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September 17, 2001

Full Board Agendas
Board of Supervisors

City and County of San Francisco

Legislative Chamber - Second Floor
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

seal of the city and county of sf

Monday, September 17, 2001
2:00 PM



Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board




Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include the following documents:
1) Legislation
2) Budget Analyst report
3) Legislative Analyst report
4) Department or Agency cover letter and/or report
5) Public correspondence
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.


1. 011613 [Emergency Declaration Concurrence] Supervisor Ammiano
Motion concurring in the September 11, 2001 Declaration of the Existence of a Local Emergency for Limited Purposes by the Mayor, in the actions taken to meet the emergency, and in the termination of the emergency.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?



From the Clerk
(Only one of the following two motions should be adopted.)

2. 011391 [Appeal, Conditional Use, 4501 Irving Street]
Motion approving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16182 approving Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1261EC, on property located 4501 Irving Street, southwest corner of Irving Street and 46th Avenue, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
8/20/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Yee, seconded by Supervisor Peskin moved to continue to September 17, 2001.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

3. 011392 [Appeal, Conditional Use, 4501 Irving Street]
Motion disapproving decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 16182 approving Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1261EC, on property located 4501 Irving Street, southwest corner of Irving Street and 46th Avenue, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Clerk of the Board)
8/20/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Yee, seconded by Supervisor Peskin moved to continue to September 17, 2001.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

4. 011393 [Findings - 4501 Irving Street]
Motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings relating to proposed Conditional Use Application No. 2000.1261EC, on property located 4501 Irving Street, southwest corner of Irving Street and 46th Avenue, for action by the Board at its next meeting. (Clerk of the Board)
8/20/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Yee, seconded by Supervisor Peskin moved to continue to September 17, 2001.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the Finance Committee
Present: Supervisors Leno, Peskin, Gonzalez

5. 010845 [Dancehall Permits] Supervisors Daly, Gonzalez, Peskin, Leno
Ordinance amending San Francisco Police Code Section 1023 to exempt dances and dancehalls from the need to obtain a dancehall permit if the location where the dance is being held has a place of entertainment permit and provides free drinking water.
7/23/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Daly, seconded by Supervisor Leno moved to continued to July 30, 2001.
7/30/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Daly moved to continue to August 13, 2001.
8/13/2001, AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE. 8/13/01 - Supervisor Daly presented an amendment of the whole bearing new title.
8/13/2001, RE-REFERRED to Finance Committee. Re-referred to Finance.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

6. 011242 [Requiring situs and/or street name on recorded documents] Supervisor Yee
Ordinance amending Article 12C of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code (Real Property Tax) by amending Section 1102.1 thereto to require that every document pertaining to real property that is submitted for recordation show on the face of the document the commonly-known situs and/or street name and number of the real property described therein.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

7. 011405 [Appropriation, Police Department] Supervisors Leno, Daly
Ordinance reallocating $1,200,000 retroactively from Police Department appropriations to the Fire Department to fund the cost of uniform firefighters for fiscal year 2000-01.
(Fiscal impact.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

8. 011499 [Setting San Francisco’s 2001-2002 property tax rate and establishing passthrough rate for residential tenants] Mayor
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for City and County purposes and establishing passthrough rate for residential tenants pursuant to Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

9. 011500 [Setting San Francisco’s Unified School District’s 2001-2002 property tax to be included in the City’s overall property tax rate] Mayor
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Unified School District’s purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

10. 011501 [Setting San Francisco Community College District’s 2001-2002 property tax rate to be included in the City’s overall property tax rate] Mayor
Ordinance providing revenue and levying property taxes for San Francisco Community College District purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

11. 011502 [Adjusting Appropriations - Art Commission] Mayor
Ordinance amending the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2001-2002, File Number 011041, Ordinance Number 170-01, adjusting appropriations to meet the requirements of the Art Commission pursuant to Charter Section 16.106(1). (Mayor)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Recommendation of the Neighborhood Services and Parks Committee
Present: Supervisors Yee, Hall

12. 011179 [Federal Grant - Improvements at Civic Center-United Nations Plazas/Mid-Market]
Resolution authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works (DPW) to accept and expend $936,325 in federal Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) funds for improvements in Civic Center-United Nations Plazas/Mid-Market. (Public Works Department)
8/27/2001, CONTINUED. Supervisor Daly, seconded by Supervisor Leno moved to continue to September 17, 2001.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendation of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Gonzalez, Hall, Ammiano

13. 010762 [Selection of Police Inspectors]
Ordinance amending Section 2A.78 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to conform with post Consent Decree requirements regarding the administration of examination for the rank of Assistant Inspector. (Police Department)
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?


