Petitions and Communications
received from July 19 through noon on July 25, for reference by the President
to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the
Clerk on July 30, 2001.
From Mary Russo McAfee, appealing decision of the Director of Public Works
affirming the approval of Tentative/Parcel Map for 107 24th Avenue, formerly
known as "Land of Billman". (1)
From Emergency Communications Department, regarding Graduation and Oath
of Allegiance Ceremony of the POST 24 Public Safety Dispatch Course, August
22, 2001, 5:30 P.M, the Koret Auditorium (SF Library) 100 Larkin Street.
Copy: Each Supervisor (2)
From Department of Public Health, regarding access to the 2000 HIV/AIDS
Epidemiology Annual Report on their web site at (
or by contacting the Department. (3)
From Roy Adams, submitting request for transfer of a Type 21 liquor license
from 105 Broad Street to 98 Broad Street for "R.C.Package House". Copy:
Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (4)
From Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, submitting list of sole
source contracts for fiscal year 1999/2000. (5)
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the negative impact that abuse, vandalism
and neglect of property has on the quality of life, especially in the
inner city. 5 Letters (6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to place the statues of King
Carlos III and Juan Bautista de Anza on the medial strip in front of Mission
Dolores. File 011225, 24 Letters (7)
From Ingleside Terraces Home Association, submitting newsletter dated
summer 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (8)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to ban the sale of fur in
San Francisco. 23 Letters (9)
From David Renroth, submitting various comments. 4 letters (10)
From Department of Public Health, submitting budget revision for the University
of California, Universitywide AIDS Research Program grants. File 991767,
Copy: Finance Committee (11)
From Department of Public Works, submitting quarterly report for the Defective
Sidewalk Repair Revolving Account for the period April 1, 2001 through
June 30, 2001. (12)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report regarding "Municipal
Golf Courses" dated July 6, 2001. File 011081 (13)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Michele Olson
Monica Lim
From James Barnes, commenting on proposal to place a replica of "the arm
and torch" of the Statue of Liberty on Treasure Island. (15)
From concerned citizens, commenting on article by Rob Morse (Chronicle,
July 16, 2001) entitled "The cesspool that is the streets of San Francisco".
2 Letters (16)
From Ethics Commission, submitting support for proposed legislation to
amend the San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code to require
candidates who pay for mass mailings to identify themselves on the mailings
with a "paid for by" designation, and to file a copy of the mass mailing
along with an itemized disclosure statement with the San Francisco Ethics
Commission. File 010778 Copy: Supervisors Leno, Peskin (17)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting fiscal year 2000/01
"revised" California Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) allocation
tables. (18)
From Ethics Commission, submitting notice that the Executive Director
is authorized to sign letters on behalf of the Chairperson of the Ethics
Commission as to legislation that the Ethics Commission has considered
or will consider. (19)
From State Department of Fish and Game, regarding California Fish and
Game Commission’s acceptance of petition to add the coho salmon, north
of San Francisco, to the Official State list of endangered and threatened
species. (20)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed "Dance
Hall Permits" legislation and suggesting it be sent back to Committee
for further discussion and amendments. File 010845, Copy: Each Supervisor,
3 Letters (21)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding lease negotiations for
the Golden Gate Park Stables. File 011173, Copy: Each Supervisor (22)
From Ethics Commission, submitting opposition to proposed Charter amendments
regarding elections, ethics, outside council and redistricting as it relates
to the Ethics Commission. File 010956, Copy: Each Supervisor (23)
From Department of Public Health, submitting report of illegal discharges
of hazardous waste dated March 1, 2001. Copy: Public Health and Environment
Committee (24)
From S.F. Children and Families Commission, submitting annual report with
the Department’s summation of accomplishments for fiscal year 2000/01.
From Office of the Sheriff, regarding the steps taken to remove protesters
from the Board Chambers on July 16, 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (26)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposal to rename a
portion of Phelan Avenue to Marasigan Avenue. File 011245, 2 Letters (27)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas
and Electric Company’s Bankruptcy Case. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, submitting request for release
of reserved funds ($9,256) for proposed reclassifications of four Special
Assistant positions. File 010621 (29)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, regarding review of agreement
the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has with the San Francisco
Water Alliance, to procure program management and construction management
services, in support of the Public Utilities Commission’s water, power
and sewer capital improvement program. (30)
From District Attorney, submitting list of sole source contracts for fiscal
year 1999/2000. (31)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Richard Katz of
Sylmar as a member of the State Water Resources Control Board, term ending
January 15, 2002. (32)
From Urban Counties Caucus, submitting legislative update dated July 23,
2001. (33)
From Treasurer Island Tenants, submitting request to receive the same
neighborhood services as any other neighborhood in San Francisco. Copy:
Each Supervisor (34)
From Environmental Action Committee of West Marin, submitting support
for proposed Charter amendment regarding landfill in San Francisco Bay.
