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July 8, 2003

City and County of San Francisco

City and County of San Francisco seal

Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
July 8, 2003


Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor


031193 [Historic District Street Signs]
Ordinance adding Traffic Code Section 8 to require that the Department of Parking and Traffic provide information indicating the designated historic district on all street signs located within a historic district. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031194 [Recreation and Park Commission to procure construction and design/build services in connection with the California Academy of Sciences project]
Ordinance authorizing the Recreation and Park Commission to award contracts for construction and/or design/build services in connection with the reconstruction of the California Academy of Sciences. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. Companion Files 031197, 031198
031195 [Memorandum of Understanding re PERS Contract Amendment]
Ordinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Municipal Executives' Association regarding the amendment of the contract with the Public Employees' Retirement System to provide the County's Sheriffs with the retirement benefits known as 3% @ 55. (Mayor) Mayor, Supervisor Sandoval presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.


031196 [CitiStat technology system]
Resolution urging the Department of Telecommunications and Information Services to investigate the feasibility of implementing a CitiStat technology system for the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisors Newsom, Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
031197 [California Academy of Sciences Project Approval]
Resolution approving the construction of the California Academy of Sciences project in Golden Gate Park pursuant to section 4.113 of the San Francisco Charter; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the project is consistent with the city's general plan, the Golden Gate Park master plan, and eight priority policies of city Planning Code section 101.1. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. Companion Files 031194, 031198
031198 [CEQA Findings in Connection with the California Academy of Sciences Project]
Resolution affirming the Planning Commission's certification of the California Academy of Sciences Final Environmental Impact and adopting environmental findings (and a statement of overriding considerations) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, State Guidelines, and Administrative Code Chapter 31 in connection with the California Academy of Sciences project. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee. Companion Files 031194, 031197
031199 [Reappointment of Sunil Daluvoy to the Telecommunications Commission]
Resolution confirming the reappointment of Sunil Daluvoy to the Telecommunications Commission, term ending July 1, 2006. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031200 [Reappointment of Kimberlee Bogen to the Telecommunications Commission]
Resolution confirming the reappointment of Kimberlee Bogen to the Telecommunications Commission, term ending July 1, 2006. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031202 [Sublease Amendment with the John Stewart Company related to Treasure Island Housing]
Resolution approving and authorizing the Executive Director for the Treasure Island Development Authority to enter into an amendment to a sublease with the John Stewart Company to change the premises, to adjust the rent schedule and to adjust the development fee. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031203 [Sublease Amendment with Community Housing Partnership for Treasure Island Housing]
Resolution approving and authorizing the Executive Director for the Treasure Island Development Authority to enter into an amendment to a sublease with Community Housing Partnership to amend the premises to include six additional housing units. (Mayor) Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031207 [Commending GAPA's (Gay Asian Pacific Alliance)] "Runway 15]
Resolution commending GAPA's (Gay Asian Pacific Alliance) "Runway 15". Supervisor Dufty presented. ADOPTED.
031208 [Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Jordan Apartments]
Resolution approving (1) a ground lease of land at 820 O'Farrell Street (Assessor's Block 0716, Lot 003) from the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to Jordan Housing Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("JHC"), for $1.00 per year plus $129,999 per year of deferred rent for sixty-five (65) years with an option to renew for an additional thirty-four (34) years, and (2) the sale of improvements thereon for $2,050,000 to JHC for the purpose of rehabilitating, owning and operating housing for very low income households. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors. SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. Board to sit as a Committee of the Whole on July 29, 2003, at 3:00 p.m.
031216 [Authorizing the Japantown Task Force, Inc. to directly apply for and receive SB 307 funds]
Resolution authorizing the Japantown Task Force, Inc. to directly apply for and receive SB 307 funds and to prepare the specific plan and be the community planning entity for San Francisco's Japantown, as defined in SB 307. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031217 [Urging the San Francisco Fire Department to provide a written plan to ensure 24-hour service to all residents of Districts 7 and 11 served by Engine 33]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Fire Department to provide a written plan to ensure 24-hour service to all residents of Districts 7 and 11 served by Engine 33 during the seismic retrofitting of Station 33 as well as assuring the residents of the re-opening of the station after the retrofit. Supervisor Hall presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031218 [Supporting Assembly Bills 906, 121, and 471 to prohibit cruise ships pollution]
Resolution supporting Assembly Bills 906, 121 and 471 to prohibit cruise ship pollution in California. Supervisors Daly, Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031219 [Urging San Francisco Fire Department to keep Engine 33 operational and its crew intact during the seismic retrofitting of Station 33]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Fire Department to keep Engine 33 operational and its crew intact during the seismic retrofitting of Station 33. Supervisors Sandoval, Gonzalez, McGoldrick, Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031220 [Recognizing the Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag]
Resolution recognizing the Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag as the symbol of the Vietnamese American community. Supervisors Ma, Daly, Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031221 [Proclaiming August 2003 as Child Support Awareness Month]
Resolution proclaiming August 2003 as Child Support Awareness Month in the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Maxwell presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031222 [Commending MSNBC]
Resolution commending MSNBC for firing Michael Savage for anti-gay comments. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031223 [Recognize, commend and honor Enid Ng Lim]
Resolution to recognize, commend and honor Enid Ng Lim for her lifetime of civic and community service. Supervisors Dufty, Ma, Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031224 [Honoring the 150th anniversary of the Archdiocese of San Francisco]
Resolution commending and honoring the 150th anniversary of the Archdiocese of San Francisco on July 29, 2003. Supervisor Hall presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031225 [Apply For-State/Regional Grant]
Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to apply for a grant in the amount of $864,000 from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for the purpose of implementing programs to improve air quality. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031111 [Reauthorizing the Sales and Use Tax for Transportation]
Resolution approving a New Transportation Expenditure Plan and calling and providing for a special election to be held on November 4, 2003, to be consolidated with the General Municipal Election already scheduled for November 4, 2003, for the purpose of submitting to the voters an ordinance amending Sections 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1408, 1413, 1414, and 1415 of, and adding Section 1419 to, Article 14 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code of the City and County of San Francisco so as to (1) authorize implementation of a New Transportation Expenditure Plan, directing the transactions and use tax ("sales and use tax") revenues to specific transportation improvements over the next 30 years and making provisions for the adoption of future expenditure plan updates; (2) continue collection of the sales and use tax at the existing level of one-half of one percent during implementation of the New Transportation Expenditure Plan and its updates; (3) continue in effect the San Francisco County Transportation Authority as the independent agency to administer the tax and oversee implementation of the projects; (4) authorize the San Francisco County Transportation Authority to issue limited tax bonds as needed, in a total outstanding aggregate amount not to exceed $1,880,000,000 and which is payable from the revenue generated hereunder; (5) approve the California Constitution Article XIII B Appropriations Limit of $485,175,000; (6) forbid the enjoining of collection of the tax; and (7) make recipient departments responsible for certifying that the tax revenues will not be substituted for property tax funds for existing programs. Supervisors Daly, Gonzalez, Ammiano, Peskin, Dufty, Maxwell, Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Daly submitted a substitute resolution bearing new title. ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Companion File 031120

