Petitions and Communications received from April 26 through noon on May 2, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on May 7, 2001.
From Airport, regarding availability of land at the San Francisco International Airport for potential development of a power plant and the status of current negotiations for an on-Airport power plant. (Reference No. 20010409-006) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (1)
From Police Department, regarding the investigation into the death of Mr. Fullard. (Reference No. 20010402-002) Copy: Supervisor Daly (2)
From Department of Public Health, submitting list of professional/organization memberships in which the Department of Public Health wishes to be a member in fiscal year 2001/02. Copy: Finance Committee (3)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, regarding the concession audit of Southwest Airlines Co. (4)
From Department of Human Services, submitting request for release of reserved funds for rental property ($811,317) in the 2000/01 Budget. Copy: Finance Committee (5)
From Mayor's Office of Housing, submitting annual report on the Affordable Housing and Home Ownership Bond Program. Copy: Finance Committee (6)
From various City departments, regarding performance audit in the past ten year's. Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (7)
Police Department (Reference No. 20010226-70)
County Clerk (Reference No. 20010226-98)
From Mayor's Office of Housing, submitting report on the number of formerly homeless people placed in permanent housing annually for each of the last six years; number of people waiting for housing who are currently homeless or marginally housed; number of new affordable housing units constructed specifically for formerly homeless people in the last six years, and how many will be built in the next four years. (Reference No. 20010326-005) Copy: Supervisor Daly (8)
From Mayor's Press Office, submitting the number of staff, individual salaries and corresponding responsibilities in the Mayor's Office of the Press. (Reference No. 20010326-010) Copy: supervisor Gonzalez (9)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request for release of reserved funds ($490,667) for integrated services for seriously mentally ill and dual/multiply diagnosed adults. Copy: Finance Committee (10)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Continental Airlines, Inc. (11)
From Housing Authority, regarding housing programs for the formerly homeless. (Reference No. 20010326-006) Copy: Supervisor Daly (12)
From City Administrator, submitting list of professional/organization memberships in which the City Administrator wishes to be a member in fiscal year 2001/02. Copy: Finance Committee (13)
From Housing Authority, regarding housing programs for the formerly homeless. (Reference No. 20010326-007) Copy: Supervisor Daly (14)
From Department of Aging and Adult Services, submitting the number of special assistants, individual salaries and corresponding responsibilities in the Department of Aging and Adult Services. (Reference No. 2001-0409-011) Copy: Supervisor Peskin (15)
From Department of Human Resources, regarding the Pilot Employee Wellness Program which is recommended as part of the labor contracts; including description of other employee wellness programs included in other current labor contracts, including those with Police and Fire unions. Copy: Each Supervisor (16)
From State Department of Occupational Safety and Health, regarding if a safety and health report has ever been done on the building located at 1235 Mission Street. (Reference No. 20010409-005) Copy: Supervisors Hall, Newsom (17)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, regarding working conditions for temporary workers, with particular attention to young workers in Information Technology occupations. File 010199, Copy: Audit Labor and Government Efficiency Committee (18)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation regarding "sex change benefits" for City employees. File 010454, Copy: Each Supervisor 11 Letters (19)
From Redevelopment Agency, regarding housing programs for the homeless and formerly homeless living with AIDS/HIV. (Reference No. 20010326-007) Copy: Supervisor Daly (20)
From Real Estate Division, regarding various Public Health lease renewals. File 01-0660, Copy: Finance Committee (21)
From Center for the Preservation of Horses, expressing his views on the Burton Act and the California Constitution Separation of Powers. 2 Letters (22)
From Youth Commission, submitting support for resolution authorizing the Mayor's Criminal Justice Council to accept and expend funds in the amount of $2,831,068 from the State Board of Corrections, from funds made available under Assembly Bill 1913. (23)
From Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America, submitting poll of California voters on immigration-driven population growth and its effect on issues such as educational quality. (24)
From Department of Public Health, submitting hazardous waste release disclosure form, dated April 20, 2001. Copy: Public Health & Environment Committee (25)
From Shannon Seaberg, regarding her experience with the Department of Parking and Traffic's on-line bill payment program. (26)
From David Peterson, submitting opposition to legislation requiring City employees be bi or multi lingual. (27)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the annual license fee increase for food facilities proposed by the Department of Public Health. (28)
From California State Senate, Wesley Chesbro, submitting request for support for SB 844, the 2002 School Facilities Bond Act. (29)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting list of professional/organization memberships in which the Office of the Mayor wishes to be a member in fiscal year 2001/02. Copy: Finance Committee (30)
From Department of Elections, submitting notice that redistricting for the City and County of San Francisco must occur in order to conform to the Charter's mandate. Copy: Each Supervisor (31)
From Fire Department, submitting annual inspection for Northern Police Station at 1125 Fillmore Street, relating to fire and life safety issues, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 13145.1. (32)
From Port, regarding the formation of a Municipal Harbor Authority. (Reference No. 20010220-016) Copy: Supervisor Daly (33)
From San Francisco International Airport, submitting runway reconfiguration program update newsletter. (34)
From Alliance for a Better District Six, submitting comments about the alleged behavior of Frederick Hobson on various occasions. 3 Letters (35)
From Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association, submitting opposition to proposed subdivision of property at 690 DeHaro Street. File 010662, Copy: Each Supervisor (36)
From Fire Department, submitting annual inspection for Taraval Police Station at 2345 24th Avenue, relating to fire and life safety issues, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 13145.1. (37)
From Chrysalis Hill, LLC, regarding tentative parcel map for 692-696 DeHaro Street. File 010662, Copy: Each Supervisor (38)
From Clerk of the Board, regarding phone call from Linda Schreibman, Official Tourist Guide to San Francisco, advising that the Holocaust Memorial, located at the Legion of Honor, is mentioned twice in the new official tourist guide. (Reference No. 20010226-131) Copy: Supervisors Hall, Leno, Peskin (39)
From John Jenkel, submitting amended addendum to Amicus Curiae Brief filed April 23, 2001 regarding Marjorie Knoller and Robert Noel. Copy: Each Supervisor (40)
From Golden Gate Restaurant Association, submitting opposition to the Health Department's proposal to raise the license fees for restaurants and impose an automatic annual fee increase. File 010515, Copy: Each Supervisor (41)
From SF AIDS Candlelight Vigil, submitting press release announcing the AIDS Hero Awards event on April 26, 2001 at Chat Café, Sanchez and 18th Street. (42)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending March 2001. (43)
From D.E. Avtonomoff & Family, submitting opposition to live animal markets in San Francisco, and urging support to enforce AB 2479/Kuehl; AB 238/Honda legislation. (44)
From Civil Service Commission, submitting copy of letter sent to Mr. Consolacion and Ms. Ramada regarding release from a promotive position on close of business March 25, 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (45)
From Fire Department, regarding employees under the Special Assistant classification in the Fire Department. (Reference No. 20010409-020) Copy: Supervisor Peskin (46) |