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March 11, 1996



Monday, March 11, 1996 - 2:00 p.m.

The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in regular session on the above
date with President Kevin Shelley presiding.


The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were
noted present:

Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Noted absent at first roll call:

Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

Quorum present.

Supervisor Ammiano excused, on official leave of absence.

Supervisor Hsieh excused, on official leave of absence.

Supervisor Kaufman excused, on official leave of absence.

Supervisor Kennedy excused, on official leave of absence.

Supervisor Leal excused, on official leave of absence.


There being no errors, corrections or omissions, Supervisor Migden, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved
that the Journal of Proceedings for Monday, February 12, 1996, be approved.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.


Recommendations of Budget Committee

Finally Passed

[Appropriation, Registrar of Voters]
Ordinance appropriating $141,521, Registrar of Voters, from the General Fund Reserve for salaries, fringe
benefits, other current expenses and equipment for the creation of one (1) position for fiscal year
1995-96. (Controller)

File 101-95-52, Ordinance No. 102-96

(Fiscal Impact.)

Finally passed.

[Salary Ordinance Amendment, Registrar of Voters]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 256-95 (Annual Salary Ordinance, 1995/96) Registrar of Voters, reflecting
the creation of one (1) position (Classification 1819N, MIS Specialist III); companion measure to File
101-95-52. (Department of Human Resources)

File 102-95-11, Ordinance No. 106-96

(Fiscal Impact.)

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Airport]
Ordinance appropriating $14,188,100, Airport, of interest earnings from
various capital improvement project and Bond funds of the Airport to
various capital improvement projects (Five Year Capital Projects Plan
and Master Plan Projects), for fiscal year 1995-96; placing $8,892,599
on reserve. (Controller)

File 101-95-56, Ordinance No. 103-96

(Fiscal Impact.)

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Fire Department]
Ordinance appropriating $597,410, Fire Department, of 1992 Fire
Protection Bond Proceeds (Proposition C), for various capital
improvement projects, for fiscal year 1995-96; placing $215,000 on
reserve. (Controller)

File 101-95-57, Ordinance No. 104-96

(Fiscal Impact.)

Finally passed.

[Appropriation, Airport]
Ordinance appropriating $801,000, Airport, of Narcotics Forfeiture and
Asset Seizure Fund Revenues to purchase equipment to enhance the
Narcotics Interdiction Program for fiscal year 1995-96; placing
$390,359 on reserve. (Controller)

File 101-95-58, Ordinance No. 105-96

(Fiscal Impact.)

Finally passed.

Recommendations of Government Efficiency and Labor Committee

Finally Passed

[Julia Bontempi v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Julia Bontempi
against the City and County by payment of $9,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-8, Ordinance No. 107-96

(Superior Court No. 967-530.)

Finally passed.

[Kevin B. Williams v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Kevin B. Williams
against the City and County, Gerald Costanzo, John J. Walsh, Herman
Alcade, Terry Jourgenson, Peter Jamero and Edwin Lee by payment of
$65,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-9, Ordinance No. 100-96

(U.S.C.A. No. 93-16090 and California Court of Appeals No. AO70423.)

Finally passed.

[Riva Mintz v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Riva Mintz against
the City and County by payment of $25,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-10, Ordinance No. 108-96

(Superior Court No. 956-066.)

Finally passed.

[Progressive Insurance Co. v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Progressive Insurance
Company against the City and County by payment of $8,000. (City

File 45-96-12, Ordinance No. 109-96

(S.F. Municipal Court No. 117744.)

Finally passed.

[Troy J. Scalise v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Troy J. Scalise
against the City and County by payment of $20,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-13, Ordinance No. 110-96

(Superior Court No. 950-383.)

Finally passed.

[Wright v. Contreras]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Willie Wright v.
Fernando Jose Contreras, et al. by payment of $15,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-14, Ordinance No. 111-96

(Superior Court No. 953-700.)

Finally passed.

