Petitions and Communications received
from October 3 through noon on October 9, 2002 for reference by the President
to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk
on October 15, 2002.
From Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the Chinese Consolidated
Women’s Association, inviting members of the Board of Supervisors to a banquet
at The 50th Annual Overseas Chinese Day Celebration. Copy: Each Supervisor(1)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting 2001-02 Property Taxpayers’
Bill of Rights Annual Report.(2)
From Alan Loving, urging members of the Board of Supervisors to reject the
Mayor’s current nominations for the Planning Commission.(3)
From Myrna Escobar, submitting letters and documents regarding various housing
issues in San Francisco.(4)
From Port of San Francisco, responding to the Board of Supervisors’ inquiry
on the status of soil stored at Pier 92. (Reference No. 20020917-009)(5)
From Office of the Treasurer, reporting on the Cash Difference and Overages
Fund for the period ending September 30, 2002.(6)
From Gregg E. Gerst, regarding the Notice of Supplemental Assessment he
received from the Office of Assessor and Recorder.(7)
From Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, regarding complaint of Anthony Imperial
against the Human Rights Commission for failure to provide records.(8)
From Medical Examiner’s Office, submitting an annual report covering the
fiscal year 2000-2001.(9)
From James J. Corrigan, suspecting employees of the Fire Department who
have personal use of city-owned vehicles of not reporting to the Federal
Government taxable income. Copy: Supervisor Leno(10)
From Jude Koski, urging the Recreation and Park Department to speed up the
process for the land acquisition of the Page Street Garden.2 letters (11)
From Natasha Garcia Lomas, announcing Commission 02, the inaugural edition
of a series of artworks by nineteen of the Bay Area’s preeminent artists
created to support the San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery’s exhibition
From concerned citizen, submitting various newspaper articles written about
the City and County of San Francisco.(13)
From Patrick Mclnroy, commenting on the Board of Appeals appointments.(14)
From Office of the Treasurer, forwarding computer printouts detailing the
City’s investment portfolio as of September 30, 2002.(15)
From Department of Public Works, submitting Quarterly Report of the Defective
Sidewalk Repair Revolving Account for the period July 1, 2002 through September
30, 2002.(16)
From San Francisco Beautiful, submitting support for the removal of the
billboard that has replaced the "17 Reasons" sign on Mission and 17th Street.
File 021653 Copy: Supervisor Peskin(17)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting report of the classification
process for IFPTE Local 21 Special Assistant positions and the Management
Classification and Compensation Plan (MCCP) Quarterly Report.(18)
From San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, confirming that changes was made
to the ground lease at 172 Sixth Street, the Dudley Apartment, per the Board
of Supervisors’ instructions. File No. 021167(19)
From Employees’ Retirement System and Superior Court, reporting that the
departments do not spend any funds on public notices in newspapers. 2 Letters
(Reference No. 20020930-062) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(20)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting response to the 2001-02 Civil
Grand Jury Report - Continuity, Item CGJ Finding 3a - Special Assistants
related to Special Assistants and the Management Classification and Compensation
Plan. Copy: Each Supervisors(21)
From Judith E. Harding, regarding the Director’s Discretionary Review Recommendation
at 281 and 285 Edgewood Avenue.(22)
From State Board of Corrections, submitting announcement for the public
to comment in writing or present commentary during the public hearings scheduled
on October 23, 2002 and November 14, 2002.(23)
From California Senate Rules Committee, announcing that Governor Gray Davis
has appointed Gary Carlton of Placerville to the State Water Resources Control
From Office of the City Attorney, letter regarding final resolution in American
Family Association, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco.(25)
From concerned citizen, submitting Underground Storage Tank Unauthorized
Release (LEAK)/Contamination Site Reports.(26)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board of Supervisors hold new hearings
on animal testing at UCSF and do everything n the Board’s power to compel
ECSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments. 7 Letters(27)
From Small Business Commission, submitting a list of items which be discussed
at the October 9, 2002 Small Business Commission meeting.(28)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Quarterly Report of Economic
From Small Business Commission, submitting a list of items which be discussed
at a special meeting on October 25, 2002.(30)
From San Francisco Convention Facilities, reporting that the department
does not spend any money on public noticing costs for newspaper advertising.(31)
From San Francisco Fire Department, regarding Supervisor Daly’s requested
comments on community concerns about the Folsom/Dore Project. (Reference
No. 20020919-005) (32)
From Public Defender, reporting that the department has no expenditures,
incurred or planned, for required public noticing in newspaper advertising.(33)
From Chief Medical Examiner, reporting that the department does not routinely
advertise or post public notices. (Reference No. 20020930-058) Copy: Supervisor
McGoldrick(34) |