12. |
090082 |
[Budget Updates] |
Supervisor Avalos |
Hearing to consider budget updates from the Mayor's Budget Office, the Controller's Office, and various City Departments.
1/27/09, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee. |
2/4/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee: Greg Wagner, Mayor's Budget; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Robert Haaland; Walter; Frankie Barris; Jennifer Friedenback; Ms. Alexander; Peter Mazack; Alexandra Goldman; Michael Tom; Yolanda; Winchell Hillard. Continued to February 11, 2009. |
2/11/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speaker: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller. Continued to February 18, 2009. |
2/18/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Tom Owen, Deputy City Attorney; James Chionsini, Health Care Action Team; Dr. Phelan; Vickie Westlund; C. W. Johnson; Walter. Continued to March 4, 2009. |
3/4/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; John Bardis; Jazzie Collins, South of Market Community Action Network. Continued to March 11, 2009. |
3/11/09, CONTINUED. Speakers: None. Continued to March 18, 2009. |
3/18/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller. Continued to March 25, 2009. |
3/25/09, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Kyri McClellan, Office of Economic and Work Force Development; Dr. Mitchell Katz, Director of Heath; Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Bruce Allison, Poor Magazine; Jonathan Vernick, Baker Place; Jennifer Friedenbach, Coalition on Homelessness; Gail Gilman; Debbie Lerman, San Francisco Human Services Network; Jazzie Collins, South of Market Community Action Network; Julie Ledbetter; Trent Rhorer, Executive Director, Human Services Agency; Ann Hinton, Human Services Agency; Evan; Robert Haaland, SEIU, Local 721; Kamilla Sadykhova; Margaret Beren; James Chionsini, Planning for Elders; Mesa Lawrence, Tenderloin Health; Joseph Mitchell; Mr. Gilman, Gray Panthers; Chester, APIFRN; Winnie DeBrasy; Lindsay Harkinson, Shelter Client Advocate; Seth Katzman, Conord House; John St. Peter; Cameron McHenry, Supportive Housing Employment Collaborative (SHEC); Robin Bennett, Supportive Housing Employment Collaborative; Alvin Johnson, SHEC; Jay; Michael, Tenderloin Resource Center; Michael Lyon, Coalition to Save Public Health; Lam Won; Kay Walker, SEIU; Dosa; Jonathan Dyer, Axis of Love; Teresita Gatan, SEIU, Local 1021; Marie Javlon, Community Living Campaign; Ann Ling, SEIU; Connie Rebecca, St. Anthony Foundation; Victoria |
4/8/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Gigi Whitley, Mayor's Budget Office; Ben Rosenfield, Controller. Continued to April 15, 2009. |
4/15/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Gabriel Cabrera, Office of the Legislative Analyst; Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director. Continued to April 22, 2009. |
4/22/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Greg Wagner; Kiri McClelland, Office of Economic Development; Doug Shoemaker, Mayor's Office of Housing; Michael Lyon, Gray Panthers; Victor Gresser; Connie Ford. Continued to April 29, 2009. |
4/29/09, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Speakers: None. |
5/6/09, CONTINUED. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Ben Rosenfield, Controller; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller. Continued to May 13, 2009. |
5/13/09, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in Committee. Speakers: David Pilpel; Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller. |
6/10/09, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director; Ben Rosenfield, Controller; Robert Haaland, SEIU, Local 1021; Marie Harrison; Brenada; Mr. Franklin, SEIU, Local 1021, President, Recreation and Park Chapter; Michael Tom; Walter Paulsen; Ted Pinchley; Male Speaker; Sean Brook; Erin Johnson; Rafael; Harvey Milk Club; Male Speaker; Mr. Aguirre; Liz. |
8/5/09, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Monique Zmuda, Deputy Controller; Trent Rhorer, Director, Human Services Agency; Female Speaker, Department of Public Health; Francisco Da Costa; Nani Coloretti, Mayor's Budget Director. |