Petitions and Communications
received from August 2 through noon on August 8, for reference by the
President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed
by the Clerk on August 13, 2001.
From Office of the Controller, submitting a report and recommendation
on the rates of fare for taxicabs.Copy: Each Supervisor (1)
From Parent Advocates for Youth, submitting support for proposed legislation
establishing a Juvenile Justice Monitoring Committee in San Francisco.Copy:
Each Supervisor,File 011153 (2)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request for waiver of the
requirements of Chapters 12B and 12C of the Administrative Code for Toys-R-Us;
Lakeshore Learning Materials and Test Med, Inc. (3)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
John Henry Pearce
Joseph Speaks III
From Anne Martin, submitting support for the use of Pier 26 as the International
Museum of Women; and urging the Port Commission to enter into exclusive
rights to negotiate.File 011281,Copy: Each Supervisor (5)
From Emergency Communications Department, regarding proposal to rename
Phelan Avenue between Ocean Avenue and Flood Avenue as Violeta Marasigan
Avenue.File 011245,Copy: Neighborhood Services and Parks Committee (6)
From Department of Public Works, submitting approval of Minor Sidewalk
Encroachment Permit for Greenwich Street frontage, between Child Street
and Telegraph Hill Blvd, in conjunction with property renovation located
at 52-56 Telegraph Place. (7)
From Evencio Cruz, commenting on the lack of parking spaces available
in San Francisco. (8)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
Options and Site Specific Studies for San Francisco.(Reference No. 20010702-008)Copy:
Supervisor Maxwell (9)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to ban the sale of fur in
San Francisco.6 Letters (10)
From State Department of Child Support Services, regarding Child Support
Warning Notices. (11)
From State Department of Child Support Services, regarding responses to
unresolved oral or written disputes made by a custodial party and/or non-custodial
parent. (12)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of establishing
an all-way Stop at the intersection of Prague Street and South Hill Boulevard.(Reference
No. 20010618-006)Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (13)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of making
Faxon Avenue between Ocean and De Montfort Avenues a one-way street. (Reference
No. 20010618-005)Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (14)
From Department of the Environment, submitting resolution endorsing the
draft compact for a Sustainable Bay Area.Copy: Each Supervisor (15)
From United States Department of the Interior, submitting support for
motion disapproving decision of the Department of Public Works, Tentative
Subdivision Map to legalize the proposed subdivision creating two lots
at 107 24th Avenue (known as the Billman property).File 011352,Copy: Each
Supervisor (16)
From National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, submitting
invitation to the 214th USA Constitution Day at the San Francisco War
Memorial and Performing Arts Center Lobby at 401 Van Ness Avenue on September
17th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Copy: Each Supervisor (17)
From Robert Levine, submitting copy of letter sent from Senator Feinstein
regarding the energy crisis afflicting California and much of the Western
United States.Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From the Mental Health Board of San Francisco, submitting annual report
dated June 2001. (19)
From Michael Molina, submitting inquiry regarding the newly passed Tenancy
in Common legislation; and requesting a response in the near future.File
010891,Copy: Each Supervisor(20)
From Office of the Controller, regarding the emergency financial assistance
available for the arts and non-profit organizations.(Reference No. 20010416-009)Copy:
Supervisor Daly (21)
From Office of the Controller, submitting an analysis of the estimated
cost to provide health insurance, long-term disability insurance and retirement
to taxi drivers and permit holders.(Reference No. 20010604-0001)Copy:
Supervisor Ammiano (22)
From San Francisco Housing Authority, submitting notice of meetings for
community agencies and social service leaders to discuss the Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher Program that provides housing subsides for low
income families and single, elderly or disabled adults.Copy: Each Supervisor
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed legislation to
increase fines for parking violations.File 011120,Copy: Each Supervisor,2
Letters (24)
From Charles Gray, submitting support for stricter lease laws in San Francisco.
