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August 26, 2003

City and County of San Francisco

City and County of San Francisco seal

Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
August 26, 2003


Intorduced by Supervisors or Mayor


031497 [Extending deadlines by ten days for scheduling and/or deciding appeals under Planning Code Section 308.1 when the Board does not conduct at least three regular meetings during a deadline period]
Ordinance amending San Francisco Planning Code Section 308.1 to extend deadlines by ten days, from 30 days to 40 days, for scheduling and/or deciding appeals under Section 308.1 when the Board of Supervisors does not conduct at least three regular meetings during a deadline period. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031501 [Findings as to the need to regulate formula retail uses in the Hayes-Gough NCD and in the NC Cluster Districts at Cole and Carl Streets and Parnassus and Stanyan Streets regarding formula retail uses]
Ordinance to amend the Planning Code by adding section 703.3 and by amending section 182 to make findings as to the need to regulate formula retail uses, to define formula retail uses, prohibit formula retail uses in the Hayes-Gough Neighborhood Commercial District and in the Neighborhood Commercial Cluster Districts at Cole and Carl Streets and Parnassus and Stanyan Streets, to require any building permit application for a formula retail use to comply with the notice and design review procedures of section 312 of the Planning Code, to provide that the burden to prove that a use is not a formula retail use rests with the building permit applicant or holder, and to provide that nonconforming uses in Residential Districts which are seeking to change in use to retail sales activity or retail sales establishment which is also a formula retail use must comply with the provisions of Section 703.3, and making findings of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1 and the General Plan. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use Committee.
031502 [Reduce Members of Lead Hazard Reduction Citizens Advisory Committee From 20 to 14]
Ordinance amending section 1608 of the San Francisco Health Code to reduce the number of voting members in the Lead Hazard Reduction Citizen Advisory Committee from 20 to 14 members by eliminating seats for the affordable housing developers, financial expert, parent, and child care representatives, reducing the number of paint contractor representatives from two to one and reducing the number of tenant representatives from three to two. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031503 [New administrative debarment procedure]
Ordinance adding a new Chapter 28 to the San Francisco Administrative Code to establish a City-wide administrative debarment procedure; amending Chapter 6 of the Administrative Code to reflect the adoption of the new Chapter 28. Supervisor Peskin presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.
031505 [Recreation and Park - Yacht Harbor Fees]
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending the San Francisco Park Code by repealing Section 12.11 and adopting a new Section 12.11 to increase current fees and add additional rental and services fees at the San Francisco Small Craft Yacht Harbor. Supervisor Newsom presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031506 [Appropriate funding for the sale of school bond proceeds for capital improvement projects on various school facilities]
Ordinance appropriating $29,480,000 of school bond proceeds for capital improvement projects on various school facilities, cost of issuance, and other related costs for the San Francisco Unified School District for fiscal year 2003-04. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.


