Petitions and Communications received from September 12 through noon on September 18, 2002, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on September 23, 2002.
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board of Supervisors hold new hearings on animal testing at UCSF and do everything in the Board’s power to compel UCSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments. Approximately 25 letters and postcards (1)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding traffic calming and other engineering measures on Oakdale Avenue between Lane and Griffith Streets. (Reference No. 20020805-001) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell, 2 letters (2)
From Building Inspection Commission, submitting copy of agenda for September 18, 2002. (3)
From Public Utilities Commission, concerning sewer adequacy for a 98-unit housing development proposed for the north corner of Folsom and Dore Streets. (Reference No. 20020919-003) Copy: Supervisor Daly (4)
From Calfox, Inc., submitting opposition to proposal for a "Car Free Day" (Montgomery Street Closure) on September 27, 2002. (5)
From Maureen Kenney, commenting on the crime and problems throughout the Hayes Valley neighborhood. Copy: Supervisor Gonzalez (6)
From Kenneth McCune, submitting copy of letter sent to the Superintendent of the Unified School District requesting his granddaughter be transferred to a high school closer to home because of health reasons (asthma). Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (7)
From Emergency Communications Department, withdrawing request for release of reserved funds. File 021448 (8)
Number not used. (9)
From Department of Public Works, submitting press release regarding the death of Bayview Hunters Point Activist and San Francisco City employee Robert Mason. (10)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, submitting notice of name change of CityWatch, the City government TV channel to SFGTV effective September 17, 2002. Copy: Each Supervisor (11)
From Ethics Commission, regarding regulation adjusting the expenditure limits for campaigns for local elective office to reflect increases in the California Consumer Price Index (adopted September 12, 2002) by the Ethics Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor, Copy: Each Supervisor (12)
From Planning Department, submitting report entitled "Housing Element" an element of the San Francisco General Plan, dated August 2002. Copy: Each Supervisor (13)
From Office of the Controller, submitting "Index of Audit Reports" issued from fiscal years 1982/83 through 2001/02. (14)
From Mirna Escobar, submitting correspondence alleging abuses, misinformation and disrespect by San Francisco Housing Authority Officials. (15)
From Planning Department, regarding emergency ordinance establishing an alternative review process for Planning Commission decisions. (16)
From Branch Library Improvement Program, submitting Quarterly Report for April - June 2002. (17)
From Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, submitting annual statistical report for fiscal year 2001/02. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From SF Unified School District (SFUSD), regarding existing protocols/responses utilized by SFUSD staff for serving children or youth experiencing asthma episodes on school sites at Child Development Centers. (Reference No. 20020722-0021) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (19)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting copy of the draft Capital Improvement and Land Acquisition Public Involvement Plan 2002. (Reference No. 20020715-003) Copy: Supervisor Leno (20)
From Office of the Controller, regarding circulation audit of the San Francisco Independent Newspaper. Copy: Supervisor Daly (21)
From Public Utilities Commission, commenting on waiver of contracting rules for the City and County of San Francisco. (Reference No. 20020812-003) (22)
From Office of the Sheriff, responding to inquiry regarding at-risk youth. (Reference No. 20020805-007) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (23)
From Steven Grover, submitting request for a Type 20-liquor license at the St. Francis Hotel, 335 Powell Street, d.b.a. Fine Wines International. Fine Wines International will be a retail outlet for the wines of Liquid Assets, Incorporated at Pier 19, The Embarcadero. Copy: Neighborhood, Services and Recreation Committee (24)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the sale of the Page Street Garden located between Webster and Buchanan Streets. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters (25)
From State Senator Torlakson, submitting notice of press conference on September 24, 2002 at Pier 50 in San Francisco to announce approval of SB 849, a Senate Bill that improves the State’s oil spill prevention and response program. Copy: Each Supervisor (26)
From Planning Department, regarding draft ordinance amending Planning Code Sections 315.4 and 315.5. Copy: Supervisors McGoldrick, Leno (27)
From Richard Midgett, regarding incident with a Muni Bus driver and the Police Department. (28)
From the Mayor’s Office on Homelessness, regarding the steps taken to disband the 7th and Berry Streets homeless encampment. (Reference No. 20020729-011) Copy: Supervisor Daly (29)
From Ana Sanchez, commenting on the day labor program in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (30)
From Jaidin Consulting Group, Inc., regarding construction of a new mixed-use, residential-commercial project at 2863 California Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (31)