Recommendations of the Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee
Present; Supervisors McGoldrick, Daly, Peskin

14. 011239 [School Passenger Loading Zones] Supervisor McGoldrick
Ordinance amending San Francisco Traffic Code Section 38.I requiring the designation of white zones at all kindergarten through 12 schools for the loading and unloading of passengers during school hours.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

15. 011240 [School Bus Loading Zones] Supervisor McGoldrick
Ordinance amending San Francisco Traffic Code Section 33.5 establishing special school bus loading zones at all kindergarten through 12 school sites.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

16. 011271 [Passenger zones designated as tow-away zones] Supervisor McGoldrick
Ordinance amending San Francisco Traffic Code Section 38.C authorizing the towing away of vehicles parked in designated passenger loading zones.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

17. 011244 [Fluorescent yellow-green school crossing] Supervisor McGoldrick
Resolution commending the Department of Parking and Traffic on its efforts and urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to continue to install new oversized, state approved fluorescent yellow-green school crossing and pedestrian crossing signage and ladder style markings at crosswalks contiguous to all kindergarten through grade 12 posted school zones, senior centers, senior housing complexes, hospitals, major parks, youth recreation centers, public museums, and performing arts centers.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Roll call for introduction of ordinances, resolutions, charter amendments, requests for hearings, letters of inquiry, and letters of request to the City Attorney.

An opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, including items being considered today which have not been considered by a Board committee and excluding items which have been considered by a Board committee. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak, except that public speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to testify for twice the amount of the public testimony time limit. If simultaneous translation services are used, speakers will be governed by the public testimony time limit applied to

These items may be introduced by any Supervisor seeking analysis from the Office of the Legislative Analyst on introduced legislation and for the purpose of providing assistance to Board of Supervisors’ task forces and advisory committees. Requests to the Legislative Analyst shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board.

20. 011589 [Legislative Analyst Request] Supervisor Gonzalez
Motion asking the Legislative Analyst to prepare a report on non-citizen’s right to vote in elections such as school board, city council, ballot measures, and other local or state elections. Also, to determine if there are any instances where non-citizens are allowed to stand for elective office.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

21. 011590 [Legislative Analyst Request] Supervisor Leno
Motion asking the Legislative Analyst to (1) Study the City of Houston’s program to pay for e-mail and Internet services to city residents with free access on Public Library computers to address the digital divide issue; (2) Examine cost and management of program to consider the feasibility for San Francisco to replicate the program here.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

Items 22 through 27

22. 011582 [Domestic Partners - Joint Tenants] Supervisor Leno
Resolution urging the California State Legislature to pass legislation which would provide to domestic partners holding property as joint tenants the same protections from reassessments upon the death of one of the joint tenants as are currently enjoyed by married couples.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

23. 011583 [Out-of-State Tuition Exemption for Immigrant Students] Supervisor Leno
Resolution urging the California State Assembly to pass AB540, the Out-of-state Tuition Exemption for Immigrant Students bill.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

24. 011584 [Supporting Senate Bill 953] Supervisor Sandoval
Resolution supporting passage of California Senate Bill 953, the California Integrated Care and Involvement Act of 2001.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

25. 011554 [Needle Exchange Emergency] Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

26. 011560 [Management Audit, Refuse Collection] Supervisor Daly
Motion directing the Budget Analyst to conduct, as soon as possible, a fiscal and management audit of Sunset Scavenger Company, Golden Gate Disposal, Sanitary Landfill and Norcal Waste Systems, which operate in the City and County of San Francisco pursuant to the Refuse Collection and Disposal Ordinance enacted by the voters of San Francisco on November 8, 1932.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

27. 011622 [Audit of 2001 Garbage Rate Application Process and Rate Increase] Supervisor Ammiano
Motion requesting that the Budget Analyst conduct an expedited audit of the 2001 Garbage Rate Application and recent Residential Rate Increase.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Questions on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Agenda:_________________________________________

Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the Serious Injury Finding or the Purely Commendatory Finding and the Brown Act Finding. Each motion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is required for the resolution(s).