[Phillip Gonzales/Rosalynda Gonzales v. CCSF]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Phillip Gonzales and
Rosalynda Tavarez-Gonzales against the City and County by payment of
$35,000. (City Attorney)

File 45-96-11, Ordinance No. 101-96

(San Bernardino Superior Court Nos. SC04291 and 11637.)

Finally passed.

[Execution of Leases, Mayor's Office]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, relating to execution of leases
entered into by the City and County as lessee, to allow the Mayor's
Director of Finance, as well as the Mayor, to execute these leases.
(Real Estate Department)

File 97-96-7, Ordinance No. 113-96

(Amends Section 23.20.)

Finally passed.

Recommendation of Economic Vitality and Social Policy Committee

Finally Passed

[Repeal of Flat Rate Airport Fare]
Ordinance amending Police Code, to delete the flat rate fare for groups
of passengers traveling to or from the San Francisco International
Airport. Sponsor Supervisor Kennedy.

File 121-96-4, Ordinance No. 114-96

(Amends Section 1135.)

Finally passed.

Recommendation of Select Committee on Municipal Public Power

Finally Passed

[PUC - Franchises]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, to provide that the report
regarding the feasibility of municipalizing the electricity utilities
distribution system in San Francisco shall be submitted by the Public
Utilities Commission to the Board of Supervisors by October 30, 1996,
rather than June 30, 1996. Sponsor Supervisor Alioto.

File 97-96-6, Ordinance No. 112-96

(Amends Section 11.08.)

Finally passed.

The foregoing items on the Consent Calendar were acted upon by the
following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.



Recommendation of Housing and Land Use Committee

Supervisors Migden, Bierman, Teng


[Parking Regulations]
Resolution enacting parking regulation at Hampshire Street. (Housing
and Land Use Committee)

File 19-96-3.1, Resolution No. 228-96

Perpendicular (90-Degree Angle) Parking - Establish
Hampshire Street, west side, between 18th and 20th Streets.

(February 26, 1996 - Consideration continued to March 11, 1996.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

From the Clerk


[Findings - 1822-24 Webster]
Motion adopting findings related to the appeal of the decision of the
Acting Director of Public Works and Advisory Agency disapproving a
requested parcel map for 1822-24 Webster Street, the findings being in
support of the Board's reversal of the decision of the Acting Director
and the Board's approval of the parcel map of Lot 15A in Assessor's
Block 661 for a 2-unit condominium conversion at 1822-24 Webster
Street with conditions.

File 59-96-1.4

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.


Recommendations of Budget Committee


[Airport Emergency Roof Repair]
Resolution approving a Declaration of Emergency, "Super Bay Hangar"
emergency roof repair, Airport Contract No. 3641, San Francisco
International Airport - $150,000. (Airports Commission)

File 27-96-3, Resolution No. 229-96

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

Consideration Continued

(Supervisor Bierman dissenting in Committee.)

[Gift Acceptance, Police Department]
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to accept, on behalf of the
San Francisco Police Department, a gift of two (2) helicopters from
the United States Department of Defense pursuant to the National
Defense Authorization Act. (Police Department)

File 38-96-4, Resolution No.

Supervisor Teng, seconded by Supervisor Migden, moved to continue
consideration to March 18, 1996.

Motion to continue adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

Recommendations of Rules Committee

Passed for Second Reading

[Tour Bus Restrictions]
Ordinance amending Police Code to prohibit tour buses on 15th Avenue
from Lake Street to the Presidio; provisions of this ordinance shall
expire on June 30, 1996. Sponsors Supervisors Shelley, Yaki, Bierman, Ammiano.

File 121-96-5.1, Ordinance No.

(Adds Section 1183.27.)

Passed for second reading by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.


