City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
July 25, 2006
Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor
061068 |
[Time limits for Landmarks Board and Planning Commission review of proposed landmarks and historic districts] |
Ordinance amending Planning Code Sections 1004.2 and 1004.3 to provide for time limits for Landmarks Board and Planning Commission review of proposed landmark and historic district designations; and making General Plan and Planning Code Section 101(b) findings. Supervisor Maxwell presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Planning Commission for review and comments. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Maxwell submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title. ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
060892 |
[Revenue Control Equipment requirements for Parking Garages and Lots] |
Ordinance adding Article 22 to the Business and Tax Regulations Code, amending Article 9 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code, and repealing Article 49 of the Police Code, to establish revenue control equipment functionality and business practices requirements for purposes of Parking Tax collection and consumer protection, to establish penalties for violation, to require that parking garage and lot operators certify concurrent with payment of Parking Taxes their use of revenue control equipment that meets those requirements, and establishing a limited Parking Tax amnesty program. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Budget and Finance Committee. 06/28/06 - Referred to the Small Business Commission for review and comment. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor McGoldrick submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title. ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061108 |
[Zoning-Creating the Fringe Financial Service Restricted Use District and Related Zoning Map Amendments] |
Ordinance amending Section 249.5 and adding Section 785 to the San Francisco Planning Code to create a noncontiguous Fringe Financial Service Restricted Use District prohibiting new fringe financial services, as defined, with certain exceptions; adding Section 790.111 to the San Francisco Planning Code to define a Fringe Financial Service Use; amending San Francisco Planning Code Section 312(c) to require certain notice in Neighborhood Commercial Districts; amending San Francisco Planning Code Sections 710 through 730 to add Fringe Financial Service Use to the Neighborhood Commercial District Zoning Control Tables; amending Sectional Maps Numbers 1SU, 2SU, 6SU, 7SU, 8SU, and 10SU of Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco to indicate the boundaries of the Fringe Financial Service Restricted Use District, and making findings, including environmental findings and findings of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1 and the General Plan. (Treasurer-Tax Collector) Supervisor Ammiano presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
061109 |
[Crestmont Hill Controls] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code by adding Section to create a Crestmont Hill Slope Protection Area and require the Structural Advisory Committee to review and make recommendations on specified permit applications within that area, which is generally bounded on the east by Crestmont Drive and its undeveloped northern extension, on the south along Oak Park to its intersection with Christopher Boulevard, west to Warren Drive, north along Warren Drive to the 6th Avenue and Kirkham Street intersection, and Kirkham Street in an easterly direction to its end at the undeveloped extension of Crestmont Drive, and to require mandatory denial of the permit by the Director of Building Inspector under specified circumstances; amending Section 105.6.2 to specify the composition of the Structural Advisory Committee for permit applications located within the Crestmont Hill Slope Protection Area; amending Building Code Section 106.3.2 to require that the applicant for certain permit applications located within the Crestmont Hill Slope Protection Area provide substantial documentation that there exists sufficient infrastructure to support the proposed residential development and that the proposed emergency access routes meet standards in effect at the time of the application; amending Building Code Section 1701.5 to require special inspections throughout the construction process for sites located within the Crestmont Hill Slope Protection Area. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
061112 |
[Recreation and Park - Farmers' Markets] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Park Code by adding Section 7.21, to authorize Farmers' Markets, as certified by the Agricultural Commissioner, to be located on property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission upon the making of certain findings by the Commission; amending San Francisco Administrative Code Section 9A.3 to authorize the Agricultural Commissioner to work with the Recreation and Park Department to identify suitable sites on property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission upon which to locate Farmers' Markets; and amending San Francisco Administrative Code Section 9A.15 to require Farmer's Market vendors to accept forms of payment provided by participants of federal, state or local food assistance programs. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061116 |
[Department of Emergency Management; Divisions of Emergency Communications and of Emergency Services and Homeland Security; qualifications for Director and Deputy Directors] |
Draft ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code, by amending Section 2A.200, to re-name the "Department of Emergency Communications" as the "Department of Emergency Management," establish Divisions of Emergency Communications and of Emergency Services and Homeland Security within the Department, and set qualifications for the Director and Deputy Directors, and by amending Section 7.7, to substitute the Director of the Department of Emergency Management for the Director of Emergency Services. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
061090 |
[Pruning Standards for Public Trees in the City and County of San Francisco] |
Resolution adopting the Pruning Standards for Trees in the City and County of San Francisco that apply to all those working on public trees, including City and County of San Francisco employees, private contractors, property owners, and residents. Supervisor Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. REFERRED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061110 |
