Petitions and communications received from April 29 through noon on May 5, for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on May 10, 1999.
From various departments, submitting list of Department’s current professional /organizational membership. (1)
Department of Telecommunications and Information Services
Adult Probation Department
Commission on the Status of Women
Civil Service Commission
District Attorney
Department of Human Resources
Art Commission
Chief Medical Examiner
Public Utilities Commission
Board of Supervisors
Employees’ Retirement System
Airport Commission
Department of Building Inspection
Department of Elections
Department of Human Resources
Department of Public Health
From Department of Public Works, submitting explanation of overtime worked by an employee. (2)
From Assemblyman Bill Leonard, requesting the Board’s support of ACA 17, which will eliminate the transfer of property tax revenue from local governments. (3)
From Madelene Lees, submitting support for the San Francisco Fire Department’s Neighborhood Response Team (NERT) training. (4)
From District Attorney, responding to inquiry regarding criminal enforcement of the San Francisco Housing Code. (5)
From Police Department, responding to inquiry about enforcement of pedestrian right-of-way violations on city streets. Copy: Supervisor Katz (6)
From Nicholas L. Petrakis, submitting support for the Mayor’s dedication to improving the quality of parks in the City, and the inclusion of Lake Merced in the plans. Copy: Mayor (7)
From Californians for Telecommunications Choice, submitting a list of communities and elected officials who have already signed resolutions or official letters opposing the SBC/Pac Bell application to raise rates for 411 calls. (8)
From Mary Allen, submitting opposition to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, 20th Anniversary in the Castro on Easter Sunday. (9)
From Street Alternatives, submitting request for Board of Supervisors to help with the cost of fees for "California Advocates for Social Change" to become a non-profit. (10)
From Shawn & Associates, requesting that the proposed merger between AT&T and TCI include an agreement to offer all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) open access to Internet cable lines. File 99-0375, Public Utilities and Deregulation Committee (11)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for designating April 24th, 1999 as Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day. File 99-0835, Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 Letters (12)
From Tristan Hoagland, requesting transfer of a Type 20 off-sale beer and wine license from 860 Second Street to 1162 Folsom Street. Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (13)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the establishment of the community based, medically supported, detoxification facilities, and relationship with the Sheriff’s Department in addressing the need for substance abuse treatment services for individuals arrested for public inebriation. (14)
From Samuel Peden, submitting his experience with the Board of Supervisors staff. (15)
From San Francisco Unified School District, regarding the proposed Little League baseball field at the 7th Avenue and Lawton Street site. (16)
From Fiord’ Italia, submitting list of problems the restaurant is having with the Department of Public Works. (17)
From Joe Mourgos, suggesting carpooling, riding a bike or taking public transportation is a better alternative than not buying gas for one day. (18)
From San Francisco Art Commission, responding to letter asking about delays in the completion of the restoration of Lotta’s Fountain. Copy: Supervisor Newsom (19)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for re-opening bathhouses in San Francisco. 4 Letters (20)
From Solid Waste Management Program, submitting Resource Conservation Ordinance, Implementation Report for 1997/1998. Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From Port of San Francisco, submitting release of reserved funds in the amount of $1.1 million for Earthquake Related Capital Improvements at Pier 70. (22)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Robert C. Hight of Gold River as Director of Department of Fish and Game. (23)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (24)
Onika McGriff, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Brown
From Therese A. Koller, submitting her concerns with the Art Commission and Street Artist Spaces on Port Property. Copy: Mayor, city Attorney (25)
From Martin Winderl, submitting his concerns with the hate graffiti along Valencia Street. (26)
From Mary Jane Mikuriya, submitting support for a moratorium on live/work development in the South of Market area. File 99-0745, Transportation and Land Use Committee (27)
From Michael Dabit, submitting request for transfer of a Type 21 general off-sale liquor license from Raja N. Samara to Michael Dabit at 2222 Polk Street. Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee. (28)
From Human Services Task Force of San Francisco, submitting support to delay the adoption of the Living Wage Ordinance. File 99-0252, Finance and Labor Committee (29)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting information on salary and overtime spending for the 1997-98 and 1998-99 fiscal years. (30)
From Dennis McGrath and Dave Wagner, requesting equal rights on name change for gay couples getting married. (31)
From Office of the Controller, submitting 1998-99 Nine-Month Budget Status Report. Copy: Mayor (32)
From Geoff Clevenger, regarding help with an investor visa. (33)
From Dr. Mises, regarding proposed welfare fraud in San Francisco. (34)
From Chamber of Commerce, submitting opposition to the proposed Living Wage Ordinance. Finance and Labor Committee, File 99-0252 (35)
From Erik Beckjord, submitting support for video cameras in public restrooms. (36)
From Erik Beckjord, submitting support for adding a sign to each STOP sign saying PEDS and BIKES must also Stop. Copy: Each Supervisor (37)
Asian Art Commission
Julia Cheng
Environment Commission
Randall Hayes
Human Rights Commission
Leslie Littleton
Public Library Commission
Darian Swig
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