[Appointment/Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Board]
Resolution appointing member to the Maternal, Child and Adolescent
Health Board. (Rules Committee)

File 92-94-27.5, Resolution No. 218-96

(Judith Levine, vice herself, (Seat No. 22813, must be
nutritionist) term expired, for a new three-year term ending
August 31, 1998.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Appointments, Telecommunications Policy Committee]
Resolution appointing members to the Telecommunications Policy
Committee, terms expired, for new two-year terms ending February 1,
1998. (Rules Committee)

File 92-95-48.1, Resolution No. 219-96

(Sybil Boutilier, vice herself, (Seat No. 21607, public-at-large);
Carole Roberts, vice herself, (Seat No. 21609, educational

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Appointment, Port Commission]
Resolution confirming Mayor's appointment of James R. Herman to the San
Francisco Port Commission. (Mayor)

File 33-96-2, Resolution No. 230-96

(Vice Anne Halsted, term expired, for term ending May 1, 1999.)

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

Appointment of President Pro Tempore

At the request of the President, Supervisor Alioto assumed the Chair
so the President could participate in the debate from the floor.

Adopted as Amended

[Lobos Creek Conservation]
Resolution urging the Mayor to urge the Planning Commission to exercise
its discretionary review authority to conduct public hearings on
certain permit applications, subject to specified exceptions, for
property within a Lobos Creek Conservation Area, to create a permanent
program for review of certain land use activities on property within
this Conservation Area, and to work with city agencies, commissions,
and departments and the federal government to exercise management
practices that protect Lobos Creek from governmental activities, and
requesting the Department of City Planning to provide a report on the
establishment of a discretionary review process for certain permit
applications within this Conservation Area. Sponsors Supervisors Shelley,

File 233-96-1, Resolution No. 217-96

Supervisor Shelley, seconded by Supervisor Migden, moved to amend
page five, line nine, after "March" by inserting "14".

Motion to amend adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

Adopted as amended by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

In connection with the above item, Supervisor Alioto requested to be
added as co-sponsor.

The President resumed the Chair.


The privilege of the floor was granted to the following persons:

Ernestine Weiss, downtown development versus park;
Marti Knight, Councilwoman, Burlingame, Bart to Airport funding;
Dr. Nancy J. Cross, Bart to Airport funding;
Dan McNamara, Bart to Airport funding;
Jon Twichell, Bart to Airport funding;
Norman Rolfe, Bart to Airport funding;
Bruce Belcher, Bart to Airport funding.

There being no one else wishing to speak, the President declared the
public comment portion of the meeting closed.


These measures were introduced at a prior meeting of the Board with
action requested at this meeting. Any Supervisor may require these
measures to go to committee unless a motion to suspend the rules is
adopted by eight votes (or a unanimous vote if only six or seven
members are present). An "aye" vote is (a) a vote in favor of
suspending the rule requiring reference to committee, and (b) a vote
in favor of adoption of the measures. Eight votes (or a unanimous
vote if only six or seven members are present) is required.

Appointment of President Pro Tempore

At the request of the President, Supervisor Migden assumed the Chair
so the President could participate in the debate from the floor.

Severed From For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar

Supervisor Shelley requested that the following measure be severed
from the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and
considered separately.


[Federal Funding, BART to Airport]
Resolution urging the Subcommittee on Transportation and related
agencies appropriations to recommend continued funding for the BART
San Francisco Airport extension in the fiscal year 1997 budget to the
Committee on Appropriations of the United States House of
Representatives. Sponsors Supervisors Shelley, Alioto.

File 13-96-8, Resolution No. 227-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

The President resumed the Chair.

Severed From For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar

Supervisor Teng requested that the following measure be severed from
the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and considered


[Garment Industry Policy]
Resolution establishing a policy to retain and expand garment jobs in
San Francisco and to develop an industrial policy to retain and
encourage manufacturing industry in San Francisco. Sponsors Supervisors Teng,
Ammiano, Yaki, Bierman, Alioto, Shelley.

File 176-96-1.1, Resolution No. 231-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

In connection with the above item, Supervisor Shelley requested to
be added as co-sponsor.

The Board thereupon resumed its consideration of the following items
on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar.