[Serious Injury Finding]
Motion that the Board find that for the resolution(s) being considered at this time "the need to take action is so imperative as to threaten serious injury to the public interest if action is deferred to a later meeting."

[Purely Commendatory Finding]
Motion that the Board find that the resolution(s) being considered at this time are purely commendatory.

[Brown Act Finding]
Motion that the Board find by roll call vote that for the resolutions being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted.

[Imperative Resolutions, if any]


Proposed ordinances received from August 23 through noon on September 12, for reference by President to appropriate committee on September 17, 2001.

011556 [Acceptance of Street for Maintenance]
Ordinance accepting for purposes of maintenance Peters Avenue, subject to specified limitations, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Section 1806, San Francisco Administrative Code Section 1.52, and Department of Public Works Order No. 173,091. (Public Works Department)
8/27/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Neighborhood Services and Parks Committee.

011562 [Structural Repair of Damaged Buildings]
Ordinance amending Volume 2, Chapter 16, Section 1605.4.3 of the San Francisco Building Code to clarify that damaged buildings will not have to be brought up to 100 percent compliance with current seismic requirements when repaired. (Building Inspection Department)
8/28/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011567 [Changing the definition of a truck in the Traffic Code to limit the use of special truck loading zones to bona-fide delivery vehicles]
Ordinance amending Sections 33.3 and 33.3.2 of the San Francisco Traffic Code, restricting the types of vehicles that may use Truck Loading Zones and Special Truck Loading Zones in parking bays along Market Street between Steuart and Octavia Streets to those with at least six wheels. (Parking and Traffic Department)
8/30/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011608 [MOU, Amendment No. 3, Locals 250, 535, and 790]
Ordinance adopting and implementing Amendment No. 3 to the 2000-2003 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Service Employees International Union, Locals 250, 535 and 790 and the City and County of San Francisco by amending Article III.A by adding paragraphs 204a, 204b and 204c, increasing wages for Classification 8238 (Public Safety Communications Dispatcher) and Classification 8239 (Senior Communications Dispatcher). (Human Resources Department)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit, Labor and Government Efficiency Committee.

011614 [Settlement of Legal Proceeding]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of an administrative penalty conditionally imposed by the Department of Public Works on Adesta Communications, Inc. (City Attorney)
9/12/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit, Labor and Government Efficiency Committee. Confidential letter dated September 12, 2001 is on file with the Clerk of the Board.

Proposed resolutions received from August 23 through noon on September 12, for reference by President to appropriate committee on September 17, 2001.

011557 [Stop Intersections]
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections.

10th Avenue and Kirkham Street, northeast and southwest corners, stopping Kirkham Street (makes this an all-way STOP)
Silliman and University Streets, northeast and southwest corners, stopping Silliman Street (makes this an all-way STOP) (Parking and Traffic Department)
(DPT Order No. 2295.)

8/28/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011558 [Parking Regulations, Various Locations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.

Connecticut Street, east side, between 18th and 20th Streets
Mississippi Street, both sides, between 20th and 22nd Streets
Mississippi Street, east side, between Mariposa and 20th Streets
Missouri Street, both sides, between 19th and Mariposa Streets
Missouri Street, east side, between 20th and Sierra Streets
Missouri Street, west side, between 17th and Mariposa Streets
Missouri Street, west side, between 19th and 20th Streets
Pennsylvania Street, both sides, between 19th and 22nd Streets
Pennsylvania Street, west side, between 18th and Mariposa Streets
Texas Street, both sides, between 17th and 19th Streets
Texas Street, east side, between 19th and 20th Streets
Texas Street, east side, from 20th Street to a point 95 feet south of Sierra Street
Texas Street, west side, from 20th Street to a point 65 feet north of Sierra Street

3rd Street, east side, between Ingerson and Jamestown Avenues (6300 block
odd-numbered side)
3rd Street, west side, between Paul and Salinas Avenues (6200 block, even-numbered side)
Carr Street, both sides, between Paul and Salinas Avenues (unit block)
Crane Street, both sides, between Paul and Salinas Avenues (unit block)
Gould Street, both sides, between Paul and Salinas Avenues (unit block)
Paul Avenue, south side, between 3rd and Crane Streets (unit, 100, 200, 300, and 400 blocks)
Salinas Avenue, north side, between 3rd and Exeter Streets (unit, 100, and 200 blocks)

19th Street, both sides, between Seward and Yukon Streets (4600 block)
Castro Street, both sides, between 21st and Hill Streets (northern portion of 800 block)

17th Street, north side, from 43.5 feet to 72 feet east of Folsom Street (28.5-foot zone, accommodating 7 motorcycles, in front of #3084-17th Street) (Parking and Traffic Department)
(DPT Order No. 2295.)

