Petitions and communications received from December 31 through noon on January 6 for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on January 11, 1999.
From Superior and Municipal Courts, submitting Court Summary Report for the month of November 1998. (1)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Change Nos. 55-65/98/99 to the Annual Salary Ordinance, Fiscal Year 1998/99. File 98-0853 (2)
From District Attorney, submitting request to Human Rights Commission for waiver of provisions of Chapter 12B of Administrative Code. (3)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, requesting release of reserve funds in the amount of $499,000 for necessary improvements for the proposed Municipal Fiber Network. Finance Committee. (4)
From Recreation and Park Department, requesting release of reserve funds in the amount of $70,000 for the restoration of the Richmond Sunset Sewage Treatment Plant. Finance Committee (5)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting Declaration of Emergency to Repair/Replace section of 60-inch diameter San Antonio Pipeline. (6)
From Human Rights Commission, responding to inquiry concerning investigation into Bank of America’s employment practices. Copy: Supervisors Katz, Leno, Yaki (7)
From Police Department, responding to Supervisor Yee inquiry concerning the circumstances on the 9x Muni line on December 4, 1998. Copy: Supervisor Yee (8)
From various departments, submitting overtime justification:
Department of Public Works
Department of Public Health (9)
From Department of Public Works, indicating that the signatures with respect to the appeal on 500 Divisadero Street are insufficient. File 98-2111 (10)
From Department of Public Works, indicating that the signatures with respect to the appeal on 2218 48th Avenue are sufficient for appeal. File 98-2105 (11)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding installation of additional STOP sign at the intersection of Lyon and Jackson Streets. Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. Copy: Supervisors Leno, Medina, Yee. File 98-1762 (12)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding anti-cruising regulation on Mission Street. Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. Copy: Supervisors Leno, Medina, Yee. File 98-1612. (13)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, responding to inquiry regarding the traffic safety at the intersection of Diamond and Market Streets. Copy: Supervisors Bierman, Yee (14)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting Press Release regarding Homeless Programs available during current
cold weather. (15)
From Controller’s Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Golden Gate Park Stables, Inc. (16)
From Office of the Controller, submitting 1997-98 Audited Financial Report. Copy: Each Supervisor (17)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Options for Laguna Honda Hospital White Paper. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From Department of Public Health, submitting 1997-98 Annual Report. Copy: Each Supervisor (19)
From Department of Public Health, submitting The Health and Well-Being of Children and Youth in San Francisco, 1998 report. Copy: Each Supervisor (20)
From State of California, State Board of Equalization, submitting 1999 Calendar for the Valuation of Public Utilities and Railroads. (21)
From State of California, Department of Corrections, submitting State Building Notification. (22)
From State of California, State Board of Equalization, regarding review of Local Equalization Regulations, Property Tax Rules 301 through 326. (23)
From State of California, State Board of Equalization, regarding availability of pooling allocation data. (24)
From State of California, Business Program Division, regarding Certification of Charter amendments, Propositions A, B, C and D ratified by the voters at the election held on November 3, 1998. (25)
From State of California, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, submitting 1998 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Request for Application. (26)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, regarding public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Shelter Grant Programs to be held on January 6, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. at the Board Chamber, Room 250. (27)
From Department of Public Works, submitting additional clarification in response to Supervisor Teng inquiry concerning Edgehill Avenue. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Liberty Builders Inc., regarding complaint against Hensel Phelps and appealing Human Rights Commission’s decision. (29)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, supporting the extension of Caltrain to the Transbay Terminal at First and Mission Streets. Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee. File 98-2133 (30)
From School for Self-Healing, requesting to reschedule public hearing on an appeal for 2218 48th Avenue. File 98-2105 (31)
From Calfed Bay-Delta Program, regarding Public Workshops on Proposed Draft Alternative to be held January 12 in San Jose, January 13 in Visalia, January 20 in Lodi, January 26 in Red Bluff and January 28 in San Diego from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (32)
From Robert W. Abbott, PLS, regarding violation of Government Code 22550: "Qualification of County Surveyor." (33)
From R. R. Miller, regarding the dispute over News Racks and uniformity. Finance Committee File 98-2047 (34)
From Law Offices of Lerner & Viet, expressing concern regarding Recorder’s Office. Copy: Assessor-Recorder (35)
From Jamie Roberts, regarding live animal markets. (36)
From Neil Chernoff, expressing concern regarding the lack of web access to city budget information. (37)
From Steve Bayt, regarding hiring the homeless. (38)
From Peter and Heidi Congistre, regarding the New Year riots in Union Square. (39)
From various signators, expressing concern regarding mistreatment of employees of Restaurant Associates. (2 letters received) File 98-1787, 98-2050 (40)
From Hornblower Marine Services East Bay Express, submitting application filed with the California Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to establish and operate a scheduled vessel common carrier service between Alameda and Oakland, San Francisco Ferry Terminal and Fisherman’s Wharf area. (41)
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