Requests for Hearing

031205 [Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee]
Hearing requesting for the Juvenile Advisory Committee to present their findings. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031206 [Community Land Trust Task Force]
Hearing to allow members of Community Land Trust Task Force, members of the San Francisco Community Land Trust Collaborative and other interested parties to present information on the community land trust model as a potential addition to the City's affordable housing strategy. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031209 [Hearing - Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Jordan Apartments]
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed resolution approving (1) a ground lease of land at 820 O'Farrell Street (Assessor's Block 0716, Lot 003) from the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to Jordan Housing Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("JHC"), for $1.00 per year plus $129,999 per year of deferred rent for sixty-five (65) years with an option to renew for an additional thirty-four (34) years, and (2) the sale of improvements thereon for $2,050,000 to JHC for the purpose of rehabilitating, owning and operating housing for very low income households. (Clerk of the Board) . SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. Board to sit as a Committee of the Whole July 29, 2003, at 3:00 p.m.


031191 [Needle Exchange Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031201 [California Environmental Quality Act Findings]
Motion adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act in connection with approval of a New Transportation Expenditure Plan and Sales Tax Reauthorization. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Sponsor requests this item be considered on July 23 Committee meeting. Companion File 031111
031204 [Legislative Analyst Request]
Motion requesting the Legislative Analyst to describe current public restroom requirements for business of various sizes and uses for San Francisco and other major cities. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors.

