City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
September 19, 2006
Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor
061303 |
[Public Employment - Department of Public Health and the General Service Agency] |
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 203-06 (Annual Salary Ordinance FY 2006-2007) to reflect proposed changes to the Department of Public Health and the General Service Agency staffing for the Health Access Program, increasing total staffing by 0.48 FTE. Supervisor Ammiano presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
061304 |
[Appropriating $950,000 of State of California health program revenue for mental health wrap around services for the Department of Public Health for Fiscal Year 2006-2007] |
Ordinance appropriating $950,000 of State of California health program revenue for mental health wrap around services to provide clinical services to youth receiving services as a result of the SB 163 State initiative for the Department of Public Health for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Mayor presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061311 |
[Amendment of Administrative Code Chapter 31 to provide for appeals of certain environmental determinations and providing public notice] |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code Chapter 31 to provide for appeals to the Board of Supervisors of environmental documents and determinations under the California Environmental Quality Act, and providing public notice of such determinations and environmental documents. Supervisor Ma presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
061312 |
[Appropriating $2,166,000 to fund Laguna Honda Hospital increased costs for the Department of Public Health retroactive to Fiscal Year 2005-2006] |
Ordinance appropriating $2,166,000 of Laguna Honda Hospital surplus revenues to fund increased costs in salaries, non-personal services, and materials and supplies for the Department of Public Health retroactive to Fiscal Year 2005-2006. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061320 |
[Property and Business Improvement Districts] |
Ordinance amending Section 1511 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code to (1) allow the owners of businesses who would pay at least 30% of the proposed assessment, or a combination of property owners and business owners who would pay at least 30% of the proposed assessment, to petition the Board of Supervisors to form a property and business improvement district, and (2) make conforming and clarifying changes to the procedural and substantive augmentation of state law governing the formation of property and business improvement districts. Supervisor Peskin presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061305 |
[Contract funds to support research on HIV/AIDS in under-researched populations] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), to retroactively enter into a continuation agreement with the San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC), the primary contractor, and expend funds in the amount of $110,374 to establish an HIV/AIDS Research Center in the Bay Area and approval of a sole source contract with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Department of Infectious Diseases in the amount of $53,760 for the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061306 |
[Provide SSI application assistance to the chronically homeless and mentally ill in San Francisco.] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $97,660 from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide SSI application assistance to the chronically homeless and mentally ill in San Francisco and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007. Mayor, Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061307 |
[Manage and follow-up on chronic health conditions among refugees in San Francisco] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Newcomers Health Program (SFDPH, Newcomers) to accept and expend retroactively a new continuing grant in the initial amount of $55,000, from the California Department of Health Services, Refugee Health Section (CDHS/RHS) in support of a program entitled Refugee Preventive Health Program (RPHP), for the period of July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 with expected continuation for four additional years, and which includes a sub-contract with the International Institute of San Francisco (IISF) in the amount of $28,900 for the same time period. Supervisor Ma presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061308 |
[Commending Alan Wayne] |
Resolution commending Alan Wayne for more than 20 years of work with United Airlines and the San Francisco International Airport and wishing him the best of luck with his retirement after more than 39 years of work with the Airline industry. Supervisor Dufty presented. ADOPTED. |
061309 |
[Recommending approval of Community Facilities District formation and financing by the ABAG Finance Authority For Nonprofit Corporations relating to Mint Plaza] |
Resolution recommending approval of the formation of a community facilities district and the issuance of special tax bonds by the ABAG Finance Authority For Nonprofit Corporations related to the Mint Plaza; making findings; approving related joint community facilities agreement; and granting general authority to city officials to take actions necessary to implement this resolution. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061313 |
[STOP Intersections] |
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections.