[General Obligation Refunding Bonds] |
Resolution approving the form of and authorizing the distribution of a preliminary official statement relating to the issuance of City and County of San Francisco general obligation refunding bonds and authorizing preparation, execution and delivery of final a official statement; acknowledging the receipt of certain information relating to such refunding bonds; ratifying the approvals and terms and conditions of a previous resolution; and related matters. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061111 |
[Wild parrots of Telegraph Hill - License agreement for tree preservation at 233 Greenwich] |
Resolution approving a license agreement with the owners of 233 Greenwich Street and the Northeast San Francisco Conservancy to allow for the preservation of Monterey Cypress trees that provide habitat for the wild parrots of Telegraph Hill; and authorizing official acts in connection thereto. Mayor, Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061115 |
[Accept and Expend Grant - Sheriff's Department program providing jail diversion opportunities involving integrated mental health services to incarcerated women] |
Resolution authorizing the Sheriff's Department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $397,934 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for providing jail diversion opportunities involving integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment for incarcerated women. Supervisor Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061119 |
[Authority to Expend State Funding-CalHome Grant of $750,000] |
Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco to expend $750,000 in grants from the California Department of Housing and Community Development under the CalHome Mortgage Assistance Program as authorized by and pursuant to Chapter 6 of Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with Section 50650 and implementing regulations to assist low income first time homebuyers with deferred loans to purchase single family residences in the City . Supervisor Elsbernd presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061120 |
[Designation of a Government Representative to the Board of Directors of Lenders For Community Development] |
Resolution designating a Government Representative to the Board of Directors of Lenders for Community Development to act on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco in that capacity; and granting authority to City officials to designate replacement Government Representatives. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061121 |
[Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Task Force] |
Resolution amending the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Health, Stabilization and Safety Task Force to rename it the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Task Force, to redefine its mission and duties, to dissolve the current SRO Task Force and to restructure it as the SRO Task Force to reflect the conditions faced in 2006 by SRO tenants, operators and owners, reducing its membership to thirteen: eight appointed by the Board of Supervisors; four appointed by designated Department Heads; and one chair appointed by the Director of Health. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061124 |
[Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Kokoro Assisted Living Facility] |
Resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's lease of land at Assessor's Block 674, Lot 33, commonly known as 1881 Bush Street, southeast corner of Bush and Laguna Streets, San Francisco, California (the Site ) in the Western Addition A-2 Redevelopment Project Area, to the JAPANESE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS FEDERATION ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY, INC., a California nonprofit corporation, for 69 years, with a 30 year option to extend, for the purpose of maintaining a fully licensed assisted living facility for low-and moderate-income senior households with some market rate housing. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors. |
Requests for Hearing
061113 |
[Golden Gate Park Stables] |
Hearing on the status of reopening the historic Golden Gate Park Stables which have been closed since September of 2001. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061125 |
[Hearing - Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Kokoro Assisted Living Facility] |
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed Resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's lease of land at Assessor's Block 674, Lot 33, commonly known as 1881 Bush Street, southeast corner of Bush and Laguna Streets, San Francisco, California (the Site ) in the Western Addition A-2 Redevelopment Project Area, to the JAPANESE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS FEDERATION ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY, INC., a California nonprofit corporation, for 69 years, with a 30 year option to extend, for the purpose of maintaining a fully licensed assisted living facility for low- and moderate-income senior households with some market rate housing. (Clerk of the Board) . SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. To Board as a Special Order on August 15, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. |
061114 |
[Amending the Board's Rules to include an item on the calendar once a month for the Mayor to appear in person before the Board and engage in formal policy discussions with members of the Board] |
Motion adding Rule 3.14 to the Board of Supervisors' Rules of Order, to include an item on the Board's calendar once a month for the Mayor to appear in person before the Board and engage in formal policy discussions with members of the Board. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
061117 |
[Adopting findings related to affirming the categorical exemption issued for 899 North Point Street] |
Motion adopting findings related to affirming the determination by the Planning Department that the 899 North Point Street project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. . REFERRED to Board of Supervisors. |
061118 |
[Authorizing preparation of Proponent/Opponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for submittal to the voters at the November 7, 2006 Election] |
Motion authorizing preparation of written Proponent and Opponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for Charter Amendments and other Measures approved by the Board of Supervisors for submittal to the voters at the November 7, 2006 Election. . REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061032 |
[Mission Bay North Commons at Park P17 Improvements] |
