Petitions and communications
received from February 22 through noon on February 28, for reference
by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on March 5, 2001.
From various agencies, submitting request to participate in the Combined
Charities Drive for 2001. Copy: City Administrator, File 010316 (1)
Bay Area Black United Fund, Inc.
San Francisco Youth Fund
United Way of the Bay Area
International Service Agencies
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation
regarding Tenancies in Common (TIC). Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that all the
proposed items calendared for the February 22, 2001 Housing, Transportation
and Land Use Committee have been posted. Copy: Supervisors Daly, Peskin,
McGoldrick (3)
From various departments, submitting list of 2001/02 professional and
organization memberships, in compliance with Administrative Code Section
16.6. (4)
Office of the Sheriff
Real Estate
From Akira Abe, submitting request for an on-sale general liquor license
for "M’s Projects Inc." at 22 Peace Plaza, #160 (Japan Center). Copy:
Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (5)
From Calvin Tilden, submitting support for enacting a change in the
parking time limit in a portion of Residential Permit Parking Area "F"
(Presidio Heights) from the current 3 hour limit to 2 hours. File 010033,
Copy: Each Supervisor (6)
From Airport, submitting notice that the Airport is not proposing to
reward Lorries and/or the Airport Express shuttle service with "downtown
only" contracts, if the Airport elects to issue RFPs for particular
service areas within San Francisco the RFP process would be competitive
and would be open to all operators possessing California Public Utilities
Commission (CPC) authority to operate door-to-door service. (7)
From Secretarial Staff, Recreation and Park Department, submitting letter
regarding: "illegal employment procedures" corruption in local government.
From General Manager, Recreation and Park Department, responding to
letter from secretarial staff, Recreation and Park Department regarding
"illegal employment procedures" corruption in local government. (9)
From Janet Morcom, submitting opposition to the re-opening of Davis
Street between Washington and Clay Streets. File 010305, Copy: Each
Supervisor (10)
From John Cailleau, submitting support to stop the AMC Movie Theater
Project at Fillmore and Eddy Streets. Copy: Each Supervisor (11)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting resolution urging the
City and County to craft a Solar Power Bond for consideration on the
November 2001 ballot to provide funding for solar energy technology
to generate power and heat water for San Francisco’s public buildings.
Copy: Each Supervisor (12)
From Department of Administrative Services, submitting notice that effective
December 28, 2000, Administrative Code Section 10.1 was amended to reflect
that the Department of Administrative Services is the filing office
for all annual economic statements for City-funded organizations. File
001908 (13)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting one cellular antenna
permit application filed for 182 2nd Street. (Reference No. 20000403-002)
Copy: Supervisor Yee (14)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding San Francisco’s current
and future total electric energy needs, proposed power plants from SFO
north, potential for renewable energy development, plan and budget for
solar roofs in San Francisco by year 2010 and plan to reduce San Francisco’s
global warming impact. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (15)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding the status of the Harding
Park Golf Course renovation project. Copy: Supervisor Hall (16)
From Commission on the Aging Advisory Council, submitting support for
adequate transportation for seniors (group van service) to programs
provided by the Adult Health Care program. (17)
From Commission on the Aging Advisory Council, submitting request for
an adequate augmentation to the 2000/01 budget for the unmet needs of
the senior population in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding the Department’s intention
related to the intersection of Fell and Stanyan Streets. (Reference
No. 200010129-015) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (19)
From Immigrant Rights Commission, submitting annual report for the Immigrant
Rights Commission 2000/01, as required by Ordinance No. 211-97. (20)
From Bill Quan, submitting support to enact Proposition N (Tenancies
In Common) passed by the voters in the November 2000 General Election.
Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From Dave Massen, submitting support for the efforts of the Coastal
Rail Coordinating Council to get the proposed Coast Daylight rail service
from San Francisco up and running as soon as possible. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Department of Public Health, regarding budget revision to the Zimbabwe-San
Francisco HIV Prevention Trials network grant. File 001712 (23)
From Office of the City Administrator, responding to letter providing
comments on the rate application filed by the Norcal companies. (24)
From State Department of Health Services, regarding the Maternal and
Child Health Allocation #200038 augmentation for Black infant health
(BIH). (25)
From Pacific Gas and Electric Company, submitting the Statement of Storage
Networks Connections, Inc. and Pacific Gas and Electric Company on Procedure
to Augment the Record dated February 21st and the corrected statement
dated February 23, 2001 concerning application to Public Utilities Commission
for approval for license of optical fiber. (26)
From Nick Porcaro, submitting opposition to passage of Federal Bill
602P, to allow the Federal government to charge customers 5 cents per
E-mail sent. (27)
From District 11 Democratic Club, submitting comments on the proposed
Municipal Utility Districts (MUD). Files 002110, 002111, Copy: Each
Supervisor, 2 Letters (28)
From ESCO Foods, Inc., submitting opposition to limiting the hours of
delivery by trucks in the downtown area. File 001033 (29)
From Governor’s Communications Office, submitting press release regarding
the current energy crisis and the unemployment rates in California.
