Petitions and Communications
received from August 9 through noon on August 15, for reference by the
President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed
by the Clerk on August 20, 2001.
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation
regarding "Dancehall Permits". File 010845, 5 letters (1)
From Supervisor Hall, submitting appointment of Michael Kasolas as member
to the Pedestrian Safety and Street Resurfacing Working Group. Copy: Rules
Committee (2)
From Association of Bay Area Governments, submitting notification of dates
and times for a series of meetings to discuss the proposed final plan
to meet the one-hour national ambient air quality standard for ozone.
Copy: Each Supervisor (3)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed Dog Policy of the
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department. File 011172, Copy: Each
Supervisor, 7 letters (4)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of amending
the traffic element of the General Plan to re-designate Santa Clara Avenue
from Portola to the intersection of Santa Clara Avenue and Monterey Boulevard,
and then Monterey Boulevard from Santa Clara Avenue to Ridgewood Avenue
from a secondary arterial street to a local/collector street. (Reference
No. 20010625-004) Copy: Supervisors Hall, Newsom (5)
From Ethics Commission, submitting support for proposed legislation to
require persons who fund recorded telephone calls that support or oppose
candidates for City elective office to identify themselves as the source
of funding. File 010779, Copy: Each Supervisor (6)
From Office of the City Administrator, submitting appointment of Tammy
Haygood as Director of the Department of Elections. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Planning Department, regarding Interim Land Use Controls for Third
Street (between Islais Creek and Paul Avenue). File 011373, Copy: Each
Supervisor (8)
From Instituto Laboral De La Raza, submitting support for San Francisco
Day Labor program and its new leased office space situated at 3358 Cesar
Chavez Street. (9)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding appeal of proposed subdivision
of City-owned property located at 107 24th Street (known as the old Billman
property). Files 011351, 011352, 011353, Copy: Each Supervisor (10)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting investment activity (for fiscal
year to date) of the portfolios under management. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Civil Service Commission, submitting copy of the Survey of Monthly
Rates Paid to Police Officers and Firefighters in all cities of 350,000
or more in the State of California. Copy: Each Supervisor (12)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report regarding Diesel
Emissions. Copy: Each Supervisor (13)
From Outer Mission Residents Association, submitting support for proposed
plans of the new owners of the Apollo property along Geneva Avenue. Copy:
Supervisor Sandoval (14)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, reporting
on the City’s ability (Director of the Department of Telecommunications
and Information Services and the City Attorney’s Office) to renegotiate
the cable franchise agreement and to ensure that the conditions of the
last agreement are met and not delayed in the event of a merger between
AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation. (Reference No. 20010709-008) Copy:
Supervisor Sandoval (15)
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the negative impact that abuse, vandalism
and neglect of property has on the quality of life, especially in the
inner city. (16)
From Office of the Sheriff, regarding plans for compliance with the Equal
Access to Services ordinance. (Reference No. 20010716-020) Copy: Supervisor
Leno (17)
From Jeff Foster, commenting on the increased homeless population in the
Castro district. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From David Eberly, suggesting a barrier be placed at the traffic island
reserved for passengers boarding the N Judah streetcar at 9th and Judah.
Copy: Each Supervisor (19)
From WD Flient, submitting request for an investigation into alleged unsafe
conditions at County Jail #2 at 850 Bryant Street. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants’ signatures
with respect to 4501 Irving Street represent owners of more than 20% of
the area involved and is therefore sufficient for appeal. File 011390
From Steven Keller, submitting announcement that Michael Petrelis, AIDS
activist will be on the Steven Keller Show, August 27, 2001 at 9 p.m.
on San Francisco cable access channel 29. (22)
From Aaron Goodman, suggesting that a scrub brush may be the only way
to get the grime off the streets in the civic center area of San Francisco.
From Robert Rao, submitting opposition to the relocation of the Day Labor
program to 3358 Cesar Chavez Street. (24)
From Charlie Peters, regarding the overhaul of the Smog Check program.
From Jeff Hirsh, commenting on the new advertisements on buses and billboards
that read: "San Francisco’s First Fcuk". Copy: Each Supervisor (26)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the new recycling program
in San Francisco. File 010807, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (27)
From Russ Young, submitting support for making bicycle lanes permanent
in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Fredeick Hobson, commenting on an article in Central City Extra’s
newspaper regarding himself. (29)
From John Jenkel, commenting on the Robert Noel/Marjorie Knoller dog mauling
case. 2 Letters (30)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation
to ban parking in one’s driveway. File 011484, Copy: Each Supervisor,
2 Letters (31)
From Thomas Campbell Jr., submitting request for transfer of a Type 42
liquor license from 1795 Geary Blvd to 1807 Geary Blvd. Copy: Economic
Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (32)
From Real Estate Division, submitting report of property owned by the
City and County of San Francisco, the Community College District, and
by the San Francisco Unified School District. (33)
From Mayor’s Criminal Justice Council, submitting copy of the City and
County of San Francisco’s Schiff-Cardenas Crime Prevention Act of 2000
(CPA 2000) Annual Report to the California Board of Corrections. (34)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas
and Electric Company’s Bankruptcy Case. Copy: Each Supervisor (35)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
Options. (Reference No. 20010702-008) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (36)
From Department of Public Health Office of Equal Employment Opportunity,
Affirmative Action, and Cultural Competency, regarding the Equal Access
to City Services Ordinance. (Reference No. 20010716-014) Copy: Supervisor
Leno (37)
From Mirna Escobar, submitting information regarding claim of alleged
unpaid wages, overtime and vacation pay while working for MUNI. (38)
From Frederick Hobson, commenting that all public speakers should be given
the same amount of speaking time at all public meetings, pursuant to State
and local law. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (39)
From YMCA, submitting copy of the newsletter regarding the impact the
YMCA has had on thousands of lives. (40)
From Phoebe Williams, submitting various comments. (41)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting copy of letter sent to Secretary, Commission
of Animal Control and Welfare requesting a corrected/amended copy of the
minutes from the June 14, 2001 meeting of the Commission. (42)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request for waiver of requirements
of Chapters12B and 12C of the Administrative Code for Advantis Pasteur
and General Injectable Vaccines, the only companies available that provide
needed vaccines for the residents of San Francisco. (43)
From Department Parking and Traffic, regarding the proposed renaming of
Phelan Avenue. File 011245, Copy: Each Supervisor (44)
From concerned citizens, regarding the proposed underground garage at
Block 202 of Ferry Park bounded by the Embarcadero and Drumm Street. Copy:
Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (45)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed new design of the
De Young Museum. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 Letters (46)
From Michael Manwaring, submitting support for the approval of design
and construction of the Prada Building at 185 Post Street. Copy: Each
Supervisor (47)
From Office of the Controller, submitting set of high level financial
reports for the month of July 2001 showing fiscal year 2001/02 status
and year-end figures for the prior year 2000/01. (48)
From Michael Luckoff, submitting copy of a KGO Radio editorial entitled
"Not Worth the Paper" commenting that nobody at City Hall pays much attention
to the Grand Jury’s report. (49)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to ban the sale of fur in
San Francisco. 3 Letters (50)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for legislation requiring
all city agencies to give 24 hour notice to homeless people before confiscating
their personal belongings. 2 Letters (51)
From Kevin Smith, submitting support for funding of OMI Family Resource
Center in this years budget. (52)
From Office of the Controller, submitting copy of the final Consolidated
Budget and Annual Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal year ending June
30, 2002. (53)
From Planning Department, submitting the Final Environmental Impact Report
for the new De Young Museum. (54) |