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February 18, 1997



Tuesday, February 18, 1997 - 2:00 p.m.

The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in regular session on the above date with President Barbara Kaufman presiding.


The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present:

Supervisors Ammiano, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 6.

Noted absent at first roll call:

Supervisors Bierman, Brown, Katz, Medina, Teng - 5.

Quorum present.

Supervisor Bierman was noted present at 2:01 p.m.

Supervisor Brown was noted present at 2:01 p.m.

Supervisor Katz was noted present at 2:02 p.m.

Supervisor Medina excused. (See infra.)

Supervisor Teng was noted present at 2:52 p.m.

Supervisor Medina Excused

The Clerk stated Supervisor Medina requested to be excused from attending today's meeting.

Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Newsom, moved to excuse Supervisor Medina from attendance.

Motion adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Bierman, Brown, Katz, Medina, Teng - 5.


Appointment of Gavin Newsom

The Clerk announced he received communication from the Honorable Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr., indicating he has appointed Gavin C. Newsom as Supervisor, vice Kevin Shelley, for term ending January 8, 1999, and Mr. Newsom took the oath of office on February 13, 1997.

The Clerk indicated he received communication from the Controller certifying that the required bond has been filed.

The members of the Board of Supervisors welcomed Supervisor Newsom.


Recommendations of Finance Committee

Finally Passed

[Appropriation, Public Defender]
Ordinance appropriating $110,682, Public Defender, from General Fund Reserve to cover fiscal year 1996-97 for rental increase and telephone services. (Controller)

File 101-96-36, Ordinance No. 47-97

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Fire Department]
Ordinance rescinding and appropriating $110,675, Fire Department, of a Fire Protection Bond capital project for the AWSS System to a capital project for the Hazard Mitigation grant for fiscal year 1996-97; placing $25,000 on reserve. (Controller)

File 101-96-37, Ordinance No. 48-97

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Medical Examiner/Coroner]
Ordinance appropriating $90,732, Medical Examiner/Coroner, from the General Fund Reserve to purchase equipment for fiscal year 1996-97. (Controller)

File 101-96-38, Ordinance No. 49-97

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Department of Public Health-Mental Health]
Ordinance appropriating $100,000, Department of Public Health-Division of Mental Health, of State revenue to salaries, fringe benefits, travel, training, professional services, other current services, materials and supplies and equipment for the creation of one (1) position for a Suicide Prevention Program for fiscal year 1996-97; providing for ratification of action previously taken. (Controller)

File 101-96-39, Ordinance No. 50-97

Finally passed.

[Annual Salary Ordinance Amendment]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 298-96 (Annual Salary Ordinance, 1996/97) Department of Public Health, Division of Mental Health, reflecting the creation of one (1) position; providing for ratification of action previously taken; companion measure to File 101-96-39. (Department of Human Resources)

File 102-96-8, Ordinance No. 52-97

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Art Commission]
Ordinance appropriating $12,888, Art Commission, from the General Reserve to facilities maintenance to restore a sculpture at St. Mary's Square in fiscal year 1996-97; providing for ratification of action previously taken. (Controller)

File 101-96-40, Ordinance No. 51-97

Finally passed.

[Credit, Debit, ATM Cards]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, by repealing and adding the provisions of Sections 10.11-2 through 10.11-4 to Section 10.11-1, authorizing various commissions and departments to accept payments by credit card or ATM card, by adding definitions for credit, debit and ATM cards, by authorizing the Treasurer/tax Collector to accept credit cards, debit cards and ATM cards for the payment of taxes and other related fees and charges; authorizing various commissions and departments to accept payments by credit card or ATM cards. Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Teng.

File 97-97-5, Ordinance No. 53-97

(Amends Section 10.11-1;
Repeals Sections 10.11-2 through 10.11-4.)

Finally passed.


[Prop J Contract, Janitorial Services]
Resolution concurring with the Controller's certification that janitorial services for the Port can be practically performed by a private contractor at lower cost than by City and County employees. (Port)

File 25-96-1, Resolution No. 166-97


[SDI Coverage, Classification 9146]
Resolution authorizing enrollment of Classification 9146 Manager, Elderly and Handicapped Programs in the State Disability Insurance Program. (Department of Human Resources)

File 89-97-2, Resolution No. 159-97


Recommendations of Rules Committee

Passed for Second Reading

[Grove v. CCSF, et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation in the matter entitled Grove v. City and County by payment of $281,500 or alternatively, $225,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-5, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 970-196.)

Passed for second reading.

[Karen Chan, June Lee et al. v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Karen Chan, June Lee, and Fook Shiu Lee v. City and County by payment of $275,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-6, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 977-255.)

Passed for second reading.

