City and County of San Francisco

Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
May 6, 2003
030803 |
[Appropriation - $6,000,000 for the Public Education Programs] |
Ordinance appropriating $2,000,000 of Delinquent Payroll Tax Revenue and $4,000,000 from the State Revenue Stabilization Reserve for a total of $6,000,000 for public education programs for fiscal year 2002-03. Supervisors Daly, Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the May 12, 2003 meeting. |
030737 |
[Preservation of Emergency Nature of Shelter; Prevention of Displacement, Prioritization, or Set-Asides of Shelter Beds Based Solely on Income] |
Ordinance adding Article II to Chapter 20 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to preserve the emergency nature of the City's shelter system; to prevent displacement of an individual from a shelter bed based solely on that individual's income, and to prohibit prioritization or set-asides of shelter beds based on income. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to City Services Committee. ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. 30-day rule waived per May 5, 2003 memo from Board President. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor McGoldrick submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title. ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030804 |
[ Appropriation - $700,000 for the Airport custodial services] |
Ordinance rescinding $700,000 of unencumbered appropriation authority for the Airport Runway Configuration capital project and appropriating $700,000 in fund balance for custodial services for the Airport Commission for fiscal year 2002-03. Supervisors Sandoval, Daly, Gonzalez, McGoldrick, Peskin, Ammiano presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030810 |
[Jobs-Housing Linkage Program and the Child Care Fee] |
Ordinance amending Section 313.1 of the Planning Code to authorize the Planning Department, the Mayor's Office of Housing and the Department of Building Inspection to delegate responsibilities under the Jobs-Housing Linkage Program, and amending Section 314.1 of the Planning Code to authorize the Planning Department to delegate responsibilities under the Child Care Fee. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. |
030811 |
[Creating Exemption for Administrative Fee for Provision of Additional Police Services Pursuant to Administrative Code Section 10B.2] |
Ordinance amending San Francisco Police Code Section 10B.2 to create an exception for payment of an administrative fee for contracting for additional police services. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030813 |
[Government Funding, Fiscal Year 2003-04] |
Annual Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for selected departments of the City and County of San Francisco as of May 1, 2003, for fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030830 |
[Public Works Code Permit Fees and Assessment] |
Ordinance adding Article 2.1 of the Public Works Code to add sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, and 2.1.4 concerning permit fees and occupancy assessments, specifying procedures to establish such permit fees and assessments, amending section 2.4.45 to modify the procedures for fee review and adjustments, and making environmental findings. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030793 |
[Opposition to the Proposed Potrero Unit 7 Power Plant] |
Resolution opposing the proposed Potrero Unit 7 power plant project and urging City officials and departments not to enter into any agreements that may be required to facilitate or enable the siting, licensing, approval or construction of the proposed Potrero Unit 7 power plant and urging the City Attorney to actively oppose the Potrero Unit 7 project in all forums. Supervisors Maxwell, Ammiano, Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. |
030794 |
[Exclusive Negotiating Agreement for Development of the Old Mint] |
Resolution endorsing the City entering into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society for the development of the Old Mint. (Mayor) Mayor, Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Supervisor Daly requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
030795 |
[Conveyance of Old Mint] |
Resolution authorizing the City to accept title to the Old Mint pursuant to a deed and programmatic agreement and adopting findings. (Mayor) Mayor, Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Supervisor Daly requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
030796 |
[Commending the Mission Branch YMCA] |
Resolution commending the Mission YMCA for 50 years of outstanding service to the residents of San Francisco. Supervisor Sandoval presented. ADOPTED. |
030797 |
[Recognizing Bettye Opal Simon-Johnson.] |
Resolution recognizing the life and work of Bettye Opal Simon-Johnson. Supervisor Sandoval presented. ADOPTED. |
030798 |
[Water Bond Coalition of Northern and Coastal California] |
Resolution supporting participation by the City and County of San Francisco in the Water Bond Coalition of Northern and Coastal California, endorsing efforts by the Coalition to develop fair and equitable distribution of state water bond funds and ongoing efforts to facilitate development of integrated regional water management plans, and forwarding the names of Supervisors Gavin Newsom, Tony Hall and Gerardo Sandoval as candidates from the City and County of San Francisco who wish to serve on the Water Bond Coalition of Northern and Coastal California. Supervisors Newsom, Sandoval presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
030799 |
[Vehicular and Pedestrian Safety Mitigation] |
Resolution urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to take all necessary steps in mitigating unsafe traffic conditions at the intersections of Chestnut and Richardson Streets, Richardson and Lombard Streets, Lombard and Baker Streets and Baker and Richardson Streets, including but not limited to consideration of the installation of a countdown lights, the installation of a lit crosswalk at these intersections, and the installation of a cul-de-sac at this intersection; and working with the Office of the City Attorney and the San Francisco Police Department in concert for a unified and collaborative effort to make safer streets and ensure maximum vehicular and pedestrian safety. Supervisor Newsom presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. |
