City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
June 5, 2007
Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor
070771 |
[Interim Public Employment, Fiscal Year 2007-2008] |
Interim Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008, continuing, creating or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by Charter or State law for which compensations are paid from City and County funds and appropriated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations therefor. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070773 |
[Government Funding for Fiscal Year 2007-2008] |
Consolidated Budget and Annual Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070774 |
[Public Employment for Fiscal Year 2007-2008] |
Consolidated Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008, continuing, creating or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by Charter or State law for which compensations are paid from City and County funds and appropriated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations therefor. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070808 |
[Increasing fees for certain services provided by the Medical Examiner] |
Ordinance amending San Francisco Administrative Code Section 8.14, by raising the fees for removal of remains, cremation services, and making environmental findings. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070809 |
[San Francisco Administrative Code - First Offender Prostitution Program Fee] |
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 289-98 (Sec. 10.193-1 of the Administrative Code of the City and County of San Francisco) establishing the First Offender Prostitution Program Fee, to remove reference to Penal Code Section 647(b), to allow the Office of the District Attorney to send all eligible prostitution-related offenders to the department's First Offender Prostitution Program (FOPP) diversion class. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070810 |
[Patient Rates - Public Health] |
Ordinance amending Section 128 of the San Francisco Health Code to set patient rates and other services provided by the Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 2007. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070811 |
[Public Works Code - Fees for various permits] |
Ordinance amending Public Works Code Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 724.1 to update and codify various permit fees, including permits for café tables and chairs, commemorative plaques, debris boxes, driveways, minor sidewalk encroachments, pipe barriers, sidewalks, street encroachments, street improvements, temporary street space occupancy; and making environmental findings. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070812 |
[Amending Subsections of Section 106 of the San Francisco Fire Code to increase fees for certain Fire Department services and permits] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending Sections 106.2, 106.3, 106.7, 106.8, 106.9, 106.10, 106.11, 106.15, 106.17 and Tables 106-B and 106-C of the San Francisco Fire Code to increase fees for certain Fire Department services and permits, to become operative on its effective date or on July 1, 2007, whichever is later. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070813 |
[Amending Sections of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code to increase certain Fire Department licensing fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings, amending Sections 90, 93, 93.1, 94, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246 and 247 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code to increase licensing fees for certain permits issued by the Fire Department, and repealing Section 242.1 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code, to become operative on its effective date or on July 1, 2007, whichever is later. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070814 |
[Increasing permit and license fees for motor vehicle for hire permits] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code by amending Sections 2.26.1 and 2.27.1, to increase permit and license fees for certain motor vehicle for hire permits, and to repeal obsolete provisions. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070815 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Athletic Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.36, to revise the fee schedule for use of athletic fields. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070816 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Harding Park Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.12, to revise the time for super twilight play, to establish fees for shotgun tournaments, and to authorize the Recreation and Park Commission to approve special promotions not to exceed a 20% discount of the applicable rate. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070817 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Clubhouse Rental Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.21, to increase the fees for renting clubhouses in San Francisco parks. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070818 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Junior Golf Tournament Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and adding San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.43, to establish fees for Junior and Family golf tournaments. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070819 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Program Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and adding San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.44, to establish a fee structure for recreational programs. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070820 |
