Petitions and Communications received from March 6, 2007 through March 12, 2007 for reference by the President to March 20, 2007.
From concerned citizens, submitting support of the motion by Supervisor Jew to return the proposal for a discounted adult MUNI FastPass for 18 to 24 year olds back to committee. File 061565, Copy: Each Supervisor, 10 letters(1)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to support the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance. File 070085, Copy: Each Supervisor, 78 letters(2)
From Kim Malcheski, Attorney at Law, regarding exorbitant fees charged by the Planning Department to file a Discriminatory Review application.(3)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding status on installing a left turn only lane on Winston Drive at Buckingham Way, eastbound from Lake Merced Boulevard. (Reference 20070109-013) Copy: Supervisor Elsbernd(4)
From Office of the City Attorney, responding to constituent regarding an immediate disclosure request.(5)
From European/American Issues Forum, submitting to the Board a resolution condemning the management of the San Francisco Chronicle for effectively censoring vital statistics regarding hate crimes in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor(6)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation. File 070112, 2 letters(7)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure requests from various departments. 4 letters(8)
From State of California Fish and Game submitting copy of continuance notice of proposed regulatory action relative to Sections 353 and 475, Title 14, California Code of Regulations, regarding mammal hunting-method of take regulations.(9)
From Luce Forward, Attorneys at Law, regarding Appeal of Determination of Exemption from Environmental Review for 120 Howard Street. File 070163(10)
From Christopher Smith, regarding crime and danger on Townsend Street. Copy: Supervisor Daly(11)
From Barrie Straenberg, commenting on universal health care for San Francisco.Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(12)
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding global warming and climate change in the Bay Area.(13)
From Cassie Brill, regarding off-leash dog policies in San Francisco.(14)
From Department of Public Health, reporting on the rate of salary and fringe benefit expenditures for the six months ending December 31, 2006 for San Francisco General Hospital, Laguna Honda Hospital and General Fund divisions of Public Health.(15)
From James Chaffee, regarding public library performance measures immediate disclosure request.(16)
From Robert Weber, submitting request for assistance to expedite tenancy at the Iroquoi Hotel. Copy: Supervisor Daly(17)
From concerned citizen, commenting on Ballot Measure J for the impeachment of President Bush where San Francisco voted in favor of impeachment by 20 percentage points.(18)
From Coalition on Economic Equity, submitting copy of letter to Mayor Newsom regarding his determination to move forward on the prompt payment plan required under the new 14(d) ordinance.(19)
From Park and Recreation Department, regarding San Francisco Marina Yacht Harbor Renovation EIR Appeal: Slip-mix and projected boat-type composition analysis.(20)
From Mayor Gavin Newsom, submitting notice of the reappointment of Richard Benjamin to the Taxi Commission.(21)
From Mayor Gavin Newsom, submitting notice of the designation of Supervisor Dufty as Acting-Mayor from 11:00am March 11 through 11:50pm March 13 and in addition the designation of Supervisor Alioto-Pier from 12:00am March 14 until 6:50pm March 15. Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney(22)
From Office of the Controller, submitting amendment to the audit report released on the Chinatown Neighborhood Association to include the Mayor's Office of Economic and WorkForce Development's response to the audit.(23)
From Kevin and Margot Morrison, submitting Section 311 Building Permit Notification.(24)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting copy of S.F. Administrative Code Chapters 12B, 12C and 14A Waiver Request Form (HRC Form 201).(25)
From Ed Harrison, submitting appreciation to Supervisor Ammiano for taking a stand against the BattleCry convention held in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(26)
From Gary Laufman, commenting on the cost of gasoline in San Francisco.(27)
From Laura Koehler, submitting support for the trial closure of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park. File 070269, Copy: Each Supervisor(28)
From Brother Jefferson, urging the Board to access SF surplus to create programs that address the problem of drugs and alcohol with solutions that work. File 061534, Copy: Each Supervisor(29)
From Larry Corash, M.D., urging the Board to support the inclusion of Small Boat Berthing Rate Availability in the proposed Marina Yacht Harbor Renovation Project. File 070272, Copy: Each Supervisor(30)
From California Poppy Project, submitting request to the Board to provide a Proclamation celebrating California Poppy Day, April 6, 2007 in recognition of the State Flower's 105th anniversary. Copy: Each Supervisor(31)
From San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, submitting Notice of Proposed Formula Retail Use - Western Addition Redevelopment Project Area A-2.(32)
From Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP, regarding Appeal of Categorical Exemption for 869 North Point Street. File 070155, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney(33)
From Suzanne R. Howard, urging the Board to hold new hearings on UCSF Stephen Lisberger lab's failure to comply with objectives in a Resolution approved December 4, 1998 regarding animal testing at UCSF.(34)
From Southeast Community Facility Commission, submitting resolution supporting the proposed Wireless Broadband Internet Agreement with Earthlink. File 070022, Copy: Each Supervisor(35) |