Petitions and Communications received from April 27 through noon on May 3, for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on May 8, 2000.
From various departments, regarding the accessibility of the Department websites for people with disabilities. Copy: Supervisor Yaki (1)
Port, (Reference No. 20000327-020);
Employees’ Retirement System, (Reference No. 20000327-050);
Solid Waste Management Program, (Reference No. 20000327-035);
Port, (Reference No. 20000327-020);
Airport, (Reference No. 20000327-026);
Fire Department, (Reference No. 20000327-008);
Civil Service Commission, (Reference No. 20000327-027);
Recreation and Park Department, (Reference No. 20000327-031);
Commission on the Aging, (Reference No. 20000327-016);
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, (Reference No. 20000327-013).
From various departments, submitting overtime report due May 1, 2000, as required by Administrative Code Section 18.13. Copy: Each Supervisor (2)
Sheriff, (Reference No. 2000-078)
Department of Public Works
Chief Medical Examiner
From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, submitting annual report on eviction notices, as required by Administrative Code Section 37.6(j). Copy: Each Supervisor (3)
From State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, submitting request to have condition #1 modified, to be able to sell alcoholic beverages between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. for "Mason Liquor and Deli" at 530 Mason Street. Small Business, Economic Development and Consumer Services Committee (4)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting four resolutions regarding: (5)
Resolution 005-00-COE, regarding departmental record retention and destruction policy;
Resolution 006-00-COE, regarding amendment of Commission on the Environment Bylaws;
Resolution 003-00-COE, regarding support to make urban forestry a high priority in San Francisco;
Resolution 004-00-COE, regarding Municipal Railway use of alternative fuels.
From City of Huntington Beach, requesting support for AB1835 (Baugh) Storm Water Discharges, which would provide funding to allow local public agencies to prevent potential beach closures by diverting storm water runoff during the summer months. (6)
From Office of the Controller, regarding appropriate use of Library supplemental funds in accordance with the provisions of the Library Preservation Fund. File 000615 (7)
From Duncan Reid, submitting opposition to eliminating 21emergency psychiatric care beds at San Francisco General Hospital. File 000449 (8)
From Airport, submitting request to Human Rights Commission for waiver of provisions of Chapter 12B of the Administrative Code for Equifax Credit Service to perform background credit checks for employees hired or promoted at the Airport. (9)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting two reports on the San Francisco Park and Open Space Program, for fiscal years 1998/99 and 1999/00. (10)
From Department of Public Works, submitting annual report on customer service plan for fiscal year 1998/99. (11)
From Reggie Pottus, submitting support for the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team Training (NERT) program provided by the Fire Department. (12)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting reports concerning the audit of: (13)
San Francisco Giants for the 1998 and 1999 Baseball Seasons;
Lombard Street Garage (Pacific Park Management, Inc.);
Public Administrator/Public Guardian’s Office.
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, regarding whether there are plans to create an Internet forum on the SFGov website to solicit public input regarding municipal issues. (Reference No. 20000222-004) Copy: Supervisor Leno (14)
From Port, regarding the lease agreement between the Port and China Basin Ballpark Company for ballpark parking on the Port’s Seawall Lot 337 located approximately 16 acres between Third Street, Mission Rock Street and Terry Francois Blvd. (Reference No. 20000410-017) Copy: Supervisor Yee (15)
From Ethics Commission, submitting request for continuance of proposed legislation amending Administrative Code to authorize the Ethics Commission to require electronic filing of lobbyist and campaign consultant reports. File 000742, Finance and Labor Committee (16)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposal to locate a State Parole Office at 1970 Carroll Street. File 000657, Housing and Social Policy Committee, 16 Letters (17)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown. 5 Letters (18)
From concerned citizens, regarding appeal of 2361 Lombard Street Hotel Project. File 000577, 3 Letters (19)
From Department of Public Health, submitting the annual list of membership organizations for fiscal year 2000/01, as required by Administrative Code Section 16.6. (20)
From various city departments, regarding services provided to the homeless in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Brown (21)
Solid Waste Management Program, (Reference No. 20000306-038);
Recreation and Park Department, (Reference No. 20000306-044).