[Recreation & Park Department - Reservation Administrative Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, by adding Section 12.45 to establish administrative fees. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070821 |
[Recreation & Park Department - Change to Resident Golf Card Fee] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.32, to increase the annual fee for San Francisco Resident Golf Cards from $40.00 to $45.00 and imposing administrative fees. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070822 |
[Recreation and Park Department - Wedding Fees] |
Ordinance making environmental findings and amending San Francisco Park Code, Article 12, Section 12.07, to increase the fees for holding weddings in San Francisco parks. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070823 |
[Retiree Health Benefits Fund] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding Section 10.100-275, to create a Retiree Health Benefits Fund. (Mayor) Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070849 |
[Establishing the HOPE SF Fund and provide for appropriations to the Fund] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding Section 10.100-370, to: establish the HOPE SF Fund; direct the City to appropriate $5,000,000 to the Fund for FY 2007-2008 and set City policy regarding future appropriations to the Fund; identify the permitted uses of moneys so deposited; and, set forth provisions for the administration of such fund. Mayor, Supervisor Maxwell presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070851 |
[Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District Zoning Controls] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by amending Section 121.2 to move Polk Street from a 3,000 square foot lot size limit to a 2,000 square foot lot size limit and by amending Section 723 to provide that commercial and institutional uses in the Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District are permitted up to 1,999 square feet and allowed as a conditional use for 2,000 square feet and above; adopting findings, including Section 302 findings, environmental findings, and findings of consistency with Section 101.1 and the General Plan. Supervisor Peskin presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
070824 |
[Approval of FY07-08 Expenditure Plan for the Human Services Care Fund] |
Resolution approving the FY07-08 Expenditure Plan for the Human Services Care Fund. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070825 |
[Redevelopment Agency Budget] |
Resolution approving an Interim Budget of the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2007-2008. (Redevelopment Agency) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070826 |
[Redevelopment Agency Budget and Bonds] |
Resolution approving the Budget of the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 2007-2008, approving the Issuance by the Redevelopment Agency of Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $125,800,000 to finance a portion of redevelopment activities described in such approved Budget for fiscal year 2007-2008; and approving additional General Fund loans to the Redevelopment Agency in the aggregate amount of $463,000, consisting of a $303,000 loan to complete a potential redevelopment plan for the Visitacion Valley Survey Area and a $160,000 loan for Bayview Hunters Point Survey Area C planning costs. (Redevelopment Agency) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070827 |
[Disbursements from Budget Savings Fund] |
Resolution approving disbursements from the Budget Savings Incentive Fund. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070828 |
[Open Space Fund Financing] |
Ordinance approving the issuance and sale of lease revenue bonds payable from the Park, Recreation and Open Space Fund to finance various park projects as further described herein; approving the form of a Site Lease by and between the City and County of San Francisco Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") and the City and County of San Francisco (the "City") relating to certain City-owned properties located in the City (as further described herein); approving the form of a First Supplemental Lease by and between the Corporation and the City; approving the form of a First Supplemental Trust Agreement by and between the Corporation and a trustee (including certain indemnities contained therein); approving the form of an Assignment Agreement by and between the Corporation and a trustee; approving the form of an official notice of sale and a notice of intention to sell the lease revenue bonds; directing the publication of the notice of intention to sell the lease revenue bonds; approving the form of an official statement in preliminary and final form; approving the form of a continuing disclosure certificate; authorizing the payment of costs of issuance; authorizing reimbursement of certain expenditures; authorizing the establishment of a contingency fund; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act and findings pursuant to City Planning Code Section 101.1; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070833 |
[2008 Finance Corporation Equipment Program] |
Resolution approving the form of and authorizing execution and delivery by the City and County of San Francisco of an Equipment Lease Supplement No. 15 (Series 2008A Bonds) between the City and County of San Francisco Finance Corporation, as lessor, and the City and County of San Francisco, as lessee, with respect to the equipment to be used for city purposes, a related certificate of approval and a continuing disclosure certificate; approving the issuance of lease revenue bonds by said nonprofit corporation in an amount not to exceed $13,500,000; approving the form of the official statement in preliminary and final form; providing for reimbursement to the City and County of San Francisco of certain city expenditures incurred prior to the issuance of lease revenue bonds; and providing for the execution of documents in connection therewith. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070834 |