8/28/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011559 [Traffic Regulations, Various Streets]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets.

Market Street, westbound, at Spear Street

Fulton Street, north side, between 48th Avenue and La Playa
La Playa, west side, from the extension of the north property line of Cabrillo Street to 60 feet southerly (60-foot zone, opposite the stem of the T-intersection)
Monterey Boulevard, south side, between Acadia Street and Circular Avenue
South Van Ness Avenue, west side, from Market Street to 80 feet southerly (80-foot zone, eliminates parking meters #2, #4, and #6)

39th Avenue, west side, from Quintara Street to 15 feet southerly (15-foot zone)

Brazil Street, westbound, at Mansell Street (Parking and Traffic Department)
(DPT Order No. 2295.)

8/28/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011561 [IHSS Contract Modification Approval - Addus Healthcare]
Resolution approving the retroactive modification of the contract between the City and County of San Francisco and Addus Healthcare for the provision of In-Home Supportive Services for the period from July 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, in the increased amount of $4,182,526, for a total contract amount of $21,379,697. (Human Services Department)
8/29/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee.

011563 [SF Public Utilities Commission Program Management Services Contract with the San Francisco Water Alliance]
Resolution approving the second year renewal (FY 2001-2002) of the Public Utilities Commission Program Management Services Contract with the San Francisco Water Alliance. (Public Utilities Commission)
8/29/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.

011565 [Settlement of Claim]
Resolution approving settlement of the unlitigated claim of the United States Environmental Protection Agency in an amount not to exceed $180,000 for payment of costs of responding to contamination at Casmalia Resources Hazardous Waste Disposal Site. (City Attorney)
8/28/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit, Labor and Government Efficiency Committee. Department requests this item be calendared at the first Audit Committee meeting in October, 2001.

011600 [Refugee County Plan, Federal Fiscal Year 2001]
Resolution approving the San Francisco Federal Fiscal Year 2001 Refugee County Plan. (Private Industry Council)
9/4/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee.

011606 [Airport Curbside Management Program Contract]
Resolution approving the Airport Commission’s contract with ShuttlePort/DAJA SFO Joint Venture to manage and staff the Airport Curbside Management Program for one-year and up to four additional one-year options, commencing October 2001. (Airport Commission)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.

011609 [State funding for California Healthcare for Indigent Program (CHIP) allocation for medical services to indigent persons]
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend retroactively a grant allocation for up to $4,826,945 for Fiscal Year 2001-02 funding from the State Department of Health Services for California Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) funds for medical services to indigent persons, professional services, medical services contracts, materials and supplies, facilities rental, personal services, and indirect costs in the amount of $60,541, based on 10.82% of administrative and fiscal intermediary costs. (Public Health Department)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee. Department requests this item be calendared at the September 25, 2001 meeting.

011610 [Grant, Gang Free Communities Program]
Resolution authorizing the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $24,293 from the office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) for the Gang Free Communities Program that is currently authorized by OJJDP, and up to $150,000 upon receipt of the final award letter from OJJDP. (Mayor)
9/10/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee.

011611 [Grant, Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Section 37 Federal Capital Funding Assistance]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency Board to accept and expend $229,953 of Federal Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Funds, Section 3037, for the San Francisco International Airport’s (SFO) SFO-Southeast San Francisco Transportation Job Link Program, and including $13,016 for Administrative Overhead Costs. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011612 [Grant, Surface Transportation Program Capital Assistance for MUNI Projects]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency Board to accept and expend $53,282,382 of Federal Formula Section 5307 and Surface Transportation Program (STP) Capital Assistance for Municipal Railway Capital Projects and activities and including $1,705,135 for Administrative Overhead Costs. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee.