Addison and Farnum Streets, stopping Addison Street, making this intersection an all-way STOP. Supervisor Dufty presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
061314 |
[Lease of Real Property at 1701 Ocean Avenue] |
Resolution authorizing the lease of 5,000 square feet of space at 1701 Ocean Avenue for the OMI Family Center of the Department of Public Health. Supervisor Sandoval presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061315 |
[Establishing Advisory Committee on Merging the Sheriff's and Police Departments] |
Resolution establishing a committee to make specific recommendations for amending the City Charter to merge the Sheriffs and Police Departments under the Sheriffs Department. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
061316 |
[Urging the restoration of cuts to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development] |
Resolution urging the United States Congress to restore cuts in the budget of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mayor, Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061317 |
[Supporting Proposition 1D] |
Resolution supporting Proposition 1D on the November 7, 2006 ballot. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061318 |
[Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Japantown in the Western Addition] |
Resolution celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Japantown in the Western Addition. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061319 |
[Commending the United Nations' Declaration of September 21st as the International Day of Peace] |
Resolution commending the United Nations' Declaration of September 21st International Day of Peace and calling for all San Franciscans to work for peace both at home and abroad. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061321 |
[Support for efforts to launch private, nonprofit anonymous crime information program in San Francisco] |
Resolution supporting the efforts of the First Responder Foundation in its plans to develop and launch a private, nonprofit anonymous crime information program in San Francisco. Supervisors Maxwell, Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061322 |
[Commending Congregation Beth Sholom and declaring September 10, 2006 "Congregation Beth Sholom Day" in San Francisco] |
Resolution commending Congregation Beth Sholom and declaring September 10, 2006 "Congregation Beth Sholom Day" in San Francisco. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061323 |
[Supporting Lieutenant Ehren Watada's public statements expressing legal and moral objections to the war in Iraq and urging the end to court martial proceedings against him] |
Resolution supporting Lieutenant Ehren Watada's public statements expressing legal and moral objections to the war in Iraq and urging the end to court martial proceedings against him. Supervisor McGoldrick presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061324 |
[Commending Barbara Reilly] |
Resolution commending Barbara Reilly on the occasion of her retirement from the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors after 39 years of service to the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Peskin presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061325 |
[Accept-expend State Grant Funds available under the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency for Fiscal Year 2005 Pre-disaster Mitigation Grant Program to fund the Moscone Recreation Center Project] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,067,176 in FY 2005 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, administered by the California Office of Emergency Services, for seismic improvements to the Moscone Recreation Center Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061326 |
[Declaring September 2006 as Reentry Month] |
Resolution declaring the month of September 2006 as Reentry month in the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061310 |
[Committee of the Whole - October 3, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. - Formation of a community facilities district in connection with the Mint Plaza Area] |
Motion to sit as a Committee of the Whole on October 3, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. to accept public testimony regarding the potential recommendation for approval of the formation of a community facilities district and the issuance of revenue bonds by the ABAG Finance Authority For Nonprofit Corporations related to the Mint Plaza Area. Supervisor Daly presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
061297 |
[Public Utilities Commission Short-Term Indebtedness] |
Ordinance amending Sections 43.5.1 through 43.5.4, inclusive, of the San Francisco Administrative Code to authorize the Director of Public Finance to designate an alternate, to implement the provisions of Article VIIIB of the Charter and to make other clarifying revisions. (Public Utilities Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. TRANSFERRED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061298 |
[Authorization for the Public Utilities Commission to issue Commercial Paper Notes (Wastewater Series) in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $150,000,000] |
Ordinance approving the issuance by the Public Utilities Commission of its Commercial Paper Notes (Wastewater Series) in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $150,000,000 pursuant to Article VIIIB of the City Charter and Article V of Chapter 43 of Part I of the San Francisco Administrative Code, as amended, for the purpose of reconstructing and improving certain capital improvements related to the Wastewater Enterprise; approving the form and authorizing the execution of a credit facility, an issuing and paying agent agreement, one or more dealer agreements, an offering memorandum and other documents relating to such notes; approving the maximum interest rate on such notes; and related matters. (Public Utilities Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