[Proposition J Contract/Certification of Specified Contracted-Out Services Previously Approved] |
Resolution concurring with the Controller's certification that services previously approved can be performed by private contractor for a lower cost than similar work performed by City and County employees, for the following services: convention facilities management, central shops security, janitorial and security services (Administrative Services); body removal services (Medical Examiner); budget analyst (Board of Supervisors); security services (Public Works); community services (District Attorney); security services (Human Services Agency); Project S.A.F.E. (Police); and jail food services (Sheriff). Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070838 |
[Contract with Owners' Association for administration/management of Fisherman's Wharf Portside Community Benefit District] |
Resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit Owners' Association for administration/management of the business-based business improvement district known as the "Fisherman's Wharf Portside Community Benefit District," pursuant to Section 36651 of the Streets and Highways Code. Supervisor Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
070839 |
[Treasure Island Development Authority Interim Budget] |
Resolution approving the Interim Budget of the Treasure Island Development Authority for fiscal year 2007-2008. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070840 |
[Treasure Island Development Authority Budget] |
Resolution approving the Budget of the Treasure Island Development Authority for fiscal year 2007-2008. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070843 |
[Disposition and Development Agreement - Redevelopment Agency Owned Land for Armstrong Place] |
Resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's Disposition and Development Agreement (the "Agreement") for a portion of Assessor's Block 5421, Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 commonly known as Armstrong Place (or 5600 Third Street), to BRIDGE Tower, L.L.C., for the purpose developing affordable for-sale housing for lower income households. Supervisor Maxwell presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Board of Supervisors. |
070845 |
[Establishing a Division of Independent Ratepayer Advocates within the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission] |
Resolution establishing a Division of Independent Ratepayer Advocates within the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
070846 |
[Traffic Regulation for Marina Farmers' Market] |
Resolution enacting temporary "Street Closed to Vehicular Traffic" regulation on Steiner Street between Lombard and Chestnut Streets from 10:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. on every Tuesday between June 26, 2007 through October 30, 2007. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
070850 |
[Accept and Expend State Grant - Department of the Environment] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend grant funds, available only for public agencies in California, in the amount of $110,880 from the California Air Resources Board for the purpose of upgrading Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling stations at Cesar Chavez and Golden Gate Park. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
070855 |
[Safeguarding State and Local Governance in Trade Resolution] |
Resolution respectfully urging Congress to safeguard domestic regulatory authority and policy space by rejecting any request for renewal of Fast Track Trade Authority, and to create a democratic, inclusive trade negotiating process that includes meaningful consultation with state and local governments and civil society groups. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070856 |
[Employee Free Choice Act] |
Resolution in support of the Employee Free Choice Act which would authorize the National Labor Relations Board to certify a union as the bargaining representative when a majority of employees voluntarily sign authorizations designating that union to represent them; provide for first contract mediation and arbitration; and establish meaningful penalties for violations of a worker's freedom to choose a union. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070857 |
[Endorsing AB 364] |
Resolution endorsing Assembly Bill 364: the State of California's effort to ensure that all patients in hospitals, nursing homes and supervised nursing facilities are informed of their legal rights related to advocacy and patients rights services, as well as information regarding health and supportive services following hospitalization. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070858 |
[Approval of Guiding Principles for Determining the Future of Midtown Park Apartments (1415 Scott Street, San Francisco)] |
Resolution approving the principles that will guide the City and Midtown Park Apartments' residents in formulating a long-term ownership structure and development plan for Midtown Park Apartments, a 140-unit residential development owned by the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070859 |
[Commending the Churches of Saint Paulus Lutheran and Saint John Coltrane] |
Resolution commending Saint Paulus Lutheran Church on its rebirth as a church without walls and commending Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church for its hospitality in providing worship space for the congregants of St. Paulus. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070860 |