[San Coc Duong v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of San Coc Duong against the City and County by payment of $9,382. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-7, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 966-554.)

Passed for second reading.

[Jessie Harjani et al. v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Jessie Harjani, Martin Harjani, Martin Leung and Mat-Kit Leung against the City and County by payment of $7,500. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-8, Ordinance No.

(Municipal Court No. 125-870.)

Passed for second reading.

[Hadley Auto Transport, Inc. v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Hadley Auto Transport, Inc. against the City and County by payment of $48,360.53. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-9, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 974-590.)

Passed for second reading.

[Marga Myers et al., v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Marga Myers against the City and County by payment of $10,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-10, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 980-293.)

Passed for second reading.

[Yvette Jordan-Batiste v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Yvette Jordan-Batiste against the City and County by payment of $12,500. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-11, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 977-102.)

Passed for second reading.

[Baeza v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the litigation of Baeza v. City and County, et al. by making a binding offer in the amount of One Hundred and Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($185,000) pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-12, Ordinance No.

(USDC Case No. C-93-3130 DLJ, Case No. C-96-1240 DLJ, Consolidated.)

Passed for second reading.

[Morene Meek v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Morene Meek against the City and County by payment of $6,500. (City Attorney)

File 45-97-13, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 970-243.)

Passed for second reading.

[CCSF v. Pierre Merkl and David Baross]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation by the City and County against Pierre Merkl and David Baross by accepting the payment of $22,000. (City Attorney)

File 46-97-1, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 972-405.)

Passed for second reading.


[Settlement of Claim, Linda Rogers]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Linda Rogers by payment of $6,000.00. (City Attorney)

File 48-97-9, Resolution No. 153-97


[Settlement of Claim, Liberty Mutual Group]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Liberty Mutual Group by payment of $7,417.02. (City Attorney)

File 48-97-10, Resolution No. 154-97


[Settlement of Claim, Thario Ithfan]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Thario Ithfan by payment of $5,545.03. (City Attorney)

File 48-97-11, Resolution No. 155-97


[Settlement of Claim, Federal Insurance Company]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Federal Insurance Co. by payment of $8,240.99. (City Attorney)

File 48-97-12, Resolution No. 156-97


The foregoing items on the Consent Calendar were acted upon by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.



Recommendations of Budget Committee

Passed for Second Reading

[Permits, Specialized Motor Vehicles for Hire]
Ordinance amending Police Code, by amending the definition of taxicab and adding new sections concerning regulation of specialized motor vehicles for hire (ramped taxis). (Police Commission)

File 121-96-14, Ordinance No.

(Fiscal Impact.)

(Amends Section 1076;
Adds Sections 1148 through 1148.5.)

(February 10, 1997 - Consideration continued to February 18, 1997.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Permit Fees for Tow Car Firms/Ramped Taxicabs]
Ordinance amending Police Code, relating to permit filing fees and permit license fees for tow car firms and ramped taxicabs (minivan taxicabs adapted for wheelchair users); companion measure to File 121-96-14. (Police Commission)

File 121-96-13, Ordinance No.

(Amends Sections 2.26, 2.27.)

(Fiscal Impact.)

(February 10, 1997 - Consideration continued to February 18, 1997.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

Recommendation of Finance Committee

Finally Passed

[Special Election, Bond Propositions]
Ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the City and County on Tuesday, June 3, 1997, for the purpose of submitting to voters of the City and County propositions to incur the following bonded debts for the acquisition, construction and/or reconstruction of (1) $140,000,000 for educational facilities used or to be used by San Francisco Unified School District or the City College of San Francisco; (2) $48,000,000 for Zoo facilities and properties; (3) $49,000,000 for community cultural facilities which include such facilities as the Mission Cultural Center, Bayview Opera House, Center for African and African-American Art and Culture, South of Market Cultural Center, Art Commission Gallery, Gay/Lesbian Cultural Center, Native American Cultural Center and the Center for Asian Pacific American Arts and Culture; and that the estimated cost of said projects is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City and County and will require expenditures greater than amount allowed by the annual tax levy; reciting estimated costs of such projects; fixing date of election and manner of holding such election and procedure for voting for or against the propositions; fixing the maximum rate of interest on said bonds and providing for levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest; prescribing notice to be given of such election; consolidating the special election with citywide June 3rd special election; and providing that the election precincts, voting places and officers for election shall be the same as for the citywide June 3rd special election. Sponsor Supervisor Yaki.

File 60-97-2, Ordinance No. 41-97

Finally passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

From Rules Committee with Recommendation "Do Submit"

Ordered Submitted

[Charter Amendment, Public Utilities Commission]
Charter amendment (First Draft) amending Section 16.103 to delete the priority schedule for the expenditure of revenues generated from utilities under jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission. Sponsor Supervisor Kaufman.

