Petitions and Communications
received from April 19 through noon on April 25, for reference by the
President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on April 30, 2001.
From San Francisco Convention Facilities, requesting that the Finance
and Labor Committee release reserve funds for the replacement of security
room AV control equipment at the Moscone convention Center which totals
$610,100. (1)
From Department of Public Health, submitting a copy of their original
FY 2001/02 proposed budget requests. (Reference No. 20010226-040) (2)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, submitting a copy of the
Statutory Worksheet for the Community Development Block Grants, Emergency
Shelter Grant Program and the Home Program Activities for fiscal year
2001. Files 010280, 010622, 010621 Copy: Finance Committee (3)
From concerned citizens, supporting the elimination of fares charged
for pets riding MUNI. 3 Letters (4)
From San Francisco Youth Commission, submitting the Annual Report for
1999/2000. (5)
From Coalition for Affordable Public Services, submitting an article
from Los Angeles Times pertaining to Energy Cost Study Critical of Public
Agencies Too Power. (6)
From Julita V. de Chavez, requesting her Certificate of Honor for her
service as a Court Coordinator employee with the San Francisco Trial
Court. Copy: Each Supervisor (7)
From Office of the Controller, submitting a cost analysis of amendments
to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and County of
San Francisco and the coalition of listed unions. Files 010565 to 010569,
010571 to 010572, 010574 to 010582, 010585, 010586. (8)
From Office of the Controller, submitting a cost analysis of an amendment
to the MOU between the City and County of San Francisco and the Operating
Engineers Local Union No. 3. File 010584 (9)
From Office of the Controller, submitting a cost analysis of an amendment
to the MOU between the City and County of San Francisco and the San
Francisco Institutional Police Officers’ Association. File 010573 (10)
From Office of Controller, submitting a cost analysis of amendments
to the MOU between the City and County of San Francisco and the Building
Inspectors’ Associations. Files 010566, 010567 (11)
From Office of Controller, submitting a cost analysis of an amendment
to the MOU between the City and County of San Francisco and the Stationary
Engineers Local 39. File 010559 (12)
From Office of Controller, submitting a cost analysis of amendments
to the MOUs between the City and County of San Francisco and the Unrepresented
Employees. File 010587 (13)
From concerned citizens, regarding the appeal for 692-696 DeHaro Street
Tenative/Parcel Map, Block 4031, Lot 26, 3 Lot Subdivision Project.
File 010661 4 Letters (14)
From the Mayor’s Office of Housing, submitting the Annual Report for
the federally funded HOME Investment Partnership Program for the City
and County of San Francisco for 2000. Copy: Supervisors Ammiano, McGoldrick,
Leno (15)
From the Department of Public Health, Occupational & Environmental Health,
submitting reports of illegal discharges of hazardous waste. Copy: Public
Health & Environment Committee (16)
From Department of Public Health, requesting a release of $3,371,740
in funds held in reserve for the Department of Health-LHH Tobacco Settlement
Funds. Copy: Finance Committee (17)
From Ohlone Audubon Society, Inc., opposing the proposed quarry expansion-Mission
Valley Rock Co. Gravel Quarry Permit. File 010373 (18)
From Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, informing that the Doggie
Diner head is not a designated landmark and that the Board has no direct
knowledge of preservation efforts regarding it. (Reference No. 20010319-017)
From State Senator Wesley Chesbro, requesting support for Senate Bill
381 which would broaden the groups of people that fall under the Human
Relations Commissions. (20)
From Claire Kurkjian, supporting Supervisor Peskin’s ordinance for transferring
lots 202 and 203 to Park and Recreation. File 010620 (21)
From Employee’s Retirement System, submitting Annual Report for the
year ended June 30, 2000. (22)
From Superior Court of California, submitting information regarding
items that may require any type of retroactive approval of funds. (Reference
No. 20010226-136) File 010466 Copy: Supervisor Leno (23)
From Superior Court of California, submitting information regarding
requested performance audits of the Court within the past ten years.
(Reference No. 20010226-064) (24)
From Police Department, regarding number of citations issued for homelessness
related infractions over the last six years. (Reference No. 2001036-004)
From Police Department, submitting information regarding the number
of arrests and convictions for malicious mischief due to vandalism of
bus shelters. (Reference No. 20010326-016) (26)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, responding
to a letter to DTIS Personnel Department and concerns relating to DTIS.