030800 |
[STOP Intersection] |
Resolution designating Buchanan and Northpoint intersection as an all "STOP" intersection. Supervisor Newsom presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. |
030801 |
[Web-based Customer Relationship Management System] |
Resolution urging the Department of Telecommunications and Information Systems (DTIS) to pursue all options necessary to develop a web-based 311 Call Center request system attached to the city's existing website; and directing the DTIS to coordinate with all appropriate city departments to continue with developing a project plan necessary to implement a full-scale web-based Customer Relationship Management System for the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Newsom presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030808 |
[Motorcycle Sidewalk Parking Policy] |
Resolution urging the new director of the Department of Parking and Traffic to continue the policy of decriminalizing responsible parking of motorcycles on sidewalks to the extent that they do not impede pedestrians. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030814 |
[Summer School Programs] |
Resolution urging the Mayor's Office to recommend reallocating funds from under-performing programs funded through the Children's Fund to fund alternative programs to summer school programs. Furthermore, the alternative programs would be administered by the Department of Children Youth & Their Families. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030815 |
[Urging SFUSD to waive fees for alternative programs to Summer School] |
Resolution urging the San Francisco Unified School District to provide free access to school sites for alternatives to summer school programs. Furthermore, urging the Mayor's Office in conjunction with the Board of Supervisors to secure funds for the Unified School District to fill any shortfall that would result from waiving rental fees. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030816 |
[Commend Gay Asian Pacific Alliance] |
Resolution commending the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) for 15 years of service to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community in San Francisco and declaring May 17, 2003 "GAPA Day" in the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisors Dufty, Ma, Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030817 |
[Commend SF Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation] |
Resolution commending the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation (GLTF) for its annual tournament. Supervisor Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030819 |
[Support Senate Concurrent Resolution 12] |
Resolution urging the State Legislature to adopt Senate Concurrent Resolution 12, introduced by Senator Richard Alarcon, which would create a joint committee charged with developing a master plan to end poverty in the State of California. Supervisor Newsom presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030820 |
[Accept and Expend Gift] |
Resolution authorizing the Director of Planning to accept and expend a gift in the amount of $150,000 from the Jessie Square Garage Partners, LLC, an affiliate of Millennium Partners, for purposes of the gift. Supervisor Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030821 |
[Stop Sign Designation - Greenwich and Powell Streets] |
Resolution urging the installation of four-way Stop signs at the intersection of Greenwich and Powell Streets. Supervisor Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030833 |
[Senate Bill 1005] |
Resolution urging the California State Legislature to Pass SB 1005: The Safe Ratios Enforcement Act. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030834 |
[Commending Bernard Osher Foundation] |
Resolution commending the Bernard Osher Foundation for awarding $350,000 in grant funds to the Friends and Foundation of the San Francisco Library for the Branch Library Project. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030836 |
[OMI Family Center] |
Resolution urging the Mayor to preserve mental health services within the City and County of San Francisco and services at the OMI Family Center in the face of the upcoming budget crisis. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030789 |
[Children and Families Commission Annual Budget, FY 2003-04] |
Resolution approving the Annual Budget of the Children and Families Commission of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2003-2004. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030828 |
[Housing Element of General Plan] |
Resolution requesting that the Planning Department give the highest priority to completion of environmental review for the revision of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
Requests for Hearing
030805 |
[Recreation and Park Department] |
Hearing for the purpose of allowing the Recreation and Park Department to present its status on:
(a) Placing the Significant Natural Resource Areas Management Plan online for interested neighborhood and park groups and individuals to have access to the information as requested by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in File No. 021264, Resolution No. 609-02; and (b) Assisting the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Natural Areas Program (NAPCAC) in its activities until after a new management plan is developed and approved as requested, provided by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in File No. 021260, Resolution No. 653-02. Supervisor Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the May 29, 2003 meeting. |
030806 |
[SFPD School Resource Officer Program] |
Hearing regarding the School Resource Officer Program of the San Francisco Police Department. Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030807 |
[Workforce Planning] |
