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May 06, 2008

City and County of San Francisco

City and County of San Francisco seal

Legislation Introduced
Including All Off-Calendar Items
May 6, 2008


Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor


080603 [Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Selected Departments, as of May 1, 2008, Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009 and for the Municipal Transportation Agency, Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010]
Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for Selected Departments of the City and County of San Francisco as of May 1, 2008 for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009 and for the Municipal Transportation Agency for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080604 [Proposed Annual Salary Ordinance for Selected Departments, Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009 and for the Municipal Transportation Agency, Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010]
Proposed Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Selected Departments of the City and County of San Francisco for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009 and for the Municipal Transportation Agency for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080605 [Motor Vehicles for Hire; Permit Application and License Renewal Fees]
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code by amending Sections 2.26.1 and 2.17.1, to increase certain motor vehicle for hire permit application and license renewal fees. (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080606 [Revising Board of Appeals Surcharges]
Ordinance amending Section 10G.1 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to adjust the surcharges on permit fees, license fees, permit review fees and permit and license renewal fees imposed by the Department of Building Inspection, the Planning Commission, the Taxi Commission, the Police Department, the Department of Public Works, the Entertainment Commission, and the Department of Public Health for permits and licenses that may be appealed to the Board of Appeals, and making environmental findings. (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080613 [Local Business Enterprise and Non-Discrimination in Contracting Ordinance shall terminate 120 days after the injunction in Coral v. Construction, Inc. ( S.F. Sup. Ct. No. 421249) is lifted or stayed]
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code 14B.18 to suspend enforcement of 14.B and reinstate Chapter 12D.A. 120 days after the injunction in Coral Construction, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco (S.F. Sup. Ct. No. 421249) is lifted or stayed. Mayor, Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

080614 [Extending the Expiration date of the MBE/WBE/LBE Ordinance]
Ordinance extending the expiration date of Chapter 12DA, the City's Minority/Women/Local Business Utilization program until one year after the injunction in Coral Construction, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco ( S.F. Sup. Ct. No. 421249) is lifted or stayed. Mayor, Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

080616 [Appointment of Independent Hearing Officer for Local Enforcement Agency]
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Health Code by adding Sections 315, 318, 321, 323, 324, 327, 330, 333, 335, 337, 339, and 341 to authorize the appointment of an Independent Hearing Officer from the San Francisco Rent Board to conduct Local Enforcement Agency Hearings brought pursuant to the State Public Resources Code; establish procedures and qualifications for the appointment, and establish hearing procedures, cost recovery, and bases for hearing officer disqualification. Supervisor Dufty presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.

080621 [Amending Health Code Article 8 - Food Preparation and Service Establishment]
Ordinance amending San Francisco Health Code Sections 451, 452, 456.4, 456.5, deleting Health Code Section 455, and amending San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 249.1 to include definition for licensed health care facilities, clarify the definition for hospital kitchen, update definitions to be consistent with the California Retail Food Code; add a fee for licensed health care facilities; and add lien procedures for enforcing monetary penalties. Mayor presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.


080607 [Proposition J Contract/Certification of Specified Contracted-Out Services Previously Approved for Enterprise Departments]
Resolution concurring with the Controller's certification that services previously approved can be performed by private contractor for a lower cost than similar work performed by City and County employees, for the following services: employee and public parking management services, information booth services, security services, and shuttle bus services (Airport); paratransit services, security services, citation information, janitorial and landscaping, meter collection and coin counting, towing services, and transit shelter maintenance and advertising (MTA); janitorial and security services (Port). (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080615 [Accept and Expend Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grant Funds - $8,119,150]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to accept and expend a United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Grant in the amount of $8,119,150 for a Contamination Warning System Demonstration Pilot Project. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.

080617 [Accept-Expend Federal Grant Funds, Fire Department - $1,173,212]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Fire Department to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,173,212 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop and implement a Wellness and Fitness Program. Supervisor Elsbernd presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.

080622 [Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - 149 Mason Street Apartments- not to exceed $15,275,000]
Resolution authorizing the issuance and delivery of multifamily housing revenue bonds (as defined herein) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $15,275,000 for the purpose of providing financing for a multifamily rental housing project to be known as 149 Mason Street Apartments; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a trust indenture providing the terms and conditions of the bonds; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a regulatory agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a loan agreement; ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the bonds and the project; granting general authority to City officials to take actions necessary to implement this resolution; and related matters. Mayor presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

080623 [Grant funds to support the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act program - $63,567.48]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health's Environmental Health Section (DPH-EHS) to enter into an agreement with the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) and to designate a representative to sign the agreement and any amendments thereto for implementation of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) and to accept and expend retroactively a new grant in the amount of $63,567.48 from CEPA to support the "Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act Program" for the period of January 1, 2008 through March 1, 2010. Supervisor Alioto-Pier presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

