Petitions and Communications
received from October 11 through noon on October 17, for reference by the
President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed
by the Clerk on October 22, 2001.
From Department of Human Resources, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-027) Copy: Supervisor Leno (1)
From Office of Contract Administration, regarding the placing of Type
1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-058) Copy:
Supervisor Leno (2)
From Office of the Controller, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-022) Copy: Supervisor Leno (3)
From Department of Building Inspection, regarding the placing of Type
1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-03) Copy: Supervisor
Leno (4)
From Public Library, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in
the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-069) Copy: Supervisor Leno (5)
From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, regarding
the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No.
20010924-053) Copy: Supervisor Leno (6)
From Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, regarding the placing
of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-041)
Copy: Supervisor Leno (7)
From Port of San Francisco, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-049) Copy: Supervisor Leno (8)
From Housing Authority, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-029) Copy: Supervisor Leno (9)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, submitting an amendment
to the grant agreement for the School to Work Urban/Rural Opportunities
program. File 001757 (10)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas
and Electric Company’s Bankruptcy Case dated September 21, 2001. Copy:
Each Supervisor (11)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of
locating a taxi zone at 425 Market Street. (Reference No. 20010806-010)
Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (12)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the types of garbage contributing
the most to our City’s pollution problems. (Reference No. 20010806-011)
Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (13)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the feasibility of requiring
businesses to use biodegradable materials for packaging. (Reference No.
20010806007) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (14)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the water meter for the garden
on Los Palmos and Forester Streets. Copy: Supervisor Hall (15)
From Office of the Controller, submitting notice of fiscal year 2001/02
Budget Certification for City departments, including summary of departmental
comments and concerns. (16)
From Law Library, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the
newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-072) Copy: Supervisor Leno (17)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, regarding
the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No.
20010924-075) Copy: Supervisor Leno (18)
From Fine Arts Museums, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-052) Copy: Supervisor Leno (19)
From Community Substance Abuse Services, submitting notification regarding
federal grant line item budget revisions in excess of 15 percent requiring
funding agency approval. (20)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Carol Roos
Emily Drennen
Joseph C. Speaks III
Philip K. Ng
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the increase in litter and graffiti
in San Francisco. 10 Letters (22)
From Twin Peaks Properties, requesting something be done to clean up
the deplorable condition at Lincoln Park Golf Course in San Francisco.
From Planning Department, submitting background materials for appeal
of Conditional Use of 23-25 Bartlett Street, east side between 21st Street
and 22nd Street. File 011822 (24)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Underground Storage Tank
Unauthorized Release /Contamination Site Report for August 2001. Copy:
Public Health and Environment Committee (25)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Quarterly AIDS Surveillance
Report for AIDS cases reported through September 2001. (26)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request for waiver of the
requirements of Chapters 12B and 12C of the Administrative Code for the
acquisition of arts and craft kits and supplies developed for individuals
with mobility impairments for the S and S Worldwide Company. (27)
From Office of the Sheriff, submitting Quarterly Budget Report for July
1 through September 30, 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Bob Smith, commenting on the alleged behavior of police captain
Richard Hom. (29)
From Jeff Webster, submitting request for help in evicting his roommates.
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Quarterly Budget Report
for July 1 through September 30, 2001. (31)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the concession audit of Andale SFO. (32)
From Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting Quarterly Budget
Report for July 1, through September 30, 2001. (33)
From Office of the City Attorney, regarding the status of the name change
recommendation for the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. Copy: Each
Supervisor (34)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting investment activity (for fiscal
year to date) of the portfolios under management. (35)
From Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, submitting a bi-weekly update
on Education Department activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and
corporate community. (36)
From Ester Honda, submitting support for interim billboard controls proposed
by SF Beautiful. (37)
From concerned citizens, commenting on proposed restrictions on new cell
phone antennas in San Francisco. File 011277, 5 Letters (38)
From Eileen Rochniak, submitting support for Internet filters on public
library computers in San Francisco. File 010940 (39)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting request for release of reserved
funds for the 0954 Deputy Director IV position (Assistant General Manager
for Infrastructure). Copy: Finance Committee (40)
From Department of Human Services, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements
in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-051) Copy: Supervisor Leno (41)
From San Francisco International Airport, regarding the placing of Type
1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-035) Copy:
Supervisor Leno (42)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting regulations,
effective July 1, 2001, implementing the legislative mandate that local
child support agencies establish a local complaint resolution process,
and that complainants have the right to appeal appropriate complaints
to a state hearing. (43)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting description of proposed
expenditures for fiscal year 2001/02, estimated maintenance of effort
requirements for the California Healthcare for Indigents Program/Rural
Health Services (CHIP/RHS) Program for fiscal year 2001/02, and the Trust
Fund Guidelines for fiscal year 2000/01. 3 Letters (44)
From Port, submitting Quarterly Budget Report for July 1 through September
30, 2001. (45)
From Port, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper.
