Petitions and Communications received from May 22 through noon on May 29, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on June 3, 2002.
From Redevelopment Agency, submitting the Agency’s financial and performance reports for the quarter ended March 31, 2002. (1)
From Youth Commission, submitting two resolutions passed by the Commission on May 20, 2002: regarding the relocation of Phoenix High School, and Superintendent Ackerman’s proposal to lower graduation requirements. (2)
From San Francisco Transportation Authority, submitting copy of yearly budget for fiscal year 2002/03. (3)
From Planning Department, submitting notice of the availability of environmental review for proposed project on Tea Garden Drive, Music Concourse Area, Golden Gate Park. (4)
From Immigrant Rights Commission, submitting resolution supporting funding for Immigrants and the Central American Resource Center. (5)
From Department of Human Resources, regarding special educational leave for health related personnel. (6)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the use of wire glass in city buildings and the current requirements for its use.(Reference No. 20020415-004)Copy: Supervisor Hall (7)
From Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, regarding list of tenants of City properties that are in arrears in payment of rent and the amounts of such arrears. (Reference No. 20020204-072)Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (8)
From Youth Commission, submitting support for proposed resolution regarding Proposition 13, concerning funding for public education.File 020350 (9)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding request for additional Stop sign controls at the intersection of Cayuga and San Juan Avenues.(Reference No. 20020422-001) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (10)
From Scott Dykes, regarding conditional use authorization for Metrro PCS for the installation of 6 antennas and related equipment on City-owned garage at 3224-3252 Pierce Street.Copy: Each Supervisor (11)
From European/American Issues Forum, commenting that merit must replace preference based on race and gender in the Police Department. (12)
From Planning Department, submitting notice of environmental review for proposed ordinance regarding permits for secondary units that meet specified criteria.(13)
From State Department of Health Services, regarding child health and disability prevention allocations for fiscal year 2002/03. (14)
From San Francisco Mental Health Board, submitting annual report for fiscal year 2001/02. (15)
From James Corrigan, requesting an investigation as to why nearly a dozen city vehicles were sent to the Fire Department without the Seal of the City being placed on its doors.Copy: Each Supervisor(16)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending February 2002. (17)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending March 2002. (18)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit statement for the month ending April 2002. (19)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the replacement of the community coordinator position, as well as the NERT coordinator position, with civilian, non-uniformed coordinators.File 020283,Rules and Audit Committee,2 letters (20)
From Erlinda Guabe, requesting the Board of Supervisors conduct an investigation into an attempt being made by some members of the Retirement Board to replace the current investment firm of Cambridge Consultants to Pacific Corporate Group. (21)
From Ann Johnson, submitting support for proposed renovation project at the California Tennis Club at 2455 Bush Street.File 020769(22)
From James Kuma, commenting on the excessive use of sirens by the Fire Department in the vicinity of Leavenworth and Post Streets.File 020283 (23)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, reporting on the traffic congestion at the U.S. 101/I-280 northbound freeway on-ramp at Bayshore Boulevard and Hester Avenue.(Reference No. 20020415-001)Copy: Supervisor Maxwell (24)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants’ signatures with respect to 3224-3252 Pierce Street represent owners of more than 20% of the area involved and is therefore sufficient for appeal.File 020774 (25)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants’ signatures with respect to 2455 Bush Street (a.k.a. 1770 Scott Street) represent owners of more than 20% of the area involved and is therefore sufficient for appeal.File 020769 (26)
From Board of Appeals, regarding appeal of expansion at 2 Upland Drive.(Reference No. 20020422-003)Copy: Supervisor Hall (27)
From Tenant Associations Coalition of San Francisco, submitting support for the Central City SRO Collaborative. (28)
From Janet Morcom, submitting opposition to the cutting down of mature trees in parks and recreation areas around the City.(29)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the need for the Police Department’s Air Support (helicopter) Unit.Copy: Each Supervisor,4 letters (30)
From Holly Haugen, suggesting parking meters at Fisherman’s Wharf should be "free" on holidays just like the rest of the City.Copy: Each Supervisor (31)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to save Musee Mechanique at the Cliff House.2 letters (32)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board of Supervisors hold new hearings on animal testing at UCSF and do everything in the Board’s power to compel ECSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments.Approximately 100 letters and postcards (33)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the Golden Gate Bridge protest held on Saturday May 25, 2002.2 letters (34)
From Michael Hutchings, regarding abandoned shopping carts in the vicinity of Church Street between Market and 15th Streets. (35)
From Pamela Robbins, commenting on alleged anti-Semitism at San Francisco State University.Copy: Each Supervisor (36)
From Eric Martin, submitting opposition to expanding the Airport’s runway system. (37)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed renovation at the California Tennis Club at 2455 Bush Street.File 020769,2 letters (38)
From Outer Mission Residents Association, regarding appeal of project at 965 Geneva Avenue and 852 Paris Street (aka Apollo Theater). (39)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting opposition to proposed cutbacks to the Department of Public Health’s proposed budget for the coming fiscal year.Copy: Each Supervisor (40)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report on the diversity of persons nominated and appointed to City Boards and Commissions.(41)
From Bland Platt, submitting complaint regarding the role-played by Hector Chinchilla, President of the Planning Commission, in the matter of the proposed construction of a hotel at 888 Howard Street aka 155 Fifth Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (42)
From Supervisor Peskin, submitting copy of letter sent to the Chairman of SF Airline Airport Affairs Committee regarding the Airport’s requests for Passenger Facility Charges. (43)
From War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, submitting two Planning Department General Referral Reports, with attachments, (dated May 22, 2002) for the Veterans Building General Obligation Bonds (File 020853) and the Veterans Building Lease Revenue Bonds (File 020854). (44)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting Resolution No. 008-02-COE Alternative Fuels Bus Program adopted by the Commission on May 21, 2002.Copy: Each Supervisor (45)
From Fred Romagnolo, submitting his concerns about tree cutting, trail closures and restrictions on pets and recreation in the proposed Natural Areas of San Francisco. (46)
From Office of the Controller, submitting audit plans for the City and County of San Francisco as issued by the City’s independent auditors for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.Copy: Rules and Audits Committee (47)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report entitled "External Auditors’ Management Letters" for fiscal year June 30, 2001. Copy: Rules and Audits Committee (48)
From Lisa Rea, submitting support for AB 1768 (Tobacco Tax Stamp) that would increase California revenues by $8.4 million dollars, largely funding health programs.Copy: Each Supervisor (49)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting notice that the Delaware Division of Child Support Enforcement has relocated its New Castle County Offices. (50)
From State Board of Equalization, regarding proposed reallocation of funds from a local tax investigation of Office Club Inc. and Eastman Inc. (51)
From Dalisay Bocobo-Balunsat, submitting schedule of various Philippine-American Cultural Celebrations from May 24 to July 14, 2002.Copy: Each Supervisor (52)
From Mike Menaster, regarding receiving parking citations from February 2002 through the present for a vehicle he donated back in 2001.(53)