Petitions and communications
received from January 25 through noon on January 31, for reference by
the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on February 5, 2001.
From Purchasing Department, regarding the status of the City’s current
contracts for outreach and official advertising services. File 001556
From Redevelopment Agency, regarding negotiations between the Redevelopment
Agency, the Blackstone Group, and the Rincon Tenants Association "regarding
the preservation of as many units as possible in the Below Market Rate
Program at Rincon Towers." (Reference No. 2001204-008) Copy: Supervisors
Daly, Leno, Ammiano (2)
From James Chaffee, commenting on funding for district branch libraries.
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting testimony
from Director Curtis L. Child’s on his short and long term vision for
restructuring the child support program. (4)
From Steven Keller, responding to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle
(dated January 24, 2001) regarding "Rebound Epidemic" feared as HIV
rate jumps in San Francisco. (5)
From Dawn Clements, regarding Dawn Clements, Qui Tam Plaintiff v. Oechsle
International Advisors, et al (Alameda County Superior Court, Case Number
830914-5). Copy: Finance members and clerk (6)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the construction contract between the Department of Public Works and
the joint venture of Ranger Pipelines, Inc./D’Arcy & Harty Construction.
From Human Rights Commission, submitting support for passage of Assembly
Bill 25 that would increase the legal rights, economic benefits, and
responsibilities of domestic partners in California, introduced by Assemblywoman
Carole Migden. Copy: Each Supervisor (8)
From AT&T, submitting AT&T’s Quarterly Franchise Fee for the 4th quarter
2000 (2 checks $54,066.03 and $1,297,854.59), in compliance with Section
8(a) of the Cable Television Franchise agreement between Television
Signal Corporation and the City and County of San Francisco. Copy: Accounting
From Office of the Controller, regarding Memorandum of Understanding
between the Service Employees International Union Local 790 Fire Rescue
Paramedics and the City and County of San Francisco. File 01-017, Copy:
Audit, Labor and Government Efficiency Committee (10)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the audit of franchise fees of Pacific Gas and Electric for the period
from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999. Copy: Violeta (11)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting two cellular antenna
permit applications for the following addresses: 201 6th Street, 1177
Harrison Street. (Reference No. 2000403-002) (12)
From SF Association of Realtors, submitting support for Supervisor Leno’s
amendment to the "Urban Forestry Council." File 002106 (13)
From SF Association of Realtors, submitting opposition to suspension
of the 30-day rule to allow immediate consideration of any proposed
ordinance without an uncontrovertible finding that an emergency exists
justifying such suspension. File 010138 (14)
From Richard Hack, submitting several issues he would like to see addressed
by the new Board. (15)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting the State Legislation Committee
response to 1999/2000 Civil Grand Jury Report. (16)
From State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, submitting petition
to remove conditions on liquor license issued to Randa and Salman, doing
business as "Health Haven" at 621 Divisadero Street. Copy: Economic
Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (17)
From United States Campaign to Ban Landmines, submitting request for
response of questionnaire regarding developing a national campaign plan
for the next four years. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From Police Department, submitting request for release of reserve funds
($700,828) to supplement its hiring plan. Copy: Finance members and
clerk (19)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request to Human Rights
Commission for waiver of provisions of Chapters 12B and 12C of Administrative
Code. (20)
From William Henslin, Jr., regarding Internet "Server Farms" and their
demand for electricity. File 010191, Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From James Chaffee, commenting on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
grant to the San Francisco Public Library. Copy: Each Supervisor (22)
From Heather Sterner, submitting opposition to selling names of Muni
stops to private businesses. File 010174 (23)
From Dean Pappageorge, regarding alleged police brutality on a handicapped
person. (24)
From California State Association of Parliamentarians, submitting notice
of workshop on "correct meeting procedures, according to newly revised
Robert’s Rules of Order" to assist in participation in meeting effectively
on February 10, 2001 at 2345 24th Avenue (Taraval Police Station). (25)
From Department of Human Resources, confirming that funding provided
in the budget for fiscal year 2000-2001 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors
is adequate to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (26)
From Office of the Sheriff, submitting request for release of reserved
funds ($501,096) from the Workers Compensation fund in the 2000/01 budget.
File 010030 (Reference No. 01-007) (27)
From Aroza Simpson, regarding alternative places that can be used as
rehearsal space for artist. File 001889 (28)
From Brian Wallace, commenting on proposed legislation to allow legal
residents to vote. (29)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Robert Eshelman (30)
From May Fong, submitting opposition to Municipal Code, Part III, Section
6.17-2 regarding imposing a monthly penalty of five percent of the amount
of a underreported tax and up to twenty percent where such underreporting
is due to negligence or intentional disregard of the rules and regulations.
File 990305 (31)
From Joanna Chestnut, submitting opposition to building permit appeal
brought by the Broderick Street neighbors for the renovation of building
at 1615 Broderick Street for the Epiphany Center to start a transitional
home for women and their young children. Copy: Each Supervisor (32)
From Planning Department, submitting information on legislation regarding
general advertising sign requirements. Copy: Housing, Transportation
and Land Use Committee File 002196 (33)
From R.R. Miller, submitting opposition to paying a ten dollar fee to
enter the San Francisco Zoo. (34)
From Lou Olean, submitting opposition to the proposed closing of the
"Grocery Outlet" at the corner of Harrison and Division Streets. Copy:
Supervisor Daly (35)
From concerned citizens, commenting on off-leash dogs in the Golden
Gate National Park Area of San Francisco. Files 010116, 010117, 6 letters
Copy: Each Supervisor (36)
From Frederick Hobson, commenting on his experience with the San Francisco
Police Department. (37)
From Nossaman, Guthner, Know and Elliot, LLP, regarding appointment
of Ann Veneman as Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture in President
George W. Bush’s cabinet. (38)
From Bob Scott, submitting notice of a symposium regarding "Rightsizing
Local and Regional Government" on Monday, February 5, 2001 at the Sheraton
Universal Hotel in Los Angeles. (39)
From Steven Hill, regarding change of location for workshop on "Election
Reform" meeting to February 3, 2001 at 1850 Mission Street, 2nd floor,
Herman Gallegos room. Copy: Each Supervisor (40) |