080624 [Proclaiming June, July and August of 2008 as "Soda Free Summer"]
Resolution proclaiming June, July and August of 2008 as "Soda Free Summer" in the City and County of San Francisco, and urging all San Franciscans to join Shape Up SF to "Rethink Your Drink" and go Soda Free this summer. Supervisor Dufty presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

080625 [Commending Mimi Silbert and declaring May 15, 2008 to be Mimi Silbert Day]
Resolution commending Mimi Silbert for more than 36 years of leadership as the President and CEO of Delancey Street and her steadfast commitment to the rehabilitation and reintegration of more than 14,000 people nationwide, and declaring May 15, 2008 to be Mimi Silbert Day, on the occasion of her recognition by the Women Defenders at their 2008 Spring Event. Supervisor Sandoval presented. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

080626 [Public Works Week - May 18 - 24, 2008]
Resolution declaring May 18 through May 24, 2008 as Public Works Week. Supervisor McGoldrick presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.

080627 [Commending AcroSports]
Resolution commending AcroSports on their 15 years of service to the community. Supervisor McGoldrick presented.REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.


080602 [Mayor's Proposed May Budget 2008-2009]
Hearing to review the Mayor's Proposed May Budget 2008-2009. (Mayor) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080608 [Outside Lands Festival in Golden Gate Park]
Hearing to examine plans from SF Police Department, Recreation and Park Department, Department of Parking and Traffic, and Department of Public Works in preparation for the Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival in Golden Gate Park (August 22-24, 2008). Supervisor Chu presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.

080609 [City Tree Safety]
Hearing to examine whether trees in Stern Grove and other areas of the City are properly maintained and meet appropriate safety standards. Also to examine expenditure plan for Parks Bond funds dedicated to tree restoration. Supervisor Chu presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.

080610 [Arts Task Force Recommendations]
Hearing on the implementation on the 2006 Arts Task Force recommendations for all affected departments to report their progress on implementation. Supervisor Ammiano presented. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

080612 [Police District Boundaries]
Joint hearing of the Public Safety Committee of the Board of Supervisors and the Police Commission to discuss the Public Safety Strategies Group findings and recommendations of the district boundaries analysis completed pursuant to Board Ordinance number 243-06. Supervisor Mirkarimi presented.RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety Committee.

Charter Amendments

080618 [Third Aide for Members of the Board of Supervisors]
Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco by amending Section 2.117, to authorize a third aide for members of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor McGoldrick presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.

080619 [Providing for appointment rather than election of the City Treasurer]
Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco by adding Section 3.106, amending Sections 6.100, 13.101, 13.101.5, 13.102, and 14.103, and repealing Section 6.106, to provide for appointment rather than election of the City Treasurer, and set qualifications for the office of Treasurer. Supervisor McGoldrick presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.

080620 [Creating a Public Works Commission, setting its powers and duties; authorizing the Mayor to appoint the Director of Public Works]
Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco by adding a new Section 4.121.5 and amending Sections 3.104, 4.130 and D3.750-4, to create a Public Works Commission and establish its powers and duties, and authorize the Mayor to appoint the Director of Public Works. Supervisor McGoldrick presented.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.


080581 [Approval of Fifth Amendment to Agreement with Serco Inc. for parking meter collection and management services, to extend the term by two years and increase the contract amount by $7,000,000]
Resolution approving the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement between Serco Management Systems, Inc. and the City and County of San Francisco, through the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. (Municipal Transportation Agency) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

080582 [Approval of Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Serco, Inc. for Administrative Services in Support of the SFpark Project, for a contract term of two years and an amount not-to-exceed $23,000,000]
Resolution approving the Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Serco, Inc. for Administrative Services in Support of the SFpark Project. (Municipal Transportation Agency) . RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

080583 [Official Advertising for FY 2008-2009]
Resolution designating the Examiner the official newspaper of the City and County of San Francisco for all official advertising for Fiscal Year 08-09. (Office of Contract Administration) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080584 [Outreach Advertising for FY 2008-2009]
Resolution designating San Francisco Bay View to be the outreach newspaper of the City and County for the African American community, and Asian Week to be the outreach newspaper of the City and County for the Chinese community, to provide outreach advertising services for Fiscal Year 08-09. (Office of Contract Administration) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

080585 [Approval of the Mental Health Services Act Workforce Development Education and Training Three Year Program and Expenditure Plan]
Resolution approving the Mental Health Services Act Workforce Development Education and Training Three Year Program and Expenditure Plan (WET Plan) and authorizing the amendment of the MHSA Agreement to include this Plan in the agreement. (Public Health Department) .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Clerk to Act – May 6, 2008

Requests Granted

From: Supervisor Sandoval
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Parking and Traffic respond to the feasibility of zebra striping the pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection of Persia Avenue and Vienna Street.