Ordinance designating a portion of State Trust Parcel adjacent to Park P17 for public right-of-way purposes; approving a map showing such areas and declaring such areas to be open public right-of-way; naming the new right-of-way Terry A. Francois Boulevard; designating street grades, sidewalk widths, and street parking restrictions; accepting the irrevocable offer for the acquisition facilities; designating said facilities to public use and accepting for maintenance and liability purposes, subject to specified limitations; adopting environmental findings and findings that such actions are consistent with the City's General Plan, eight priority policy findings of City Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 176,148 and authorizing official acts in connection with this Ordinance. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
061030 |
[Regulating Street Artists - Compensation of Advisory Committee] |
Ordinance amending Article 24 of the San Francisco Police Code by amending Section 2402 to allow members of the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftmen Examiners to be reimbursed for their reasonable travel expenses traveling to and from Committee meetings, Street Artist screenings, and other Advisory Committee activities. (Arts Commission) . ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061033 |
[Mission Bay - Parks NP1 & NP2 Improvements] |
Ordinance designating a portion of State Trust Parcel 1 lying next to Channel for public open space and park purposes; naming the new park Mission Creek Park ; accepting the irrevocable offer for the acquisition facilities; designating said facilities to public open space and park purposes and accepting for maintenance responsibilities and liability purposes; adopting findings that such actions are consistent with the City's General Plan, priority policy findings of City Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay North Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 176,149 and authorizing official acts in connection with this Ordinance. (Public Works Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
061028 |
[Unpaid DPH Delinquent Refuse Service payment liens to become special assessments to the property taxes] |
Resolution confirming report of delinquent charges for refuse collection service and nuisance removal costs submitted by the Director of Public Health, as modified to the date of adoption of this resolution, and creating Special Assessments and liens based thereon. (Public Health Department) . SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. Scheduled for August 8, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. |
061029 |
[Parking Regulations] |
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.
Charles J. Brenham Street, west side, between Market and McAllister Streets. . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061031 |
[Approval of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000-Implementation Plan] |
Resolution authorizing adoption of the San Francisco County Plan for the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. (Public Health Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
Clerk to Act – July 25, 2006
Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Elsbernd
To: Municipal Transportation Agency
Requesting/Inquiring: To explore the possibility of installing speed limit signs and investigate other measures to reduce vehicular speeds on Circular Avenue (located off of Monterey and near 280).
From: Supervisor McGoldrick
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft legislation that would make it illegal to vandalize both public and private properties through tagging and to provide for civil penalties.
From: Supervisor Sandoval
To: Mayor's Office
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting disclosure of all expenditures related to efforts to pursue the 2016 Olympics, including, but not limited to, staff salaries and travel expenses by Tuesday, August 8, 2006. Also, what the total expected costs of national and international bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics would be and what would be the source of those funds by Tuesday, August 8, 2006 as well.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of repairing the sidewalks at: 701 Webster Street and 1418 Haight Street.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of trimming the city tree at 1029 Golden Gate Avenue, Apartment F. The tree is blocking the windows of several 3rd floor apartments and preventing the elderly residents from opening their windows. This is creating a safety hazard because of the heat.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti at the following property locations: 398 Haight, 876 Haight and 160 Pierce.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of alerting the owner of the tree that is blocking the stop sign at 600 Grove Street that the tree needs to be trimmed.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti at the following locations:
- Blue mailbox at the northeast corner of Fulton and Laguna
- Emergency box at the northwest corner of Fulton and Laguna
- Emergency box at the corner of Hayes and Laguna
- Emergency box at the corner of Grove and Buchanan
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: General Manager, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti from utility poles at the locations listed below:
- On Divisadero between Haight and Page
- All four corners of Scott and Page
- Southwest corner of Haight and Webster
- Southwest corner of Gough and Hayes
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti on the following stop signs:
- Southwest corner of Waller and Scott
- Southwest corner of Waller and Buchanan
- Northwest corner of Grove and Laguna
- Northwest corner of Hayes and Laguna
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti from the light switchboxes at the following locations:
- Northeast corner of Divisadero and Waller
- Northeast corner of Fulton and Laguna
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of replacing parking signs at the following locations: 134 Steiner, 197 Steiner, 895 Page, 850 Page and 538 Hayes.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti on the following parking signs: 807 Page, 780 Page, 384 Page, 340 Page, and directly across the street from 340 Page Street, 301 Page Street, 454 Fell, 512 Laguna, 700 Laguna, 721 Laguna, 634 Laguna and 514 Hayes Street.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the status of removing graffiti on the "No Pedestrian Crossing Sign" at the southwest corner of Hayes and Gough.
In Memoriams
Nancy Chung (Entire Board)
Wayne "Louie" Tuaolo (Entire Board)