Petitions and Communications received from October 25 through noon on October 31, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on November 5, 2001.
From San Francisco International Airport (SFO), regarding the overall retention rates of entry level security personnel at SFO and a comparison of those retention rates with security personnel at other U.S. airports. (Reference No. 20010924-014) Copy: Supervisor Peskin (1)
From San Francisco International Airport (SFO), regarding the measures taken to increase Airport security after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Reference No. 20010924-009) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (2)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting two cellular antenna permit applications filed for the following addresses: 350 Judah Street and 965 Geneva Avenue. (Reference No. 20000403-002) Copy: Supervisor Yee (3)
From Office of the Controller, commenting on proposed Charter amendment that requires the Mayor, beginning in 2003, to submit the proposed budget to the Board of Supervisors not later than February 28 of each year. (4)
From Office of the Sheriff, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-021) Copy: Supervisor Leno (5)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding traffic calming measures at the intersection of Palmetto Avenue and Junipero Serra Boulevard. (Reference No. 20010827-007) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (6)
From San Francisco Local Homeless Coordinating Board, commenting on the feasibility of creating a Department of Homelessness to coordinate City services to homeless individuals. (7)
From Office of the City Attorney, regarding the final disposition of the Board of Appeals for property located at 696 Pennsylvania Avenue. Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (8)
From Port of San Francisco, submitting a list of the Port’s month-to-month property contracts, and the status of each month-to-month lease. Copy: Supervisor Peskin (9)
From Police Department, regarding the Child Safety Inspection Program. (Reference No. 20010924-012) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (10)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting notice that all local child support agencies are required to use the National Medical Support Notice in lieu of the Health Insurance Coverage Assignment and the Qualified Medical Child Support Order, when enforcing the health care coverage provision in a child support order upon the non-custodial parent’s employer pursuant to Family Code 3760 and 3773. (11)
From Office of the Sheriff, regarding measures taken to increase security in City Hall after the September 11 terrorist attacks. (Reference No. 25010924-010) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (12)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting a revised Cost Schedule dated October 1, 2001. These revisions are based on changes to the Marshall Valuation Service Cost Schedule upon which the local Cost Schedule is based. (13)
From Planning Department, regarding replacement and relocation of water supply lines (Crystal Springs Pipeline #1 and #2) within the public right of way in South San Francisco to accommodate the construction of a Hook Ramp and Flyover on/off ramp from Highway 101 onto Bayshore Boulevard in South San Francisco. File 011733 (14)
From Adult Probation Department, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-054) Copy: Supervisor Leno (15)
From Department of Public Works, regarding appeal of 692-694 De Haro Street concerning the three lot subdivision project. File 010664 (16)
From Lake Street Residents Association, submitting comments regarding the Presidio Trust Draft Implementation Plan and related Draft EIS. File 011403 (17)
From Office of Homeless, Department of Human Services, Department of Public Health, commenting on the formation of a Department of Homelessness to coordinate City services to homeless individuals. (Reference No. 20010924-004) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (18)
From Chief Medical Examiner, submitting notice that the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001/02 as adopted by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels as proposed to the Board. (19)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Korean Air. (20)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Quarterly Reports of Economic Grievance Settlements for October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001, as required by Section 10.25-12(c). (21)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report regarding Bilingual Police Services in San Francisco. (22)
From Super Shuttle, responding to complaint filed by Thelma Bullock regarding her trip on September 11, 2001. (23)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting a revision to policy concerning a one-year limitation on retroactive support. (24)
From Joye Watson, commenting on the homeless situation in San Francisco. (25)
From Javier Puentes, submitting an inmate grievance regarding his stay at the San Francisco County Jail Facility. (26)
From Julie Patton, commenting on the unacceptable conditions of the dog run at Fulton and 36th Avenue in Golden Gate Park. (27)
From concerned citizens, regarding gasoline and clean air in California. 3 Letters (28)
From Department of Human Services, submitting the following from the CalWORKs Oversight Committee: agenda, minutes, a statistical report and several reports on initiatives. (29)
From Steven Hill, submitting support for passage of the instant runoff proposal on the March 2002 ballot. (30)
From VV, urging the Board of Supervisors to join the "National Call-In Day to end the War" on Wednesday, October 24, 2001. (31)
From SF Environment, reporting on the feasibility of requiring businesses to use biodegradable materials for packaging. (Reference No. 20010806-009) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (32)
