Petitions and communications
received from November 9 through noon on November 15, for reference by
the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on November 20, 2000.
From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, submitting
request for release of reserved funds ($175,000) to pay for the Housing
Study, pursuant to Ordinance 55-00. File 991412, Copy: Budget Analyst,
Finance and Labor Committee members and Clerk. (1)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Hazardous Materials Advisory
Committee Annual Report for fiscal years 98/99 and 99/00. (2)
From Ethics Commission, regarding passage of Proposition O, the Campaign
Finance Measure that was passed on November 7, 2000. (3)
From various City departments, submitting list of services to senior
citizens in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (4)
Commission on the Aging (Reference No. 20000925-011)
From San Francisco International Airport, regarding landscaping and
tree placement on the landside portion of the Airport. (Reference No. 20000101-003)
Copy: Supervisor Katz (5)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown. 4 Letters (6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for public hearings on the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Butterfly Discovery Park. File 001412,
5 Letters (7)
From George Handras, stating his concerns on several issues. (8)
From Real Estate Division, regarding notice and appeal procedure for
the removal of trees. (Reference No. 2000-1010013) Copy: Supervisor Katz,
Administrative Services (9)
From concerned citizens, regarding the future use of the Japantown Bowl
site, and requesting a community meeting sponsored by various Japantown
community organizations and the Redevelopment Agency to find out what the
Kuroyama Development Group intends for the community before the Agency
makes a decision on the future use of the bowling alley site. (Reference
No. 001286) 2 Letters (10)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting annual report for fiscal
year 1999/00. (11)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed legislation
regarding Ferry Park. File 990091, 2 Letters (12)
From Pillsbury Madison and Sutro LLP, submitting certified copy of the
transcript of the June 26, 2000 hearing regarding the Bryant Square project
appeal. File 001234 (13)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the cost of prescription
drugs that seniors must bear in San Francisco and what Department of Public
Health is doing to alleviate the problem. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (14)
From Catherine Carroll, regarding the proposed lease of 242 acres of
land in Sunol under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission.
Files 001834, 001698, Copy: Each Supervisor, Finance and Labor Committee
From Department of the Environment, submitting Integrated Pest Management
Program Annual Report for fiscal year 1999/00. (16)
From Sarah Kate Wilson, submitting opposition to the proposed activity
in the North Fair Oaks region of Menlo Park by San Francisco Public Utilities
Commission. (17)
From Mountain View Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, commenting that
the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is not legally obliged to
fluoridate water supplied to other communities and that providing only
fluoridated water may well result in a loss of customers and revenue. (18)
From Cynthia Servetnick, regarding date and procedures for appeal of
Planning Commission decision not to grant landmark status to the Jewish
Community Center in San Francisco. Files 002006, 002003, 002004, 002005,
001763 (19)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding street tree removal practices
of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. (Reference Nos. 20001010-012
and 200001010-018) (20)
From Asian Art Museum, submitting copies of back issues of Triptych
and Treasurers, in-house publications documenting programs, exhibitions
and activities of the Asian Art Museum, which provide annual reporting
information for 1994 and 1995, and copies of annual reports published by
the Museum beginning in 1996. (21)
From Ira McEvoy, submitting support for legislation proposed by Commissioner
Chin Chi, who believes a ban on all fur is necessary to stop the slaughter
of dogs and cats for fur in other countries. (22)
From Assemblyman Richard Floyd, submitting support to reinstate the
high school behind-the-wheel driver training program. (23)
From AIDS Activists Against Violence and Lies, submitting community
notice regarding the reason they came together this past June as a grassroots
coalition of people with HIV/AIDS, their caregivers, AIDS activists and
educators to stop the campaign of violence being perpetrated by the group
calling itself "ACT UP San Francisco." (24)
From John Jenkel, commenting on alleged corruption in San Francisco,
and a state tideland trustee that runs the Burton Trust, commonly called
"the Port." (25)
From concerned citizens, submitting request for a hearing regarding
Department of Public Works granting a permit that gives city property to
the owner of property at 192 Majestic Street. (26)
From Veterans Affairs Commission, regarding the removal of the 363rd
Infantry Regiment of the Army’s 91st Division flag and glass case memorial
from City Hall. (27)
From Milllika Singh and Andrew Polson, submitting support for the Firearm
Strict Liability Act. (28)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting notice that funding
provided for in the budget is adequate for fiscal year 2000/01. (29)
From Brisbane City Attorney, submitting letter regarding the San Francisco
Local Agency Formation Commission. (30)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting a one-year
follow up on the status of the recommendations made on the Assessment Appeals
Board Audit Number 98072. (31)
From Department of Public Health, submitting annual report for 1999/00.
From Fire Department, submitting support for the proposed legislation
to rename Phelan Avenue to Violeta Marasigan Avenue. File 001973, Copy:
Transportation and Land Use Committee members and Clerk (33)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the proposed Mission
Neighborhood Resource Center for the Homeless at 165 Capp Street. (34)
From Department of Public Health, regarding Laguna Honda Hospital’s
tree removal and public appeals process. (Reference No. 200001010-007)
Copy: Supervisor Katz, Administrative Services (35)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants’
signatures with respect to 3333 25th Street also known at 1045 Capp Street
represent owners of less than 20% of the area involved and are therefore
insufficient for appeal. File 001864 (36)
From Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, LLP, submitting notice to send
all information regarding the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
to Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, LLP, at 222 Kearny Street, Suite
700, San Francisco 94108. Files 001763, 001760, 001759 (37)
From Frederick Hobson, regarding the proposed cuts of acute psychiatric
beds at San Francisco General Hospital and proposing that the Board of
Supervisors begin work now with the Mayor and the City Treasurer in devising
and implementing new tax revenue to be garnered from a modest local income
tax, an increase to the local sales tax to be dedicated to funding both
public and private health care needs, and a luxury tax on certain goods
such as automobiles, furs, liquor, etc. File 000882 (38) |