File 280-96-1

(February 10, 1997 - Consideration continued to February 18, 1997.)

Ordered submitted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.


Recommendations of Finance Committee

Passed for Second Reading

[Appropriation, Art Commission]
Ordinance appropriating $15,000, Art Commission, of Public Art Fund Revenue, to salaries and fringe benefits for the creation of one (1) position for fiscal year 1996-97. (Controller)

File 101-96-43, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Salary Ordinance Amendment, Art Commission]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 298-96 (Annual Salary Ordinance, 1996/97) reflecting the creation of one (1) position (Class 1312 Public Information Officer), at the Art Commission; companion measure to File 101-96-43. (Department of Human Resources)

File 102-96-9, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Appropriation, Recreation and Park Department]
Ordinance appropriating $294,503, Recreation and Park Department, from the General Fund Reserve to purchase golf equipment for fiscal year 1996-97. (Controller)

File 101-96-44, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.


[Bayview Hill Open Space]
Resolution finding that purchase of 15.884 acres on Bayview Hill for open space is categorically exempt from environmental review and in conformity with the Master Plan (Assessor's Block 4991, Lots 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38 and 44). Sponsor Supervisor Bierman.

File 84-97-1, Resolution No. 157-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

Passed for Second Reading

[Open Space, Bayview Hill]
Ordinance authorizing purchase of a portion of Assessor's Block 4991, Lots 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38 and 44 consisting of 15.884 acres on Bayview Hill for open space for $2,600,000; companion measure to File 84-97-1. Sponsor Supervisor Bierman.

File 84-97-1.1, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.


[Final Environmental Impact Report]
Resolution finding and determining that the proposed South of Market Redevelopment Plan Amendment, File No. 94.670E, will have significant impacts on the environment, and adopting and incorporating findings of Final Environmental Impact Report, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. (Planning Department)

File 271-97-1, Resolution No. 164-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Amendment to the San Francisco General Plan]
Resolution adopting amendments to the San Francisco General Plan in order to designate the Bessie Carmichael School site (Lot 16 in Assessor's Block 3754) and Sherman Way, between Cleveland and Harrison Streets, as proposed public open space and finding that acquisition of property located at 349-365 Seventh Street and 45 Cleveland Street (Lots 62-64 in Assessor's Block 3754) by the City and County of San Francisco, transfer of said property to the San Francisco Unified School District for creation of a public school and transfer of the Bessie Carmichael School site from the San Francisco Unified School District to the City and County of San Francisco for creation of a public park is consistent with the General Plan. (Planning Department)

File 271-97-1.1, Resolution No. 165-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Exchange of Real Property]
Resolution authorizing the Director of Property to enter into an agreement with the San Francisco Unified School District for the exchange of real property located at 349-365 - Seventh Street and 45 Cleveland Street for real property located at 55 Sherman Street, which is currently the site of the Bessie Carmichael School; the payment of eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) in Park and Open Space funds to the San Francisco Unified School District; and the lease back to the School District of the Bessie Carmichael School site for a maximum period of three years. (Real Estate Department)

File 172-97-1, Resolution No. 160-97

(Note: The exchange of property authorized by this Resolution is within the scope of the program approved by the Planning and Redevelopment Commissions January 23, 1997 and is adequately described in the South of Market Redevelopment Plan Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Property Acquisition]
Resolution authorizing the Director of Property to exercise the City's rights under an option agreement to purchase real property located at 349-365 - Seventh Street and 45 Cleveland Street (McCormick Trust Property), and the additional payment of $4,360,500 of San Francisco Park and Open Space funds therefor; companion measure to Files 271-97-1, 271-97-1.1, 172-97-1. (Real Estate Department)

File 84-97-2, Resolution No. 158-97

(Note: The acquisition of property authorized by this Resolution is within the scope of the program approved by the Planning and Redevelopment Commissions January 23, 1997 and is adequately described in the South of Market Redevelopment Plan Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Treasure Island Cooperative Agreement]
Resolution approving and authorizing the City to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Navy whereby the City's Public Utilities Commission will assume certain responsibilities regarding the operation and maintenance of utilities on Treasure Island prior to the Navy's closure of Treasure Island on October 1, 1997 and the Navy will reimburse the City for the costs therefore. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.)

