City and County of San Francisco
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
1:00 PM
Legislative Chamber, City Hall, Room 250
Regular Meeting
Budget and Finance Committee
Members: Jake McGoldrick, Sean Elsbernd, Ross Mirkarimi
Clerk: Victor Young (415) 554-7723
Members Present: |
Jake McGoldrick, Sean Elsbernd, Ross Mirkarimi. |
Members Excused: |
None. |
Members Absent: |
None. |
FONTSIZE= +1Meeting Convened |
The meeting convened at 1:09 p.m. |
081096 |
[Setting San Francisco's fiscal year 2008-2009 property tax rate and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for the City and County purposes and establishing pass-through rate for residential tenants pursuant to Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. |
8/5/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081097 |
[Setting San Francisco Community College District's fiscal year 2008-2009 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for the San Francisco Community College District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. |
8/5/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081098 |
[Setting San Francisco Unified School District's fiscal year 2008-2009 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for the San Francisco Unified School District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. |
8/5/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081099 |
[Setting San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District's fiscal year 2008-2009 property tax rate to be included in the City's overall property tax rate] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. |
8/5/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
080948 |
[Amendment to Real Property Ownership Agreement] |
Supervisor Elsbernd |
Resolution approving an amendment to the Real Property Ownership Agreement between the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, San Mateo County Transit District, the City and County of San Francisco and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to fully resolve all outstanding financial issues related to repayment of SamTrans for its additional contribution for the acquisition of the Caltrain right-of-way, and to designate SamTrans as the managing agency of the Joint Powers Board.
(Fiscal Impact.) |
7/8/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst; Supervisor Dufty (present). |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081019 |
[Public Employment - Deputy Chief 3 - Police Department] |
Supervisor Dufty |
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 141-08 (Annual Salary Ordinance FY 2008-2009) to reflect the addition of 2 positions (1.50 FTE) Class 0402 - Deputy Chief 3 in the Police Department.
(Supervisor McGoldrick dissented in committee.)
(Fiscal Impact.) |
7/29/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Supervisor Dufty; Ed Harrington, General Manager, PUC; Judson True, MTA; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
Ayes: 2 - Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
Noes: 1 - McGoldrick
081057 |
[Appropriating $110,632 of Community Improvement Impact Fee revenue for Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvements in the Department of Public Works for Fiscal Year 2008-2009] |
Supervisor Maxwell |
Ordinance appropriating $110,632 of Community Impact Fee revenue from the Visitacion Valley Infrastructure Fund for Leland Avenue Streetscape Improvements in the Department of Public Works for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. |
7/29/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Kris Opbroek, Project Manager, Department of Public Works; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081079 |
[Amendment to Leases of Real Property at 3120 Mission and 3425 Cesar Chavez Streets] |
Resolution authorizing the Amendment to Leases at 3120 Mission and 3425 Cesar Chavez Streets for the Department of Human Services. (Real Estate Department)
(Fiscal Impact.) |
8/4/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Amy Brown, Director of Property; Tony Lugo, Human Services Agency.
Continued to 9/17/08. |
CONTINUED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081077 |
[Approval of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) FY08-09 Annual Community Services and Supports Plan Update] |
Resolution authorizing adoption of the Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Community Services and Supports (CSS) Plan Update and modification of Contract No. 07-77338-000 to include this Annual Update in the agreement. (Public Health Department) |
8/4/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst; Dr. Alice Leghorn, Department of Public Health; Walter Paulsen.
9/10/08 - Amendment of the whole bearing a new title. |
Resolution authorizing adoption of the Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Community Services and Supports (CSS) Plan Update and modification of Contract No. 07-77338-000 to include this Annual Update in the agreement and authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend the additional State MHSA funds totaling $1,766,236. (Public Health Department) |
RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081073 |
[Approving Modification to the Cooperative Agreement between the Treasure Island Development Authority and the U.S. Navy] |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to enter into a Modification to the Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy to extend the Cooperative Agreement from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009. (Treasure Island Development Authority)
(Fiscal Impact.) |
7/31/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Mirian Saez, Director of Island Operations; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst.
Continued to 9/17/08. |
CONTINUED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081150 |
[Reserved Funds, Human Services Agency] |
Hearing to consider release of reserved funds, Human Services Agency fiscal year 2008-09 Budget, in the amount of $243,220 to fund the salaries and benefits for its Workforce Development staff and operating costs to provide business and job development services to Workforce Investment Act (WIA) clients. |
8/21/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst; Derek Chu, Human Services Agency; Nani Coloretti, Budget Director, Mayor's Office.
$243,220 released and filed. |
APPROVED AND FILED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 2 - McGoldrick, Mirkarimi
Noes: 1 - Elsbernd
081128 |
[FY 2008-2009 California Constitution Appropriations Limit] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Resolution establishing the appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2008-09 pursuant to California Constitution Article XIII B. |
8/12/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst; Supervisor Dufty (present). |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
081090 |
[Issuance and Sale of Tax-Exempt Bonds - Pacific Primary - $6,000,000] |
Supervisor Mirkarimi |
Resolution approving the issuance and sale of tax-exempt bonds by the ABAG Finance Authority for Nonprofit Corporations in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,000,000 to finance various capital facilities owned by Pacific Primary, a California nonprofit corporation, or an affiliate thereof. |
8/5/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
9/3/08, TRANSFERRED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speaker: Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - McGoldrick, Elsbernd, Mirkarimi
The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m. |