For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar


[Cycle Messenger World Championship 1996]
Resolution supporting Cycle Messenger World Championship 1996 in San
Francisco. Sponsors Supervisors Migden, Bierman, Alioto.

File 6-96-29, Resolution No. 221-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


[Commend Yvonne Y. Lee]
Resolution commending Yvonne Y. Lee and declaring March 15, 1996 Yvonne
Y. Lee Day in San Francisco. Sponsors Supervisors Teng, Hsieh, Yaki, Shelley,
Alioto, Bierman, Kaufman.

File 6-96-30, Resolution No. 222-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


[State Legislation, SB 1964, Gender Identity]
Resolution urging the State Assembly and State Senate to enact SB 1964
relating to gender identity. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Alioto, Teng,

File 12-96-11, Resolution No. 226-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


In connection with the above item, Supervisors Teng, Bierman
requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Child Custody, Sharon Bottoms]
Resolution urging the Appeals Courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia to
overturn the recent court decision denying Sharon Bottoms custody of
her child. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Migden, Leal, Alioto, Bierman,
Kaufman, Teng, Yaki.

File 235-96-1, Resolution No. 232-96

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


In connection with the above item, Supervisors Teng, Yaki requested
to be added as co-sponsors.

[Local Emergency, December 1995 Storms]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued
need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the December
1995 storms. Sponsors Supervisors Shelley, Teng, Bierman.

File 270-95-6.6

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


[Local Emergency, Needle Exchange Program]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued
need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle
exchange program. Sponsors Supervisors Alioto, Leal, Bierman, Shelley,
Migden, Teng, Hsieh, Ammiano, Yaki.

File 30-96-1.4

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


In connection with the above item, Supervisor Yaki requested to be
added as co-sponsor.

[Final Map, 369-371 Hayes Street/270 Linden Street]
Motion approving final map of 369-371 Hayes Street/270 Linden Street, a
Condominium Project, being a resubdivision of Lot 11 in Assessor's
Block 816, and adopting findings pursuant to City Planning Code
Section 101.l. (Department of Public Works)

File 58-96-6

(February 26, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March
11, 1996.)


[Final Map, 1700 Jones Street]
Motion approving final map of 1700 Jones Street, a Condominium Project,
being a resubdivision of Lot 9 in Assessor's Block 150, and adopting
findings pursuant to City Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of
Public Works)

File 58-96-7

(March 4, 1996 - Introduced in Board for consideration on March 11,


The foregoing items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference
Calendar were adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.


These measures are being introduced at this meeting. A unanimous vote
is required for adoption today. Any Supervisor may require any of
these measures to go to committee.


[Leaves of Absence]
Resolution granting leaves of absence to various city and county
officers with permission to leave the state. (Clerk of the Board)

File 1-96-11, Resolution No. 220-96

(Michael S. Strunsky, Commissioner, Airports Commission, March 6 -
10, 1996.)


The foregoing item on the Immediate Adoption Calendar was adopted by
the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.


Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the
Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not
on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the
Board must first adopt the following two motions.


[Purely Commendatory Finding]
Motion that the Board finds by roll call vote that the resolutions
being considered at this time are purely commendatory.

Supervisor Bierman, seconded by Supervisor Alioto, moved adoption.

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Brown Act Finding]
Motion that the Board finds by roll call vote that for the resolutions
being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action
and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and
County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted.

Supervisor Bierman, seconded by Supervisor Alioto, moved adoption.

Adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Imperative Resolutions]


Resolution commending the Delancy Street Foundation and Golden Gate
University for creating and designating the Delancy Street Foundation
as a college campus.

File 006-96-031, Resolution No. 223-96

Supervisors Shelley, Migden, Yaki presented for immediate adoption.

Resolution adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Commend Bob Lawless]
Resolution commending Bob Lawless for his commitment and contributions
to people with HIV in San Francisco and to the San Francisco City
Clinic and declaring March 15, 1996 Bob Lawless Day in San Francisco.