File 172-97-4, Resolution No. 161-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

Passed for Second Reading

[Appropriation, Public Utilities Commission]
Ordinance appropriating $2,058,214, Public Utilities Commission, of Federal Revenue for salaries, fringe benefits, professional services, overhead, training, taxes, licenses and permits, other current expenses, materials and supplies, equipment lease purchase and services of other departments for the creation of twelve (12) positions at the Public Utilities Commission for costs incurred in taking over the operations and maintenance of the utility systems serving Treasure Island for fiscal year 1996-97. (Controller)

File 101-96-46, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Salary Ordinance Amendment, PUC]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 298-96 (Annual Salary Ordinance, 1996/97), in the Public Utilities Commission and Department of Public Works reflecting the creation of twelve (12) positions to staff assumption of responsibility for utility operation and maintenance at Treasure Island; companion measure to Files 101-96-46 and 172-97-4. (Department of Human Resources)

File 102-96-11, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Lease Financing for 911 Center]
Ordinance rescinding Ordinance 208-94 (Citywide Radio System Lease Financing); approving a site lease agreement between the City and County of San Francisco ("City"), as lessor, and the City and County of San Francisco Finance Corporation ("Corporation"), as lessee, relating to a portion of Assessor's Block 759, Lot 1, known as the Margaret S. Hayward Playground ("Site"); approving a project lease agreement between the Corporation, as lessor, and the City, as lessee, of the 911 Dispatch Center to be constructed on the site (including certain indemnification provisions therein); approving an Agency Agreement between the Corporation and the City with respect to a 911 Dispatch Center to be used for City purposes; approving the issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds of the Corporation; approving a continuing Disclosure Agreement relating to said bonds; approving the circulation, execution and delivery of an Official Statement relating to said bonds; and providing for the execution of documents

in connection with and ratifying previous actions taken in connection with the foregoing matters. (Department of Administrative Services)

File 170-96-10, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Combined Emergency Communications Center]
Ordinance selecting and setting aside certain real property at 1003 Turk Street in the Margaret S. Hayward Playground, Assessor's Block 759, Lot 1, consisting of the following: (1) a subsurface 10-foot wide sewer line to service the new Combined Emergency Communications Center ("CECC"); (2) an emergency ingress and egress right-of-way to and from Octavia Street; and (3) an aerial encroachment area over the southern boundary of the property on which the new CECC shall be constructed; and amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 80-96 to provide an elevation adjustment to allow for the construction of the underground parking structure for CECC. (Department of Administrative Services)

File 216-95-1.2, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Emergency Response Fee Amendments]
Ordinance amending Municipal Code, Part III, Article 10A, to increase the estimate of total project costs from $57,851,000 to $67,153,821 and to increase the cap on project costs eligible to be paid from Emergency Response Revenues from $49 million to $60 million. (City Attorney)

File 127-97-1, Ordinance No.

(Amends Sections 751, 752 and 756.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

[Appropriation, Department of Telecommunications]
Ordinance appropriating $17,680,000, Department of Telecommunications, of Lease Revenue Bond proceeds for the construction of a Combined Emergency Communications Center (CECC), and to provide the Department of Administrative Services, City Attorney and Controller with costs of issuance for fiscal year 1996-97; placing the funds on reserve; companion measure to Files 170-96-10, 216-95-1.2, 127-97-1. (Controller)

File 101-96-41, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.

Request Granted

At the request of Supervisor Leal, the Clerk was directed to send a letter to the Director of Administrative Services requesting he provide a report to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days on progress of coming up with one emergency response system as opposed to two different systems.

No objection and Clerk directed to comply.

Adopted as Amended

[Sports Stadium Bonds]
Resolution submitting a ballot proposition for the June 3, 1997 Special Election, authorizing the City to lease-finance a Stadium Development at Candlestick Point, in principal amount not exceeding $100,000,000, provided no City taxes are increased or newly imposed without Proposition 218 voters approval; and finding the Lease-Revenue Bond Proposition is in conformity with the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1 and the City's General Plan. Sponsor Supervisor Brown.

File 60-97-3, Resolution No. 130-97

Supervisor Leal, seconded by Supervisor Bierman, moved an amendment of the whole bearing same title .

Amendment of the whole adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisor Medina, Teng - 2.

Adopted as amended by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee - 10.

Absent: Supervisor Medina - 1.


[Transbay Terminal Lease]
Resolution approving a lease between the Municipal Railway and the California Department of Transportation for the use of the upper deck of Transbay Terminal, and indemnifying the State of California. (Public Transportation Commission)

File 64-97-3, Resolution No. 143-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee - 10.

Absent: Supervisor Medina - 1.

Recommendations of Housing and Neighborhood Services

Passed for Second Reading

[Changing Width of Sidewalk, Division Street]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the width of sidewalks" by adding thereto Section No. 1535 changing the official sidewalk width on the south side of Division Street between Florida Street and Bryant Street, as shown on the Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-474 and making findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works)

File 34-96-15, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee - 10.

