Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by adding Section 249.23 to create the Fourth and Freelon Streets Special Use District encompassing the property zoned Service Light Industrial and bounded by Fourth Street, Freelon Street, Zoe Street and Welsh Street and by adding Section 263.16 to create special height and bulk exceptions for the Fourth and Freelon Streets Special Use District, which would allow previously approved but unbuilt live/work units to convert to market-rate residential units and additional market-rate residential units to be constructed with an allowable increase in height from 50" to 85" and a dwelling unit density governed by the permissible building envelope; provided that (i) the developer shall construct at the developer"s sole expense, on land owned or purchased by the developer in either the South of Market Area or the North of Market Residential Special Use District, off-site affordable rental housing with square footage equal to 15% of the total residential units to be constructed offset by the cost of land acquisition, with a minimum of 56 units constructed of no less than 400 square feet each, (ii) the units shall be rental units affordable to low- and lower income households with income not exceeding 40% of San Francisco"s median income, which shall remain affordable for 55 years or for the life of the building whichever is longer, and (iii) upon completion, the affordable housing development shall be owned, managed and operated by a nonprofit housing organization with reversion to the City if the nonprofit housing organization is dissolved. Supervisor Daly presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Commerce Committee. 4/12/02 - Transmitted to Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation. TRANSFERRED to Finance Committee. RESPONSE RECEIVED. (From Planning Department, Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report, dated November 7, 2002) CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Sue Hestor; Theodore Lakey, Deputy City Attorney; Supervisor McGoldrick; Gabriel Metcalf, Deputy Director, SPUR and Housing Action Coalition; Antoinetta Stadlman; Randy Shaw, Tenderloin Housing Clinic; Joe O"Donohue; Alice Barkley, Attorney for Property Owner; Sam Dodge, Central City SRO Collaborative; Ernest Bush; Mark Ellinger, Central City SRO Collaborative; Oscar McKinney; Joanna Hagerty; Delphine Brody, Tenant Advocate, Mental Health Association; Otto Duffy, Tom Waddell Health Center Advisory Board; Orville Luster, Executive Director, Youth for Service; Thomas LeRoux, President of Board, Youth for Service; Samuel Devore, Metropolitan Fresh Start Drug Rehab. Project; Mary Rogers; Lucian Blazej, Strategic Solutions; Joe Cassidy, Project Sponsor; Manny Flores, Carpenters Union, Local 22; |