Petitions and Communications received from July 11 through noon on July 17, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on July 22, 2002.
From Ethics Commission, commenting on revised versions of proposed amendments to the San Francisco Charter. Files 020888, 020882, 020884, Copy: Rules and Audits Committee Members(1)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the feasibility of repainting the arrows for the Geneva/Cow Palace exit from northbound I-280, which would allow drivers to make a right turn onto Geneva Avenue from both lanes. (Reference No. 20020311-006) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval(2)
From State Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, submitting notice that Counties have until November 2, 2002 to submit claims for the costs of providing group mental health counseling and education or activities to promote tolerance for individuals (as a result of the tragic events of September 11, 2002) who may be at risk for discrimination as a result of terrorism. Copy: Each Supervisor(3)
From Barbara Goode & Ed Cavagnaro, regarding the Zoning Map Amendment and CEQA Findings for the Laguna Honda Replacement Project.(4)
From Waldeck’s Office Supplies, submitting support for the appointment of Sue Lee as Planning Commissioner. Copy: Each Supervisor(5)
From San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, submitting progress report on establishing a Mid-Market Project Area.(6)
From Gladestone & Associates, regarding appeal of Conditional Use permit for 9 dwelling units and commercial space at 3130-3154 Noriega Street. File 020901 Copy: Each Supervisor(7)
From Redevelopment Agency, regarding Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Dudley Apartments.File 021167(8)
From Department of Public Health, submitting list of nine delinquent complaint re-inspection fee liens for the following addresses: 1558 46th Avenue, 760-762 Valencia Street, 418-420 Capp Street, 2428 Folsom Street, 2987-2993 24th Street, 1365-1371 York Street, 37 Carrizal Street, 3437-3439 26th Street and 224 Montana Street.(9)
From Tsewang Khangsar, describing his son’s horrible experience while protesting against Mr. Legchog, the Chinese Governor of the Tibet Autonomous Region, at the World Affairs Center on June 3, 2002. Copy: Each Supervisor(10)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report regarding the financial audit of the Statement of Cash and Investments of the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector for the quarter ended March 31, 2002. (11)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the Natural Areas Program.3 letters(12)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board of Supervisors hold new hearings on animal testing at UCSF and do everything in the Board’s power to compel ECSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments. Approximately 100 letters and postcards(13)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the demolition of a one-story building located at 3130-3154 Noriega Street and the construction of a four-story building in its place. File 020902,5 letters(14)
From the Early Childhood Interagency Council, submitting opposition from taking four million dollars from the Children’s Fund to supplement the General Fund. Copy: Each Supervisor(15)
From Steefel Levitt & Weiss, submitting an analysis of proposed amendment and "extension" of the Mission District Interim Controls. Copy: Each Supervisor(16)
From Office of the Public Defender, submitting annual report for fiscal year 2000/01.(17)
From Bill Quan, submitting opposition to proposed Business Tax legislation for the November 2002 ballot.Copy: Each Supervisor(18)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting copy of letter sent to the Animal Welfare Commission requesting a complete accounting of the Commission’s annual budget, and how these monies have been spent. Copy: Each Supervisor(19)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting copy of letter sent to the Drug Abuse Advisory Board requesting a complete accounting of the Commission’s annual budget, and how these monies have been spent. Copy: Each Supervisor(20)
From Cheryl Bentley, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Gonzalez regarding several members of the Animal Welfare Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor(21)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Pedestrian Safety and Street Resurfacing Bond on the ballot this November. File 020856, 8 letters(22)
From concerned citizens, submitting copy of letter sent to the staff of the Southern and Northern Police Station, thanking them for doing their part to create a safer Market and Van Ness Avenue intersection.(23)
From the Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition (MAC), submitting support for extending the Mission Interim Controls. File 020916(24)
From Pam McCoy, submitting opposition to proposal to make the HA Team-Coordinator and the H20 NERT Coordinator positions "civilian" jobs rather than qualified fire fighters with credentials. (25)
From Mary Gould, submitting the 2001 San Francisco Building Code Findings. (26)
From concerned citizens, regarding Planning Commission appeal of Laguna Honda Replacement Project Final Environmental Impact Report.File 021183(27)
From Song Kim, submitting request for transfer of an off-sale general (Type 21) license from 683 Portola Drive to 691 Portola Drive.(28)
From Planning Department, regarding a Planning Commission appeal pertaining to 2458 California Street. Copy: Supervisor Newsom(29)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting technical adjustments to the Mayor’s proposed 2002/2003 Budget for the consideration of the Board of Supervisors. Copy: Each Supervisor(30)
From James Walters, commenting on the number of blatant drug dealers found every afternoon and evening at the intersection of Orizaba and Randolph, continuing down Randolph for approximately three blocks towards 19th Avenue, and asking what steps the Board is planning to take to correct this problem. Copy: Each Supervisor(31)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed Water Bond if it includes any passthrough to tenants.(32)
From Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, submitting Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Quarterly Report for the period April 1, 2002 through June 20, 2002.(33)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting proposal for revisions to the current Schedule of Fees in the Building Code.(34)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed ordinance that increases fees for Street Fairs. File 0210762 letters(35)
From various City departments and other agencies, submitting Conflict of Interest Code Review Reports (Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, Article III, Chapter 1). Copy: City Attorney’s Office(36)
From Ruth Gartland, submitting support for the appointment of Frances Lee for the Planning Commission.(37)
From Department on the Status of Women, regarding Sole Source Contracts for fiscal year 2001/02.(38)
From Takehiko Yasuda, submitting request to exchange an on-sale general eating place (Type 47) license for an on-sale general public premises (Type 48) license for Lime Light at 1581 Webster #240.(39)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Quarterly Report of Economic Settlements for the quarter of April 1 to June 30, 2002.(40)
From State Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action regarding the Herring Fishery, which will appear in the California Regulatory Notice Register on July 12, 2002.(41)
From San Mateo County Transit District, submitting brochure celebrating Caltrain’s tenth anniversary.(42)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting letter withdrawing nominations to the Planning Commission.(43)
From Mrs. Richard Murphy, commenting on the expense of paying for San Francisco’s Water system repairs.(44)
From Jeff Murray, regarding activity and conversion that took place at the June 5, 2002 hearing regarding Golding Lane.(45)
From Mark Keeney, commenting on the homeless and litter in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor(46)
From Fine Arts Museums, submitting Annual Report and Sole Source Contracts for fiscal year 2001/02.(47)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting report of the classification process for the Special Assistant positions and the Management Classification and Compensation Plan Quarterly Report. Copy: Each Supervisor(48)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting notice of hearing on petitions of the cities of Fremont, Signal Hill and Long Beach for reallocation of local sales tax revenues on September 12, 2002 in Sacramento. Copy: Assessment Appeals Board(49)
From Kira Eldemir, commenting on proposed amendments and new definitions to the existing rent control ordinance. Copy: Each Supervisor(50)
From James Turner, III, regarding comments made by the deputy director of the Department of Public Works on the placement of flags.(51)
From Real Estate Division, submitting report on real property owned by the City and County of San Francisco as of fiscal year ending June 30, 2002.(52)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the redevelopment of former Naval Station Treasure Island. Copy: Each Supervisor(53) |