From: Supervisor Elsbernd
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic

Requesting/Inquiring: Please investigate the possibility of relocating the traffic signal box located at the corner of Laguna Honda and Portola due to pedestrian safety concerns.

From: Supervisor Elsbernd
To: Director, Municipal Transportation Agency

Requesting/Inquiring: Please explore the possibility of installing speed humps on the one block of Wawona, between Ulloa and Taraval Streets.

From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Chief, Police Department
To: Director, Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice

Requesting/Inquiring: Currently, the Police Department's GIS crime map only tracks crimes which occurred in the last 90 days, and while most classifications of crimes such as robberies and assaults are searchable, homicides are not. What is the reason for these limitations? When can we expect the GIS map to reflect the past year's crimes, rather than the last 3 months, and when will the map accurately show where homicides have occurred?

From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Public Works report on the status of repairing potholes at the following locations:

Geary and Post, pothole on southwest side of street

South side at Divisadero and Golden Gate

From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Public Works report on the status of removing graffiti from the following locations:

Phone Switch Boxes:

Northeast corner of Oak and Webster

Northeast corner of Scott and Waller

Southeast corner of Fell and Fillmore

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Post

Southeast corner of Scott and HaightFell and Divisadero

Southwest corner of Buchanan and Hayes

Buchanan and Haight Streets

546 Haight Street

Northwest corner of Ashbury and Waller


Post and Geary

Hayes and Laguna

Southwest corner of Fell and Buchanan

Northeast corner of McAllister and Scott

From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Public Works report on the status of removing graffiti at the following private property locations:

503 Scott

360 Haight

472 Haight

539 Octavia

401 Fillmore

557 Fillmore

1015 Fillmore

1000 Steiner

333 Haight

406-408 Buchanan

536 Fell

401 Haight

546 Haight

799 Haight

498 Haight

425-431 Buchanan

485 Haight

385 Grove

432 Grove

200 Octavia

626 Fell

Geary and Steiner (the wall on the southwest corner of the walking bride)

451 Hayes

525 Gough

355 Laguna

From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Public Works report on the status of removing graffiti from utility poles at the following locations:


In front of 424 Oak

Northwest corner of Oak and Buchanan

432 Buchanan

Northwest corner of Page and Webster


Southwest corner of McAllister and Webster

Northwest corner of Fell and Fillmore

406 Buchanan

Southwest corner of Buchanan and Lausant

1468 Waller

Southeast corner of Fell and Buchanan

Bus Shelters:

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Post

Northeast corner of Fillmore and Hayes

Stanyan and Oak

Northwest and Southeast corner of Haight and Fillmore

Southwest corner of Haight and Buchanan

Crosswalks and Stop Signs:

Fillmore and Waller (crosswalk and stop signs)

Fillmore and Haight (southeast and southwest corner stop signs)

From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works

Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the Department of Public Works report on the status of removing graffiti from newstands at the following locations:

San Francisco Bay Guardian:

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Post

Southeast corner of Laguna and Page

9th Avenue and Judah (near bus stops)

7th Avenue and Irving (near bus stops)

Northwest corner of Fillmore and Geary

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Haight

In front of 497 Oak Street

San Francisco Chronicle:

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Post

Southeast corner of Oak and Buchanan

Southeast corner of Laguna and Page

Northwest corner of Fillmore and Hayes

Southeast corner of Haight and Fillmore

Irving and 9th Avenue

Irving and 7th Avenue


Southeast corner of Fillmore and Post

Northwest corner of Hayes and Gough

Southeast corner of Haight and Fillmore

SF Daily:

Northwest corner of Hayes and Gough

City Star:

Northwest corner of Hayes and Gough


Northeast corner of Fillmore and Waller

Northwest corner of Hayes and Gough

Southeast corner of Divisadero and Page

Southeast corner of Fillmore and Haight

SF Weekly:

Southwest corner of Hayes and Webster

Southeast corner of Masonic and Haight

Southeast corner of Haight and Fillmore

In Memoriams:

George C. Fleharty – Supervisor Peskin
Charles "Chad" Lowell Elliott – Supervisor Dufty
Robert Lawrence "Bob" Reising – Supervisor Dufty
Dick Dineen – Supervisor Dufty

Last updated: 9/10/2014 3:45:59 PM