[Accept-Expend State Grant - Criminal Restitution Compact] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of the District Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco to contract for, accept and expend up to $177,077 allocated from the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board for a project entitled the Criminal Restitution Compact for the period of July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070861 |
[Authorizing the Planning Department to apply for a Workforce Housing Reward Program Grant] |
Resolution authorizing the Planning Department to apply for a Workforce Housing Reward Program Grant. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070862 |
[Condemning Government Sanctioned Violence at the Russian LGBT community's May 27th demonstration in Moscow, and Urging the Kremlin and Mayor Yuri Luzkhov to Foster a Culture of Tolerance Toward Russia's LGBT Community] |
Resolution condemning the government sanctioned violence at the Russian LGBT community's May 27th demonstration in Moscow, and urging the Kremlin and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzkhov to work toward fostering a culture of tolerance toward the LGBT community in Russian society. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070863 |
[Urging Taxicab companies not to increase the number of long-term leases of medallions] |
Resolution urging taxicab companies not to increase the number of long-term leases of taxicab medallions or taxicabs in their fleets, urging the Taxi Commission to strictly enforce Ordinances and Regulations requiring Proposition K medallion holders to drive the taxicab permitted under their medallion and providing that the Board of Supervisors shall consider regulation of long-term leasing. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070864 |
[Commending Gwen Chan for her service to the City in her capacity as acting Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District] |
Resolution commending Gwen Chan for her service to the City in her capacity as acting Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070865 |
[Support for an Open Voting System] |
Resolution supporting an investigation into the feasibility of an Open Source voting system in the City of San Francisco which could be funded wholly or in part by grant funds with the support of the Department of Elections staff, and declaring that the City is open to participating in grant applications. Supervisor Ammiano presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070866 |
[Supporting the Breast Cancer Protection Act of 2007] |
Resolution supporting the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2007. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070867 |
[Leavenworth and O'Farrell Streets Traffic Calming] |
Resolution urging the Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) and Police Department to adopt traffic calming measures at the intersection of Leavenworth and O'Farrell. Supervisor Daly presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070868 |
[Disaster Relief Funding] |
Resolution amending all prior Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation, or Pre-Disaster Mitigation resolutions or any previous legislation pertaining to Public Law 93-288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988 and/or the California Disaster Assistance Act to reflect the department's name change to the Department of Emergency Management and authorizing designated City and County officials to execute and file on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, any applications necessary for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070869 |
[Homeland Security Grants] |
Resolution authorizing designated City and County officials to execute and file on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, any actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining federal financial assistance provided by the federal Department of Homeland Security and sub-granted through the State of California under the FY 07 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant, the FY 07 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant, the FY 07 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) grant, the FY 07 Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) grant, the FY 07 Citizen Corps Program (CCP) grant, the FY 07 Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP) grant or any other federally funded grant program and Public Law 107-206. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070870 |
[Resolution indicating that the City and County of San Francisco's top Budget Priority is ensuring that HIV/AIDS programs are fully funded despite the lack of support from the Federal Government] |
Resolution indicating that the City and County of San Francisco's top Budget Priority is ensuring that HIV/AIDS programs are fully funded despite the lack of support from the Federal Government. Supervisors Dufty, Ammiano, Peskin, Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
Requests for Hearings
070772 |
[Annual Budget, Fiscal Year 2007-2008] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070775 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2007-2008] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for Law Library, City Attorney, Assessor-Recorder, Treasurer Tax Collector, Controller, General City Responsibility, Board of Supervisors, Mayor, Civil Service Commission, Human Resources, Economic and Workforce Development, Recreation and Park, Elections, Human Rights Commission, and Public Library for fiscal year 2007-2008. (Clerk of the Board) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. Scheduled for consideration on June 18, 2007. |