Charter Amendments

030681 [Charter Amendment-Ethics provisions to move various provisions into ordinances, to enact new provisions, to make technical changes, and to clarify ambiguities in existing provisions]
Charter amendment (Fifth Draft) to amend Sections 4.108, 4.109, 15.100, 15.103, 15.105, 16.118 and Article XVII, deleting Sections 15.104, 15.106, 15.108, C8.105 and adding Section 18.115 and Appendix Sections C9.101, C9.102, C9.103, C9.104, C9.105, C9.106, C9.107, C9.108, C9.109, C9.110, C9.111, C9.112, C9.113, C9.114, C9.115, C9.116, C9.117, C9.118, C9.119, C9.120, C9.121, C9.122, C9.123, C9.124, C9.125, C9.126 and C9.127 to enact new conflict of interest provisions, to make technical changes, to move various provisions into ordinances, and to clarify existing provisions. Supervisor Ammiano presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Ammiano submitted a substitute bearing new title. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE. AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE. Heard in committee. Speakers: Ginny Vida, Ethics Commission; Nancy Chin; Winchell Hayward; Ted Lakey, Deputy City Attorney. 6/19/03 Amendment of the whole bearing new title. DIVIDED. File 030681 was amended (into a third draft) then divided. This amendment was then continued to June 26, 2003. The divided portion was created anew as File 031147 (as a first draft). CONTINUED AS DIVIDED. AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. Heard in committee. Speakers: Supervisor Ammiano; Ginny Vida, Ethics Commission; Ted Lakey, Deputy City Attorney; Karin Carlson, Mayor's Office; Chad Jacobs, Deputy City Attorney; Bob Planthold, Ethics Commission; Michael Garcia, Ethics Commission; Mabel Eng, Ethics Commission; Nancy Chin; Chris O'Ryan; Female Speaker; Mark Soloman; Sylvia Johnson; Herb Meiberger; Mike McMann.
030855 [Charter Amendment - Early retirement benefits to employees in classifications identified for layoffs due to the City's fiscal crisis]
Charter amendment (Third Draft) to add Sections A8.401 and A8.522 to provide early retirement benefits to eligible employees. (Mayor) . ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. CONTINUED. Heard in committee. Speakers: None. Continued to June 25, 2003. AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. Heard in committee. Speakers: Steve Kawa, Mayor's Office; Michele Modena. 6/25/03 Amendment of the whole bearing same title. Continued to July 2, 2003. CONTINUED. RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT. Heard in committee. Speakers: Steve Kawa, Mayor's Office; Clare Murphy, Retirement Department; Antoinette Cavillary. 7/2/03 Recommended as a committee report. AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. CONTINUED AS AMENDED.
030857 [Charter Amendment - Retirement Benefits for District Attorneys, Public Defenders and Public Defender Investigators]
Charter amendment (Third Draft) to add Appendix A8.583 relating to retirement benefits for attorneys in the District Attorney's and Public Defender's offices and Public Defender Investigators. Supervisors Gonzalez, Sandoval presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. Heard in committee. Speakers: John Dwyer; Dan Maguire, Deputy City Attorney. 6/18/03 Amendment of the whole bearing same title. Continued to June 25, 2003. CONTINUED AS AMENDED. CONTINUED. Heard in committee. Speakers: None. Continued to July 2, 2003. RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT. Heard in committee. Speakers: Ted Lakey, Deputy City Attorney; Jim Andrews; Mike Farrah, Aide to Supervisor Newsom. 7/2/03 Recommended as a committee report "Without recommendation.". AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. CONTINUED AS AMENDED. Continued to July 15, 2003 with the Board Sitting as a Committee of the Whole.


031120 [Contracting Out Airport Information Booth Services]
Resolution approving the Controller’s Certification that Airport Information Booth Services at San Francisco International Airport can practically be performed by private contractor at a lower cost than if work were performed by City employees at currently budgeted. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. RECOMMENDED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Ed Harrington, Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst.
031121 [Contracting Out Shuttle Bus Service]
Resolution approving the Controller’s certification that shuttle bus service for San Francisco International Airport’s Long-Term Parking Lot, the employee garage and surface Lot DD can practically be performed by private contractor at a lower cost than if work were performed by City and County employees. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. RECOMMENDED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Ed Harrington, Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst.
031122 [Modification to the Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management Services for the AirTrain System at SFO]
Resolution approving Modification No. 8, the Close-out Modification, of Professional Services Agreement for Contract No. 5700CM – Construction Management Services for the AirTrain System with PGH Wong Engineering/Luster Construction Management, in the amount of $650,000, for a new total contract amount of $33,497,367. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. RECOMMENDED. Heard in Committee. Speaker: Ivar Satero, Airport Commission.
031123 [Explore the effects of antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on cancer incidence in persons with AIDS]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, AIDS Office (SFDPH, AIDS) to accept and expend retroactively a grant in the amount of $85,335 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to explore the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on cancer incidence in persons with AIDS and to enter into an agreement for the use of these fu nds; for the period of May 1, 2003, to October 31, 2004. (Public Health Department) Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
031124 [Laundry Services At San Francisco General Hospital]
Resolution concurring with the Controller’s certification that the laundry services can be performed for the Department of Public Health, San Francisco General Hospital by private contractor for a lower cost than similar work performed by City and County employees. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031125 [Services for indigent patients at the S.F. General Hospital Trauma Center]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco County EMS Agency (SFDPH) to accept retroactively and expend a one year grant in the amount of $587,034 from the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (CEMSA) to support the Trauma Center at San Francisco General Hospital and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003. (Public Health Department) Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
031165 [STOP Intersections]
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections.

