Petitions and communications
received from November 2 through noon on November 8, for reference by
the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on November 13, 2000.
From concerned citizens, submitting request to delay the vote on legislation
regarding the Butterfly Discovery Museum until the Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) process is complete. File 001412, 10 Letters (1)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown. 5 Letters (2)
From Department of Public Works, regarding jurisdictional responsibilities
for the cleaning, maintenance and beautification of the Twin Peaks Observation
Area and Vista Point. (Reference No. 20000925-018) (3)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, submitting support to
keep the Police Academy in Diamond Heights. (4)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding an evaluation of off-street
parking for the Ocean Avenue Commercial Corridor. (Reference No. 200001002-04)
Copy: Supervisors Teng, Brown (5)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting two reports
entitled "Animal Care and Control Department" and "Neglect of Reporting
Requirements", in response to the 1999/00 San Francisco Civil Grand
Jury Report. Copy: County Clerk, Civil Grand Jury Foreman (6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to build Home Depot (full
size) on Bayshore Blvd. (formerly Schlage Lock site) in San Francisco.
File 001557, 3 Letters (7)
From various City departments, submitting list of services to senior
citizens in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (8)
Department of Human Services (Reference No. 20000925-009)
Fire Department (Reference No. 20000925-014)
From Redevelopment Agency, regarding the Rincon Center Below Market
Rate Program. File 000659, Copy; Each Supervisor (9)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed activity
in the North Fair Oaks region of Menlo Park by San Francisco Public
Utilities Commission. 7 Letters (10)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting new address
and phone listing for the State Department of Child Support Services.
From concerned citizens, submitting support for interim controls for
the proposed site of Home Depo (formerly Schlage Lock site) on Bayshore
Blvd. File 000370, 2 Letters (12)
From Department of Public Works, submitting Quarterly Report for the
Defective Sidewalk Repair Revolving Account for the period of July 1,
2000 through September 30, 2000. (13)
From Nathan Ratner, regarding the World War I Monument that was dedicated
to the Veterans of the 91st Division. (14)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed State
Parole Office location at 1970 Carroll Street. 2 Letters (15)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding the number of injuries
attributed to scooters and what steps can be taken to address safety
concerns. (Reference No. 20000918-005) Copy: Supervisor Brown (16)
From Arts Commission, submitting the "San Francisco Space for the Arts
Study Report" dated September 2000. (Reference No. 20000928-004) (17)
From California Highway Patrol, regarding California Drunk and Drugged
Driving (3D) Prevention Month in December. (18)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting monthly report on claims
settled by Department. (19)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting audit plan
of the Controller’s Audit Division for fiscal year 2000/01. (20)
From Robert Watke, regarding street cleaning in North Beach. (21)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting report on the Cash Difference
and Overage Funds for the period ending October 31, 2000. (22)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding
the new regulatory boundaries for three army corps of engineers district
offices in California. (23)
From State Energy Commission, regarding the proposed Potrero Power Plant
Unit 7 Project at 1201 Illinois Street, between 22nd and 23rd Streets.
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting twelve cellular antenna
permit applications filed for the following addresses: (Reference No.
20000403-002), Copy: Supervisor Yee (25)
500 Jamestown, 235 Pine Street, 350 Mission Street, 160 Pine Street,
111 Pine Street, 737 Folsom Street, 225 Topaz Way, 30 Onondaga Way,
1850 Irving Street, 735 Montgomery Street, 1100-1130 Oak Street, and
1385 Mission Street. (25)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting the investment activity (for
fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (26)
From concerned citizens, regarding the proposed quarry lease between
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the Mission Valley Rock
Company. File 000312 (27)
From various City departments, indicating that funding provided for
in the budget for fiscal year 2000/01 is adequate for the department.
Fire Department
Public Utilities Commission
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed legislation
that would mandate that property owners replace existing non low-flow
toilets with ultra low-flow toilets. 2 Letters (29)
From Ethics Commission, submitting press release announcing that the
voluntary spending limit has been lifted for Board of Supervisors candidates
in District Eight; the spending limits are now lifted in 9 of 11 districts
Copy: Each Supervisor (30)
From Earth Island Institute, submitting press release announcing that
the David R. Brower, internationally recognized leader of the environmental
movement dies at 88. (31)
From John Jenkel, commenting on the way some San Francisco elected officials
run city government. 2 Letters (32)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the Butterfly Discovery
Museum. File 990091, 8 Letters (33)
From GTE Wireless, submitting copy of notification letter to California
Public Utilities Commission, regarding cellular base site for Steuart
Street Repeater at 188 Embarcadero. (34)
From State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, submitting copy
of request to modify certain conditions of an alcoholic beverage license
for "Haz Liquor and Deli" at 1401 Polk Street. Small Business, Economic
Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (35)
From AT&T Broadband, submitting AT&T’s Quarterly Franchise Fee for July
1, 2000 to September 30, 2000. Copy: Accountant (36)
From Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority, submitting copy of Quarterly
Report sent to the Recreation and Park Commission of the Golden Gate
Park Concourse Authority for the Third Quarter of 2000. (37)
From State Water Resources Control Board, submitting notice of time
change for meeting regarding the draft Final Functional Equivalent Document
Amendment of the Water Quality Plan for Ocean Waters of California to
11:00 a.m. on November 16, 2000. (38)
From Department of Human Services, submitting request for release of
reserved funds for the Mission Neighborhood Resource Center in the amount
of $453,170. Copy: Finance and Labor Committee (39)
From Jan Ingwersen, submitting her second letter to the Department of
Public Works and the Board of Supervisors commenting on how bad the
street conditions are in San Francisco due to the lack of street repairs
and requesting a reply. (40)
From Jake Tapper, commenting on article in regarding George
W. Bush speaking at an anti-gay school. (41) |