Petitions and communications received from March 1 through noon on March 7, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on March 12, 2001.
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report to Public Health and Environment Committee regarding regulations that govern server farms. File 01091 (1)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Ryan International Airlines, Inc. (2)
From Office of the Mayor, Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, submitting approval of the Department of Public Works' proposal regarding a supplemental appropriation of $9,021,349.00 for local streets and roads rehabilitation projects. File 010276 (3)
From Planning Department, submitting copies of notices recently sent in relations to alleged or confirmed violations on live/work buildings that are alleged to being occupied as offices. (Reference No. 20010129-011) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (4)
From Mirna Escobar, regarding alleged unpaid wages from Municipal Railway. Copy: Each Supervisor (5)
From Department of Administrative Services, regarding whether San Francisco can implement a program similar to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Eco Pass. (Reference No. 20010220-006) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (6)
From Terry Rolleri, commenting on several issues: Home Depot in Visitacion Valley, new Board members, and submitting support for the original Neighborhood Clean-up Program. Files 001557, 000370, Copy: Each Supervisor (7)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review for ordinance adding regulations governing merger of dwelling units in San Francisco. File 010275 (8)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review for ordinance adding an alternative procedure for Conditional Use Appeals San Francisco. File 010271 (9)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to authorize taxpayer funds for "elective sex change surgery" for city employees. 5 Letters (10)
From Eric Ratner, submitting support for pick up of "green waste" (branches, weeds, and other organic materials from the garden) by Sunset Scavenger or other garbage company to be recycled. (11)
From Office of the Controller, regarding vacancy of "Bicycle Planner 1" position. (Reference No. 20010212-006) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (12)
From Department of Public Works, submitting approval of a new 19 unit condominium at 1960 Sutter Street; and a 2 Lot Subdivision and 5 Lot Merger at Lots 29, 31, 32, 38 and 44, in Assessor's Block 4991, Jamestown Avenue (vacant lot). (13)
From Department of Human Services, responding to the allegation that 44 homeless people were turned away at the Multi Service Center South shelter on January 24, 2001. (Reference No. 20010129-023) File 010191, Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (14)
From Department of the Environment, regarding power demands, potential health and environmental impacts of server farms in San Francisco. (Reference No. 20010129-008) File 010191, Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (15)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding maintenance and security at Cow Hollow Playground in the Marina district of San Francisco. (Reference No. 200101`29-018) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (16)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting request for release of reserved funds ($1,214,826) placed on reserve as a part of fiscal year 2000/01 budget to enable the department to recruit the necessary staff to manage, design, and construct those facilities anticipated in the Department's Capital Plan; a supplemental appropriation of 17,060,000 in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A, Golden Gate Park Improvements, 1992; and a supplemental appropriation of $14,060,000 in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001B, Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facilities Improvement Bonds, 2000, bond appropriations to fund the management, design and construction of Golden Gate Park and various neighborhood parks throughout San Francisco. (17)
From Public Library, regarding proposed legislation to authorize the Library Commission to charge certain fines and fees for the use of library materials and services. File 002067 (18)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated (February 26, 2001) announcing proposed project to restore navigability and boat access to the homes along the Bahia lagoon located along the Petaluma River, in the easternmost portion of City of Novato in northern Marin County. (19)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated (February 27, 2001) announcing proposed project to construct 194 residential housing units on the 2290 Fulton Road project site, located northwest of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County. (20)
From Emeric Kalman, regarding the Controller's audit of Marina Harbor, dated June 2, 2000. File 001638 (21)
From Supervisor McGoldrick, submitting appointment of Diana Ming Chan to the Delinquency Prevention Commission. Rules Committee (22)
From Supervisor Ammiano, submitting appointment of Supervisor Sophie Maxwell to the State Legislation Committee for a one year term beginning March 1, 2001. Copy: Rules Committee (23)
From Center for the Preservation of Horses, John Jenkel, regarding the transfer of Hera to the Marin Humane Society. (24)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending January 2001. (25)
From District Six Coalition, submitting comments about the alleged behavior of Frederick Hobson on various occasions. 3 Letters (26)
From State Department of Fish and Game, regarding information needed to submit a proposal for the fishery restoration project. (27)
From Planning Department, regarding business service determinations under the Planning Code. (Reference No. 20010205-005) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (28)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting copy of Human Rights Commission's Annual Report and Executive Director's Quarterly Report, pursuant to the reporting requirements of Chapter 12D.A of the Administrative Code. (29)
From Department of Public Health, submitting four Underground Storage Tank Unauthorized Release (Leak) Contamination Site Reports for the following addresses: 2090 Green Street, 827 Hyde Street, 2100 Bryant Street, 2479 Marin Street. Public Health and Environment Committee (30)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (31)
Nathan Purkiss
From John Cailleau, commenting on various issues: the appointment of Elaine Chao as United States Labor Secretary and supporting a resolution requiring Amtrak to make all trains completely smoke free. File 010184 (32)
From Department of Human Resources, regarding proposed resolution "Standard of Conduct for City Commissioners. Copy: Each Supervisor (33)
From Port of San Francisco, transmitting monthly Storm Water Management report submitted on February 28, 2001 to the Californian Regional Water Quality Control Board. (34)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting proposed plans for the East Entrance to Golden Gate Park, including portions of John F. Kennedy Drive, Stanyan Street and Fell Street to improve pedestrian and bicycle circulation through the area while still accommodating motorists. (Reference No. 2001029-016) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (35)
From Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., submitting support for the appointment of Raymond Wong to the Veterans Affairs Commission. File 010311, Copy: Supervisors Ammiano, Gonzalez, Hall (36)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting report on the cash difference and overage funds for the period ending February 28, 2001. (37)
From Office of the Sheriff, submitting additional details on expenditures related to budget allocations for the Treasure Island Brig. File 010145 (38)
From Governor's Communications Office, submitting press release regarding the energy crisis; and attendance of the Governor at the memorial service at Santana High School in Santee, California. (39)
From Corinne de Ciofalo-Guell, commenting on taxi service provided by the Yellow Cab Company. (40)
From concerned citizens, regarding proposed legislation to authorize the Library Commission to charge certain fines and fees for the use of library materials and services. File 002067, Copy: Each Supervisor (41)
From Irv Golden, submitting announcement of memorial service for victims of the Holocaust on April 22, 2001 at Lincoln Park Site of the Holocaust Memorial. Copy: Each Supervisor (42)
From Paul Lubin, submitting support for the current law on commenting that Tenancies In Common (TICs) are a viable and affordable way for people to own property in San Francisco. File 010226, Copy: Each Supervisor (43)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting correspondence and its attachments showing the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (44)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, submitting resolution opposing use of Proposition E set-aside moneys on Main Library repairs and improvements. (45)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Beverly Alves of Princeton, Alan B. Brizard of Patterson, and Mark C. Salvaggio of Bakersfield as members of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin. (46)
From J. MacMornna, concerning justice from crack dealer. (47)
From Charles Ware, Oppose use of city funds to ask students to skip school to attend a rally in Berkeley. (48) |