Absent: Supervisor Medina - 1.

[Sidewalk Width Regulations, Market Street]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section No. 1536 changing the official sidewalk width on the south side of Market Street northeasterly of 7th Street, as shown on the Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-467 and making findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works)

File 34-97-1, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.


[Department of Neighborhood Services]
Resolution urging the Department of Public Works to examine, as part of the program to create a Department of Neighborhood Services in San Francisco, the feasibility of developing and implementing one central telephone number for residents to call to access the Department of Neighborhood Services, including producing a feasibility study and an estimate of costs. Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Teng, Medina, Yee.

File 200-97-1, Resolution No. 162-97

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

Recommendations of Rules Committee

Passed for Second Reading

[Conflict of Interest Code]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, to add, delete, and change the titles of designated officials and employees, to reflect organizational and staffing changes made by the City since the conflict of interest was last reviewed; to refine the disclosure requirements applicable to some designated officials and employees; and to incorporate the new departments and new department names created by the 1996 Charter. (City Attorney)

File 97-96-66, Ordinance No.

(Amends Sections 58.6, 58.7, 58.110, 58.115, 58.130, 58.135, 58.145, 58.150, 58.155, 58.165, 58.180, 58.195, 58.198, 58.202, 58.210, 58.220, 58.245, 58.275, 58.280, 58.285, 58.290, 58.310, 58.320, 58.323, 58.325, 58.350, 58.357, 58.370, 58.382, 58.383, and 58.390; adds Sections 58.150, 58.198, and 58.201; and deletes Section 58.355.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

[Connor v. CCSF et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the litigation of Connor v. City and County, et al., whereby City vacates portion of public street, accepts quitclaim deed from plaintiff and City grants easement to plaintiff. (Real Estate Department)

File 45-97-1, Ordinance No.

(Superior Court No. 971-879.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

[Summary Street Vacation, Hickory Street]
Ordinance ordering summary street vacation of portions of Hickory Street located between Webster and Buchanan Streets; companion measure to File 45-97-1. (Real Estate Department)

File 164-97-1, Ordinance No.

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.


Resolution appointing member to the Delinquency Prevention Commission, for unexpired portion of four-year term ending December 31, 1998. (Rules Committee)

File 92-96-52, Resolution No. 147-97

(James L. Howard, vice Belinda Fobbs-Johnson, Seat No. 21806, must have interest in and be knowledgeable regarding juvenile delinquency prevention, resigned.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

Resolution appointing member to the Delinquency Prevention Commission, for new four-year term ending December 31, 2000. (Rules Committee)

File 92-96-58.2, Resolution No.148-97

(Sharon Hoff, Seat No. 21816, vice self, term expired.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

Resolution appointing alternate member to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 1, for unexpired portion of three-year term ending September 2, 1997. (Rules Committee)

File 92-96-61, Resolution No. 149-97

(Hayes Miles, vice Ermelinda Trevino, Seat No. 21006, alternate position, 5 years professional experience pursuant to State Revenue and Tax Code Section 1624, resigned.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.

Resolution appointing governing body members to the San Francisco Health Authority. (S.F. Health Authority)

File 92-96-68.1, Resolution No. 150-97

(Jack Fries, Disproportionate Share Hospital-St. Luke's;
Anthony Wagner, Disproportionate Share Hospital-Department of Public Health, San Francisco General Hospital.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 8.

Absent: Supervisors Brown, Medina, Teng - 3.


The privilege of the floor was granted to the following persons:

Male speaker, Mayor Brown, police issues;
Khadijah Jacob, police/Jewish Education Center car auction fraud;
Doug Comstock, ballot measure, oppose free sports event tickets
for public entity;
Susan Bartholomew, audit of zoo.

There being no one else wishing to speak, the President declared the public comment portion of the meeting closed.


These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption today. Any Supervisor may require any of these measures to go to committee.

Severed From For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar

Supervisor Ammiano requested that the following measure be severed from the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and considered separately.

Referred to Committee

[Newsrack Pilot Project]
Resolution urging the Department of Public Works to negotiate a contract with a vendor or vendors to develop and implement a pilot program to place state-of-the-art newsracks at one or more locations to be specified by the Mayor and the Director of Public Works for a trial period not to exceed six months. Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Leal.

File 200-97-2, Resolution No.

(February 10, 1997 - Introduced in Board for consideration on February 17, 1997.)

At the request of Supervisor Ammiano, referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Newsom and Leal requested to be added as co-sponsors.

The Board thereupon resumed its consideration of the following items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar.

