Petitions and communications received from July 8 through noon July 14, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on July 19, 1999.
From various departments, regarding disposal of surplus materials. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (1)
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
Office of the Sheriff
Department of Administrative Services
Department of Human Services
Fire Department
Police Department
Department of the Environment
Civil Service Commission
Public Transportation Department (MUNI)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to Rodeos in San Francisco. 5 Letters (2)
From concerned citizens, regarding the cable internet free market. File 99-0455, 13 Letters (3)
From concerned citizens, regarding proposed project at 1880 Lombard Street. File 99-1172, 3 Letters (4)
From Planning Department, submitting the 1998 Housing Inventory Report. (5)
From Office of City Attorney, submitting additional drafts of the Cable Television Franchise Amendment ordinance on behalf of the Department of Telecommunications and Information Services. File 99-0376, Public Utilities and Deregulation Committee (6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the San Francisco C.A.R.E.S (Compensation and Retention Encourage Stability) Program. 46 Letters (7)
From Craig Snyder, submitting request for Saturday closure of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park. (8)
From Department of Election, certifying that the petition regarding the ATM Fees did contain sufficient valid signatures to qualify for the November 2, 1999 Consolidated Municipal Election. (9)
From San Francisco Fire Department, submitting report supporting the retention of the position of Chief’s Aide in the Fire Department. File 99-1350 Copy: Each Supervisor (10)
From Department of Human Services, soliciting volunteers to participate as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Estate of Zygmunt Arendt. File 98-0722 Copy: Each Supervisor (11)
From the State Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed changes in regulations of the Fish and Game Commission. (12)
From Office of the City Attorney, regarding the Sanctuary Ordinance, Chapter 12H of the Administrative Code. Copy: Supervisors Katz, Yaki, Yee (13)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding posting notices of all the proposed items calendared for the Transportation and Land Use Committee’s agenda for July 13, 1999. Copy: Each Supervisor (14)
From The Yerba Buena Consortium, submitting support for Mayor Brown’s budget proposal to increase the Police Force with 200 new officers. File 99-1350 Copy: Each Supervisor (15)
From Brian Browne, regarding smoke pollution from Kokkari’s wood burning fireplace. (16)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, submitting opposition to the proposed legislation known as the "Pedestrian Safety Act". File 99-0964, Transportation and Land Use Committee (17)
From Eddie and Wanda Ramos, submitting support for the Infraction Program. (18)
From Kevin Hunsaker, submitting concerns regarding the traffic congestion that is caused by road construction crews continually digging up and repaving multiple blocks of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Streets. Copy: Public Works Department (19)
From Tamara Shulman, submitting support for the Department of Environment Budget. File 99-1350 (20)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting copy of letter regarding Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) or Rural Health Services (RHS) Program Application. (21)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding appointment or reappointment of members to the Park and Open Space Citizens Advisory Committee. Copy: Each Supervisor, Rules Committee (22)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding resolution authorizing the PUC to apply for and enter into loan agreements not to exceed $50 million for the reimbursement of prior expenditures incurred for the construction of the Islais Creek/Rankin Street Transport Storage Facilities. File 99-1269, Finance and Labor Committee (23)
From Jeanette Cool, submitting her opposition to chain stores in the Castro area. (24)
From D. Ellis, regarding his opposition to opening Gay sex clubs. (25)
From San Francisco County Transportation Authority, submitting Annual Report for 1998. (26)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Beverly Wasson as a member of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. (27)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for a minimum 5% COLA from the General Fund for all nonprofit health and human service agencies that contract with the City and County in FY 1999-2000. File 99-1350 2 Letters (28)
From Michele E. Hagan, submitting support to keep Mt. Zion UCSF Hospital open. File 99-1196, Public Health and Environment Committee (29)
From Telegraph Hill Dwellers, submitting support to reinstate the Planning Departments Code Enforcement Staff. File 99-1350 (30)
From Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting report of the Cash Difference and Overage Funds for the period ending June 30, 1999. (31)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report of investigation of the Bayview Library fine and revenue collection procedures. (32)
From Department of Public Health, regarding inquiry regarding Health Department programs to address the problem of immigrants taking medications obtained without prescription. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (33)
From Greg Lynn, regarding crime in the South of Market area. (34)
From Carolyn and Gilles Faget, regarding the problem with street garbage in the Diamond Heights Shopping Center area. (35)
Number not used. (36)
From Public Policy Committee, of the San Francisco Health Authority submitting notice of a Committee request that the Governing Board terminate or not renew the contract for Shahaz Nikpay, Chief Executive Officer. (37)
From Public Policy Committee, submitting notice that Michael Keys is no longer a member of the Public Policy Committee. Rules Committee Clerk (38)
From Citizen Review, regarding the 1998 Interim San Francisco Building Code corrections to the meeting minutes, master report and all other historical records. File 99-0788 (39)
From William Pashelinsky, filing notice of appeal from action of the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Use and Mapping, regarding 1702 Fulton Street-Minor Sidewalk Encroachment. To Board for Hearing September 13, 1999. (40)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, notifying the Board that Mr. Rossetti’s payment of a parking citation was found by the Accounting Department and applied to the correct citation. (41)
From David L. Chittenden, regarding parking and traffic problems on the 400 block of Post Street. (42)
From Lakeshore PTA, regarding concerns about the state of the Lakeshore School’s yard and playground. (43)
From Rail Passenger Association of California, regarding an investigation into the operation and management of the Caltrain system to see if it is operating property and efficiently. Copy: Each Supervisor (44)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, urging support for the charter amendment currently proposed for the Recreation and Parks Department. File 99-0984 (45)
From concerned citizens, regarding the proposed rent legislation "no sublet" clause. File 99-0168, Housing and Social Policy Committee 2 Letters (46)
From Police Department, regarding multilingual operators at the 9-1-1 Center. Copy: Supervisor Becerril (47)
From European/American Issues Forum, submitting objection to the merger of the San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner. File 99-1255, Finance and Labor Committee (48)
From MUNI, responding to Supervisor Leno’s inquiry about MUNI’s plans to address the parking shortage south-of-Market Street. Copy: Supervisor Leno (49)
From Delinquent Revenue Division, Tax Collector, submitting Bureau of Delinquent Revenue quarterly report for the period April 1, 1999 through June 30, 1999. (50)
LaRaza Centro Legal, Inc., submitting support for the inclusion of the welfare-to-work programs. (51)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, regarding the effect of competition on cable rates. File 98-0352, Public Utilities and Deregulation (52)
From Friends of Ocean Beach, regarding comments on draft memo from Frank Felice, Department of Public Works review of short term alternatives, protection to Great Highway, Southern End. File 99-1163 (53)
From San Francisco Chapter Surfrider Foundation, regarding the Great Highway Erosion Control Emergency Protect Declaration. File 99-1163 (54)
From State Department of Transportation, submitting support for an Office of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator for District 4 of the California Department of Transportation. File 99-1013 (55)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for increasing the number of off-leash areas for dogs. File 99-1308, Parks and Recreation Committee, 21 Letters (56)
From Barbara Blackie, regarding dozens arrested as Pacifica takes over KPFA Air. (57)
From National Tuberculosis Center, submitting Budget Revision, Grant Code HCPD17/9901 regarding subobject transfer of funds. Department of Public Health (58)
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