great Highway. Supervisor Hall presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Neighborhood Services and Recreation Committee. |
030130 |
[Needle Exchange Emergency] |
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030137 |
[Scheduling Items on Committee Consent Agendas] |
Motion amending Rule 5.40 of the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to provide additional guidelines for scheduling items on consent agendas in Board Committee meetings. Supervisors Ammiano, Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules and Audits Committee. |
030138 |
[Directing the Budget Analyst to Conduct a Management Audit of Human Resources] |
Motion amending the Schedule of Audits for the Budget Analyst and directing the Budget Analyst to conduct a management audit of the Department of Human Resources and human resources divisions of major City departments on a priority basis. Supervisors Ammiano, Daly, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030139 |
[Review of Budget Analyst Allocation of Hours and Recommendations for Reallocation of Resources] |
Motion directing the Budget Analyst to review the allocation of analyst hours to various functions and requesting recommendations for reallocation of Budget Analyst resources. Supervisors Ammiano, Daly, Ma, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030153 |
[City and School District Off-Site Meeting] |
Motion ordering the City and School District Committee meetings of the Board of Supervisors be held at the Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room, Board of Education, 555 Franklin Street, First Floor, San Francisco, on April 16, June 18, August 20, October 15, and December 17, 2003 at 3:00 P.M.; and directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare the proper notices and postings. Supervisor Ammiano presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030154 |
[Rules of Order to limit three unexcused absences for Supervisor from Commitee] |
Motion amending the Rules of the Board of Supervisors to provide that if a Supervisor has more than three unexcused absences from a Committee during a six-month period, the Supervisor shall have vacated the Committee position, and the President shall be requested to fill the Committee vacancy. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules and Audits Committee. |
030034 |
[Campaign Finance Reform Amendments of 2003] |
Ordinance amending Article I, Chapter 1 of the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code by amending sections 1.104, 1.114, and 1.148 to clarify and consolidate definitions; amending section 1.106 to clarify that State law is incorporated; amending section 1.108 to clarify that it applies only to candidates; amending section 1.110 to provide the Ethics Commission discretion to provide additional office hours prior to an election and to conform to minimum state law record retention periods; amending section 1.114 to apply contribution limits to affiliated entity contributions, to authorize the Ethics Commission to determine when contributions must be returned and to reduce or waive forfeiture penalties, and to clarify that limits apply to special elections; amending section 1.116 to extend loan limitations to candidates for all City elective offices and to authorize the Commission to adjust these amounts; amending section 1.122 to clarify that campaign funds may be used for officeholder expenses, to provide that certain surplus funds may be donated to charity, and that contributions transferred between a candidate's committees must be attributed to specific contributors; deleting section 1.124 on money laundering because the ordinance already incorporates state law provisions; amending section 1.128 to provide a penalty for violating an agreement to limit campaign spending; amending section 1.130 to clarify that expenditure ceilings apply in special elections and to reflect that spending limits have been adjusted for inflation; amending sections 1.134 and 1.152, deleting section 1.146 and adding a new section 1.135 to consolidate and harmonize provisions on lifting the spending limits; amending section 1.140 to correct cross-references, to require that candidates file a statement of intent to participate in public financing, to lower to $5,000 the threshold for qualifying for public financing, and to provide additional time for qualifying for public financing, amending section 1.142 to require filing of statement of intent to participate in public financing program; amending section 1.150 to provide that repayment of public funds shall be made to the Ethics Commission, rather than the Controller, for deposit in the Election Campaign Fund; amending section 1.152 to conform language to other amended sections; amending sections 1.144 and 1.154 to extend the time for the Ethics Commission to determine whether pro-ration is required; amending section 1.162 to clarify that the notice provision applies only to mass mailings; amending section 1.163 to require recordkeeping for recorded telephone messages; amending section 1.164 to clarify references; amending section 1.168 to eliminate language suggesting that persons can obtain immunity if they do not receive a response to a request for advice within a specified period of time; amending section 1.170 to increase the penalties for violations of the Ordinance to $5,000, to incorporate penalties described in section 1.172, and to clarify personal and joint and several liability; deleting section 1.172; and amending section 1.174 to clarify that the department of elections may decline to certify a nomination if a candidate fails to file a statement regarding acceptance or rejection of spending limits. (Ethics Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules and Audits Committee. |
030118 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by the City and County of San Francisco against Modesto Irrigation District for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief to Validate Termination of Long-Term Power Sales Agreement; the City and County of San Francisco filed the lawsuit on August 16, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court (San Francisco Superior Court Case No. 323848). Supervisor Gonzalez presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
030032 |
[Healthy eating and childhood overweight prevention services] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) to accept and expend retroactively a grant in the amount of $113,788 from the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) for healthy eating and childhood overweight prevention and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of August 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003. (Public Health Department) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health and Human Services Committee. |
030035 |
[Grant - Family literacy program for women prisoners in the county jail] |
Resolution authorizing the Sheriff's Department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $33,000 from the Zellerbach Family Foundation for providing a family literacy program for women prisoners in the county jail. (Sheriff) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health and Human Services Committee. |
030082 |
[Accept - Expend TFCA Regional Funds] |
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to Accept and Expend $1,123,364 of Transportation Fund for Clean Air Regional Funds for the three Capital Improvement Projects: the Transit Bus Traffic Signal Prioritization; Transit Bus Replacement:15 CNG or Hybrid Electric Vehicles; and Bicycle Racks - Installation of Bicycle Racks on 50 Vehicles. (Municipal Transportation Agency) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Commerce Committee. |