For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar


[Commend International Fair/U.S.-China Friendship]
Resolution commending the International Fair and the U.S.-China Friendship City Network for sponsoring the First San Francisco International Festival of Chinese Cuisine Competition. Sponsors Supervisors Yee, Teng, Bierman, Katz, Leal.

File 6-97-19, Resolution No. 151-97

(February 10, 1997 - Introduced in Board for consideration on February 17, 1997.)


In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz and Leal requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Commend William Hong Chin]
Resolution commending Mr. William (Bill) Hong Chin for his lifelong contributions and extending condolences to his family: his wife Anna Chin and children Curtis Chin and Kelly Ann Chin and declaring February 12, 1997 as "William Chin Day" otherwise known as "Bill Chen Day". Sponsors Supervisors Teng, Katz, Bierman, Leal.

File 6-97-20, Resolution No. 162-97

(February 10, 1997 - Introduced in Board for consideration on February 17, 1997.)


In connection with the above item, Supervisor Leal requested to be added as co-sponsor.

[Needle Exchange Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Sponsors Supervisors Leal, Bierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown.

File 30-97-1.2

(February 10, 1997 - Introduced in Board for consideration on February 17, 1997.)


[Zoo Surplus Report]
Motion directing the Budget Analyst to conduct a report of the San Francisco Zoo to determine the financial surplus at the zoo and the amount of money, if any, from that surplus which may be available to the General Fund. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Yee, Leal, Katz.

File 165-97-2

(February 10, 1997 - Introduced in Board for consideration on February 17, 1997.)


The foregoing items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar were adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Newsom, Yaki, Yee - 9.

Absent: Supervisors Medina, Teng - 2.



Referred to Committee

[Burma Ordinance Clarifying Amendments]
Substitute ordinance amending Administrative Code Sections 12J.1, 12J.2, 12J.3, 12J.4, 12J.7 and 12J.8 relating to the Burma Ordinance by adding certain clarifying amendments, exempting contracts with public entities from the Burma Ordinance, and applying the Burma Ordinance to contracts for the construction of public works and contracts to be paid out of the treasury of the City and County. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 097-96-010.01.

[Emergency Medical Services]
Ordinance amending Health Code by repealing Section 112 which authorizes the Department of Public Health to provide emergency medical services and by adding a new Section 112 relating to the provision of emergency medical services by the Fire Department with Health Commission approval. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Finance Committee with request it be considered at the March 12, 1997 meeting.

File 118-97-001.

[Specialized Motor Vehicles for Hire]
Ordinance amending Police Code Section 1076, the definitional section and adding Sections 1148 through 1148.5 providing for the issuance of permits and the operation and regulation of specialized motor vehicles for hire (ramped taxi). Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 121-97-001.

[Redevelopment Plan Amendment]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 14-81, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 50-84, 405-91, 137-92, 270-92 and 430-94, approving the Redevelopment Plan for the Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Project Area by amending said Plan to expand the Project Area by adding land to the Rincon Point sub-area of the Project Area, specifically Lot 33 of Assessor's Block 3741. Supervisor Yaki presented. Scheduled for public hearing before Board Sitting as a Committee of the Whole March 17, 1997.

File 151-97-001.02.

Referred to Board

[Juvenile Crime Enforcement Grant Program]
Resolution amending Resolution No. 1003-96 to authorize the Juvenile Probation Department to apply for up to $3,150,000, instead of $2,150,000 in grants from the State Board of Corrections under the Juvenile Enforcement and Accountability Challenge Grant Program. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar February 24, 1997.

File 214-96-003.01.

[Federal Legislation]
Resolution declaring support for the reintroduction of the Jobs Creation and Infrastructure Restoration Act of 1997 by Congressman Matthew Martinez, in response to the emergency situation created by the attack on welfare and unemployment crisis. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar February 24, 1997.

File 013-97-004.

Referred to Committee

[Gift Acceptance]
Resolution accepting and acknowledging a gift of $12,315.70 for the maintenance of the permitted Lyon Street Garden and thanking Lucille and George Jewett, Jr. for their generous and beneficial gift. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Finance Committee with request it be considered at the February 26, 1997 meeting.

File 038-97-001.

[Meeting Schedule]
Resolution revising the regular meeting schedule of the Board of Supervisors by cancelling the December 1, 1997 and December 29, 1997 meetings and by cancelling all Board and committee meetings from August 26, 1997 through September 14, 1997; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to make public notification of such changes. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 054-97-001.

Referred to Board

[Appointment, California Coastal Commission]
Resolution urging the Senate Rules Committee to appoint San Francisco Supervisor Leslie Katz as the North Coast elected representative to the California Coastal Commission. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar February 24, 1997.

File 092-97-005.