(Reference No. 20010924-049) (46)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the status of the Department’s
Abandoned Shopping Carts Program. (Reference No. 20010813-005) Copy: Supervisor
Newsom (47)
From members of the Board of Supervisors, filing notice of appeal for
1101 O’Farrell Street (St. Mark’s Church) from action of the Planning
Commission pursuant to Ordinance No. 121-01. (48)
From Department of Aging and Adult Services, regarding the placing of
Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-025) (49)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that if the rate of
expenditure during the quarter ending September 2001 continues, the Department
will exceed the annual appropriated budget. The first quarter over-expenditure
is due to the heavy street cleaning activities during the summer months.
From Police Department, regarding Ordinance 126-01, Equal Access to City
Services for limited English speakers. (51)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated October
12, 2001 regarding the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Seismic
Safety Project that will provide a seismically upgraded vehicular crossing
for current and future users. (52)
From Urban Counties Caucus, submitting Legislative Update for October
15, 2001. (53)
From Avis Valdespino, submitting support to ban live animal market sales
in San Francisco. (54)
From Animal Care and Control Department, submitting Quarterly Budget
Report for July 1 through September 30, 2001. (55)
From Everett Tauber, commenting on the alleged behavior of a "mediator"
at the San Francisco Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board. (56)
From Gary Beberman, commenting on the increase security in Baltimore
since the September 11, 2001 attack on America. (57)
From Charlie Peters, submitting comments from articles found in various
newspapers: Clean Air Trust Warns of Dirty-Air Potential of Bush Energy,
Ohio penalized for ethanol use, and MTBE Cleanup will cost $29 billion.
3 Letters (58)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed ban of MTBE. File
011167, 2 Letters (59)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting clarification
of the correct contact information for the monthly statement of collections
and distribution. (60)
From concerned citizens, submitting various comments on the proposed
resolution in support of Falun Gong practitioners. File 011750, 5 Letters
From State Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, submitting
notice of recently passed legislation that expands California’s Victim
Compensation Program to assist family members of victims and other Californian’s
affected by the terrorist attacks occurring in the United States on September
11, 2001. Copy: Public Health and Environment Committee (62)
From Redevelopment Agency, submitting information pertaining to the Redevelopment
Agency Commissions vote of October 2, 2001 rejecting exclusive negotiations
with TODCO-A Inc. for the development of 115 units of affordable housing
for very low income individuals. (Reference No. 2011009-001) Copy: Supervisor
Ammiano (63)
From Police Department, submitting notice that the Department exceeded
its rate of expenditure during the quarter ending September 2001. The
Department overspent in three categories: Non-Personal Services, Materials
and Supplies and Capital Outlay. (64)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Quarterly Budget Report
for July 1 through September 30, 2001. (65)
From Arts Commission, submitting Quarterly Budget Report for July 1 through
September 30, 2001. (66)
From Department of Public Health, submitting report regarding illegal
discharge of hazardous waste. Copy: Public Health and Environment Committee
From JC Decaux, regarding loitering at or near Automatic Public Toilets.
File 011410 (68)
From Jenifer Gridley, regarding the Presidio Trust Implementation Plan.
File 011293, Copy: Supervisors Newsom, Yee (69)
From Margaret Kettunen Zegart, regarding Conditional Use for property
located at 1187 Franklin Street (St, Mark’s Church). File 011731 (70)
From S. Moira, commenting that City Officials should show those that
pay taxes in San Francisco that they care more about them than the homeless
in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor 2 Letters (71)
From Ted Fry, commenting on the homeless population n San Francisco.
Copy: Each Supervisor (72)
From California Integrated Waste Management Board, regarding proposed
regulations for the process of Board withdrawal of its approval of local
enforcement agency designations. (73)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting request for release of reserved funds,
$181,628 for salaries and fringe benefits for the Office of the Legislative
Analyst for the second half of 2001/02 fiscal year. Copy: Finance Committee
From Paul Owens, submitting request to exchange a Type 41 to a Type 48
liquor license for "The Fish Bowl" at 1854 Divisadero between
Pine and Bush Streets. Copy: Economic Vitality, Small Business and Social
Policy Committee (75)
From Office of the Controller Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the concession audit of British Airways, PLC. (76)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to ban the sale of fur in
San Francisco. 3 Letters (77)
From State Department of Social Services, regarding the County Children’s
Trust Fund Share of Revenue from Kid’s Plate for State fiscal year 1999/00
and 2000/01. (78)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, submitting
notice that meetings were held on the Internet Economic Impact Task Force
while the Federal Committee was considering Internet taxation and has
not reconvened since. (Reference No. 200106111-014) (79)
From Port and Redevelopment Agency of San Francisco, submitting progress
report on the development of Rincon Park. (Reference No. 20010820-0017)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting two cellular antenna
permit applications filed for the following addresses: 4610 Mission Street
and 135 Sanchez Street. Copy: Supervisor Yee (81)