From Lucia Paulazzo, urging the Department of Public Works to treat the
San Francisco Unified School District the same as any other property owner,
and fine them for ignoring their responsibilities of keeping the sidewalks
clean. (26)
From Pacific Gas and Electric, submitting an update on Pacific Gas and
Electric Company Bankruptcy Case.Copy: Each Supervisor (27)
From Mary Kerr, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to increase
fines for parking violations.File 011120,6 Letters (28)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding request for no left
turn at the intersection of Sacramento and Stockton Streets. (29)
From Dennis Francis Lawlor, submitting several poems. (30)
From concerned citizens, commenting on proposed plans to restrict dog
access to the City’s parks.2 Letters(31)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that all proposed
items calendared for the Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee
for August 9, 2001 have been posted.Copy: Housing, Transportation and
Land Use Committee (32)
From Bobby Diep, submitting invitation to attend a special "insider’s
luncheon" with two of Mexican President Fox’s closest advisors and the
President of the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce on August 7,
2001 at the Waterfront Plaza Hotel, 110 Washington Street, Jack London
Square, Oakland from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Copy: Each Supervisor (33)
From Patrick Kobernus, submitting a solution to the "parking in driveways"
situation in San Francisco.File 011120 (34)
From Cingular Wireless, submitting notice that Pacific Bell Wireless has
obtained all requisite land use approvals for projects at the following
addresses: 311 California Street and 650-652 Stanyan Street. (35)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting request for hearing before
the Finance Committee on August 22, 2001 to discuss San Francisco’s Water
Alliance Program.Copy: Each Supervisor, Finance Committee (36)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice of the transfer of function
of electrical line worker positions from the Department of Telecommunications
and Information Services to the Department of Light, Heat and Power under
Section 4.132 of the City Charter, Executive Branch Reorganization.(37)
From California News.bytes, submitting newsletter regarding the Bureau
of Land Management in California. (38)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting ten cellular antenna
permit applications filed for the following addresses: (Reference No.
2000403-002)Copy: Supervisor Yee (39)
590 Bay Street, 201 Spear Street, 900 Palou Street, 965 Mission Street,
570 Beale Street, 880 Harrison Street, 801 Howard Street, 501-503 Laguna
Street, 2000 Van Ness Avenue, 185 Berry Street.(39)
From David Renroth, submitting various comments. (40)
From Office of the Controller, submitting cost analysis of an amendment
to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and County of
San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Officers Association, for the
period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2003.File 011320 (41)
From Supervisor Sandoval, submitting appointment of Ken Kelton as citizen
representative from District 11 to the Pedestrian Safety and Street Resurfacing
Working Group.Copy: Rules Committee (42)
From Veterans Affairs Commission, submitting notice of three vacant seats
on the Veterans Affairs Commission; and requesting the Board to replace
and fill these open seats.Copy: Each Supervisor, Rules Committee (43)
From Pamela Wayne, commenting on what an outstanding job the staff of
the Golden Gate Stables have done for the community.File 011430,Copies:
Supervisors Hall, McGoldrick, Sandoval, Yee (44)
From Andy S., submitting support for the creation of a non-profit organization
that would monitor the Department of Parking and Traffic Patrol Officers
(DPT) to keep the citizens of San Francisco safe from abusive DPT officers,
and also makes sure they themselves are obeying the law.Files 011120,
011484Copy: Each Supervisor (45)
From California Fish and Game Commission, submitting copy of two continuation
notices of proposed regulatory actions regarding the herring fishery,
which will appear in the California Regulatory Notice Register. (46)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding summary
of permit actions for the months of April through June 2001. (47)
From Planning Department, submitting notification of project receiving
environmental review. Copy: Each Supervisor,File 011373 (48)
From Douglas Conrad, submitting copy of letter sent to owner of Networld
at 3221 20th Street regarding an unprovoked dangerous incident between
an employee of that company and himself (a resident of that neighborhood).Copy:
Supervisor Ammiano (49)
From Department of Human Services, submitting quarterly meeting report
(July 23, 2001) regarding the activities of CalWORKs Oversight Committee.
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the new recycling program
recently approved for the City of San Francisco.File 010807,2 Letters
Treasurer Island Development Authority
Marcia Rosen |