[Findings, Redevelopment Plan Amendment]
Resolution making findings of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco made pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and State guidelines in connection with an amendment to the Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Plan to include a portion of the former Embarcadero Freeway between Steuart and Spear Streets (described generally as a portion of Lot 33, Assessor's Block 3741), add a use designation for the southeasterly

corner of Howard and Steuart Streets (described generally as a portion of Lot 12, Assessor's Block 3742) and adopt certain amendments to the General Plan. Supervisor Yaki presented. Scheduled for public hearing before Board Sitting as a Committee of the Whole March 17, 1997.

File 151-97-001.01.

Requests for Hearings:

[Redevelopment Agency Projects]
Hearing to review ongoing Redevelopment Agency projects including, but not limited to, the Giants Ballpark, the South Bayshore, Fillmore, Mission Bay, Mid-Market, etc. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 161-97-002.

[Electric System Municipalization]
Hearing to consider the "Final Report: Feasibility Study of Electric-System Municipalization for San Francisco Public Utilities Commission". Supervisor Bierman presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 191-97-003.

[JC DeCaux Contract, Public Toilets]
Hearing to review the compliance and status of the contractual agreement reach between the City and the JC DeCaux Company regarding public toilets and kiosks. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 200-97-003.

[Housing Authority Revitalization ]
Hearing to review economic development programs associated with HOPE VI and other revitalization projects of the San Francisco Housing Authority. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 206-97-001.

[Police Misconduct Issues]
Hearing to consider how the Police Commission and the Police Department address misconduct issues. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 207-97-001.

[Retirement System MBE/WBE Goals]
Hearing to review the compliance of Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise/Local Business Enterprise goals by the San Francisco Retirement System, with a particular focus on investment fund managers and consultants. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 210-97-001.

[Bank of America Branch Closure]
Hearing to consider the economic impact on closure of Bank of America's Ocean-Faxon Branch. Supervisors Medina, Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 227-97-002.

[Bank of America Branches]
Hearing to review the proposed closure of Bank of America branches in Glen Park and the Oceanview, Merced, Ingleside District. Supervisors Yaki, Ammiano presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 227-97-003.

[Bay Bridge]
Hearing to review the design and financing of the eastern portion of the Bay Bridge. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 231-97-001.

[Welfare Reform Implementation]
Hearing to consider the income and family support package in regard to welfare reform implementation, specifically, child care,transportation and health care. Supervisors Yaki, Bierman presented. Referred to Joint Economic Development, Transportation and Technology and Health, Family and Environment Committee.

File 232-97-001.

[Hunters Point Naval Shipyard]
Hearing to consider the status of the conversion of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 244-97-001.

[Treasure Island Naval Station]
Hearing to consider the status of the conversion of the Treasure Island Naval Station. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 244-97-002.


Referred to Committee

[Schedule of Management Audits for 1997]
Motion adopting a proposed schedule of audits to be conducted of programs of City and County departments. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 165-97-001.

Referred to Board

[Management Audit, San Francisco Zoo]
Motion directing the Board of Supervisors' Budget Analyst to conduct a priority fiscal and management audit of the San Francisco Zoo. Supervisors Ammiano, Yee, Leal, Katz presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar February 24, 1997.

File 165-97-003.

[December Winter Storm of 1996 Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the December 1996 storms. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar February 24, 1997.

File 270-97-001.03.

Introduced by the President at the Request of Departments

Ordinances Referred to Committee

File 034-97-004. [Sidewalk Width Regulations, Jack London Alley] Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section No. 1539 changing the official width of sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Jack London Alley between South Park and Varney Place, as shown on the Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-472 and making findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 045-97-019. [George Byron Mills, Jr. et al. v. CCSF et al.] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of George Byron Mills, Jr., individually and as executor of the estate of Alice Marie Mills, Judy Mills Porter and Anita Mills Thompson against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $182,054. (Superior Court No. 969-086). (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 046-97-002. [CCSF v. County of Alameda] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of City and County of San Francisco against the County of Alameda for property tax refunds in the amount of $5,138,761.82 in principal/interest. (Marine Superior Court No. 133-826) (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 046-97-003. [CCSF v. County of San Mateo] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of City and County of San Francisco against the County of San Mateo for property tax refunds in the amount of $2,486,478.62 in principal and interest, subject to approval by members of the Bay Area Water Users Association. (Marine Superior Court Nos. 132-479 and 137-403). (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 101-96-047. [Appropriation, District Attorney] Ordinance appropriating $94,376, District Attorney's Office, from the General Fund Reserve, for salaries and fringe benefits for the creation of three (3) positions to expand the Domestic Violence Unit, for fiscal year 1996-97; companion measure to File 102-96-10. RO #96229. (Controller) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 101-96-048. [Appropriation, Parking and Traffic Dept.] Ordinance appropriating $100,000, Parking and Traffic Department, of Traffic Fines Revenue to other current expenses for the cost of the red light camera enforcement pilot project for fiscal year 1996-97. RO #96231. (Controller) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 101-96-049. [Appropriation, Medical Examiner/Coroner] Ordinance appropriating $34,563, Medical Examiner/Coroner, of Jail Overcrowding Fine Revenue to professional services, materials and supplies, equipment purchase and maintenance for a DUI testing program for fiscal year 1996-97; placing $34,563 on reserve. RO #96230. (Controller) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 124-97-002. [Commercial Vehicle/Transit Area, Sansome St.] Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section 31.6, establishing an exclusive commercial vehicle/transit area on Sansome Street. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

