Petitions and communications
received from September 28, through noon on October 4, for reference by
the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on October 10, 2000.
From Ethics Commission, submitting the following reports: quarterly
summaries of lobbyist activity 1997-2000, quarterly summaries of campaign
consultant activity 1998-2000, annual reports 1995-1999; pursuant to Civil
Grand Jury Report. (1)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting notice of intent to prepare
a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Report for the San Francisco Central
Bay Rock Removal Project. (2)
From Gladstone and Associates, regarding Conditional Use Permit application
for Two, Four and Five Charlton Court, The Bed and Breakfast Inn. (3)
From Port, regarding fish processing facilities at Wharf J-10. (Reference
No. 2000828-001) Copy: Supervisors Becerril, Bierman, Newsom, Teng (4)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting response to written objections
to adoption by the Board of Supervisors of an amendment to the Yerba Buena
Center Redevelopment Plan to add the Emporium Site Area. File No. 001714
From State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, submitting copy
of request from BSB Properties, Inc., for modification of liquor license
condition for the "Grant and Green Saloon" (also known as the Grant and
Green Blues Club) at 1371 Grant Avenue. Small Business, Economic Vitality
and Consumer Services Committee (6)
From Center for the Preservation of Horses, John Jenkel, regarding San
Francisco elected officials and alleged abuse in local government. Copy:
Each Supervisor (7)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown. 4 Letters (8)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding 40-year lease of San Francisco
Public Utilities Land located in the town of Sunol for the operation and
maintenance of a sand and gravel quarry to Mission Valley Rock Company.
File 001698 (9)
From Giselle Clark-Ibanez, submitting notice of the 10th Annual "Management
Center" Nonprofit Board Fair on Tuesday, October 24, 2000, 5:30 - 7:30,
at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, The Forum, 701 Mission at Third
Street. (10)
From Steven Bayt, regarding jobs, housing and the homeless population
in San Francisco. (11)
From David Marzane, submitting request for police presence in the area
of 450 Post Street, so people can walk in the area without being accosted
by street people for a handout. (12)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Michael Flores
of Sacramento as a member of the California Fish and Game Commission, for
term ending January 15, 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (13)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Dr. Arthur Rosenfeld
of Sacramento as a member of the State Energy and Resources Conservation
and Development Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor (14)
From Office of City Administrator, submitting appointment of Edwin Lee
as Director of Public Works. (15)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting guidelines and
forms for the submission of County Health Services, for fiscal year 2000/01;
with description of proposed expenditure of California Healthcare for Indigents
Program (CHP) Rural Health Services (RHS) Program Funds. (16)
From Yves Rossel, submitting his opposition to the Board’s vote against
the vehicle seizure ordinance. File 990935 (17)
From Kristin Nelson, submitting notice of the new location of HIV Employment
Services, at 240 Golden Gate Avenue, 3rd Floor. (18)
From Andree Wright, submitting support to bring back the Central Freeway
to decrease some of the traffic problems in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Office of the Controller, submitting a list of all sole source
contracts entered into in fiscal year 1999/2000. (20)
From Building Inspection Commission, submitting opposition to the proposed
ordinance regarding weekend construction work in residential zoning districts.
File No. 992118 (21)
From Ocean/Merced/Ingleside (OMI) Business League, submitting opposition
to the proposed K-line project, which includes the loss of 58 parking spaces
on Ocean Avenue. File 001535, Copy: Each Supervisor (22)
From Office of the Controller, submitting a compilation of the audit
reports issued by the Controller’s Audits Division from fiscal year 1982-1983
through fiscal year 1999-2000. (23)
From Department of the Environment, submitting annual report for 1999.
From Richard Hack, commenting on Supervisor Brown’s political views.
Copy: Supervisor Brown (25)
From Douglas Chin, submitting several suggestions to decrease illegal
activity in San Francisco, including: all illegal activity (drugs, prostitution,
gambling, etc.) in San Francisco be moved to Treasure Island and legalized
and taxed; that the essential law enforcement needs of the neighborhoods
are met before the nonessential needs of the city are fulfilled; and to
establish neighborhood courts where people that are arrested for misdemeanor
crimes (small-time drug dealers, prostitutes, etc.) be judged and sentenced
by the residents of that neighborhood. (26)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed Butterfly
Museum/Park, which borders Embarcadero, Washington, Clay and Drumm Streets.
File 0001412, 4 Letters (27)
From Marina Civic Improvement and Property Owners Association, Inc.,
submitting opposition to the transfer of a Type 20 off-sale beer and wine
alcohol beverage control license from 1901 Jerrold Avenue to a gas station
at 2490 Lombard Street. File 001600, Small Business, Economic Vitality
and Consumer Services Committee (28)
From Department of Public Works, regarding expediting installation of
a Stoplight at Lombard and Chestnut Streets. (Reference No. 20000828-007)
Copy: Supervisor Becerril (29)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Hazardous Waste Release
Report for August 2000, Proposition 65. (30)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the performance
audit of the Adult Probation Department. (31)
From various City departments and other agencies, submitting Conflict
of Interest Codes Review Reports (Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code,
Article III, Chapter 1.) Copy: City Attorney’s Office (32)
Recreation and Park Department
From Greg Gabby, submitting opposition to the removal of the statute
from the fountain at Nob Hill Park. (33)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting two resolutions adopted
by the Redevelopment Agency authorizing the execution of the Owner Participation
Agreement/Disposition and Development Agreement with Emporium Development,
LLC, and the Owner Participation Agreement with Bloomingdale’s Inc. in
furtherance of the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment. File 001257 (34)
From Steven Spencer-Steigner, submitting his concerns with the homeless
population in San Francisco and requesting help from the Board of Supervisors.
Copy: Each Supervisor (35)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting the Cash Difference and Overage
Funds for the period ending September 30, 2000. (36)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the closure of music
rehearsal studios, clubs, art studios, etc. in San Francisco. 4 Letters
(37) |