From Ronald Nalls, regarding an awarded Judgement for a law suit and
the monies awarded him. Copy: City Attorney (28)
From Board of Appeals, regarding contracts with twelve business listed
in inquiry of April 2, 2001. (Reference No. 20010402-001) Copy: Supervisor
Sandoval (29)
From Youth Commission, regarding resolution urging the School District
and Library Commission to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection
Act. File 010530 (30)
From Youth Commission, regarding resolution urging our congressional
delegates to put kids first as they allocate budget surpluses. File
010592 (31)
From Small Property Owners of San Francisco, regarding discussion and
fact-gathering with regard to the significance of the private sector
in supplying affordable housing. Copy: Each Supervisor (31)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding Infrastructure Task Force
letters for PUC regular meeting of April 24, 2001 for public record
and review. (32)
From William E. Henslin, Jr., opposing Representative Lofgren’s legislation
(H.R. 1487) calling for a major change in taxation of incentive stock
options under the alternative minimum tax system. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, regarding girl
specific services. (Reference No. 20010102-003) (34)
From San Francisco Housing Authority, regarding corrective actions taken
by the Housing Authority with regard to HUD OIG audits #00-CH-201-1001
and #00-CH-201-1002. (Reference No. 20010319-010) (35)
From California Legislature Senate Rules Committee, regarding the appointment
of John J. Tennant of Glendora as State Fire Marshall. (36)
From Department of Toxic Substances Control, submitting a survey for
the Schlage Lock and Sunquest Properties, Bayshore Avenue, San Francisco
and Brisbane, CA. (37)
From concerned citizens, opposing the sex-change health benefits. 2
Letters File 010454 Copy: Each Supervisor (38)
From concerned citizens, supporting proposal that the area be made a
permanent part of the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department.
File 010620 4 Letters (39)
From John Friedberg, supporting legislation that will be prevent evicition
of people from their residences. File 010226 (40)
From Connie Champagne, supporting Sherri Franklin for the Animal Control
and Welfare Commission. (41)
From Melanie Morris, supporting the proposal forever Chelsea Piers.
From John Cailleau, opposing the ads for HIV drugs on MUNI shelters
because he believes that the drugs have significant side effects. File
010345 (43)
From concerned citizens, opposing private companies using public property
for their advertising. 2 Letters (44)
From Henry Karnilowicz, supporting AB 1419, Caltrain downtown station.
From Judy Laxen, supporting energy conservation. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano
From Loren Basham, supporting the Mills-YMCA plan for Piers 27-31. Copy:
Supervisor Daly. (47)
From Larry Aldrich, concerning an incident on MUNI. Copy: MUNI (48)
From Airport Commission, regarding the availability of land at the Airport
for potential development of a power plant and the status of current
negotiations for an on-Airport power plant. Reference No. 20010409-006
Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (49)
From Department of Human Services, submitting a summary of all current
Special Assistant positions in the Department. (Reference No. 20010409-021)
File 010462 Copy: Supervisor Peskin Copy: Finance Committee (50)
From San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium, regarding legislation
to protect children from lead poisoning and asthma in their homes. Copy:
Each Supervisor (51)
From Department of Public Health, requesting release of funds held on
reserve for the tobacco prevention program funded by the Mangini settlement.
From Administrative Services, submitting a response regarding the film
industry’s use of City Hall. Reference No. 20010326-001 Copy: Supervisor
Ammiano (53)
From Emergency Communications Department, submitting documents concerning
the use of Special Assistant classifications in City and County Departments.
(Reference No. 20010409-019) File 010462 Copy: Supervisor Peskin Copy:
Finance Committee, (54)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting a record of the proceedings from
the State Legislation Committee Meeting of April 11, 2001. (55)
From Office of the Controller, submitting a report concerning the compliance
audit of the construction contract between the Airport Commission Lawrence
Construction Co./West Bay Builders, Inc. for expanding the communications
center at the International Airport. (56)
From Fire Department, submitting a report regarding the inspection of
Ingleside Police Station’s holding cell facility relating to fire and
life safety. (57)
From Ethics Commission, submitting the first quarter 2001 Lobbyist Report.
From Office of the City Attorney, regarding the use of Library Preservation
Fund for Facility Maintenance and Repairs at the Main Library. File
010551, Copy: Finance Committee (59)
From City Library, comments regarding supplemental appropriations forever
Main Library, POE modifications. File 010551 Copy: Finance Committee
(60) |