Petitions and communications
received from June 22 through noon on June 28, for reference by the President
to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the
Clerk on July 10, 2000.
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the audit of the cash revolving fund of the Public Utilities Commission.
From Office of the Mayor, regarding a preliminary study to determine
the advisability and feasibility of developing a program to showcase local
artwork in vacant and under-utilized buildings. (Reference No. 20000410-008)
Copy: Supervisor Becerril (2)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown. 6 Letters (3)
From Commission of Animal Control and Welfare, submitting recommendations
regarding animal cosmetic surgery. Copy: Each Supervisor (4)
From Human Rights Commission, regarding the $12.8 Million Budget Augmentation
for Noncredit Program Enhancements at California Community Colleges. Copy:
Each Supervisor (5)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding transfer of Hetch Hetchy
Surplus to the General Fund. File 000984 (6)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting further technical adjustments to
the Mayor’s 2000-2001 budget. File 000979, Finance and Labor Committee,
Copy: Each Supervisor (7)
From Human Services Commission, regarding fiscal year 1999-2000 report
of gifts accepted as required by Administrative Code Section 10.116, authorizing
the Commission to accept gifts of up to $45,000 in value on behalf of the
City. (8)
From Department of Public Health, submitting income statement for San
Francisco General Hospital Pharmacy, for nine months July 1999 through
March 2000. File 000983, Copy: Supervisors Yee, Bierman, Ammiano, Finance
and Labor Committee (9)
From Reuben & Alter, LLP, submitting request for transfer of an
existing Type 48 liquor license from 475 Francisco Street to 1731 - 1741
Powell Street for Leirum Corporation known as "Muriel’s Theater." Small
Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (10)
From State Department of Fish and Game, regarding investigation of potential
interim management measures for California’s nearshore fisheries. (11)
From Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, regarding the Bryant Square Project.
File 001082, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (12)
From Superior Court, regarding status of request for release of reserve
funds for the indigent defense conflicts counsel in the amount of $245,000.
Finance and Labor Committee (13)
From concerned citizens, submitting request for a study of Market Street
conditions and how best to improve pedestrian and bike safety and comfort,
and Muni efficiency, without negatively affecting commerce in the area.
File 00979, Finance and Labor Committee, 7 Letters (14)
From Joe Tobie, submitting request for legislation regarding the misuse
and sometimes total disrespect for the use of Disabled Reserved Seats on
Municipal Buses, Trolley Cars, and Street Cars that are clearly marked
"For Seniors and Disabled Persons." Copy: Muni (15)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, Submitting Rules of Order, adopted
March 2000. (16)
From Arla Ertz, submitting support to allocate $28 million for affordable
housing in the next budget. File 000979, Finance and Labor Committee Copy:
Each Supervisor (17)
From Public Transportation Department (Muni), responding to 1999-2000
Grand Jury Report regarding neglect of report requirements that relate
to Municipal Railway and the new Municipal Transportation Agency, as required
by Administrative Code Section 8.16, that require all public documents
be filed with the Public Library. File 000770, Finance and Labor Committee
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the concession audit of Pacific Gateway Concessions LLC. (19)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the audit of San Francisco Golf Enterprises, which operates McLaren Golf
Course. (20)
From Police Department, submitting Police Department Memberships, as
required by Administrative Code Section 16.6. (21)
From Department of Public Health, submitting hazardous waste release
disclosure forms, dated June 22 and June 26, 2000. 2 Disclosure Forms (22)
From Western Select Securities, Inc., submitting request for legislation
that would require the Budget Analyst to conduct a performance audit of
the Human Rights Commission and the Controller’s Office every two years.
From Bay Area Rapid Transit District, regarding the General District
Election of November 2000. (24)
From Chief Administrator and Clerk of the Board, responding to inquiry
regarding graffiti in the legislative chamber. (Reference No. 20000626-007
and 008.) Copy: Supervisor Teng (25)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, responding to inquiry regarding
the feasibility of restoring the direction of traffic on Washington and
Jackson Streets to their pre-Embarcadero Freeway one-way directions (east
on Washington and west on Jackson). (Reference No. 20000501-004) Copy:
Supervisor Becerril (26)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, responding to request to examine
the viability of other cities’ traffic light safety modifications for utilization
in San Francisco. (Reference No. 200000530-005) Copy: Supervisor Becerril
From concerned citizens, regarding proposal to allow vehicles to be
parked on the sidewalk in San Francisco. File 001227, Transportation and
Land Use Committee 4 Letters (28)
From Department of Elections, submitting report from the Citizen’s Advisory
Committee on Elections regarding increasing the efficiency of the Department
of Elections. File 992279, Copy: Each Supervisor (29)
From Center for the Preservation of Horses, John Jenkel, regarding an
examination of the state’s neglected Burton Trust and its lack of trustee
accountability; and requesting the Port delay contracting with the Malrite
Corporation to develop Pier 45 until after the Board of Supervisors has
had an opportunity to examine the best use of this property and to comment
on its use. File 001199, Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer
Services Committee, 5 Letters (30)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Change
No. 33-99/00 to the Interim Annual Salary Ordinance for fiscal year 2000/01.
From Joe, submitting comments on live coverage of the Board of Supervisors
meeting. (32)
From Ginny Simms, submitting appreciation for the resolution honoring
her service on the Board of the Golden Gate Bridge District. File 001177
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants’
signatures with respect to the "Bryant Square Project" represents owners
of more than 20% of the area involved and are therefore sufficient for
appeal. File 001082 (34)
From concerned citizens, regarding the "Bryant Square Project." File
001082, 2 Letters (35)
From Board of Appeals, regarding (follow-up developments) the granting
of variance to property at 384-386 Eureka Street. (36)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit
statement for the month ending May 2000. (37)
From Frederick Hobson, regarding the Treatment on Demand Council’s proposed
Uniform Grievance Policy. (38)
From State Department of Fish and Game, regarding requests for submitting
proposals for the California Coastal Salmon Recovery Program (fishery restoration)
due August 11, 2000. (39)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated June
23, 2000 regarding request from Mr. John Perry to conduct maintenance dredging
at his residence located along the San Rafael Creek, (15 Sorrento Way)
to return the area to its permitted depth to allow for safe navigation
of recreational craft. (40)
From Robert Conrad, submitting suggestions for improving traffic and
pedestrian problems in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Teng (41)
From Irving Waldorf, regarding the problem of homeless people taking
over the streets in San Francisco. (42)
From Municipal Railway, submitting Muni’s "Strategic Plan 2000" the
policy level accompaniment to fiscal years 1999/00 - 2008/09 Short Range
Transit Plan. (43)
From various City departments and other agencies, submitting Conflict
of Interest Code Review Reports (Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code,
Article III, Chapter 1.) Copy: City Attorney’s Office: (44)
Animal Care and Control, City Administrator, Civil Service Commission,
County Clerk, Law Library, Medical Examiner, Real Estate, Rent Board
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the re-opening of
Davis Street. (45)
From Clarita Fazzan, regarding the Santos Lingulsa Factory case. Copy:
Supervisor Yaki (46) |