031498 [Authorizing issuance/sale of bond refunding the City and County of San Francisco Settlement Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 (Business Tax Judgment)]
Resolution authorizing and directing the sale of not to exceed $50,500,000 City and County of San Francisco Refunding Settlement Obligation Bonds, Series 2003-R1; prescribing the form and terms of said bonds, authorizing the execution, authentication and registration of said bonds; providing for an annual appropriation to pay the principal and interest thereof; providing for the appointment of depositories and other agents for said bonds; providing for the establishment of accounts related thereto; approving the form of the Official Notice of Sale and the Notice of the Intention to Sell Bonds; approving the form and execution of the Official Statement relating thereto; approving the form of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate; approving the form of the Refunding Instructions; approving modifications to the documents approved herein; ratifying certain actions previously taken; and granting general authority to City officials to take necessary actions in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of said bonds. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031499 [Municipal Transportation Agency Leverage Lease Financing]
Resolution authorizing one or more lease-to-service contract transactions with respect to up to 21 Breda light rail cars; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Participation Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the lease-to-service contract transaction relating to the rail cars; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Head Lease Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the rail cars will be leased to a trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Head Lease Supplement supplementing the terms and conditions pursuant to which specific rail cars will be leased to the trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Sublease Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the trust will lease the rail cars back to the City to be operated and maintained by the City; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Sublease Supplement supplementing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will lease back the rail cars from the trust; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Payment Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide for the payment of a portion of the sublease rent; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Equity Collateral Security Agreement and a Custody Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide for a custody account to hold, and a security interest in, certain securities for the payment of a portion of the sublease rent and the purchase option purchase price if the purchase option is or is deemed exercised; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Support and Access Agreement providing the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City will provide the trust support and access to certain property if the City chooses not to exercise the purchase option; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Agreement for Assignment on Default which will provide the lender to the trust with an option to purchase, and take an assignment of the equity investor’s beneficial interest in the trust estate upon the occurrence of certain events ; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Tax Indemnification Agreement providing the terms and conditions under which the City will indemnify under certain circumstances the equity investor for income inclusions or losses of tax benefits; approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Insurance and Indemnity Agreement providing the terms and conditions under which the City will indemnify the strip surety provider; approving indemnification of various parties; acknowledging the waiver of the City’s right to jury trial under certain circumstances; acknowledging proposed waiver requests pursuant to Sections 12B.5-1(d) and 12C.5-1(d) of the San Francisco Administrative Code; finding that the lease-to-service contract transaction is designed to reduce the amount or duration of payment or similar risk to the City or enhance the relationship between risk and return with respect to investments made pursuant to or in connection with such transaction; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of any document necessary to implement this Resolution; authorizing the execution and delivery of documents in conforming sets for the equity investor; ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Resolution; and related matters. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031500 [Assembly Bill 1217]
Resolution commending California State Legislators for passage of Assembly Bill 1217 and urging the Governor's signature. Supervisor Peskin presented. ADOPTED.
031504 [Accept - Expend Federal Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Port of San Francisco to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $3,475,000 from the United States Transportation Security Administration for the purpose of enhancing facility and operational security at the Port's cruise, ferry and cargo terminals. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031507 [Accept-Expend Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Director of Emergency Services to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $771,317 from the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for emergency equipment, exercises, and planning. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
031512 [Extension of SRO Hotel Safety and Stabilization Task Force]
Resolution extending the operations of the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Hotel Safety and Stabilization Task Force through December 31, 2004. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031513 [Ciaran Ferry]
Resolution urging the Bureau of Customs and Immigration to grant asylum to Ciaran Ferry. Supervisor Daly presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031514 [Authorizing transfer of funds and management oversight from DPW to MOCD]
Resolution authorizing transfer of funds and management oversight from the Department of Public Works to the Mayor's Office of Community Development. Supervisor Gonzalez presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

Request for Hearing

031510 [Continuum of Lesbian Health]
Hearing to consider the wide range of unique health issues affecting the lesbian community across all demographics; to receive information and research findings from the Lesbian Health Research Center of UCSF. Supervisors Dufty, Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.


031496 [Needle Exchange Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
031508 [Amending the Rules of the Board to provide the Office of Legislative Analyst to primarily support the Board of Supervisors' Standing Committees and regional advisory bodies]
Motion amending Rule No. 3.12 to the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors to provide a process that will allow the Office of Legislative Analyst to primarily support the Board of Supervisors’ Standing Committees and regional advisory bodies. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031509 [Legislative Analyst Request - Status of 8 remaining single-screen movie theaters in San Francisco]
Motion requesting the Office of Legislative Analyst to report on the status of 8 remaining single-screen movie theaters in San Francisco and the feasibility of the proposal by Save the Theaters to renovate, rehabilitate and utilize these theaters to create an environment that will help to develop and ultimately expand a purely independent film industry in the City of San Francisco. Supervisor Peskin presented. ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors. Scheduled for Board consideration September 16, 2003.


031383 [Setting San Francisco's fiscal year 2003-2004 property tax rate and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for City and County purposes and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants pursuant to Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the September 17, 2003 meeting.
031388 [Setting San Francisco's Unified School District's FY 2003-2004 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Unified School District’s purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the September 17, 2003 meeting.
031393 [Setting S.F. Community College District's fiscal year 2003-2004 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate]
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Community College District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2004. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the September 17, 2003 meeting.
031425 [Appropriate funding for the Art Commission for municipal symphony concerts using property tax revenue]
Ordinance appropriating $23,273 for the municipal symphony concerts using property tax revenue, pursuant to Charter Section 16.106(1) for the Art Commission for fiscal year 2003-04. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Sponsor requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the September 17, 2003 meeting.
031432 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Arcadia Machine & Tool Inc. et al.]
Ordinance authorizing the partial settlement of the lawsuit filed by the San Francisco City Attorney against certain manufactures, distributors and dealers of firearms, and their trade associations; the settling defendants are Traders Sports, Inc., Southern Ohio Gun Distributors, Ellett Brothers Inc., and MKS Supply Inc.; these settling defendants agree to the entry of stipulated judgments that will reform their firearm distribution practices, and to pay $70,000; the lawsuit was filed on May 25, 1999 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 303-753, and later coordinated with similar actions in the San Diego Superior Court as part of J.C.C.P. 4095; entitled People of the State of California ex rel Herrera et al. v. Arcadia Machine & Tool Inc. et al. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.
031439 [Speed Limit - Potrero Avenue between Brannan and Cesar Chavez Streets]
Ordinance adding Section 174.13 and removing Section 175.07 of the San Francisco Traffic Code to reduce the speed limit from 30-mph to 25-mph on Potrero Avenue between Brannan and Cesar Chavez Streets. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.