070776 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2007-2008] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for District Attorney, Public Defender, Sheriff, Fire, Police, Planning, Building Inspection, Emergency Management, Health Service System, Adult Probation, Juvenile Probation, Redevelopment, Treasure Island Development, Ethics Commission, Trial Courts, and Taxi Commission for fiscal year 2007-2008. (Clerk of the Board) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. Scheduled for consideration June 20, 2007. |
070778 |
[Budget Hearing and Review, FY 2007-2008] |
Hearing to consider the Annual Budget for Administrative Services, Public Works, Telecommunications & Information Services, Human Services Agency, Public Health, Asian Art Museum, Art Commission, Children, Youth & Families, Fine Arts Museums, Academy of Sciences, County Education Office, War Memorial, and Department on the Status of Women for fiscal year 2007-2008. (Clerk of the Board) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. Scheduled for consideration on June 21, 2007. |
070787 |
[Mayor's General Fund Budget Submission] |
Hearing on the Overview of the Mayor's general fund budget submission, including new city wide initiatives. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. FILED. 14. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Cheryl Adams, Deputy City Attorney; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst; Ernestine Weiss; Silvia Johnson; Douglas Yip; Jennifer Friedenbach; Mary Kay Conner; Leroy Mark; James Kiancini; Shannan Riley; Jazzi Collins; male speaker; Ben Groven; female speaker; Barbara Blong; Ross Picarello. |
070841 |
[Planning Code Amendments - PDR Districts] |
Hearing before the Land Use Committee to present the proposed Planning Code amendments that would establish new PDR Districts, and would apply those controls to certain industrial areas of Bayview Hunters Point. Supervisor Maxwell presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
070842 |
[Hearing - Disposition and Development Agreement - Redevelopment Agency Owned Land for Armstrong Place] |
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's Disposition and Development Agreement (the "Agreement") for a portion of Assessor's Block 5421, Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 commonly known as Armstrong Place (or 5600 Third Street), to BRIDGE Tower, L.L.C., for the purpose developing affordable for-sale housing for lower income households. (Clerk of the Board) . SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. To Board as a Special Order on June 19, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. |
070805 |
[Committee of the Whole - Bielenson Hearing - June 19, 2007 at 3:30 p.m.] |
Hearing to consider the Department of Public Health's budget eliminating or reducing medical services. (Bielenson Hearing) (See Public Notice posted outside the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244, City Hall) .SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING. Pursuant to File 070804, Board to sit as a Committee of the Whole on June 19, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. 6/4/07 - Public Hearing Notice posted on Board of Supervisors kiosk. |
070844 |
[Motion amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for FY 07-08] |
Motion amending the Mayor's Proposed Budget for FY 07-08 by backfilling Federal reductions to AIDS programs, reinstating psychiatric inpatient services at San Francisco General Hospital, and reinstating housing services, funded by reducing selected program expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Supervisors Daly, Ammiano presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070847 |
[Adopting a proposed schedule of audits to be conducted of programs of City and County departments] |
Motion adopting a proposed schedule of audits to be conducted of programs of City and County departments. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
070848 |
[Assessor-Recorder to Identify Means of Maintaining a Current Street Address Contact for Each Real Property Owner] |
Motion providing that the Assessor-Recorder explore and identify means of including in one or more databases maintained by that Office that are available to other City departments, a current street address for contacting each owner of real property in the City and County of San Francisco, and that a report be made to the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee within three months. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070804 |
[Committee of the Whole - Health service reductions (Bielenson Hearing) June 19, 2007 at 3:30 p.m.] |
Motion scheduling the Board to sit as a Committee of the Whole to consider health service reductions (Bielenson Hearing), to be held on June 19, 2007 at 3:30 p.m. Supervisor Peskin presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
070700 |
[Settlement of Claim Against Sprint/Nextel] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of a claim by the City and County of San Francisco against the Sprint/Nextel Corporation for funding the planning for reconfiguration of the City's 800 MHz Radio Communications System. (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
070747 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Competent Builders, Inc.] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Competent Builders, Inc., against the City and County of San Francisco, for payment to the City of $450,000; the lawsuit was filed on October 9, 2002 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC 02-413272; entitled Division of Labor Standards Enforcement v. Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company, et al; other material terms of said settlement are payment by Competent Builders, Inc., and other parties, to Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company, and full releases among all parties. (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