File 006-96-032, Resolution No. 224-96

Supervisors Teng, Ammiano, Bierman, Yaki presented for immediate

Resolution adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.

[Commend Brava! Women in the Arts]
Resolution commending BRAVA! Women in the Arts on the occasion of its
acquisition of the former York Theater to establish the new BRAVA
Theater Center, Mission District and proclaiming March 14, 1996 as
"BRAVA! For Women in the Arts Day" in San Francisco.

File 006-96-033, Resolution No. 225-96

Supervisors Leal, Yaki, Bierman, Teng, Migden presented for
immediate adoption.

Resolution adopted by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Alioto, Bierman, Migden, Shelley, Teng, Yaki - 6.

Absent: Supervisors Ammiano, Hsieh, Kaufman, Kennedy, Leal - 5.



Referred to Committee

[Vehicle Alarms]
Substitute ordinance amending Police Code by amending Section 3703 to
decrease the length of time an audible vehicle alarm system may sound.
Supervisor Shelley presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 121-94-010.

[Friends of the Library Agreement, Lease, MOU]
Ordinance approving a memorandum of understanding between the San
Francisco Public Library and the Friends of the San Francisco Public
Library for use of space in the new main library building for the
performance of library-related services, generation of revenues for
Library Department purposes, and assurance of private funds to provide
support on an ongoing basis for the San Francisco Public Library
System; and authorizing and approving certain agreements directly with
such non-profit corporation as contemplated by such MOU, including a
lease of office space and a lease of gift store space. Supervisors
Kaufman, Migden presented. Referred to Government Efficiency/Labor
Committee with request it be considered on March 26, 1996.

File 065-96-003.

[City Seal Authorization, Affinity Programs]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code by adding Section 1.6-B
authorizing the Clerk of the Board, upon recommendation of the Chief
Administrative Officer to approve the use of the City Seal on the face
of San Francisco affinity credit cards and San Francisco affinity
pre-paid phone cards promoting the City and allowing San Francisco
Affinity credit and pre-paid phone cards inscribed with the City Seal
to be offered for sale. Supervisors Migden, Bierman presented.
Referred to Government Efficiency/Labor Committee.

File 097-96-012.

Referred to Board

[Commend City College]
Resolution commending City College of San Francisco on the occasion of
its sixtieth anniversary and declaring the week of March 25th through
March 31st City College of San Francisco Week. Supervisors Teng,
Bierman, Yaki, Migden, Shelley presented. Referred to Board for
Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar March 18, 1996.

File 006-96-034.

Referred to Committee

[School-to-Career Opportunities Act]
Resolution supporting SB 643, the School-to-Career Opportunities Act
and directing the State Legislative Representative to work towards
strengthening the Act and furthering its passage. Supervisor Shelley
presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 012-96-012.

[Renaming Health Centers]
Resolution renaming Health Centers #1, #3, #4 and #5 to the
Castro-Mission Health Center, the Silver Avenue Family Health Center,
the Chinatown Public Health Center and the Ocean-Park Health Center,
respectively. Supervisor Shelley presented. Referred to Rules

File 030-96-005.

[Call-in Telephone System]
Resolution declaring it to be a policy of the City and County of San
Francisco that the capability for a call-in telephone system for Board
meetings be developed and instructing the Clerk of the Board to
oversee the implementation of a call-in telephone system. Supervisor
Shelley presented. Referred to Rules Committee with request it be
considered at the March 19, 1996 meeting.

File 054-96-002.

Referred to Board

Resolution appointing Supervisor Willie B. Kennedy as a member and
Supervisors Sue Bierman and Tom Ammiano as alternate members to the
General Assembly, Association of Bay Area Governments. Clerk of the
Board. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference
Calendar March 18, 1996.

File 092-96-012.

Resolution appointing Supervisor Barbara Kaufman as a member of the
Board of Directors, Golden Gate, Highway and Transportation District.
Clerk of the Board. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee
Reference Calendar March 18, 1996.

File 092-96-013.

