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October 05, 2009

City and County of San Francisco

City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689


Monday, October 5, 2009
10:00 AM
City Hall, Legislative Chamber, Room 250
Regular Meeting

Public Safety Committee

Members: David Chiu, Ross Mirkarimi, Michela Alioto-Pier

Clerk: Alisa Somera (415) 554-4447

Members Present:  David Chiu, Ross Mirkarimi, Michela Alioto-Pier. 
Members Excused:  None. 
Members Absent:  None. 

The meeting convened at 10:01 a.m.

President Chiu appointed Supervisor Campos to the Public Safety Committee for himself from 1:00 to
1:34 p.m.


091053  [Approval of the cost extension application for HIV prevention projects]  Supervisors Dufty, Campos 
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health to submit a two-year application for calendar years 2010 and 2011, to continue to receive funding for the "HIV Prevention Projects" grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the total amount of approximately $16,000,000 in HIV prevention funding for San Francisco; from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2011. (Public Health Department)
9/3/09, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee.
9/29/09, TRANSFERRED to Public Safety Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Dr. Grant Colfax, Department of Public Health; Francisco Da Costa.
Ayes: 2 - Chiu, Mirkarimi
Absent: 1 - Alioto-Pier

091102  [Residential Marijuana Growing Operations]  Supervisor Chu 
Hearing on the illegal residential marijuana growing operations. Hearing will include discussion of recent increase in discoveries of illegal marijuana growing operations by San Francisco Police Department; public safety implications from these operations as considered by San Francisco Police Department and San Francisco Fire Department; District Attorney's Office reports on status and results of these arrests; Department of Public Health report on medical cannabis cards and statistics on card carriers by District.
9/15/09, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety Committee.
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Supervisor Carmen Chu; Captain Paul Chignell and Captain Denis O'Leary, SF Police Department; Sharon Woo, District Attorney's Office; Barbara Schultheis, SF Fire Department; Eric Pearson, Medical Cannabis Working Group; Mr. Wright; Francisco Da Costa; Karl Jensen.
FILED by the following vote: 
Ayes: 3 - Chiu, Mirkarimi, Alioto-Pier

091032  [Confidentiality of juveniles' immigration status]  Supervisors Campos, Avalos, Chiu, Dufty, Mar, Maxwell, Mirkarimi, Daly 
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by amending Sections 12H.2, 12H.2-1, and 12H.3 to allow City law enforcement officers and employees to report information regarding the immigration status of a juvenile to any state or federal agency when the juvenile has been adjudicated to be a ward of the court on the ground of felony conduct, the court makes a finding of probable cause after the District Attorney directly files felony criminal charges against the minor, or the juvenile court determines that the minor is unfit to be tried in juvenile court and the superior court makes a finding of probable cause; and to update references to the federal agency responsible for enforcing federal immigration laws.
8/18/09, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Public Safety Committee, expires on 9/17/2009.
8/21/09, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Youth Commission for review and recommendation. 09/14/09 - Youth Commission response received.

Heard in Committee.  Speakers:  Supervisor David Campos; Supervisor Chris Daly; Supervisor John Avalos; Diana Oliva, SF Immigrant Rights Defense Committee; Abigail Trillen, Legal Services for Children; Angela Chan, Asian Law Caucus; Bill O. Hing, Law Professor, UC Davis; Julia Sabory, Director, SF Youth Commission; Craig Wong, SF Interfaith Coalition on Immigration; Jane Kim, Vice-President, and Sandra Lee Fewer, SF Board of Education; Jeff Adachi, SF Public Defender; Michael Wright; Myriam Zamora (translated); Male Speaker; Laurie Shigekuni; Julio Escobar, Juvenile Restorative Justice; Rev. Anna Lange Soto, Migration and Immigration Task Force Episcopal Diocese of California; Charlene Tschirhart, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights; Molly Goldberg read letter for Kendra Froshman, Pride at Work; Rachel Ebora, SFIRDC; Jazzie Collins, SOMCAN; Patti Lee and Ilona Solomon, SF Public Defender's Office; Rev. Donna Wood, Park Presidio; Emily Lee, Chinese Progressive Association; Christopher Punongbayan, Director, Asian Law Caucus; Cynthia Munoz-Romas, St. Peter's Housing Committee; Francisco Ugarte, SFILEN; Colin Gallagher; Alejandra Caldern, HOMEY; Joel Agniar, SF Day Labor Program; Female Speaker (translated); Lorena Carrillo, Colectiva de Mujeres (translated); Hillary Ronan read a letter for Professor Kathleen Cole, Stanford University; Gloria (translated); Female Speaker, Pride at Work; Irma Ventura, Colectiva de Mujeres (translated); Denise Dorey, Axis of Love Harvey Milk; Gilbert C., Axis of Love; Alysabeth Alexander read a letter for Delores; Maria Villalta, CARECEN; Susana Rojas; Eric Quezada, DSCS/SFILEN; Anamaria Loya, La Raza Centro Legal; Robert Haaland, SF Pride at Work/SF Dems; Carolina Morales, Community United Against Violence; Maria, La Voz Latina (translated); Female Speaker read letter for Maria Gomez (translated); Juanu Tello, POWER; Ariana Gil-Nafarvate, Mujeres Unidas y Activas; Michael Lyon, SF Grey Panthers; Frank Chu; Chelsea Boilard, Coleman Advocates; Clyde Conrad; Barbara Lopez, La Roz; Heather; Karl Kramer, SF Living Wage Coalition; Angelica Cabande, SOMCAN.

Supervisor Alioto-Pier made a motion to hold a closed session in full Board to consider this item.  There was no second.  The motion FAILED.

Supervisor Mirkarimi, seconded by President Chiu, moved to recommend this item to the full Board. 

RECOMMENDED by the following vote: 
Ayes: 2 - Chiu, Mirkarimi
Noes: 1 - Alioto-Pier

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Last updated: 12/30/2013 4:38:13 PM