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October 10, 2007

City and County of San Francisco


Budget and Finance Committee

Legislative Chamber, City Hall, Room 250

seal of the city and county of sf

Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
1:00 PM
Regular Meeting

Members: Aaron Peskin, Tom Ammiano, Bevan Dufty

Clerk: Victor Young (415) 554-7723



Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include the following documents: 1) Legislation 2) Budget Analyst report 3) Legislative Analyst report


Each member of the public will be allotted the same maximum number of minutes to speak as set by the Chair at the beginning of each item, excluding City representatives, except that public speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to testify for twice the amount of the public testimony time limit. If simultaneous translation services are used, speakers will be governed by the public testimony time limit applied to speakers not requesting translation assistance. Members of the public who want a document placed on the overhead for display should clearly state such and subsequently remove the document when they want the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting.






1. 071361 [Approval of Exercise of Renewal Option of Lease of Real Property at One Market Plaza]
Resolution approving the exercise of a Six Month Renewal Option of a lease of 20,677 square feet of office, storage and datacenter space at One Market Plaza for the Department of Telecommunications and Information Services (DTIS). (Real Estate Department)

9/17/07, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.


2. 071327 [Extending to September 30, 2008 the Cooperative Agreement between the Treasure Island Development Authority and the U.S. Navy through which the Authority provides caretaker services at
Resolution approving and authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to retroactively enter into a modification to the Cooperative Agreement with the Navy to extend the Cooperative Agreement from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008. (Treasure Island Development Authority)

(Fiscal Impact.)

9/12/07, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.


3. 071329 [Amending and Repealing Cash Revolving Funds and Cash Revolving Accounts]
Ordinance amending and repealing various sections of Article XV, Part I of the San Francisco Municipal Code (Administrative Code), which established cash revolving funds and cash revolving accounts for the City and County of San Francisco departments. (Controller)

9/17/07, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.


4. 071344 [Master Agreement for State Aid Transportation Funds] Mayor
Resolution approving the execution of a Master Agreement for State-Aid Projects between the City and County of San Francisco, through its Municipal Transportation Agency (for the Department of Parking and Traffic), and the California Department of Transportation.

9/18/07, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.


5. 071300 [Approving Agreement with Northern California Joint Pole Association] Supervisor Peskin
Ordinance approving an agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Northern California Joint Pole Association for a term potentially in excess of ten years and indemnifying the Northern California Joint Pole Association and its members from certain third-party claims for personal injury or property damage, and waiving certain requirements of the San Francisco Administrative Code with respect to the agreement.

9/11/07, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.


6. 071311 [Java House Caf