011606 [Airport Curbside Management Program Contract]
Resolution approving the Airport Commission’s contract with ShuttlePort/DAJA SFO Joint Venture to manage and staff the Airport Curbside Management Program for one-year and up to four additional one-year options, commencing October 2001. (Airport Commission)
9/5/2001, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.

011621 [Petitions and Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from August 23 through noon on August 29, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on September 17, 2001.

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Air Canada. (1)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Aeroflot Russian International Airlines. (2)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Alitalia Aeree Italiane. (3)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of All Nippon Airlines Co, Ltd. (4)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Asiana Airlines. (5)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Lufthansa German Airlines. (6)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Philippine Airlines. (7)

From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Singapore Airlines. (8)

From Department of Public Health, submitting report regarding illegal discharge of hazardous waste. Copy: Public Health and Environment Committee (9)

From Southeast Community Facility Commission, submitting annual statement of purpose for July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001. (10)

From Department of Elections, submitting notice that the proposed San Francisco-Brisbane Municipal Utility District (MUD) formation provision has been designated as "Measure I" for all purposes related to the November 6, 2001 election. File 002111, Copy Each Supervisor (11)

From Rick Thurber, commenting on the increase in litter on San Francisco streets. 5 Letters (12)

From Warren Slocum, submitting copy of the Resolution and Service Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the County of San Mateo, for election services regarding the formation of the San Francisco-Brisbane Municipal Utilities District. File 002110 (13)

From San Francisco Children and Families Commission, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (14)

From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (15)

From War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (16)

From San Francisco Convention Facilities, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (17)

From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (18)

From Arts Commission, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (19)

From Department of Consumer Assurance, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (20)

From Department of Human Services, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (21)

From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (22)

From Civil Service Commission, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (23)

From Port Commission, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (24)

From Animal Care and Control Department, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (25)

From Kuleto’s, submitting support for the proposed Prada building at the corner of Grant Avenue and Post Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (26)

From Jesse Byrd, submitting petition demanding return of a full-time gardener to Mansell Street, removal of pine trees that were planted on Phillip & Sala Burton’ School property that obstruct their view of the East Bay, Bay Bridge and Downtown San Francisco, and to fix and maintain the steps that give children access to and from El Dorado Elementary School. Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (27)

From Public Utilities Commission, submitting an analysis of how to provide renewable source of hydrogen including the use of wind turbines for powering fuel cells. (Reference No. 20010702-001) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (28)

From Department of Aging and Adult Services, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (29)

From Office of the City Administrator, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (30)

From Board of Supervisors, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (31)

From Office of the City Attorney, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (32)

From Ethics Commission, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (33)

From Fine Arts Museums, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (34)

From Law Library, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (35)

From Department of Public Health, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (36)

From Public Library, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (37)

From Office of the Sheriff, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors will not be adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (38)

From Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (39)

From Office of the Controller, regarding the feasibility of imposing a market rate fee on Treasure Island Development Authority for municipal services. (Reference No. 20010611-002) (40)

From SF Environment, regarding leased expansion space for SF Environment at 11 Grove Street

011623 [Petitions and Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from August 30 through noon on September 5, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on September 17, 2001.

From Office of the Controller, submitting report on the findings and recommendations issued by the 1999-2000 San Francisco Civil Grand Jury, including initial responses to those recommendations by various City departments, and the current status of the departments’ implementation of policies and procedures that address those recommendations. (1)

From Chief Medical Examiner, submitting notice that he cannot certify that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (2)

From Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (3)

From Department of Child Support Services, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (4)

From Fire Department, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (5)

From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (6)

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposal to ban vehicles in Golden Gate Park on weekends. 2 Letters (7)

From John Jenkel, regarding the Marjorie Knoller/Robert Noel dog mauling case. (8)

From Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting request for waiver of the requirements of Chapter 12B of the Administrative Code for Technology Unlimited, Inc. for NCR Maintenance. (9)

From California Department of Corrections, commenting on Resolution No. 635-01 regarding the prison gang validation policy of the California Department of Corrections. File 011368, Copy: Each Supervisor (10)

From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, regarding plans for compliance with the Equal Access to City Services Ordinance. (Reference No. 200110716-019) Copy: Supervisor Leno (11)