File 010970 (35)
From John Jenkel, Center for the Preservation of Horses, requesting the
Board of Supervisors urge the City Attorney’s Office to withdraw by July
27, 2001, its motion to lift the court order protecting Hera as evidence
in State vs Knoller and Noel. Copies: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (36)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed ordinance reconstituting
the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections by changing procedures and
requirements for appointment of its members and prohibiting certain office-holding
and campaign and lobbying activities by its members. File 011165, Copy:
Each Supervisor (37)
From Department of Public Health, submitting notice that the Long Term
Care Pilot Project Task Force is no longer in operation. (Reference No.
20010611-018) (38)
From California Department of Child Support Services, submitting revised
federal order/notice to withhold income child support form, dated July
11, 2001. (39)
From David Bell, commenting on the results and process of granting rate
increases to local municipal monopolies. (40)
From California Common Cause, suggesting that proposed Charter amendments
regarding elections, ethics, outside counsel and redistricting should
be considered as separate amendments. Files 010956, 011315, 011316 Copy:
Each Supervisor (41)
From Virginia Velez, commenting on the deplorable conditions in and around
the BART Station at 16th and Mission Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (42)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting report on the Cash Difference
and Overage Funds, period ending June 30, 2001. (43)
From Brian Neville, suggesting that the SF Giants should pay for police
security and parking control costs on property within their leased area,
including public sidewalks. Copy: Each Supervisor (44)
From Paul Platt, submitting support for proposed Charter amendment regarding
Revenue Bonds, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Projects. File
010983, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (45)
From Action for Animals, submitting support for the establishment of a
Special Prosecution Unit in the District Attorney’s Office. (46)
From Ethics Commission, submitting Lobbyist Report (Summary of Earnings
and Expenses) registered with the City for the second quarter (April 1
through June 30, 2001). (47)
From A T&T Broadband, submitting payment for AT&T’s Quarterly Franchise
Fee for the second quarter (April 1 through June 30, 2001). Copy: Each
Supervisor (48)
From A T&T Broadband, submitting payment for AT&T’s Quarterly CTPC Fee
for the second quarter (April 1 through June 30, 2001). Copy: Each Supervisor
From State Water Resources Control Board, regarding two public meetings
to consider the legal classification of groundwater, August 20 and August
23, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Central Valley Auditorium
of the Cal/EPA Headquarters Building located at 1001 I Street in Sacramento.
From Steve Zimmermann, regarding Standard & Poor’s rating of San Francisco
Public Utilities Commission, Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2001 A, due November
1, 2031. Copy: Each Supervisor (51)
From Larry Griffin, Black American Political Association of California,
requesting proposed legislation reconstituting the Citizens Advisory Committee
on Elections be sent back to Committee. File 011165, Copy: Each Supervisor,
2 Letters (52)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting list of sole source contracts
for fiscal year 1999/2000. (53)
From Department of California Highway Patrol, regarding the Department’s
effort to address the escalating problem of congestion by implementing
"Clear Lanes Efficiently and Rapidly" (CLEAR), that deploys additional
officers working in concert with other traffic management resources, to
specific roadway segments for the purpose of quickly identifying and removing
highway impediments. Copy: Each Supervisor (54)
From Mr. & Mrs. Hillson, submitting support for Traffic Code amendment
that would limit the number of Residential Permit Parking permits to three
(3) parking stickers per household; and suggesting stricter enforcement
of this law, especially in the areas bounded by Palm, Masonic, Euclid,
and Anza Streets in the inner Richmond District of San Francisco. (55)
From Senior Action Network, submitting support for proposed Charter amendment
regarding the "Livable Street Fund" on the November 2001 ballot. File
010967, Copy: Each Supervisor (56)
From John DuBois, commenting on his recent visit to San Francisco. Copy:
Each Supervisor (57)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for adequate funding for the
Public Health system in the city of San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor,
2 Letters (58)
From Association of Bay Area Governments, submitting report entitled "Regional
Housing Needs Determination" for the San Francisco Bay Area, for 2001
through 2006. (59)
From Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, submitting annual report for
Fall/Winter 2000 and Spring/Summer 2001 for fiscal year ending June 30,
2001. (60)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting annual report highlighting
the Department’s permit and inspection accomplishments for fiscal year
1999/2000 as well as their goals for fiscal year 2000/01. (61)
From Keala Barnes, submitting support for increase wages plus education
and retention of teachers and providers for childcare providers. (62)
From Kaygey Mosk, submitting appreciation for the Board of Supervisors
words of tribute to her late husband, Justice Mosk. (63)
From San Francisco International Airport, submitting resolution concurring
with the Controller’s certification that Shuttle Bus Service for San Francisco
International Airport can be performed by a private contractor at a lower
cost than if the services were performed by City and County employees,
for fiscal year 2001/02. (64)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed Charter amendment
regarding landfill in San Francisco Bay. File 010970 Copy: Each Supervisor
(65) |