Petitions and Communications received from November 1 through noon on November 7, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on November 12, 2001.
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed Charter Amendment regarding the Cost of Living Benefits for Retirees on the November 2001 San Francisco ballot.File 011659,3 Letters (1)
From various signators submitting Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests: (2) Emily Drennen Julia Lin
From AT&T Broadband & Internet Services, submitting national press release regarding January 2002 price adjustments. (3)
Number not used. (4)
From Corinne de Ciofalo-Guell, commenting on the unacceptable service she has received from MV Lift Vans and Paratransit Brokers. (5)
From Board of Appeals, submitting opposition to proposed legislation that requires all meetings of the Board of Appeals be videotaped for broadcast on the City’s television station.File 011406Copy:Supervisors Leno, McGoldrick (6)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review for proposed resolution that would extend for a period of six months the Interim Zoning Controls for Internet service exchanges set forth in Board Resolution 405-01.File 011967Copy: Each Supervisor (7)
From Office of the Mayor, Treasurer Island Project, submitting request for a one-year extension of the Cooperative Agreement between the Treasurer Island Development Authority and U.S. Navy that would provide $145,000 to the Authority to perform caretaker services on former naval station Treasurer Island on behalf of the Navy.Copy: Supervisor Leno (8)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting copy of the Emergency Medical Services Appropriation Standard Agreement for fiscal year 2001/02. (9)
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the increase in litter and graffiti in San Francisco. 15 Letters (10)
From Mayor’s Office of Housing, regarding Proposition A (1996) Affordable Housing Bonds (known as the Affordable Housing and Home Ownership Bond Program).(Reference No. 2001101-003)Copy: Supervisors Hall, Newsom (11)
From Department of Human Services, regarding the Department of Human Services’ spending on homeless services in fiscal year 2000-01.Copy: supervisor Hall (12)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting the new repayment sharing ratios for the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages for Federal Fiscal Year 2002. (13)
From Erik Beckjord, suggesting that the media stop reporting stories about anthrax, and bring back stories about Gary Condit. (14)
From Airport, submitting list of all sole source contracts entered into during the past fiscal year.(15)
From Planning Department, regarding Interim Controls regulating certain uses in the Showplace Square/Potrero Hill Area.File 011580 (16)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the homeless situation in San Francisco.3 Letters(17)
From Redevelopment Agency, commenting on the Redevelopment Agency’s authority to regulate the development of properties in the former Western Addition Redevelopment Project Area A-1 at 1031 Franklin Street, known as the Martin Luther Tower.File 011894Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, submitting support to return the Conditional Use Permit for St. Mark’s Tower at 1101 O’Farrell Street to the Planning Commission because it is not clear as to what portions of Lot 36 have been re-zoned from 80 feet to 240 feet in height.Files 011894 - 011897,Copy: Each Supervisor (19)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed construction of 240 units of senior housing for St. Mark’s Church at 1101 O’Farrell Street (a.k.a. Starr King Way). File 011894,3 Letters (20)
From Tys Sniffen, regarding the inconvenience of closing Fulton/Masonic Street for construction. File 011781,Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From Law Office of Christopher Cole, regarding appeal of tentative/parcel map for 692-696 De Haro Street; into a three lot subdivision lot project.(22)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that proposed items calendared for the Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee have been posted. Files 011872, 011873, 011874 (23)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding what steps the Department is taking or planning to take to improve traffic and pedestrian safety for the Fell and Oak Streets corridor.(Reference No. 20011001-001)Copy: Supervisor Gonzalez (24)
From Jason Shurte, submitting support for a moratorium on wireless communications antennas in San Francisco.File 011277 (25)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding placing of Type 1 advertisements in the newspaper. (Reference No. 20010924-059)Copy: Supervisor Leno (26)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting correspondence and attachments that show the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (27)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting report on the Cash Difference and Overage Funds for the period ending October 31, 2001. (28)
From Public Library Commission, submitting notice of regular meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2001, 4:00 p.m. at the Koret Auditorium, Main Library, lower level. (29)
From Senator John Burton, submitting press release on Senate and Joint Committee Interim Hearings for November and December 2001. (30)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding summary of permit actions for the months of July through end of September 2001. (31)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting information from the August 2001 Statewide Complaint Resolution hearing that provides all the questions submitted by local staff and responses developed by the State Department of Child Support Services. (32)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for free tolls on the Golden Gate Bridge for motorcycles.4 Letters(33)
From Harold Brooks, submitting "Government Update" regarding the recent events surrounding the tragedy of September 11th and the subsequent announcement of Dr. Healy’s departure from the Red Cross later this year. (34)
From Mayor’s Office of Housing, regarding the feasibility of using vacant City owned property at 5199 Mission Street as temporary or interim parking pending the development of that property.(Reference No. 20011001-014)Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (35)
From John Jenkel, submitting newsletter entitled "Abuse News from the Center of the Preservation of Horses". (36)
From Telecommunications Commission, submitting notice of meeting to adopt the proposed Telecommunications Plan for the City and County of San Francisco on November 16, 2001, 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, Room 416.(37)
From Michael Petrelis, submitting San Francisco Examiner newspaper article (8/26/99) entitled "New syphilis issue spurs hate mail". (38)
From Fire Department, regarding the budget process for fiscal year 2002, Section 25 of the 2002 Annual Appropriation Ordinance.Copy: Each Supervisor (39)
From Mayor’s Criminal Justice Council, submitting the completed audited financial statements of San Francisco’s Juvenile Crime Enforcement and Accountability Challenge Grant program. (40)