City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
February 26, 2008
080272 |
[Requiring registered lobbyists to wear identification badges when making lobbying contacts] |
Ordinance amending Chapter 1 of Article II of the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code by adding section 2.113 to require registered lobbyists to wear identification badges distributed by the Ethics Commission when making lobbying contacts. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080273 |
[Incentives for Family-sized Affordable Housing Units] |
Ordinance amending the Residential Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program, including Planning Code Section 315.9 to allow for density bonuses to project applicants who develop on-site, affordable family-sized units as defined herein as part of their inclusionary housing requirements; and the addition of Planning Code Section 315.10 regarding severability. Supervisors Dufty, Peskin, Maxwell, Mirkarimi presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080274 |
[Administrative Code Revision: Health Service System] |
Ordinance amending Chapter 16, Article XV, of Part 1 of the San Francisco Municipal (Administrative) Code by amending Section 16.703 regarding Board approval of Health Service System Plans and Contribution Rates. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
080277 |
[Administrative Code Chapter 6 - technical amendments and amendments to contracting procedures] |
Ordinance amending San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 6 to correct typographical errors in subsections 6.22(B) and 6.22(H)(2)(d), to clarify and revise subsection 6.22(J) concerning retention of progressive payments, to clarify and revise subsection 6.23(C) concerning the rejection or failure of bids, to revise section 6.61 concerning design-build contracting procedures, and to add a new section 6.28 authorizing the use of integrated project delivery. Supervisor Chu presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
080278 |
[Clarifying when the Ethics Commission must raise the individual expenditure ceilings in the partial public financing program for candidates for Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, and correcting minor drafting errors] |
Ordinance amending sections 1.108, 1.134.5, and 1.144 of the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, to clarify when the Executive Director of the Ethics Commission shall raise the Individual Expenditure Ceiling for a candidate for Mayor or the Board of Supervisors and to make technical corrections. Supervisor Daly presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee. |
080279 |
[Landmark Designation of 900 Innes Avenue (Hunter's Point School] |
Ordinance designating 900 Innes Avenue (Hunter's Point School) as a Landmark under Planning Code Article 10; and adopting General Plan, Planning Code Section 101.1(b) and environmental findings. Supervisor Maxwell presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080280 |
[Zoning - Repeal of the interim moratorium on institutional uses in the Western SoMa] |
Ordinance repealing the interim zoning moratorium that prohibits the establishment of specified new institutional uses in the Western SoMa Planning Area Special Use District. Supervisor Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080281 |
[Building Code - Slope Protection Act] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code by adding Sections 106A.4.1.4 et seq. to establish the Slope Protection Act and create procedures that require the Structural Advisory Committee to review and make recommendations on specified permit applications for all property within the City that exceeds an average slope of 25% grade, and to require mandatory denial of the permit by the Building Official under specified circumstances; amending Section 105A.6.2 to specify the composition of the Structural Advisory Committee for permit applications subject to the Slope Protection Act; amending Building Code Section 106A.3.2 to require that the applicant for certain permit applications subject to the Slope Protection Act provide substantial documentation that there exists sufficient infrastructure to support the proposed residential development and that the proposed emergency access routes meet standards in effect at the time of the application; amending Building Code Section 1701A.5 to require special inspections throughout the construction process for sites subject to the Slope Protection Act. Supervisor Peskin presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080282 |
[Off-Site Residential Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements] |
Ordinance amending Section 315.5 of the Planning Code to provide that twenty-five percent of off-site units given site permits annually may be built outside of the currently-required one-mile radius from the market-rate project, and to provide that off-site units cannot be located in industrially-zoned areas or within a quarter mile of developments containing 200 or more publicly-owned and operated affordable housing developments. Supervisor Sandoval presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080283 |
[San Francisco Special Tax Financing Law] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding Article 43.10, Sections 43.10.1 through 43.10.23, to enact the Special Tax Financing Law establishing procedures for the formation of special tax districts, the imposition of special taxes and the issuance of bonds secured by such special tax funds. Supervisor Sandoval presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
080231 |
[Driving-experience requirements for taxi medallion applicants] |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code by amending Section 1121, to adjust the driving-experience requirements for taxi medallion applicants. Supervisor Daly presented. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Daly submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title. |
080275 |
[Establishing Monthly Contribution Amount] |
Resolution establishing monthly contribution amount to Health Service Trust Fund. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
080276 |
[Accept-Expend Grant, Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ)] |
Resolution authorizing the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $287,150 from the California Corrections Standards Authority for the purpose of enhancing the capacity of San Francisco to implement an effective continuum of response to juvenile crime and delinquency. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety Committee. |
