Petitions and communications received from March 29 through noon on April 4, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on April 9, 2001.
From various City departments, submitting proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2001/02.Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (1) Public Transportation Department (MUNI) (Reference No. 20010226-010) Asian Art Museum (Reference No. 20010226-035) Department of Consumer Assurance (Reference No. 20010226-056) District Attorney (Reference No. 20010226-003) Law Library (Reference No. 20010226-045) Department on the Status of Women (Reference No. 20010226-034) Treasurer & Tax Collector (Reference No 20010226-014) Office of the Sheriff (Reference No. 20010226-023) Office of the Controller (Reference No. 20010226-024) Department of Telecommunications and Information Services (Reference No. 20010226-048) Department of Administrative Services (Reference No. 20010226-037) Public Defender (Reference No. 20010226-013) Recreation and Park Department (Reference No. 20010226-042) Airport (Reference No. 20010227-027) Department of Aging and Adult Services (Reference No. 20010226-049) San Francisco Unified School District (Reference No. 20010226-004
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report of reassessments and mandated audits completed by the Office of the Assessor-Recorder for the period from December 16, 1999 through December 15, 2000.(2)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding JFK Drive/Kezar Intersection Improvement Project.(Reference No. 20010129-015)Copy: Supervisor Newsom (3)
From Board of Supervisors Budget Analyst, submitting review of claims, settlement and litigation data for City departments.Copy: Clerk of the Board (4)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the installation of additional Stop signs at Ocean and Santa Ana Avenues.(Reference No. 20010212-014)Copy: Supervisor Hall (5)
From F.Y.I. Discovery Services, regarding Consumer Advocacy, Inc., vs. Beresford Corporation. (6)
From various City departments, regarding performance audits in the past ten years.Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(7) Department of Building Inspection (Reference No. 20010226-075) Public Utilities Commission (Reference No. 20010226-090) Office of the Sheriff (Reference No. 20010226-082) Board of Appeals (Reference No. 2001226-089) Office of the Controller (Reference No. 20010226-083) Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (Reference No. 20010226-073) Asian Art Museum (Reference No. 20010226-094) Department of Public Health (Reference No. 20010226-099) Department of Aging and Adult Services (Reference No. 20010226-108) Airport (Reference No. 20010226-086) San Francisco Unified School District (Reference No. 20010226-063)
From AT&T Broadband, submitting notice of a programming adjustment to AT&T Broadband’s Digital Cable services, which will become effective on May 1, 2001. (8)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting the final Maintenance of Effort (MOE) table for Proposition 99 funding that reflects the actual sales tax, vehicle license fee, and growth revenues received by counties for fiscal year 1999/00.Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (9)
From Governor’s Communications Office, submitting update from the Governor’s Communications Office, dated March 28, 2001. (10)
From dwaneleve, submitting request for help in reducing the homeless encampment on 8th Street between Bryant and Brannan Streets, and Brannan Street between 8th and 9th Streets.Copy: Each Supervisor (11)
From Megan Lynch, submitting appreciation for fixing a pothole on Harrison Street between Main and Spear Streets. (12)
From Associate Arguello, submitting support to declare March 31st a holiday, close the schools and give honor and respect to Cesar Chavez.File 010529, Copy: Each Supervisor (13)
From Chinatown Community Development Center, submitting notice of application submitted to the State of California, Multifamily Housing Program for purchase and rehabilitation of the Namki Apartments at 1776 Sutter Street. (14)
From Paul Festa, submitting appreciation for the improvement in pedestrian safety around Embarcadero and Greenwich Street (Levi Plaza). (15)
From Phoebe Williams, submitting support for the appointment of the Board of Supervisors as the appointed Governing Body of the San Francisco Housing Authority.File 010531 (16)
From Carol Coon, submitting support for the Library to hire a collection agency to collect overdue library books.File 002067 (17)
From City of Fort Bragg, submitting appointment of Cindy Van Wormer as City Clerk with the City of Fort Bragg, effective March 12, 2001. (18)
From Robin Murray, commenting on the rate disparity with AT&T/TCI Cable service between different neighborhoods in San Francisco (19)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of installing additional Stop signs at the intersection of Stillings Avenue and Teresita Boulevard.(Reference No. 20010212-015)Copy: Supervisor Hall (20)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, submitting appointment of the Tree Council to the list of non-profit organizations on the Urban Forestry Council. Copy: Each Supervisor, Rules Committee (21)
From various City departments, regarding request for retroactive approval before the Finance Committee.Copy: Supervisor Leno (22) Department of Public Health (Reference No. 20010226-171) Public Utilities Commission (Reference No. 20010226-162) Law Library (Reference No. 20010226-176) Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (Reference No. 20010226-145) Department of Telecommunications and information Services (Reference No. 20010226-179) Office of the Sheriff (Reference No. 20010226-154) Airport (Reference No. 20010226-158) Department on the Status of Women (Reference No. 20010226-165) San Francisco Unified School District (Reference No. 20010226-135)
From Emergency Communications Department, submitting list of professional/organization memberships in which the Emergency Communications Department wishes to be a member in fiscal year 2001/02.Copy: Supervisor Ammiano, Finance Committee (23)
From Steve Merson, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to further restrict tenancies-in-common.File 010226 (24)
From Jim Reid, submitting various ways the City of San Francisco could honor Cesar Chavez. File 010529, Copy: Each Supervisor (25)