From Frederick Hobson, submitting comments on various subjects: urging more women to run for the Office of the Board of Supervisors; opposing the choice of Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympics; and requesting the resignation of Elissa Eckman, as Chairperson of the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. 3 Letters (12)

From William Bacon, regarding Frederick Hobson’s and Michael Nulty’s membership in "Alliance for a Better District 6". (13)

From Office of the Assessor-Recorder, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (14)

From Department of Building Inspection, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (15)

From Emergency Communications Department, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is not adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (16)

From SF Environment, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (17)

From Juvenile Probation Department, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (18)

From Superior Court, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (19)

From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (20)

From San Francisco Drug Abuse Advisory Board, submitting request for status of resolution that called for the City to identify funding for the creation of 1000 new long-term residential beds for drug addiction treatment. Copy: Supervisor Daly (21)

From Small Property Owners of San Francisco, commenting on the negative politicking regarding Proposition N (controls on rental conversions) in the November 2000 election. (22)

From Recreation and Park Department, submitting notice of open house to review and comment on the "Operations Plan Proposal", September 14 and 15, Mission Recreation Center at 2450 Harrison Street. (23)

From Department of Parking and Traffic, commenting on request to evaluate traffic conditions on Crescent Avenue between Mission and Murray Streets and the installation of additional Stop signs at the intersection of Crescent Avenue and Murray Street. (24)

From Joe Bencharsky, regarding the alleged toxic poisoning at the San Francisco Opera House. (25)

From Verlyn Davis, submitting opposition to proposed closure of Coffman Pool in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Maxwell, Neighborhood Service and Parks Committee (26)

From Gale Bradley, commenting that the "career beggars" in San Francisco are way out of hand and hurting our City; and supporting legislation that would ban such individuals from harassing, holding signs and/or blocking traffic in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (27)

From Office of the Public Defender, regarding the implementation plan for fulfilling the requirements established by the Equal Access to Service Ordinance. (Reference No. 20010716-018) Copy: Supervisor Leno (28)

From Mirna Escobar, regarding various issues. (29)

From Department of Public Works, submitting list of sole source contracts for fiscal year 2000/01. (30)

From Agnes Claire Kozel, submitting request for exchange of an on-sale general eating place license (Type 47) to an on-sale general public premises liquor license (Type 48), to Agnes Claire Kozel dba Savoy Tivoli at 1438 Grant Avenue. Copy: Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social Policy Committee (31)

From Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections, submitting annual report for fiscal year 2000/01. (32)

From concerned citizens, commenting on the dirty streets and sidewalks in San Francisco. Copy’ Each Supervisor, 3 letters (33)

From Superior Court, submitting Grand Jury Report for fiscal year 2000-01. (34)

From Human Rights Commission, submitting Quarterly Report on Departmental Performance in the Implementation of Chapter 12D.A of the San Francisco Administrative Code. (35)

From Michael Straus, submitting invitation to upcoming Greenbelt Alliance fundraiser, "Taste of the Greenbelt" on October 1, 2001 at Golden Gate Club in the San Francisco Presidio. Copy: Each Supervisor (36)

011626 [Petitions and Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from September 6 through noon on September 12, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on September 17, 2001.

From City of Santa Ana, Clerk of the Council Office, submitting request for a letter and/or resolution in support of their bid to host the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Annual Conference that will be held in May, 2006. Copy: Each Supervisor (1)

From Department of Public Works, regarding a cost benefit analyst of using an epoxy system versus the Metacrylics system for resurfacing Midtown Terrace Reservoir. (Reference No. 20010716-001) Copy: Supervisor Hall (2)

From Office of the Public Defender, regarding plans for compliance with the Equal Access to City Services Ordinance. (Reference No. 200110716-018) Copy: Supervisor Leno (3)

From Department on the Status of Women, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (4)

From Department of Public Works, regarding the Department’s efforts to negotiate a new contract with Caltrans and a first time contract with BART regarding the assignment of responsibility for the maintenance of Highway 280 and BART property. (Reference No. 20010702-015) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (5)

From Public Utilities Commission, submitting notice that, with the exception of the issues (see letter) within Hetch Hetchy and Clean Water Enterprises, the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (6)

From Department of Human Resources, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (7)

From Arts Commission, submitting notice that the Art Commission has no review authority over the Rincon Park Development. (Reference No. 20010820-008) Copy: Supervisor Daly (8)

