Petitions and Communications received from February 20, 2007 through February 26, 2007 for reference by the President to March 6, 2007.
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding the Water Utility Climate Change Summit 2007 held in San Francisco January 31 - February 1, 2007.(1)
From Mark Roquet, submitting copy of complaint made to Muni regarding service on the #23 bus line February 19, 2007. Copy: Mayor(2)
From Sy Glasser, commenting on Muni bus substitute trips in District 4 over the Presidents' Day weekend. Copy: Supervisors Jew and Elsbernd(3)
From Gabriel Collett, submitting resume and appreciation to Supervisor Peskin for preserving the City's authenticity to stay true to its history and integrity for all artists and visionaries, past, present, and future. Copy: Supervisor Peskin(4)
From T Mobile USA, Inc., submitting notification letter to California Public Utilities Commission regarding the cellular base site at 300 2nd Avenue.(5)
From San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, submitting the Department Efficiency Plan/Performance Measures for the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center.(6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation. File 070112, Copy: Each Supervisor, 14 letters(7)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of September 30, 2006.(8)
From Round The Diamond The Sacred Ballgame Consulting and Educational Services, submitting proposal to initiate a "Sports and Public Service Pathway" program to be considered as one of the goals and objectives of the City and School District Select Committee. File 070170, Copy: Each Supervisor(9)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting the MTA/DPT Tow Refund Report for the four quarters of 2006.(10)
From Tiffany Combs, supporting the proposal of Whole Foods moving into the Cole Valley neighborhood. Copy: Each Supervisor(11)
From Abdalla Megahed, requesting a meeting with Mayor Newsom to discuss "Next Door" shelter's actions against the homeless.(12)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of removing graffiti from phone boxes at 1333 Judah Street (no company name visible), and the Northwest corner of 5th Avenue and Irving (Pacific Bell) in District 5. (Reference No. 20070123-014) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (13)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of removing graffiti from mailboxes at various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20070123-010) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(14)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to any revision of the City Charter with respect to longer term limits for elected officials, particularly as it pertains to the Board of Supervisors. 43 letters(15)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to support the 6-month trial closure of the East-end of JFK Drive on Saturdays. Copy: Each Supervisor, 12 letters(16)
From Johann Stahl, commenting on the daily problem of loitering and drug activity around Ellis Street and Leavenworth Street.(17)
From California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action relative to Sections 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 702 and 708, Title 14, California Code of Regulations, relating to Mammal Hunting Regulations.(18)
From California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action relative to Sections 353 and 475, Title 14, California Code of Regulations, relating to Mammal Hunting - Method of Take Regulations.(19)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding status on the feasibility of changing the street cleaning on Downey and Ashbury between Waller and Frederick Streets from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Reference No. 20070206-004)(20)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of US Airways, Inc. (US Airways) for the period from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.(21)
From Roger Bulosan, commenting on employee overtime hours worked in City departments.(22)
From Ralph C. Daniels, commenting on the call for the impeachment of the Bush Administration. Copy: Each Supervisor(23)
From The Texas Observer, submitting appreciation to the Board for the honor and recognition of Molly Ivins (deceased).(24)
From Christian Holmer, commenting that DTIS is one of only two City departments refusing to respond to CPRA requests past due.(25)
From Police Department, responding to Supervisor Dufty's recent inquiry regarding the strategies of the Los Angeles Sheriff to trace weapons used in gang-related violence and if these strategies can be employed by the San Francisco Police Department. (Reference No. 20070123-002) Copy: Supervisor Dufty(26)
From Department of Public Health, submitting the Monthly STD Report for the month of January 2007.(27)
From Barry John, submitting opposition to the Saturday closure of JFK Drive to cars. Copy: Each Supervisor(28)
From Supervisor Jew, responding to constituent regarding the problems with Muni bus substitute trips in District 4 encountered over the Presidents' Day weekend.(29)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure requests from City departments.(30)
From The Arc of San Francisco, regarding the How Weird Street Fair scheduled for May 2007. Copy: Supervisor Peskin(31)
From Alex Lantsberg, regarding the Public Utilities Commission Citizens Advisory Committee meeting held January 2007.(32)
From California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action relative to Sections 1, 74, 29,15,116, subsections 300(a)(1)(D)5 and 551(j) and Sections 700.5 and 704, Title 14 California Code of Regulations, relating to the establishment of the Automated License Data System. (33)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice of reappointment of Patricia Breslin to the Taxi Commission.(34)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting review of Burger Joint, Inc. which operates the Mission Bar & Grill at the San Francisco International Airport.(35)
From California Department of Health Services, submitting the California Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) and Rural Health Services (RHS) Program Report of Actual Financial Data Guidelines and Forms for fiscal year 2005-2006.(36)
From SPUR Sustainable Development Committee, submitting support for the goal of plastic shopping bag reduction in San Francisco. File 070085, Copy: Each Supervisor(37)
From Designing Accessible Communities, submitting appreciation to Neil Friedman, Department of Building Inspection, on his professionalism and efforts taken to assure that citizens with disabilities are assured their right to access public accommodations.(38)
From Edward Wright, commenting on the Coit Tower Partners' new enhanced features for its Coit Tower privatization plan.(39)
From Wendy Chang, commenting on problems with dead trees and branches at Potrero Del Sol Park open space located on Potrero Avenue and 25th Street. Copy: Supervisor Maxwell(40)
From Jacqueline Bauman, commenting on the resident at 336 Lathrop Avenue in the Little Hollywood neighborhood. Copy: Sophie Maxwell.(41)
From Connie Choo, commenting on the jury trial held pertaining to the eviction (Unlawful Detainer) filed by her landlord.(42)
From SF Beautiful (SFB), commenting on the Final EIR Report for the SF Marina Renovation Project at 3950 Scott Street.(43)
From SF Beautiful (SFB), submitting support for the proposed legislation amending Section 610 of the Planning Code - General Advertising Signs Enforcement Provisions.(44)
From The Sierra Club and San Francisco Tomorrow, regarding the Transbay Transit Center/Caltrain Downtown Extension Project (CBT/CTX).(45)
From Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting the Cash difference and Overage Fund balance and activities for the Office of the Treasurer for the period ending January 31, 2007.(46)
From Denise D'Anne, commenting on the need to examine the operations of the police department in respect to their claims of not having enough officers. Copy: Each Supervisor(47) |