061300 |
[Settlement of Lawsuits - Tran, Mansour and Le, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuits filed by Minh Tran, Thuba Tran, Thu Nguyen, Tarek Mansour, Khaled Mansour, Quoc Le, and Cuong Le against the City and County of San Francisco for $1,875,000.00; the lawsuits were filed on April 22, 2004 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case Nos. 430764, 430765 and 430766; entitled Tran, Mansour and Le, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al; other material terms of settlement are Co-defendants to pay $5,565,000.00 and Caltrans to install temporary barriers and permanently fix condition that caused accident. (City Attorney) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
Clerk to Act – September 19, 2006
Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Sandoval
To: General Manager, Department of Recreation and Parks
Requesting/Inquiring: Inquiring about the status of the project to install lights in the Excelsior Playground. Asking that the department respond with all relevant information including, but not limited to the following: Whether the project will be completed by a Rec and Park crew or contracted out to a private construction firm, if it is to be put out to bid, when they expect to release the Request for Proposal, what the deadline will be for those proposals, the anticipated date to begin construction, the estimated completion date and any other milestone dates.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the City Attorney to draft legislation directing the Controller's Office to complete a performance audit on staffing issues at the San Francisco Police Department. Further requesting that the City Attorney draft a motion directing the Budget Analyst to conduct an audit of staffing practices at the San Francisco Police Department.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing the graffiti from the Fredrick Douglas Brick signs on the southwest and southeast corners of Oak Street and Pierce Street.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti from light switchboxes at the following locations: Southwest corner of Fulton and Central and Northwest corner of Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Way.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing the graffiti on the following: "No Pedestrian Crossing" sign Northeast corner of Fulton and Cole Streets. Back of "Hayes" Street signs facing both the north and south direction at the southeast corner of Hayes and Stanyan Streets.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti on the Parking signs located at the following locations: SW Stanyan & Haight, SW Hayes & Shrader, NE Corner of Fell & Shrader, 115 Cole, 155 Cole, 1541 Fulton, 2005 Fulton, 538 Baker, and 1824 Page.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti on the parking signs at the following locations: 415 Shrader St., 501 Oak St., 547 Oak St., 855 Oak St., 1751 Oak St., 480 Fell St., 1219 – 16th Ave., 1279 – 16th Ave., 801 Irving St., and 1300 Irving St.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of replacing parking signs at the following locations: Residential parking sign only at the southwest corner of Stanyan and Parnassus. Street cleaning sign at 415 Baker.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of repairing potholes at the following locations: 301 Lyon Street and 436 Fell Street.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to report on the status of removing graffiti from the light pole location at 1215 Stanyan Street.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti at the following property locations: 1949 Oak St. and 811-815 Oak St.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of graffiti from the phone switch boxes at the following locations: Southeast corner of Stanyan & Gratten St., Northeast corner of Hayes & Stanyan St., Southwest corner of Cole and Hayes, and 1639 Fulton St.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing the graffiti from garbage cans at the following locations:
Northeast Stanyan and Carl Streets, Northwest corner of Masonic and Fell Streets, and Southwest corner of Oak and Gough Streets.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, San Francisco Housing Authority
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the San Francisco Housing Authority to report on the status of the construction of the community room at the Robert B. Pitts complex. Please report on the specific details, types of repairs and projected completion date.
From: Supervisor Sandoval
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to inquire about the feasibility of establishing a stop sign at the intersection of San Jose Avenue and Havelock Avenue.
cc: New Mission Terrace Improvement Association
125 Otsego Street
San Francisco, CA 94112
From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to install stop signs at the intersection of York and 26th Streets, and report on status updates to my office until it's completion.
From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Chief, San Francisco Police Department
To: Director, San Francisco Housing Authority
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting SFPD and SF Housing Authority to determine the cost of a program at the Alemany Housing Development – Program to consist of 2 SFPD officers, on foot, 7 days a week, 6 hours a day, and contact Supervisor Ammiano's office within one week with options for funding this program.
From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Executive Director, MUNI
Requesting/Inquiring: Inquiring into why MUNI has not yet spent $11 million allocated by the MTC for the MUNI Real-Time Project, and when they intend to spend said money.
In Memoriams
Peter Muraki – Supervisor Mirkarimi
Ann Richards – Entire Board
Tracy Hubrich – Supervisor Peskin
Lou Enright – Supervisor Dufty
Virginia Anne Murphy – Supervisor Elsbernd