From Secretary of State, submitting notice that amendments to the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco were ratified by the voters at the election on March 7, 2000, were filed on April 24, 2000 and assigned Charter Chapter Number 5 for publication in the Statues of 2000. (22)
From Marc Troy, regarding the Elian Gonzalez case. (23)
From Commission on the Status of Women and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Task Force, submitting report implementing (CEDAW) "A Gender Analysis", dated November 1999. (24)
From concerned citizens, regarding the "transit first" article by Ken Garcia in the Chronicle, dated April 27, 2000. 2 Letters (25)
From Cyrus Weiss, submitting suggestion that one way to free up several hundred parking spaces is to get the autos belonging to Muni drivers out of the Northpoint and Stockton Muni Yard. (26)
From Southeast Community Facility Commission, submitting copy of the revised "Southeast Sector Resource Directory". (27)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Gary Johnson of Palm Desert as a member of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin. (28)
From San Francisco County Transportation Authority, submitting copy of first review of Draft annual budget for fiscal year 2000/01. (29)
From Commission on the Status of Women, submitting 1998-99 mid year report, 1998-99 annual report and the three year strategic plan for fiscal years 2000-2003. 3 Reports (30)
From Landmine Survivors Media Project, submitting VHS copy of Survivors’ Stories: "Americans & Landmines" and "In the Shadow of Landmines." (31)
From Wendy Beck, submitting opposition to the Blue Angels flying over San Francisco every fall. (32)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Change Nos. 29, 30, 31-99/00 to the Annual Salary Ordinance, for fiscal year 1999/00. 3 Letters (33)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending March 2000. (34)
From Evan Michelson, submitting suggestions for curbing problems with cars and pedestrians. Copy: Each Supervisor (35)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Darryl Young as Director of the Department of Conservation. (36)
From Airport, regarding Airport’s Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Implementing the Diversity Tracking System. File 000443, Human Rights Commission (37)
From Visions for Youth, Inc., regarding Youth Guidance Juvenile Hall EXPO held on April 29, 2000. (38)
From Diane Aubry, submitting copy of letter commending Mike Yanez, an employee of the Department of Public Works for being so courteous and efficient in helping change the street cleaning days on the street in front of 301 Bryant Street. (39)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposal to lease the Mission Steuart site to a hotel developer, instead of using it for a MUNI bus terminal. 2 Letters (40)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated April 20, 2000 regarding an environmental assessment for the proposed O&M dredging of the Southampton Shoal Channel, and Long Wharf Maneuvering Area, located at Richmond Outer Harbor, San Francisco Bay. (41)
From Port, submitting request for release of reserved funds in the amount of $202,900 for the Agricultural Building East Entry Stair Replacement. Finance and Labor Committee (42)
From James Corrigan, submitting request that the Board request the Fire Department’s Customer Service Plan which was due after the passage of Proposition B in November 1998. (43)
From Yousef Zughbaba, submitting request for Type 20 liquor license for "U Save Discount" at 2401 Irving Street. Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (44)
From Police Department, regarding the assault committed against Mr. Kirama and Mr. Goodwin that were attacked by five or six suspects as they existed a Muni bus. (Reference No. 20000306-002) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (45)
From Dennis Hartzell, submitting support that PETA be forced to pay restitution of all the costs to the City of the clean-up after its demonstration, and that in the future, legal action and fines be instituted that will discourage further damage to taxpayers. (46)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting Customer Service Plan for year 2000. (47)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (48)
Aysha Handley, Constituent Liaison to Supervisor Yaki
From various signators, submitting Annual Economic Statement for Community Development Block Grant/Emergency Shelter Grant funding for 2000 Program. File 000488, Finance and Labor Committee (49)
Bayview Hunters Point Foundation (Community Defender)
Children’s Council of San Francisco
Lyon-Martin Women’s Health Services
San Francisco Educational Services
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