From Adult Probation Department, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (9)

From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (10)
Lillian Hare
Coleen Crowley
Maria A. Destro
James Firth
Boris E. Delepine

From Commission on the Environment, submitting resolution urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to urge the United States Environmental Protection Agency to require manufacturers and registrants of pesticide products to fully disclose all inert ingredients on pesticide product labels. Copy: Each Supervisor (12)

From Commission on the Environment, submitting resolution urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to support efforts to curb global warming, adopt greenhouse gas emission reductions goals for the City and County in excess of the targeted goals of the Kyoto protocol, and call for continued actions towards achieving these goals. Copy: Each Supervisor (13)

From Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), submitting copy of Policies on ABAG Committee Formation, Structure, and Membership, as well as a page from the Agency’s Overall Work Program describing the duties of the Regional Planning Committee. Copy: Each Supervisor (14)

From San Francisco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, submitting notice of cancellation of the Second Annual Educational Fund. (15)

From West Presidio Neighborhood Association, submitting appointment of Mary Russo McAfee as representative to the Presidio Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (16)

From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, submitting appointments of Joel Ventrescaa and Emeric Kalman as representatives to the Presidio Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (17)

From The White House, acknowledging receipt of San Francisco Board of Supervisors resolution urging the President and Congress of the United States to recognize and restore U.S. Veterans status to Filipino World War II Veterans. File 011252 (18)

From Planning Department, submitting copy of the Environmental Review document for the Jobs-Housing Linkage program. Copy: Each Supervisor (19)

From Department of Public Health, submitting annual report of gifts for fiscal year 2000/01. (20)

From Planning Association for the Richmond, submitting appointments of Redmond Kerman as representative and Julie Cheever as alternate to the Presidio Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (21)

From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending July 2001. (22)

From Elissa Eckman, requesting that the Board of Supervisors take immediate action to remove Frederick Hobson from his supervisory appointment to the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. (23)

From Harry Hull, submitting support to keep the Filipino Education Center Elementary School open. Copy: Each Supervisor (24)

From Ann Halvorsen, submitting support to re-open the Golden Gate Park Stables. Copy: Each Supervisor (25)

From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination for Inclusionary Affordable Housing Ordinance. File 001262 Copy: Each Supervisor (26)

From Department of Public Health, regarding the feasibility of requiring businesses to use biodegradable materials for packaging. (Reference No. 20010806-008) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (27)

From Mirna Escobar, regarding alleged unpaid wages for working overtime at Muni. (28)

From concerned citizens, commenting on the dirty streets in San Francisco. 11 Letters (29)

From Department of Public Health, submitting newsletter entitled "Envir Times" dated August 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (30)

From Department of Human Resources, submitting information (original and corrected copy) regarding the 2000/01 Grand Jury Report. (Reference No. 2001806-006) Copy: Supervisor Peskin 2 Letters (31)

From Employees’ Retirement System, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (32)

From Marina Civic Improvement and Property Owners Association, Inc., submitting appointment of Joan Girardot as representative to the Presidio Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (33)

From Department of the Elections, submitting information related to the Grand Jury Report for 2000/01. (34)

From Doug Davenport, commenting on the homeless situation in San Francisco. (35)

From Department of Human Resources, regarding the feasibility of bringing infants to work. (Reference No. 20010813-010) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (36)

From Supervisor Ammiano, submitting appointments of Steve Cucci, Mr. Tolpagin and Karen Flood Equin as representatives to the Presidio Work Group. Rules Committee (37)

From Recreation and Park Department, responding to concern with regards to the stables in Golden Gate Park. File 011364 (38)

From Comite Mexicano Civico Patriotico, submitting invitation to the Celebration of the 191st Anniversary of the Mexican Independence Day, El Grito on September 16, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., at the footsteps of City Hall. Copy: Each Supervisor (39)

From Theodore Schlink III, Esq., regarding retroactive retirement benefits. Copy: Each Supervisor (40)

From Bay Area Air Quality Management District, submitting copy of newsletter entitled "Air Currents" for July-August 2001. (41)

From Office of the Treasurer, submitting correspondence with attachments showing the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (42)

From Holly Fiala, urging support for SB 196, the California Resources Legacy Bond Act of 2002. (43)