031389 [Amending the Redevelopment Agency Budget for Tax Increments in Mission Bay North and South]
Resolution amending the budget of the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2003-2004 to allow the Controller to increase the tax increments distributed to the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with the Tax Increment Allocation Pledge Agreements for Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031390 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1372 Mission Street, for continued use by the Department of Public Health’s Saint James Infirmary and STD Program Research Offices (Real Estate Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031394 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1360 Mission Street, Suite 400, for continued use by the Department of Public Health, Employee Assistance Program. (Real Estate Department) Supervisor Maxwell presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031403 [Lease of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing renewal of a lease of real property at 1360 Mission Street, Suite 401, for continued use by the Department of Public Health, STD Program Administrative Headquarters. (Real Estate Department) Supervisors Ammiano, Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031426 [FY 2003-04 California Constitution Appropriations Limit]
Resolution establishing the appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2003-04 pursuant to California Constitution Article XIII B. (Controller) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031428 [Federal Grant Amendments for Airport Improvement Program]
Resolution authorizing the Airport Commission to accept amendment to grant agreements offered by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) for AIP 16, AIP 17, and AIP 19; and to release grant fund from reserve, in the amount of $1,199,790 under AIP 17. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031434 [Approval of Public Trust Exchange]
Resolution approving an Exchange Agreement with the State Lands Commission that would remove the public trust and Burton Act trust from approximately 22,600 square feet of unimproved real property located on Seawall Lot 330 at the corner of Bryant and Beale Streets, and would place the public trust and Burton Act trust on an approximately 10.34 acre site located between Maryland Street, Cesar Chavez Street, and 24th Street, on the eastern portion of the Western Pacific parcel. (Port) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031435 [Contracting Out City Services]
Resolution retroactively concurring with the Controller’s certification that assistance to certain victims of crime and education in community anti-street violence can be practically performed for the District Attorney’s Victim Witness Assistance Program by a private contract at a lower cost than similar work services performed by City and County employees. (District Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.
031436 [STOP Intersections]
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections.

26th and Diamond Streets, stopping Diamond Street, making this intersection an all-way STOP;
Montecito Avenue and Northwood Drive, stopping Northwood Drive, making this uncontrolled intersection a two-way STOP; and
15th Avenue and Noriega Street, south intersection, stopping southbound 15th Avenue at Noriega Street, making this uncontrolled Y-intersection a one-way STOP. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031437 [Parking Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.

9th Avenue, east side, from Lake Street to the north terminus (legislates existing street conditions);
Diamond Street, west side, from 22nd to 23rd Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Wisconsin Street, both sides, from 19th to 20th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Wisconsin Street, west side, from 20th to 22nd Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Duboce Avenue, north side, from Castro to Divisadero Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, west side, from 16th to Mariposa Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, east side, from Mariposa to 18th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, both sides, from 18th to 19th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Arkansas Street, west side, from 19th to 20th Streets (legislates existing street conditions);
Rhode Island Street, east side, from 20th Street to Mariposa Street (legislates existing street conditions); and
Rhode Island Street, west side, from 19th Street to Mariposa Street (legislates existing street conditions).

Castro Street, east side, from 100 to 230 feet south of Duboce Avenue.

Melrose Avenue, along east terminus, east of Foerster Street (adjacent to Sunnyside Playground).

California Street, north side, from Locust Street to 231 feet easterly (commercial frontage only, up to 3440 California Street)

Farrugut Avenue, north side, from Alemany Boulevard to the western terminus.

18th Street, both sides, between Clover and Douglass Streets (4500 block).

Langton Street, east side, between Folsom and Harrison Streets.

Julian Avenue, both sides, between 15th and 16th Streets.

Rondel Place, both sides, between 16th Street and south terminus. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031438 [Traffic Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets.

Treasure Island Road, both directions, at McCalla Road.

Grant Avenue, northbound, at Pine Street.

Montgomery Street, northbound, at Broadway. (Parking and Traffic Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.
031446 [Report of assessment costs for sidewalk and curb repairs - DPW Order 174,311]
Resolution approving report of assessment costs submitted by the Director of Public Works for sidewalk and curb repairs ordered to be performed by said Director pursuant to Sections 707 and 707.1 of the Public Works Code, the costs thereof having been paid for out of a revolving fund. (Public Works Department) . SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. Scheduled for September 16, 2003, at 4:00 p.m.
031447 [Accept-Expend State Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $25,000 from the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a project that will incorporate recycled tire rubber surfaces in the Golden Gate Concourse Underground Parking Facility. (Environment) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
Last updated: 9/10/2014 10:27:10 AM