Hearing to consider the ramifications of anticipated large-scale retirements of public sector employees in the City and County of San Francisco in the coming years, and discussion of planning strategy to effectively address City and Country workforce needs for the future. Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030791 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2003-04] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for the San Francisco Airport for fiscal year 2003-2004. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030790 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2003-04] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for Child Support Services, Department of Building Inspection, and the Retirement System for fiscal year 2003-2004. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030826 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2003-04] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for the Rent Arbitrtion Board, Port, General City Responsibility for fiscal year 2003-2004. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030827 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2003-04] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for the Public Utilities Commission for fiscal year 2003-2004. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030792 |
[Needle Exchange Emergency] |
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
030809 |
[Legislative Analyst Request] |
Motion requesting the Office of the Legislative Analyst (OLA) to compare and contrast how Public Guardian Offices in other major counties accommodate hospitals wanting to refer their clients for probate/Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) conservatorships. In addition, the OLA should review whether these counties have contracts with hospitals to "fast track" discharged patients. Supervisor Ma presented. ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors. Scheduled for Board consideration May 13, 2003. Supervisor Ma requests an in-depth report to be delivered as promptly as possible. |
030818 |
[Directing the Budget Analyst to Conduct a Management Audit of the Controller's Office] |
Motion amending the Schedule of Audits for the Budget Analyst and directing the Budget Analyst to conduct a management audit of the Controller's Office on a priority basis Supervisors Hall, Gonzalez, Ammiano, Dufty, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
Charter Amendment
030802 |
[Charter Amendment - Controller to assess the City's maintenance of streets/parks and delivery of other services to the public] |
Charter amendment (First Draft) to amend section 3.105 and add Appendix F to require the Controller to assess the City's maintenance of streets and parks and delivery of other services to the public. Supervisor Hall presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. |
030812 |
[Charter Amendment - Controller to assess the City's maintenance of streets/parks and delivery of other services to the public] |
Charter amendment (First Draft) to amend section 3.105 and add Appendix F to require the Controller to assess the City's maintenance of streets and parks and delivery of other services to the public. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. |
030660 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Carmi L. Johnson] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Carmi L. Johnson against the City and County of San Francisco for $85,000; the lawsuit was filed on March 2, 2001 in United States District Court, Northern District, Case No. C01-0904 SBA; entitled Carmi L. Johnson v. City and County of San Francisco, Roland Chen, Therese Madden; other material terms of said settlement are: 1. PUC to redistribute policies regarding prevention of harassment and retaliation; 2. City to provide contact individual at City Department of Human Resources for future EEO issues. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
030691 |
[Settlement of Legal Proceeding] |
Ordinance approving the settlement of a claim flied by the City and County San Francisco in the bankruptcy entitled In re Metricom, Inc., United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. 01-53291-ASW. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
030703 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Sherri Cytanovich] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Sherri Cytanovich against the City and County of San Francisco for $100,000; the lawsuit was filed on December 8, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 401-091; entitled Sherri Cytanovich, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT. Heard in committee. Speaker: Ted Lakey, Deputy City Attorney. To Board as a committee report 5/13/03. |
030747 |
[Fee Schedule Amendments - Planning Department] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by amending Chapter 31, Article IV to increase fees for services. (Planning Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030748 |
[Fee Schedule Amendments - Planning Department] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by amending Article 3.5 to increase fees for services. (Planning Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget Committee. |
030692 |
[Accept- Expend Proposition 13 Grant] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1 million from the Proposition 13 account for the removal of Niles and Sunol dams. (Public Utilities Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. |
030693 |
[Prevailing Wage Rates] |
Resolution fixing the prevailing wage rates for workers in public off-street parking lots, garages, or storage facilities for automobiles on property owned or leased by the City. (Civil Service Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. |
030745 |
[Settlement of Claim - Thomas W. Westwood] |
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed on February 7, 2002 by Thomas W. Westwood against the City and County of San Francisco. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
030746 |
[Mental health services to HIV positive women and their adult family members amendment 2] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, HIV Mental Health Program at the Center for Special Problems (SFDPH, CSP) to enter retroactively into an agreement, Amendment Number 2, in an additional amount of $30,000 with The Regents of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the primary contractor, to provide outpatient mental health services to women who have HIV and their adult family members, for the period of August 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003. (Public Health Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. Department requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the May 15, 2003 meeting. |