080284 |
[Bond Sale of Branch Library General Obligation Bonds] |
Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Sale of Not to Exceed $31,065,000 City and County of San Francisco General Obligation Bonds (Branch Library Facilities Improvement Bonds, 2000) Series 2008A; Prescribing the Form and Terms of Said Bonds; Authorizing the Execution, Authentication and Registration of Said Bonds; Providing for the Appointment of Depositories and Other Agents for Said Bonds; Providing For the Establishment of Accounts Related Thereto; Approving the Forms of Official Notice of Sale and Notice of Intention to Sell Bonds; Directing the Publication of the Notice of Intention to Sell Bonds; Approving the Form and Execution of the Official Statement Relating Thereto; Approving the Form of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate; Approving Modifications to Documents; Ratifying Certain Actions Previously Taken; and Granting General Authority to City Officials to Take Necessary Actions in Connection with the Authorization, Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Said Bonds. Mayor, Supervisor Peskin presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
080285 |
[Noe Valley/Sally Brunn Branch Library re-opening] |
Resolution recognizing the grand re-opening of the Noe Valley/Sally Brunn Branch Library and commending the San Francisco Public Library and its team for their hard work and commitment to San Francisco and its residents. Supervisor Dufty presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080286 |
[Support of bill designating safety enhancement-double fine zones] |
Resolution supporting SB 1419, a bill to designate safety enhancement-double fine zones along State Highway Route 1 from Junipero Serra Boulevard to Lake Street and urging the California Legislature to pass the bill. Supervisors Chu, Elsbernd, McGoldrick, Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080287 |
[Adopting the U.S. Cool Counties Climate Stabilization Declaration] |
Resolution adopting the U.S. Cool Counties Climate Stabilization Declaration Supervisor Daly presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080288 |
[Commending the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the Friends of Balboa Park Playground, KaBOOM! and the Neighborhood Parks Council] |
Resolution commending the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the Friends of Balboa Park Playground, KaBOOM! and the Neighborhood Parks Council for their efforts to replace the Balboa Park Playground. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080289 |
[Mountain Lake Park - Toxic Issues] |
Resolution urging the Presidio Trust and Caltrans to immediately resolve the toxicity issue at Mountain Lake through further testing, clean up and diversion measures; and urging the Recreation and Park Department to immediately post signs warning residents that Mountain Lake has been designated a toxic clean up site. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080292 |
[Grant funds to support HIV vaccine trials] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) to enter retroactively into an agreement and to accept and expend funds in the amount of $78,943, with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC), the primary contractor, to support the San Francisco HIV Vaccine Trials Network (VTN) Scholars Group/Public Health Foundation Enterprises (PHFE); for the period of June 1, 2007 through May 31, 2008. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080293 |
[Accept-Expend Private Foundation Grant - Department of the District Attorney] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of the District Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $64,500 from the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Grants Program for a program entitled "Back on Track" for fiscal year 2007/2008. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
Requests for Hearing
080271 |
[CitiApartment] |
Hearing on CityApartment's rate of property acquisition, tenant relations, code violations, and the status report from the City Attorney's office on the City's pending litigation. Supervisor Daly presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080291 |
[Amending the FY 2007-2008 schedule of audits to be conducted of programs of City and County departments by the Budget Analyst] |
Motion amending the FY 2007-2008 schedule of audits to be conducted of programs of City and County departments by the Budget Analyst to include a survey of City Departments and analysis of the number and cost of positions performing public relations - public information including the justification for such positions. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. |
080294 |
[Confirming the re-appointment of London Breed to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency] |
Motion confirming the re-appointment of London Breed to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for a four-year term ending September 3, 2011. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080295 |
[Confirming the re-appointment of Darshan Singh to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency] |
Motion confirming the re-appointment of Darshan Singh to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for a four-year term ending September 3, 2011. Mayor presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080296 |
[Authorizing preparation of Proponent/Opponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for submittal to the voters at the June 3, 2008 Election] |
Motion authorizing preparation of written Proponent and Opponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for submittal to the voters at the June 8, 2008 Election. . |
080178 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Lydia Jones] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Lydia Jones against the City and County of San Francisco for $65,000.00; the lawsuit was filed on October 23 2006 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-06-457229; entitled Lydia Jones v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080179 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit - Susan Sponseller] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Susan Sponseller against the City and County of San Francisco for $100,000; the lawsuit was filed on January 24, 2007 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 459858; entitled Susan Sponseller v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080180 |