2 Letters (30)
From District Attorney, submitting request for release of reserved funds
($55,000) to provide support services and case management for defendants
charged with "quality of life" infractions. Copy: Finance Committee
From Center for the Preservation of Horses, John Jenkel, commenting
on several issues including: mauling dog incident, and the alleged unethical
behavior of some City Officials. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (32)
From Chris Landry, commenting on the living conditions of pigeons in
San Francisco. (33)
From Jackie Nielsen, submitting opposition to the proposed legislation
to authorize taxpayer funds for "elective sex change surgery" for city
employees. 3 Letters (34)
From Planning Department, regarding the City and County’s authority
over National Park Service policies and procedures governing Golden
Gate National Recreation Area lands. (Reference No. 20010122-001) (35)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to three recommendations
contained in the Controller’s Audit of Marina Harbor: privatizing Harbor
management, building breakwaters in the Outer West harbor and legalization
of live-aboards. File 001638, Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 Letters (36)
From various organizations, submitting annual economic statement for
city funded organizations. Copy: Department of Administrative Services
Life Frames, Inc.
From Tom Flowers, Golden Gateway Tenants Association, submitting support
for the establishment of Blocks 202, 203 (Clay, Davis, Washington Streets
and The Embarcadero) as a permanent park in the City. (38)
From San Francisco Beautiful, urging the enforcement of the 1999 ordinance
(Prohibiting Advertising on San Francisco Bay) by denying permission
to the Vallejo ferry to dock in San Francisco wrapped in commercial
advertising, and to take actions necessary to stop advertising vessels
from sailing in San Francisco waters. File 982040 (39)
From Charlotte Weber, submitting opposition proposal to extend San Francisco
Airport runways into the Bay. (40)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice that the Board of Supervisors/Clerk
of the Board Budget has no request for retroactive funding to bring
before the Finance Committee. (Reference No. 20010226-133) Copy: Supervisor
Leno (41)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting the following documents: the Board
of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board’s Budget for FY 2001/02 including
the description plans and summaries, and the performance (management)
audit for this department. (Reference Nos. 20010226-001 and 20010226-060)
Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (42)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, supporting the use of cleaner marine technologies
and reduced air emissions by the bay area ferry system. Copy; Each Supervisor
From Fire Department, submitting annual holding cell inspection of the
Bayview Police Station at 201 Williams Avenue. (44)
From Fire Department, submitting annual detention facility fire inspection
for Youth Guidance Center/Juvenile Hall at 375 Woodside Avenue. (45)
From Thomas Everett, submitting request to meet with the Board of Supervisors
on March 8th or 9th regarding his interest in the City of San Francisco.
Copy: Each Supervisor (46)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Dawn Duran
Susan O’Raghallaigh
Robert Hartnagel
Sarah A.Y. He
From Department of Administrative Services, submitting comments regarding
legislation to form a Municipal Harbor Authority "to combine the functions
of operations and capital for all City-administered harbors, including
but not limited to Treasure Island, South Beach Marina, Marina Small
Craft Harbor, Pier 39, et al." (Reference No. 20010220-018) Copy: Supervisor
Daly (48)
From Michael Kushner, regarding San Francisco in the year 2025. Copy:
Each Supervisor (49)
From Ingleside Terraces Homes Association, submitting newsletter for
Spring 2001including the activities and concerns of the Ingleside Terraces
Homes Association. Copy: Each Supervisor (50)
From San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau, submitting newsletter
announcing that the Bureau’s Visitor Information Center is now selling
the complete line of Muni items including the Muni FastPass. (51)
From Chief Medical Examiner, submitting the most recent annual report
along with the correspondence regarding the "Proposed contract with
UCSF for tissue bank procurement". (52)
From Coleman Advocates, submitting resolution to take steps to improve
the juvenile justice system and create a task force to advise the Board
of Supervisors on possible legislative and budget actions to promote
improvements. (53)
From U.S. Department of Justice, submitting the Comprehensive Communities
Program (CCP) Fact Sheet and the video entitled "Combating Crime and
Strengthening Community; An overview of the Comprehensive Communities
Program." (54) |