Resolutions Referred to Committee

File 040-97-003. [Residential Parking Area "U", South of Market] Resolution extending the boundaries of Residential Permit Parking Area "U" in the South of Market Area and adding to the list of streets upon which time limitations shall apply. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing/Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 040-97-004. [Residential Parking Area "J", Sunset/Parnassus] Resolution extending the boundaries of Residential Permit Parking Area "J" in the Sunset/Parnassus Heights Area and adding to the list of streets upon which time limitations shall apply. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing/Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 051-96-004.01. [Reimbursement to Employees] Resolution authorizing reimbursement for the cost of personal property of City and County employees damaged/stolen in the line of duty, in the amount of $251.00. (Controller) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 065-97-002. [Lease Amendment, Walt Disney Productions] Resolution approving and authorizing amendments to a sublease and sublicense with Walt Disney Productions regarding the use of Hangars 3 and 180 on Naval Station Treasure Island, extending the terms thereof until March 31, 1997. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.) Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 068-97-002. [Grant, Supportive Housing/Shelter Plus Programs] Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco to apply for, accept and expend Stewart B. McKinney Supportive Housing Program grants in a total amount not to exceed $13,291,985 and a Shelter Plus Care grant in a total amount not to exceed $2,176,020 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 092-97-003.01. [Appointment, Health Authority Governing Body] Resolution appointing Supervisor Michael Yaki to serve on the governing body of the San Francisco Health Authority. (San Francisco Health Plan) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 131-97-001. [Koret Foundation Grant, Senior Services] Resolution authorizing the City and County of San Francisco Commission on the Aging to apply for, accept and expend a private grant in the amount of $25,000 from Koret Foundation; waiving indirect costs and providing for ratification of action previously taken. (Commission on the Aging) Referred to Health, Family and Environment Committee.

File 192-97-001. [State Grant, Upgrade Traffic Sign Records System] Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic to apply for, accept and expend $105,300 in Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) funds to upgrade the Department's Traffic Sign Records System; providing for ratification of action previously taken. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing/Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 192-97-002. [Federal Grant, Lake Merced Blvd Curb Lane Widening] Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic to retroactively apply for, accept and expend a grant in federal funds in the amount of $370,000 for reconfiguring Lake Merced Boulevard to provide wide curb lanes to improve bicyclists' safety; waiving indirect costs; providing for ratification of action previously taken. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

Requests Granted

There being no objection, the Board directed the Clerk to comply with the following requests:

By Supervisor Ammiano, that letter be sent to Director of Public Health requesting a report concerning the Department of Public Health's decision not to request complete funding of all HIV/AIDS services impacted by reductions in available Ryan White Care Act Funds.

By Supervisor Bierman, that letter be sent to Executive Director, Department of Parking and Traffic, requesting consideration be given to lengthening the period of time provided by traffic lights on Van Ness Avenue to allow those persons who are disabled and/or elderly to cross Van Ness Avenue without endangering their safety.

By Supervisor Katz, that letter be sent to City Attorney requesting advice as to the legality and feasibility of requiring entities who develop City-owned property to provide job training and hiring certain numbers of low income City residents as a condition of being allowed to proceed with such development; or alternatively, to review possible incentives for developers who provide the foregoing.

By Supervisor Yaki, that City Attorney assess the constitutionality of the Displaced Worker Protection Act, as enacted in the District of Columbia, and any similar measure in California, as applicable to the public and private sectors.

Motions Adopted

Motion that the Board adjourns its meeting this date out of respect to the memory of the following deceased:

Seth Gray Sponsor Supervisor Leal.

File 2-97-7

Unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


There being no further business, the Board at the hour of
3:54 p.m. adjourned.

John L. Taylor, Clerk

N.B. This Journal of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.

Approved by the Board of Supervisors on .

I, John L. Taylor, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Board meeting of the date stated and that it was approved as recited.

John L. Taylor
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

Last updated: 5/6/2010 1:20:46 PM