070764 |
[Changing Official Sidewalk Width - Jessie Street] |
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section 1574 to change the official sidewalk width on the northerly side of Jessie Street westerly of Ecker Street; making environmental findings and findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1; and requiring relocation, modifications, or both of facilities affected by the sidewalk width change. (Public Works Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
070766 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Northwest Airlines Corporation, et al.] |
Ordinance authorizing the settlement of the bankruptcy claim filed by the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission against Northwest Airlines Corporation, for the settlement of the litigated bankruptcy claim between the Airport with regard to In re Northwest Airlines Corporation, et al., Debtors, Case No. 05-17930ALG, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York; and authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission against Northwest Airlines Corporation, for agreement to pay a percentage allocation of future clean-up costs with regard to City and County of San Francisco v. ARCO et al., Case No. C-97-2965 MMC (N.D. Cal). (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
070767 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Delta Air Lines Inc., et al.] |
Ordinance authorizing the settlement of the bankruptcy claim filed by the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission against Delta Air Lines, Inc., for the settlement of the litigated bankruptcy claim between the Airport with regard to In re Delta Air Lines Inc., et al., Debtors, Case No. 05-17923PCB, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York; and authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission against Delta Air Lines, Inc., for agreement to pay a percentage allocation of future clean-up costs with regard to City and County of San Francisco v. ARCO et al., Case No. C-97-2965 MMC (N.D. Cal). (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
070701 |
[Approval of an historical property contract for 1735 Franklin Street - the Bransten House] |
Resolution under Chapter 71 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, approving an historical property contract between Tad and Masumi Oride, the owners of San Francisco Landmark No. 126 located at 1735 Franklin Street (the Bransten House) and the City and County of San Francisco; authorizing the Director of Planning and the Assessor to execute the historical property contract. (Planning Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070702 |
[Second Amendment to Catholic Charities Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a second amendment to the sublease with Catholic Charities to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070703 |
[Second Amendment to Community Housing Partnership Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a second amendment to the sublease with Community Housing Partnership to add 42 residential units to the premises, to increase the common area maintenance charge and to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070704 |
[First Amendment to Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a first amendment to the sublease with Haight Ashbury Free Clinics to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070705 |
[First Amendment to Rubicon Programs Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a first amendment to the sublease with Rubicon Programs to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070706 |
[First Amendment to Swords to Plowshares Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a first amendment to the sublease with Swords to Plowshares to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070707 |
[Second Amendment to Walden House Sublease of Housing Units on Treasure Island] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Island Operations for the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a second amendment to the sublease with Walden House to add 12 residential units to the premises, to increase the common area maintenance charge and to increase utility rates. (Treasure Island Development Authority) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070746 |
[Lease of Real Property at 760 Harrison Street] |
Resolution authorizing extension of a lease of real property at 760 Harrison Street for the Department of Public Health. (Real Estate Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070762 |
[Airport Operating Agreement with Signature Flight Support Corporation] |
Resolution approving the Fixed Base Operator Lease and Operating Agreement between Signature Flight Support Corporation and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070763 |
[Airport Concession Lease] |
Resolution approving the Boarding Area "F" Hub Specialty Store Lease "A" between Air Sun dba Sunglass Hut and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission. (Airport Commission) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
070769 |
[Amending a contract with anticipated expenditure in excess of $10 million] |
Resolution approving the Eighth Amendment to the agreement between the City and County of San Francisco (Purchaser) and Sunset Scavenger Company (Contractor) for sludge hauling, increasing the total compensation to the Contractor by $1.3 million to $12,415,000, pursuant to San Francisco Charter Section 9.118(b). (Office of Contract Administration) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Clerk to Act – June 5, 2007
Board Minutes for May 1, 2007 and May 8, 2007 approved.
Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Elsbernd
To: Director, Municipal Transportation Agency
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting pedestrian safety measures be evaluated and implemented for the crosswalk on Portola to and from St. Francis Wood on Santa Clara and Vicente Streets.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti on the parking signs located on both sides of the street (unless otherwise noted), at the following locations:
- Scott between Turk and McAllister
- Scott between Bush and Sutter
- Pierce between Bush and Sutter
- Post between Steiner and Divisadero
- Ellis between Scott and Steiner (there are signs missing from the black frames in a couple of places on the south side of the street)
- Gough between Hayes and Haight
- Laguna between Haight and Hayes
- Oak between Laguna and Divisadero (signs and poles)
- Baker, Oak, and McAllister
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to report on the status of removing graffiti at the following locations:
Metal Poles
- Northeast corner of Oak and Buchanan
- Northeast corner of Sutter and Pierce
- Pole mid-block on Scott between Turk and Ellis
- Southwest corner of California and Pierce
- Southeast corner of Pierce and Eddy
- Southwest corner of Gough and Lilly
- 100 and 200 blocks of Haight (both sides of the street)
- Southeast corner of Laguna and Page
- Northwest corner of Laguna and Page
- 611 Oak
- Northwest corner of Oak and Scott
- Northwest corner of Oak and Fulton
- Near 1245 Fell (graffiti is from top to bottom of pole)
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to report on the feasibility of installing a street light near the northeast corner of Scott and Geary. Lighting Geary Street near the MUNI bus stop shelter.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti or repairing signs on the DPT property at the following locations:
- School Crossing Sign at the southwest corner of Pine and Pierce
- Pedestrian Crossing Signals at all four corners of Fell and Webster
- Pedestrian Crossing Signals at all four corners of Fell and Buchanan
- Pedestrian Crossing Signs at Fell and Gough
- Pedestrian Crossing Signs at Oak and Gough
- STOP Sign – Southwest corner of Scott and Grove
- Parking sign falling over – mid-block, Westside of Gough between Page and Haight
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from the public property at the following location:
Billboard – Clear Channel southeast corner of Scott and Haight
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from the public property at the following locations:
Emergency Boxes
- Southeast corner of Ellis and Pierce
- Southeast corner of Haight and Laguna
Fire Hydrant
- Southwest corner of Haight and Laguna
- Northwest corner of Gough and Grove
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti at the following property locations:
- 875 Fulton
- 277 Oak
- 350 Laguna
- 423 Laguna
- 561 Baker
- 554-560 Laguna
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing the graffiti from the following locations:
Light Switch Boxes
- Northwest corner of Post and Scott
- Northeast corner of Page and Octavia
- Southeast corner of Octavia and Oak
- Northeast corner of Laguna and Fell
- Northwest corner of Baker and Fulton
- Northeast corner of Fell and Steiner
- Northeast corner of Fell and Pierce
- Northeast corner of Fell and Webster
Phone Switch Box
- Southwest corner of Octavia and Lily
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing the graffiti from mailboxes and garbage cans at the following locations:
- Northwest corner of Gough and Oak
- Southwest corner of Haight and Gough (blue)
- Southwest corner of Haight and Laguna
- Northeast corner of Buchanan and Fell
Garbage Cans
- Northeast corner of Page and Octavia
- Southwest corner of Laguna and Page
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from news stands at the following locations:
- Southwest corner of Gough and Fell
SF Weekly
- Northeast corner of Fell and Gough
- Southwest corner of Fulton and Lyon
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of tree pruning at the northeast corner of Scott and Geary. This tree is currently blocking street lighting.
In Memoriams
Parren J. Mitchell – Entire Board
Antonio (Tony) Salazar – Supervisor Sandoval
Albert Scoma – Supervisor Peskin
Alice Wallace – Supervisor Elsbernd
Louis Anthony Vagadori, Jr. – Supervisor Elsbernd
Jamar Lake – Supervisor Mirkarimi
Dick Kramer – Supervisor Ammiano