Petitions and Communications received from January 31 through noon on February 6, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on February 11, 2002.
From Secretary of State, submitting newsletter entitled "Outreach California" Winter 2001.(1)
From County of San Mateo, submitting notice that the National Sanctuary Program is currently reviewing the management plans for three northern and central California sanctuaries. Copy: Each Supervisor(2)
From SF City College, Office of General Counsel, submitting notice that the Board of Trustees, San Francisco Community College District passed Resolution 020124-S3 on January 24, 2002 in compliance with Education Code Section 15274.(Copy enclosed) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(3)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting second quarter salary projections for Clean Water and the Water Enterprises. (4)
From Federal Transit Administration, submitting copy of "Bus Rapid Transit" that combines the quality of rail transit and the flexibility of buses in California. Copy: Each Supervisor(5)
From CCS Partnership, submitting announcement of upcoming "Stretching Community Dollars Workshops" in California. Copy: Each Supervisor(6)
From California State Association of Counties (CSAC), submitting copy of Legislative Conference in Sacramento on March 20 and March 21, 2002.(7)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, responding to inquiry to investigate if adequate visibility exists for all vehicles on all approaches at 35th Avenue at Taraval, and Ulloa and at Vicente Streets. Copy: Supervisor Yee(8)
From SF Drug Abuse Advisory Board & City-Wide Alcoholism Advisory Board, submitting opposition to any cuts to the budget of SF Drug Abuse Advisory Board, Inc., a non-profit corporation, in the forthcoming fiscal year. Copy: Each Supervisor(9)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting memorandum summarizing recent significant developments in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Bankruptcy dated January 31, 2002. Copy: Each Supervisor(10)
From SF Convention Facilities, submitting notice that the Convention Facilities Department plans to use the Design Building Ordinance, Administrative Code Section 6.61, for the purpose of designing and installing a renewable energy system at Moscone Convention Center.(11)
From Doug Kizer, submitting opposition to proposed closure of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park on Saturdays. File 011795(12)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for Supervisor Newsom’s proposed homeless plan. Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 Letters(13)
From Dorota Ryszk, regarding land re-organization and ocean frontage horticultural development at Ocean Beach.(14)
From Small Property Owners of San Francisco, submitting opposition to proposed legislation that prohibits landlords from evicting tenants for non-payment of portion of rent attributable to capital improvement cost passthroughs.File 020153(15)
From Quinn Cooper, commenting on the increase in litter and graffiti in San Francisco. 8 Letters(16)
From Urban Counties Caucus, submitting Legislative Update for February 4, 2002.(17)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination of Exemption/Exclusion from Environmental Review of proposed legislation that requires the Planning Commission review all building permit applications for new structures over 40 feet in height, which will cast shade or shadow upon the site of a public or private elementary or secondary school. File 012092,Copy: Each Supervisor(18)
From Walk San Francisco, submitting opposition to proposed sidewalk encroachment at 1257 Dolores Street. File 020010(19)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting notice of rescheduled public hearing on proposed amendment to Rule 21, Taxable Possessory Interests-Valuation, and deletion of Rules 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Title 18, Division 1 of the California Code of Regulations on March 27, 2002 in Sacramento.(20)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting information rtequired to prepare the next cycle of Electronic Data Processing Maintenance and Operations budget requests for State Fiscal Year 2002/03.(21)
From Public Utilities Commission (PUC), regarding inquiry into a Muni construction project that accidentally damaged a SFPUC sewer pipe adjacent to the Muwekma-Ohlone Park. (Reference No. 2001123-006) Copy: Supervisor Daly(22)
From Public Utilities Commission (PUC), regarding delay in the initiation of quarterly reports until after the PUC’s Long Term Capital Improvement Program is complete (approximately mid-February). (Reference No. 20011210-004) Copy: Each Supervisor(23)
From San Francisco Beautiful, regarding the concept of a monument to immigration on Treasure Island. Copy: Each Supervisor(24)
From Mark Renne, submitting request for a Type 48 On-Sale General Public Premises liquor license for Robin Reichert dba Transmission Theater at 314 11th Street. (Transportation and Commerce Committee)(25)
From John Jenkel, submitting newsletter entitled "Abuse News" for the following dates February 1 and February 3, 2002.(26)
From Mike Urban, regarding access to Business Tax filing forms in January 2002.(27)
From Eric Beckjord, submitting opposition to building more housing in San Francisco.(28)
From Police Department, submitting compliance plans for the Equal Access to City Services for Limited English Speakers Ordinance. (29)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the relationship between overdoses in San Francisco to the first and fifteenth of the month, this being the time people traditionally receive their public assistance checks. (Reference No. 20011203-018) Copy: Supervisor Newsom(30)
From various City Departments, regarding the use of public relations personnel: (Supervisor McGoldrick)(31) Animal Care and Control Department (Reference No. 20020128-054) County Clerk (Reference No. 20020128-063) Public Defender (Reference No. 20020128-030) Status of Women (Reference No. 20020128-042) Ethics Commission (Reference No. 20020128-023) San Francisco Convention Facilities (Reference No. 20020128-065) From County of Santa Clara, announcing the newly elected Chairperson Donald Gage and Chairperson Pro Tempore Blanca Alvarado for 2002.(32)
From Public Library, submitting request for release of reserved funds for $50,000 to award a contract for signage design at the Main Library. Copy: Supervisors Leno, Peskin, Maxwell, Finance Committee Clerk(33)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting notice that the California Healthcare for Indigents Program or Rural Health Services Program Description of Proposed Expenditures has been approved for fiscal year 2001/02.(34)
From Lee Doolan, commenting that the taxi industry in San Francisco should be deregulated in such a way as to make it relatively easy for anyone so inclined to obtain a permit to operate a taxi, given that they pass the required tests and additional screening for other eligibility criteria such as a clean driving record and so forth.(35)
From Mary Doan, submitting support for continued funding of the Neighborhood Emergency Training Program (N.E.R.T.) put on by the San Francisco Fire Department.(36)
From Arts Commission Gallery, submitting notice of exhibit entitled "Last Seen at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001" at San Francisco City Hall, Lower Level from February 6 to February 26, 2002.(37)
From Department of Public Health, submitting underground storage tank unauthorized release leak/contamination site report dated January 14, 2002.(38)
From Charles Ivie, regarding disabled parking in San Francisco.(39)
From Office of the Controller, submitting copy of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the City and County of San Francisco as of June 30, 2001.(40)
From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, submitting Housing Study Databook and OMI Report.(41)
From Youth Commission, submitting Mid Year Update.(42)
From Department on the Status of Women, regarding proposed legislation that would pay City employees for up to four months of maternity leave. (Reference No. 2001127-006) Copy: Supervisor Daly(43)
From Public Library, regarding request to name a Branch Library after the Former State Senator Mr. Milton Marks. (Reference No. 20020107-001) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(44)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting list of 113 permit actions that were concluded by the San Francisco District Office during the three month time period from October through end of December 2001.(45)
From the Low Income Housing Fund, submitting annual report for 2001 entitled "Reaching our Dreams".(46)