From Radovan Pesusic, submitting request for transfer of an Off-Sale liquor license from Museum Parc Market at 725 Folsom Street to R.J.’s Market @ Levi Plaza located at 1425 Sansome Street. Copy: Economic Vitality, Small Business & Social Policy Committee (33)
From Department of Elections, submitting list of correspondence sent to new members of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Elections. (34)
From Erik Beckjord, submitting comment that it is time for the media to stop being used by anthrax bombers to upset the American public. (35)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding request to investigate the need for improved signage at Foerster Street and Melrose Avenue in the Monterey Heights Neighborhood. Copy: Supervisor Hall (36)
Number not used. (37)
From Civil Service Commission, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-036) Copy: Supervisor Leno (38)
From Ethics Commission, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-033) Copy: Supervisor Leno (39)
From Office of the City Attorney, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-020) Copy: Supervisor Leno (40)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-076) Copy: Supervisor Leno (41)
From Employees’ Retirement System, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-070) Copy: Supervisor Leno (42)
From Department of Consumer Assurance, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-055) Copy: Supervisor Leno (43)
From Fire Department, regarding the availability of surplus fire equipment for cities in the East Coast following the September 11, 2001 tragedy. (Reference No. 20010924) Copy: Supervisor Peskin (44)
From Office of the Controller, submitting information on funding for homeless services for fiscal year 2001-02. (Reference No. 20011001-006) Copy: Supervisor Hall (45)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding improvements to the "Stop for Pedestrians" signs at the San Jose/Seneca Avenues intersection. (Reference No. 20010514-006) (46)
From San Francisco Bay Guardian, submitting opposition to proposal to build a parking garage underneath Ferry Park in San Francisco’s Financial District. (47)
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the increase in litter and graffiti in San Francisco. 10 Letters (48)
From California Normal, submitting newsletter dated October 28, 2001. (49)
From Margaret Kettunen, commenting on the proposed senior housing site at St. Marks Tower at 1101 O’Farrell Street. File 011894 (50)
From Joan O’Rourke, regarding proposed Interim Controls regulating certain uses in the Showplace Square/Potrero Hill Area. File 011580 (51)
From Department of Public Health, submitting notice of a federal or state grant line item budget revision in excess of 15% requiring funding agency approval. (52)
From State Department of Fish and Game, submitting notice that the draft environmental document analyzing the Fish and Game Commission’s Special Order relating to Incidental Take of Coho Salmon north of San Francisco is available for review until November 25, 2001 at various locations. (53)
From Police Department, regarding contacts between the Police Department and Coleman Advocates for Youth and Children and KTB Management Group related to dance hall permits. (Reference No. 20010820-004) Copy: Supervisor Daly (54)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting the first quarter salaries projections for the Clean Water Program. (55)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting certification for State Financial Assistance and a table showing State Public Health Subvention Program allocations calculated pursuant to Chapter 794, Statutes of 2000 (Senate Bill 269). (56)
From Redevelopment Agency, submitting notice of the second Stakeholder meeting concerning the new African American Museum on November 8, 2001, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the North Light Court in City Hall. (57)
From San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding procedural change for not including preliminary environmental assessments in regulatory public notices. (58)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of exemption/exclusion from environmental review to define Internet Services Exchange and establish requirements for Conditional Use authorizations. (59)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas and Electric Company Bankruptcy Case dated October 31, 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (60)
From Office of the Controller, submitting "Cost Allocation Plan" for fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. (61)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting notice of public hearing dates on "Property Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights" on November 6 and December 20, 2001. (62)
From Cal Insurance and Associates, submitting list of schools that Junior Achievement serves in the City and County of San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (63)
From Office of Contract Administration, submitting notice of public hearing in City Hall, Room 408 to consider draft interim rules implementing the Minimum Compensation Ordinance on November 9, 2001, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. (64)
From Steven Keller, submitting letter regarding AIDS. (65)
From Meyers/Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson, submitting newsletter entitled "The Executive Summary" dated October 2001. (66)
From Department of Public Health, submitting notice that the Department will be accepting applications for the Housing Waitlist from November 5 through November 23, 2001. (67)
From Building Manager, regarding the placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-054) Copy: Supervisor Leno (68)
MAYOR’S APPOINTMENTS Recreation and Parks Commission Larry Martin
Film and Video Arts Commission Lidia Szajko Larry Mazzola, Jr. Jim McCullough Robert Morales Giovanna Rovetti