38th Avenue and Irving Street, stopping Irving Street at 38th Avenue, making this an all-way STOP; 22nd Avenue and Ortega Street, stopping Ortega Street at 22nd Avenue, making this an all-way STOP; and 21st Avenue and Irving Street, stopping Irving Street at 21st Avenue, making this an all-way STOP. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031166 [Traffic Regulations, Various Streets]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets.

19th Avenue, northbound, at Junipero Serra Boulevard.

Guttenberg Street, between Hanover and Mission Streets.

7th Avenue, northbound, at Lawton Street. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031167 [Parking Regulations, Various Locations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.

4th Street, west side, from Minna Street to 150 feet southerly (150-foot Taxi Zone).

4th Street, southbound, from 150 feet south of Minna Street to Howard Street.

Howard Street, north side, from 120 feet to 445 feet west of 4th Street (325-foot white zone).

Howard Street, north side, from 4th Street to 120 feet westerly.

Howard Street, north side, from 445 feet to 570 feet west of 4th Street (125-foot zone).

Minna Street, south side, from 4th Street to 615 feet westerly.

Minna Street, south side, from 230 feet west of 4th Street to 385 feet westerly (385-foot zone).

Turk Street, south side, from Divisadero Street to 95 feet westerly.

Shrader Street, both sides, between Haight and Page Streets.

7th Avenue, east side, from 40 feet to 180 feet north of Lawton Street.

Funston Avenue, west side, between Clement Street and Geary Boulevard (300 block).

14th Avenue, east side, between Clement Street and Geary Boulevard.

Cesar Chavez Street south side, from 200 feet to 295 feet east of Kansas Street (in front of 2323 Cesar Chavez Street); and
Cesar Chavez Street, south side, from 402 feet to 638 feet east of Kansas Street (in front of 2323 Cesar Chavez Street).

Turk Street, north side, between Buchanan and Laguna Streets;
Laguna Street, west side, between Eddy and Turk Streets;
Eddy Street, both sides, between Buchanan and Laguna Streets; and
Larch Way, both sides, between Buchanan and Laguna Streets.
Note: Larch Way is a private drive within the Yerba Buena Plaza East Housing Development that will not be signed, but residents will be eligible for permits.

Church Street, both sides, between 26th and Clipper Streets (1300 block).

2600 Block of Harrison Street, east side, from 23rd Street to a point 187 feet south of 22nd Street (approximately 20 feet south of existing bicycle lane)

Ritch Street, east side, from 92 feet to 131 feet north of Brannan Street; and
Ritch Street, east side, from 165 feet to 196 feet north of Brannan Street.

Jamestown Avenue, south side, between Ingalls and Redondo Streets.

Northern end of 20th Avenue, north of Lake Street, from west curb to 20 feet easterly (two spaces perpendicular to terminus). (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031168 [Develop placement alternatives for African-American individuals residing in Institutions for Mental Disease]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Behavioral Health Services (SFDPH, BHS) to accept and expend retroactively a grant in the amount of $399,444 from the California Department of Mental Health (CDMH) to develop model strategies and protocols for African-Americans institutionalized for mental disease; for the period of June 16, 2003, to June 30, 2004. (Public Health Department) Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. Department requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the June 26, 2003 meeting.
031169 [Reimbursable Professional Services Agreement with Siemens Dematic Group]
Resolution approving the Reimbursable Professional Services Agreement with Siemens Dematic Group for the project management and construction management services in the estimated amount of $2,160,000. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031170 [Airport Lease with U.S. Government for office space]
Resolution approving a Lease with the U.S. Government for office space to be occupied by the Transportation Security Administration at the International Terminal. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031187 [Petitions and Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from June 17, 2003 through June 30, 2003, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on July 8, 2003.