[Settlement of Lawsuit] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Kelly Medora against the City and County of San Francisco for $235,000; the lawsuit was filed on January 27, 2006 in United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. C06-00558 EDL; entitled Kelly Medora, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
080181 |
[Gift - Private, Department of Public Health - $104,538] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health to retroactively accept a gift from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation with a monetary value of $104,538 to back fill-staff attending training designed to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events (heart attacks and strokes) for the period of January 1, 2008 though December 31, 2010. (Public Health Department) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
080222 |
[Gift - Private, Public Health Department - Data Center and Electronic Medication Administration Record System] |
Resolution authorizing the Public Health Department to accept a gift of a Data Center and an Electronic Medication Administration Record System for the San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) from the San Francisco Hospital Foundation (SFGH Foundation). (Public Health Department) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
080223 |
[Street Encroachments on Ocean Avenue at Granada Avenue] |
Resolution granting revocable permission to San Francisco Arts Commission to occupy a portion of the public right-of-way to install and maintain two mosaic sun spheres, one three feet, and one four feet in diameter near the northeasterly and southwesterly corners of Ocean Avenue and Granada Avenue, and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Economic Development Committee. |
080224 |
[Gift of Equipment to Fire Department] |
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Fire Department to accept a gift of a fifteen Porto2Vent Continuous Positive Air Pressure Devices and Backpacks valued at $19,050 from Emergent Technologies for use by Fire Department employees who provide ambulance services in the City. (Fire Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
080262 |
[Approval of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000-Implementation Plan] |
Resolution authorizing adoption of the San Francisco County Plan for the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. (Public Health Department) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. Department requests that the item be referred to Budget and Finance Committee. |
080263 |
[Lease of Real Property at 1740 Cesar Chavez Street] |
Resolution authorizing a new lease of approximately 7,680 square feet at 1740 Cesar Chavez Street for the Department of Human Resources (DHR) for a term of five years. (Real Estate Department) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
Clerk to Act – February 26, 2008
Board Minutes for January 29, 2008 and February 5, 2008 approved.
Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from the following locations:
Light Boxes:
-Northeast corner of Page and Divisadero
Phone Switch Boxes:
-Northwest corner of Grove and Webster
-Northeast corner of Webster and Hayes
-Southeast corner of Fell and Webster
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from newsstands at the following locations:
SF Weekly:
-Northeast corner of Divisadero and McAllister
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from the public property located at the following locations:
Fire Hydrant:
-Southeast corner of Octavia and Grove
Curb Edge:
-Northwest corner of Grove and Webster
-Southeast corner of Hayes and Steiner
-Near 1145 Hayes Street
-Across from 1145 Hayes Street on the Alamo Park side of the street
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from mailboxes and garbage cans at the following locations:
-Southwest corner of Hayes and Fillmore
-Northwest corner of Steiner and Fulton
-Northeast corner of McAllister and Scott
-Southeast corner of McAllister and Pierce
-Southeast corner of Fillmore and Oak
-Northeast corner of Oak and Gough
-Southwest corner of Haight and Gough
Garbage Cans:
-Northeast corner of McAllister and Broderick
-Southwest corner of Hayes and Buchanan
-Northeast corner of Grove and Fillmore
-Southwest corner of Fulton and Steiner
-Northwest corner of Hayes and Steiner
-Southeast corner of Fillmore and Hayes
-Near 700 Hayes
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti at the following private property locations:
-650 Steiner
-906-916 Hayes
-957 Hayes
-929-931 Hayes
-867 Fell
-661-665 Fillmore (plus ATM sign)
-539 Octavia
-899 Grove
-668-678 Lyon
-1372 McAllister
-1555-1559 McAllister
-1577 McAllister
-1670 McAllister
-1697 McAllister
-1849 McAllister
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of repairing potholes at following locations:
Numerous potholes on the 800 block of Fell
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from utility poles at the following locations:
-Southwest corner of Fulton and Broderick
-969 Hayes
-690 Hayes
-1249 Hayes
-1856 McAllister
-1712-1722 McAllister
-1677 McAllister
-815 Webster
-Northwest corner of Fulton and Broderick
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Recreation and Park
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Recreation and Park to report on the status of removing graffiti from Hayes Valley Playground walls.
From: Supervisor Sandoval
To: Clerk, Board of Supervisors
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to write a letter to the Planning Department requesting the Planning Department to respond to the following questions concerning the legislated setback at 679 Lisbon Street (Planning Code Section 132):
- What is the history of this legislated setback?
- Why does this setback require a legislated abolishment rather than having the option of appeal before the Planning Commission by the project sponsor?
- Would the Planning Department support legislation abolishing the legislated setback at 679 Lisbon Street?
Requesting the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to send a copy of the letter to:
Robert Trumbull, Homeowner
679 Lisbon Street
San Francisco, CA 94112
Bill Mahar
Mahar Architects
2411 Carlmont Drive, #108
Belmont, CA 94002
In Memoriams
Fergus McEleny – Supervisor Elsbernd
Bill Wolf – Supervisor Ammiano
Bob Young – Supervisor Peskin
Lawrence King – Supervisor Sandoval