Requests for Hearings:

[Lake Merced]
Hearing to consider issues regarding Lake Merced. Supervisor Shelley
presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 188-96-002.

[Gang-related Rapes]
Hearing to consider the recent incidents of gang-related rapes in the
City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Alioto presented.
Referred to Health/Public Safety/Environment Committee.

File 207-96-004.


Referred to Board

[State of Health Care Report]
Report by Director of the Department of Public Health concerning the
State of Health Care in the City. Supervisor Shelley presented.
Scheduled for Board meeting of April 15, 1996, Special Order 3:00
p.m., by direction of the President.

File 030-96-006.

[Extend Time to Meet and Confer]
Motion extending time for negotiations pursuant to Charter Section
3.100-2 relating to salaries, benefits and working conditions and to
extend the date for final passage of ordinance on May 2, 1996.
Supervisor Shelley presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without
Committee Reference Calendar March 18, 1996.

File 106-96-001.

Introduced by the President at the Request of Departments

Ordinances Referred to Committee

File 027-96-004. [Airport North Terminal Concession Lease] Ordinance
approving the "North Terminal California Products Shop Lease" between
Marilla Chocolate Company Inc. and the City and County of San
Francisco, acting by and through its Airports Commission. (Airports
Commission) Referred to Government Efficiency/Labor Committee.

File 027-96-005. [Airport Lease Modification, Delta Airlines, Inc.]
Ordinance approving Modification No. 5 of Lease and Use Agreement
between Delta Airlines, Inc. and the City and County of San Francisco,
acting by and through its Airports Commission. (Airports Commission)
Referred to Government Efficiency/Labor Committee.

File 101-95-061. [Appropriation, Fire Department] Ordinance
appropriating $3,907,900, Fire Department, of 1986 Fire Protection
Bond interest earnings for various capital improvement projects
(repair Fireboat Phoenix, motorized AWSS control valve, AWSS storage
tank, and AWSS facilities) for fiscal year 1995-96. RO #95120.
(Controller) Referred to Budget Committee.

Resolutions Referred to Committee

File 010-96-001. [Encroachment Permit, Perry/Third Streets] Resolution
granting revocable permission to Nibbi Brothers, general contractors,
to temporarily close and occupy the northerly sidewalk and a portion
of the street area on Perry Street, 237.50 feet easterly of Third
Street, during construction operations at 401-433 Third Street (Block
3763, Lots 82, 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 91, 114, 115). (Department of
Public Works) Referred to Housing and Land Use Committee.

File 213-96-003. [Grants, Municipal Railway and Port Projects]
Resolution authorizing the Public Transportation Commission to
retroactively apply for, accept and expend $71,488,041 of Federal
Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation and Air
Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), Section 3, and Section 9 operating
and capital assistance, and $679,000 of State Transit Capital
Improvement Funds, State Traffic Systems Management Funds, State-Local
Partnership Program and $6,947,400 from various local match sources
such as from State Transit Assistance Funds, Transportation
Development Act Funds, Bridge Toll Net Revenues, Regional Measure One
Funds, Gas Tax Revenues, Transit Impact Development Fees, San
Francisco Municipal Railway Improvement Corporation, Funds, and/or San
Francisco County Transportation Sales Taxes for twelve Municipal
Railway projects, and one Port of San Francisco project including
$2,115,602 of indirect costs. (Public Transportation Commission)
Referred to Government Efficiency/Labor Committee.

Motions Adopted

Motion that the Board adjourn its meeting this date out of respect to
the memory of the following deceased:

Pat Jackson (By the entire Board)
Casey Adair Sponsor Supervisor Migden.
Manuel Saucedo Sponsor Supervisor Leal.

File 2-96-11

Unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 3:11 p.m.

John L. Taylor, Clerk

N.B. This Journal of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the
Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily
the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.

Approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 1, 1996.

I, John L. Taylor, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and
County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of said Board on the
date stated and was approved as recited.

John L. Taylor
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

Last updated: 5/26/2010 4:52:12 PM