From Department of Public Health, submitting the 2003 Title XV evaluation report for each detention facility in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (1)

From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report on barriers to residential housing development in San Francisco; and suggesting possible course of action the Board of Supervisors could take to overcome them. (2)

From Abdallah Megahed, commenting on how some aspects of the San Francisco homeless program is administered. (3)

From Office of the Sheriff, submitting report on the impact of proposed budget cuts in the Sheriff's Department 2003-04 budget on employment and services to the public, specifically considering the impact of women and minority members of the public. File 030530 (4)

From SF International Airport, submitting invitation to members of the Board of Supervisors to the National Oceanic ad Atmospheric Administration Panel on June 25, 2003 at the Herbst Theater in the War Memorial Building. Copy: Each Supervisor (5)

From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest: (6)
Julia Lin
Christine Gasparac
David Owen
Jim Dorenkott
Wade Crowfoot

From Ethics Commission, submitting proposed amendments to the City's Electronic Filing Ordinance. File 030994, Copy: Rules Committee (7)

From Department of Human Services, regarding the Mayor's fund for the homeless. (8)

From Law Offices of Stephen Williams, submitting request for continuance of hearing approving Conditional Use on property located at 40-50 Lansing Street (a.k.a. 33 Guy Place). File 031037 (9)

From Office of the Controller, submitting list of vehicles summarized at the department level that contains the count and cost for all types of passenger and heavy vehicle equipment budgeted for purchase in fiscal year 2003-04. Copy: Supervisors Ma, Dufty (10)

From Employees' Retirement System, submitting revisions presented in the sixth draft of proposed Charter amendment regarding retirement benefits for miscellaneous safety employees. File 020938 (11)

From Department of Child Support Services, regarding risk management practices within the Department of Child Support Services. (Reference No. 20030325-090) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (12)

From Governor's Office of Emergency Services, submitting notice of grant application for State Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $771,317.00. (13)

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to install parking meters in Golden Gate Park. Copy: Budget Committee (14)

From Department of Public Health, submitting report regarding hazardous materials dated June 13, 2003. (15)

From Treasure Island Development Authority, regarding State and Federal grants awarded to the Treasure Island Development Authority in the past few years. (Reference No. 2003422-008) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (16)

From Isaac Lee, submitting request for a Type 48 liquor license for the purpose of operating a public lounge/bar establishment at 447 Broadway. (17)

From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants' signatures with respect to 3725 Buchanan Street (a.k.a. 3727 Buchanan Street) represent owners of more than 20% of the area involved and is therefore sufficient for appeal. File 030956 (18)

From Department of Public Works, regarding Minor Sidewalk Encroachment permit for a new irrigation system at 201 Raccoon Drive. (19)

From Office of the Controller, regarding authorization for the San Francisco Finance Corporation to issue lease revenue bonds. File 030983 (20)

From Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, submitting list of all sole source contracts entered into during the past fiscal year. (21)

From Private Industry Council, regarding State and Federal grants awarded to the Private Industry Council in the past year. (Reference No. 20030422-012) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (22)

From James Chaffee, submitting recent article published by Sue Cauthen on the subject of the San Francisco Public Library administrator's attitudes toward "modernization" of our branch libraries. Copy: Each Supervisor (23)

From Office of the Controller, regarding request to Controller to transfer $2.5 million from the Department of Building Inspection to the Planning Department for items including but not limited to the implementation of the CEQA process for community-based planning initiatives. (Reference No. 20030408-007) Copy: Supervisors Dufty, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Ammiano, Ma and Newsom (24)

From the Sierra Club, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Gonzalez regarding conversation with Secretary of State Kevin Shelley about the implementation of instant runoff voting in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (25)

From Shirley Yu, submitting request for a street name change for Kearney Street, particularly the part that runs through Chinatown because Denis Kearny was a politician who was anti-Chinese. (26)

From Leila Fakouri, submitting request for a Type 48-liquor license for Madrone Lounge, LLC, a new art gallery, located at 500 Divisadero Street. (27)

From Employees' Retirement System, concerning proposed Charter amendment on Early Retirement Benefits. File 030855, Copy: Rules Committee (28)

From Office of the Controller, submitting a review of the Mayor's fiscal year 2003-04 proposed budget. Copy: Budget Committee, Each Supervisor (29)

From Lucretia Rauh, submitting some suggestions that might mitigate or eliminate lack of parking in San Francisco. (30)

From the Bilingual Community Advocate Group, submitting copy of letters sent to various public officials regarding the San Francisco Housing Authority. (31)

From Mary Harris, concerning OMI-Neighbors in Action opposition to closure of Fire Station 33 in the OMI neighborhood .
Last updated: 9/10/2014 10:13:31 AM