From Pacific Gas and Electric, submitting certification of gross receipts attributable to the Electric Franchise granted pursuant to the Franchise Act of 1937 or to Ordinance 414.(26)
From Veterans Affairs Commission, submitting meeting minutes of March 5, 2001. (27)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice to all City department heads regarding Supervisor Leno’s requests that items you desire to be considered by the Finance Committee prior to the annual budget review be received by the Clerk of the Board by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, May 2, in order to be referred to the Finance Committee.Items submitted after that date should only be matters of the highest priority and necessity.Copy: Finance Committee members and clerk, Budget Analyst, Controller (28)
Number not used.(29)
From Erik Beckjord, suggesting that someone is using Mayor Brown’s car for illegal cab use. (30)
From Peter Warfield, commenting on the proposed Library Amnesty Program.File 010452,Copy: Neighborhood Services and Parks Committee (31)
From Gary Moody, responding to editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle, dated March 28, 2001 on live/work (A Lofty Compromise).File 010528,Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(32)
From Roberta Whidden, commenting on her experience with the Controller’s Payroll Office regarding their alleged lack of ability to handle her vacation/sick leave transfer to someone who was facing a long and difficult illness. Copy: Each Supervisor, Mayor Brown (33)
From Scott Buschman, submitting opposition to building a power plant near San Francisco International Airport (SFO). File 010545 (34)
From Louise Shields, regarding her long wait of 40 minutes (April 2, 2001) at the Balboa BART Station for either a 26 bus and/or a M LRV during rush hour, andsuggesting that bus service be improved. (35)
From Planning Department, regarding Mission Bay land exchange at Fourth and King Streets.File 010435 (36)
From Rural Community Assistance Corporation, submitting press release regarding poll that reveals that California voters know "very little" or "nothing at all" about the state’s farmworkers. (37)
From State Department of Fish and Game, regarding Department of Fish and Game Environmental Filing Fee, Section 711.4.Copy: Deputy Clerk; Assistant Clerks (38)
From Doris Dawdy, urging the Board to take a stand in favor of upholding the decision of Judge Alsup (decision to keep dogs on a leash in national parks), instead of catering to the residents who make a practice of ignoring rules and regulations which exist in out city as well as the Golden Gate Natural Resource Area of Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). (39)
From State Department of Fish and Game, submitting notice of a supplemental environmental document for commercial herring fishing in California’s ocean waters for the 2001-2002 season. (40)
From San Francisco Association of Realtors, submitting rebuttal to Supervisor Daly’s position on proposed legislation regarding the Ellis Act.File 010226,Copy: Each Supervisor, Mayor (41)
From Frederick Hobson, commenting on several issues including: the cleanup and improvement of mid-Market Street, resolution urging the Department of Public Health to identify funding to create 1,000 new residential beds at programs for addiction treatment and 500 new slots for outpatients seeking addiction treatment; and requesting a supplemental funding bill in the amount of $5,000,000 per year for the next five years to be used for the purpose of financing the development of these beds and treatment slots. (42)
From KGO, Michael Luckoff, commenting on several issues including: support for development of Embarcadero Piers 27 to 31 by the Mills Project; and support for closing down San Quentin and turning it into a recreational area.2 Letters (43)
From Norman Rolfe, urging approval of a bike station at Caltrain 4th and King Streets Station. File 010535 (44)
From Edward Eishen, submitting opposition to an increase in the residential recycling pick up program in San Francisco. (45)
From Bob Greco, commenting on the lack of cooperation from the Department of Parking and Traffic to send someone out to ticket cars that are parked in fire hydrants, crosswalks, etc. in the area from Amazon Street to Lisbon and Paris Streets.Copy: Supervisor Sandoval(46)
From Office of the Controller, regarding the New Children’s Baseline, Proposition D, passed by voters November 7, 2000. (47)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting list of professional/organization memberships in which the Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board wishes to be a member in fiscal year 2001/02. Copy: Finance Committee (48)
From California Integrated Waste Management Board, submitting an update on recent developments regarding the proper management of discarded cathode ray tubes (computer monitors and television picture tubes).(49)
From Police Department, submitting preliminary traffic collision data for the fist quarter of 2001, accidents involving pedestrians have decreased 22.60% compared to the same period of the previous year.(Reference No. 20010305-006)Copy: Supervisors Hall, Gonzalez (50)
From Office of the Controller, regarding the feasibility of monthly reports on "non-budgeted" overtime and whether the Controller’s Office intends to take action to curb overtime abuses.(Reference No. 20010212-007)Copy: Supervisor Newsom(51)
From Zain Azzghayer, submitting request for an off-sale general (type 21) liquor license for Zain Azzghayer at 246 2nd Street.Copy: Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (52)
From Planning Department, submitting recommendation on proposed Planning Code amendment adding Section 604.1 requiring information to be displayed on general advertising signs and imposing penalties for non-compliance.File 002196, Copy; Supervisor Leno (53)
From Department of Elections, submitting details for the organizational renewal plan for the Department of Elections.File 010249,Copy: Finance Committee, Budget Analyst (54)
From Tenants Association Coalition, commenting on the lack of affordable housing for residents of San Francisco, and the development of "new message boards" to promote solutions, community input, news and advocacy for housing. (55)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:(56) Arthur Louie Pedro Rodriguez Carol Roos Angela Calvillo Tomas lee Brad Benson Michael Farrah