From Outer Mission Residents Association, commenting that he hasn’t received a response from Recreation and Park Department regarding the Outer Mission Residents Association picnic at McLaren Park on Sunday, August 26, 2001. Copy: Supervisors Yee, Sandoval (44)

From Elizabeth Winchell, commenting on Ken Garcia’s column in the S.F. Chronicle regarding the Board of Supervisors and Walk San Francisco’s attempts to provide a car-free, safe day for pedestrians in eastern Golden Gate Park on Saturdays. (45)

From Immigrant Pride Day 2001 Organizing Committee, submitting request for endorsement and contribution of $500 for the Immigrant Pride Day Celebration on Saturday, October 13, starting at 12 noon at 24th and Mission Streets and continuing with a march to Dolores Park. (46)

From Steven Keller, commenting on an article in the S.F. Chronicle regarding the barebacking phenomena among HIV Prevention workers in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (47)

From Carlos Petroni, submitting letter entitled "Invitation to Susan Leal to debate in your District". Copy: Each Supervisor (48)

From Tanis Watt, urging the Board of Supervisors to partner with industry to get the street artists program builtup with work on the city web site; and walkie talkies for street artists from industry in exchange for giving industry advertising in public toilets (with nice images of artwork) and industry logo on bottom of prints where the arts usually exhibit. Copy: Each Supervisor (49)

From Serena Bardell, submitting letter entitled "Registering "Facilitators". Copy: Each Supervisor (50)

From Citizens for Safe Medicine, submitting support for the Medicine Equity and Drug Safety Act, which would allow FDA-approved pharmaceuticals to be imported or re-imported back into the U.S. under certain conditions. Copy: Each Supervisor (51)

From Supervisor Yee, submitting appointment of Eileen Hinds as representative to the Presidio Work Group. Rules Committee (52)

From CALFED Bay-Delta Program, submitting newsletter for September 2001. (53)

From Kaiser Permanente, submitting report entitled "Growing up Healthy", 2000 report to the community. (54)

From Dennis Lawlor, commenting on various issues. (55)

From Jeannette Winchester, submitting support for proposed legislation requiring all City agencies to give 24 hour notice to homeless people before confiscating their personal property. (56)


Aging and Adult Services Commission
Michael DeNunzio
Rosario Carrion Di-Ricco

Concourse Authority
Douglas Moran

Police Commission
Victor Makras


Meeting Procedures
The Board of Supervisors is the Legislative Body of the City and County of San Francisco. The Board considers ordinances and resolutions, most of which have been the subject of hearings before the standing committees of the board at which members of the public are urged to testify. The full Board does not hold a second public hearing on measures which have been heard in committee.
Board procedures do not permit: 1) persons in the audience to vocally express support or opposition to statements by Supervisors or by other persons testifying; 2) ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices, (Violators may be removed from the meeting room.) 3) signs to be brought into the meeting or displayed in the room; and 4) standing in the Legislative Chamber.
Citizens are encouraged to testify at Board hearings and to write letters to the Board and to its members, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Agenda are available on the internet at
Board meetings are televised on channel 26. For video tape copies and scheduling call (415) 557-4293.
Results of each Board meeting can be obtained about a half hour after the end of the meeting by telephoning (415) 554-5555.
Requests for language translation at a meeting must be received no later than noon the Friday before the meeting.
AVISO EN ESPA¥OL: La solicitud para un traductor en una reunion debe recibirse antes de mediodia de el viernes anterior a la reunion. Llame a Erasmo Vazquez (415) 554-4909.

Disability access
The Legislative Chamber of the Board of Supervisors is in Room 250 of City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. The Chamber is wheelchair accessible.
The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142.
There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.
The following services are available when requests are made by 4:00 p.m. of the Friday before the Board meeting:
For American Sign Language interpreters, use of a reader during a meeting, or sound enhancement system, contact Violeta Mosuela at (415) 554-7704.
For a large print copy of agenda or minutes in alternative formats, contact Annette Lonich at (415) 554-7706. The Clerk of the Board’s Office TTY number for speech-hearing impaired is (415) 554-5227.
In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.

Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.
For information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Donna Hall by mail to Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 409, by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-5784 or by email at
Citizens may obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, at
Last updated: 11/19/2013 8:16:43 AM